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RP: NSS Acadia [Mission 4]: Heads of the Beast


Well-Known Member
The whole ordeal the greenhorns suffered in the hangar bay lasted about fifty minutes (A full hour for Jack Hayden). It was a lot more difficult than they though as the remaining suit power was gradually reduced as time went by. When the four of them had finally finished their laps and returned in line, a bored Master Chief (Who was just around to make sure his orders were enforced) simply dismissed them but not before reminding them to be present in the Hangar Bay at the same time for the same exercise for the next three days.


Because the veterans were exempted from the MC's 'special' training for the next two days, the deck was largely deserted with the exception of a short period of time when the shore leavers returned. Even then they were quickly harried off as other shuttles arrived in and out to unload ammunition and supplies. Other than that, there were no one else to keep P3C Jack Hayden, Kajiim Ashad, Lucas Vanguard and Chad Skwigleff company except their Chief Tormentor and good ol' Starbase Golding in the background. It was the PA walking exercise as usual.


Now even Starbase Golding is absent, the only things visible outside the forcefield-held Hangar doors was star strewn space, with the occasional blueshifting as the NSS Acadia performed small faster-than-light CDD jumps. Otherwise, the monotony of performing the same exercise again added to the stress. Because communications was active, at one point the greenhorns could hear the MC yawn.


There was a shipwide announcement in the morning that training was cancelled and the Hangar Bay was off limits to the marines. Also, all marines were to gather and have breakfast at the same time instead of the normal three sessions divided between the three chiefs and squads. As a result, the canteen line to freshly cooked food was long and rations were brought out to supplement. Each squad claimed a long table for themselves. Being the MASTER Chief, the Vel Steyr was supposed to be neutral but there was no way he would sit next to Adrian Decane, and the other Chief seems so bland. He pulled up a chair next to Chief Ran's regular seat, and started tucking into a tray he got out of preferential treatment.
"Sir-GAH!" Kajiim exclaimed as he slammed his head into the bunk above his startled by the announcement. Getting up out of his bunk rubbing his forehead "damn that hurt.." Kajiim grumbled as he grabbed his shower stuff waking up his bunk mates; the other three greenhorns whom he's gotten acquainted with while training for the past couple days.

Kajiim satisfied with his efforts to rouse the others headed off to shower and get grub.

"Well at least the lines should be short" Kajiim thought to himself as he walked down the corridor to the mess hall upon seeing the long lines from the mixed shifts Kajiim's smiled reversed itself and his extra vibe was gone, mumbling incoherently to himself Kajiim got in line stomach growling. "At least we wont have to walk in those damn suits again" Kajiim face lit up a bit taking in that note.
Sam wasn't particularly hungry, that morning; she had had a somewhat unpleasant dream the previous night, probably a side-effect of returning to Acadia after her pleasant shore leave with her very own hotel room, and it had killed her appetite. Instead, she simply sat at their squad's table, her eyes sweeping around the room. She wondered what had gone on that the hangar was off-limits, and why they'd all been called here at the same time - another announcement, she figured.
Alex was in medbay as most of the times. She had a feeling something will happen. More so after the talk she and Anselm had. She was working to ease her nerves. Going throu medicament cabinet and checking if everything is as it should, or if any of those medicaments gone spoiled. It happened some time. When the call for the breakfast came, Alex was nearly done. She has put little box full of bottles with pilles back into one of cabinets and locked cabinet. She was hungry and had no food yet.

When she got to dinner hall there was quite a line already. Thanks to the power of the boobs she got a place somewhere in middle and didn'T have to wait it all. She got tray of some fresh foof and one of the rations too and went to find a place to sit. She soon saw Sam and walked where he was. She sat across the table from him. "Hi how was you shore leave," she asked him when she sat down.
Over the three days Jack had experienced sleep the likes of which he hadn't encountered since boot camp. Of course as an ID-SOL he was conditioned for extreme workouts but being put through them could still wear a person out. Jack's sleep was a deep coma-like state that made him feel more drowsy then before he had gone to bed mixed with the occasional occurrence of waking up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep, and simply waiting in his bunk for hours until called to the hanger in order to go through the same workout as the first day.

On the second night Jack had been able to sleep peacefully under the promise that the next day would be the last of such work-outs before going in to what he could only assume would be a normal Marine schedule. When the announcement was made Jack laid in bed with the urge to strangle whoever the bastard on the other end of the speaker was. He could have ignored that and gone back to sleep but he just about wanted to kill his fellow green-horn Kajiim as the man awoke with a shock...and then roused Jack himself up from a otherwise peaceful state of half-sleep.

However, Jack's well trained military regimen kicked in once he was fully awake. By the time he arrived in the mess-hall the ID-SOL was clean and in proper uniform. Now he just had to play the waiting game for his food like all the other soldiers...except for the Chiefs who understandably got preference...and some of the more attractive women simply because all of these sex-deprived men were probably hoping they would get more then budged if they let the women through ahead of them.
Phaedra jolted awake from the ship-wide announcement. She swung her legs over the side of her bed and stood quickly. As she retrieved a fresh set of fatigues from her dresser, Phaedra glanced over at the vacant top bunk. The covers were tucked tightly into place as if no one had ever been there. A twinge of loneliness rippled through Phaedra; she missed her friend Amelia.

"It's only a matter of time before that bunk gets filled," mused Phaedra. "Might as well enjoy the solitude while I can."

After after taking a few moments to get ready, Phaedra left her room, placed her beret on her head, and then made her way towards the Canteen. Due to all of the crew meeting for breakfast at once, the line stretched all the way to the door. That was when some of the men in line let Phaedra cut ahead of them. Unused to such attention, she unconsciously blushed. She noticed Kajiim in line ahead of her, and Phaedra cut through the line to his position.

"At least meals are not normally this crowded," stated Phaedra. "Sleep well?" she asked.
Kajiim noticing Phaedra next to him turned and smiled as he responded to her statement "I don't mind the wait, my stomach on the other hand.." Kajiim laughed as he felt his stomach growl some more. "Plus this gets me out of the suit for today, as for how I slept lets say like a rock until my forehaed had a hostile encounter with Jack's bunk." Kajiim laughed a little more before asking, "And how about your night Ms. Volkov?"
Jack listened over the clatter of dinner-ware and the sounds of marines talking to hear the voice of one of his fellow green-horns, Kajiim. It was the man who Jack slept over in his bunk and also the man who, next to whoever made the morning announcement, Jack had wanted to strangle that morning. He saw that he was talking with one of the other more experienced Marines from their new squad...wasn't her name Phaedra? There was only one Marine standing between jack and those two so talking to them was no problem.

"By the way Kajiim, I hope you know that I wanted to strangle you this morning." Jack said, giving the a small twitch of his lips that were the closest thing to a smile he had given since he was aboard the Acadia.
"Huh?" Sam's head jerked up at the familiar voice - it was Alex, the friendly medic she had eaten with before shore leave. It was good to see her again, and Sam smiled lightly. "Oh. Hey. Was pretty good, got some relaxin' in. How was whatever you guys did onboard?"
Alex was smiling as always. She ate a spoonful of something that looked like a pudding and tasted like meatballs. One of her eyebrows rised up upon that taste. Then she just shrugged and had another spoon.

"Well we had some training. Some physical and we had training combat in PA. MC got few real Rippers and I even got to control one of them. It was pretty neat. We also got some new guys, some of them are good, but there was one who really got on my nerves. But that is not surprising. Not everybody can be absolutely awesome and great. Then we got two free days here on the ship, but I spent in med-bay mostly. " She replied to man sitting across the table from her. She then had another spoon and said, "so don't be so secretive what did you do on shore leave? Any nice girl?" SHe asked with a little teasing sound in her voice.
"Please, call me Phaedra, or Wolf; There's no need for such formality."
Phaedra remembered her overly formal speech when she first joined up with the Acadia; when speaking to superior officers formality was a must, but amongst peers it was not necessary.

"As for my night, about as well can be expected when you are afraid of the dark," said Phaedra, the color draining from her face when she realized what she said.

"Er...nevermind. I have been reading a book on my SavTech called The Art of War by a man named Sun Tzu. Do you read often?
"Mornin' Jack, good to see you're a happy camper today." Kajiim replied with a grin after inquring about Pheadras nite. Listening to Pheadra's answer Kajiim had a puzzeled look on his face when he thought he heard something about fear of the dark but he brushed the thought aside when he heard her question,

"...Art of War by a man named Sun Tzu. Do you read often?"

Kajiim had heard of that book before somewhere, thinking hard he remembered. "I've read that before. It was a long time ago, my dad had a copy and well, growing up on a solar farm theres not a lot to do. So I ended up reading it and about everything else I could find, since then I haven't read much I ususally spend my alone time playing the blues harp." Kajiim explained brandishing a harmonica from his pocket and holding it so Pheadra could see.
Chad, at this point, had just woken up to find everyone else in the room had already left, except for that other newby, who as far as Chad remembers, has never spoken since he arrived. It sounded like there wasn't any of MC Fian's "special training" today, or else Chad would have already been in trouble. So Chad got up and pulled his box of highly illegal stuff from under his footlocker of not so illegal stuff, picked out a vial and syringe, and proceeded to enjoy his morning pick me up.

After this little dance with nerves, Chad got dressed and took off to the mess hall for breakfast. Once in the room, he collected his morning slop, and sat down at one end of a table to enjoy what he assumed was breakfast.

Wonder what the deal is with no workouts?, thought to himself.
Despite the crowd, the line moved surprisingly quickly, and it wasn't long before Jack had a tray of his very own gruel. Jack took a seat near Alex and her friend Sam, seemingly paying the two no mind. He was busy focusing on an excuse for pudding that had been placed on his tray after he had taken his first bite: it looked like pudding, it had the consistency of pudding, it smelled like pudding...and it tasted like meatballs? Jack seemed to pay it no mind but he was mentally quirking a brow at the seeming oddity which he had gotten on his plate.
Unlike the rest of his fellow recruits, Lucas slept like a rock following each of the punishing training sessions the Chief put them through. His dreams, on the other hand, were not as restful as his sleeping self belied. However, when one of the other recruits awakened him he could only recall vague details of a fight and someone's face. After he had blinked the sleep out of his eyes, he briefly wondered why he had his pistol in his hand, but quickly dismissed it as an attempt to kill his alarm. Lucas got up quickly, and seeing as he was the last in the room, rushed out to shower and get dressed.

Following his brief shower, Lucas made his way to the chow line, adjusting his uniform as he went. He hated the thing, feeling like it restricted his movement and wasn't all that comfortable besides. Brushing off the thoughts as he fidgeted with the outfit, he moved on through the line and got his tray of what he could only guess was food, and grabbed a ration hesitantly as an afterthought. He caught sight of the other rookies and made his way over, sitting down nearby Chad and Jack, and started to poke at the sludge while he fought off the last of the sleep, stifling one last yawn before attempting to shovel in some nutrients.
Kajiim had grabbed his food while conversing with Pheadra and had sat down around the vicinity of the other greenhorns. Opening up one of the containers revealed to be pudding a flash of excitement ran across his face as he started to devour it then realizing it was not chocolate but meatballs he stopped mid-gorging to exclaim, "I think my pudding just winked at me." Kajiim began to examine the pudding for the miniature meatballs that had to be hiding within. Displeased with his investigation Kajiim turned his attention to the brick of what supposed to be scrambled eggs and proceeded from there.
When Phaedra came Alex gave her a nod as hello. Alex pretty much ignored Jack. Yes she didn't like him and she was not the person who woul hide that. But they were both in same army and they bothe are supposed to be fighting same enemy. She was profesional and wouldn'T let her feelings in this.

But when one other of new guys by the name Kajiim said something about feed she gave him a wide smile and said, "Oh you will get used to it. It is actually not that bad. Or you can almost always take ration. Those are ussually tasty. I personaly like this meatball pudding. It is very ....... original taste." She than laughed and finished her pudding moving onto eggs. Or thing that was supposed to be eggs.

Alex would feel almost anything. She has never tasted anything else than army rations, or army cooking. This was normal to her and she was used to it. She actually even liked the taste.
Sam opened her mouth to reply to Alex's question, but she clammed up again as the new recruits sat down around her. She slumped her shoulders and shrunk down on herself slightly, casting her eyes around at the two new men without saying anything.
Alex saw Sam getting ready to speak, but then she kept quiet looking at new guys. It has confused Alex a little, since it seemed like Sam was shy. That though was very funny when Alex remembered Samuel shouting at Suku like it was nothing.

Alex just smiled at Sam and introduced two new men. "Okay Sam that tower on the left P3C Jack Hayden and that picky guy over there is Kaiijim. They are both new reinforcemen on Acadia and they are both in our unit."
Jack went through his pudding quickly before starting in on the terrible excuse for eggs that he had been given. Somebody who had been born naturally might have found the food disgusting but Jack had literally been raised on the stuff from when he first emerged from the tank that had bred him. Of course his cloned taste buds did have things that they naturally liked in preference to others, it was obvious that he would find a well cooked meal in a civilian restaurant to taste better then the food provided in the chow hall...but he was just used to the chow hall.

Then Jack heard himself introduced to a man named Sam by Alex as 'that tower on the left'. Jack stopped eating long enough to look over at Sam with a small, polite nod of his head.

"Sir." He then went back to eating.