In the five or so seconds that Jack Haden needed to fire off fifty LSP rounds, the two Rippers that were concentrating on him opened fire again. The rain of Aether beamlets fell mostly on the left side of his suit. One beam entered his M8 Hostile's head unit just outside the radius of the suit's protective mask, producing a geyser of cryrogenic gasses from the now junked MEC. Another beam entered to gap where his left Monoeye was, breeching the exposed under-armor there to superheat a small spot on the ID-SOL's shoulder, the skin there erupted as blood and intracellular fluid vaporised with explosive force. The remainder of the beams were absorbed by the left forearm guard or missed.
With sure footing now, the two Rippers switched over to their Gauss Rifles to finish the job. The first one shattered on the luckless forearm guard, which also shattered in turn to dissipate the excessive force. The second projectile was locked on by the ID-SOL's remainder Monoeye unit, which then forwarded the data to his SAVTECH which then triggered the suit's newly activated thrusters to autodoge. In one smooth motion Jack as boosted away into cover while the last Gauss shot whizzed by.
Lucas Vanguard had a clear shot at one of the stationary Rippers targeting his fellow Greenhorn. While his bursts were accurate, they were too accurate. In this situation full auto from his LSP might have missed more, but also hit more. In any case, his attack dropped the shields of his target by 15%. By this time the third forward Ripper had gotten back up, and fired an ill aimed Gauss round at Lucas. The projectile tore into the vehicle he was using for cover, but other than a few stray metal bits and screws pitter pattering on his suit, Lucas was otherwise unharmed.
Same with Lucas, Chad's fire on the commander would be accurate enough to exploit any small structural weaknesses on the rear of a Ripper's armor, except his HPAR was no MPR and the Commander still had his shields up. Chad's attack dealt 20% shield damage, no different that if he tried the attack to the side or front of the armor, and much less than if he simply fired on full auto and relied on his suit's Power Assist, SAVTECH and Monoeye Sensors to compensate. However, the Commander's shields were now visibly weaker as they were now down to 50%.
Unloading the LSP's 200 round magazine required about 20 seconds of sustained fire. Kajiim Ashad did not have this time. The second also well-aimed Gauss Rifle shot from the Commander smashed right into the greenhorn's head unit, tearing the suit's head from the body. Luckly the pilot's head is actually situated in the suit's neck. Nevertheless, Kajiim had lost his MEC, secondary Monoeye, neural probe and combat visor. His face also suffered some cuts and was now exposed to the elements. For the first time since being transferred to the Acadia, the Greenhorn saw Funky City with his bare eyes and smelt its smells.
Kajiim only managed to empty one third of his magazine (Dropping the Commander's shields to 30%) before the Commander followed up with Aether Beams. As with Jack, his suit's newly activated thursters quickly scooted him away from the ledge and into cover, avoiding further damage.
The Commander was getting anxious now, desperate to hide and recover his shields, but also desperate to finish off Kajiim, he unsheathed his Vibroblades and boosted upwards towards the Greenhorn's floor with a vengeance.