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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 4-L] - My Head Explodes


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
My head explodes, my ears ring
I can't remember just where I've been
The last thing that I recall
I got lost in a deep black hole
Don't want to find out
Just want to cut out

Scorpions - Blackout

Kennewes, T1A1 Havoc, about ten thousand metres above ground level and falling
Luca was hoping that the in-flight entertainment would be a little more interesting, but he had Zeta and Makari for company at the very least. Sitting beside him was the cowboy, arming the main gun of the tank while Zeta was down below in the driver's compartment, accessible from a different hatch.

Exiting the vehicle to look around would be poor advice, given that it was currently falling through the air, attached to four parachutes, and navigating through stormy, rainy weather. The aerodynamically challenged shape of the tank was presenting enough problems as its parachutes were doing their best to make sure it fell softly enough with its passengers that it didn't rattle apart or turn the occupants into jello.

"You know," Luca said through radio communications as he sat in the seat closest to the hatch, looking up at it and brushing his fingertips against it, "we never gave this thing a name, like," he snapped his fingers as he thought of names. "Like... Lorraine, or Betsy, or ah, Thumper."

He heard a crackle on the radio from the companion tank, the T1-Norris which was dropping alongside of it. "Call it the Ass Destroyer!" Allison heckled over the radio to the other tank. "I mean, have you seen the gun on that thing?"

"1T C4N D3STR0Y 4SS3S!" Echelon said, ever so eloquently from the Norris. Allison's unladylike giggling could be heard in the background.

Luca chuckled. "Right, right. Tamamo has a much classier name for her Hoplite." The banter was his way of lightening the mood prior to the coming storm he was going to bring. "I think it was called Moonsong. Isn't that right, Tamamo?" he opened a line to the Fox, who was currently sitting on a much higher altitude than the descending tanks and... frames.

Seiren's modified LEAF and Rebeka's WINTER-II were coming down together, the larger frame gliding gracefully while the smaller one was parachuting down in an elaborate and somewhat comical frame-sized parachute. Allison made another quip, this time to the two members who were piloting frames for this mission. "Hey, do you have a name for that thing, Seiren?"

"0H, R3B3K4, D03S Y0URS H4V3 4 N4M3 T00?" Echelon asked.

Luca checked the altitude on his wrist, holographically projected by the Grapple Stunner from its palm. Five thousand metres and still falling. He clicked his tongue and grabbed the hatch above him, pulling it open and letting sound of rushing wind and rain blasting down. He sat up, poking out of the tank and looking over the main gun and turret with a pair of binoculars. Seiren and Rebeka were able to spot him immediately.

In the distance, he could see the facility sticking out of the marshy terrain like the balls on a dog. "Okay, I count... one large building, looks like an office, next to another about the same size, looks like a production and assembly line of some sort..." he was doing his best do do some preliminary spotting, but this would've worked better in clearer weather.

He was only able to spot things thanks to the lights on the facility, "just off to the right of that are four, no, three storage warehouses, semicircular roofs. I can also spot a pair of tall cylinders just behind the production, silos I think."

He couldn't see much else, ducking back into the tank and closing the hatch behind him thoughtfully. "Moonsong, remain on standby. We're unsure if they have AA defence. Frame team, can you see anything with your scanners?"

Their more advanced scanners and vantage point saw that the shape of the facility was arrayed as an even-length hexagon, all faces the same length. On four of the edges in the shape of a square, there were defensive installations of some description, multi-barrelled. The other two edges, splitting the facility in half appeared to be watch towers.

The tanks were at three thousand metres, still descending steadily with the frames. There was nothing quite like saying it with battletanks. The battle Luca had envisioned would be the exclamation points to a weighty enough statement.


The ISC Phoenix
The Lagrange Foundation

Featuring Mecha:
T1A1 Havoc
T1 Norris
Origin LEAF
Kennewes, T1A1 Havoc, about ten thousand metres above ground level and falling

Makari snickered "Ass Destroyer, I like the sound of that. Part of me wishes I had my own fancy Power Armor from my NSMC days, but nothing beats the feel of a main battle tank's turret. Tank beats everything!"

He used the tank's optical sensors to take a look at what they'd be up against. He saw the dots of defensive installations and started poking the tank's computer system to do the math for when they would be in range and what trajectory was needed, but he doubted the tank was that advanced, because who really expected to try to fire a main battle tank's weapons why floating through the air? Well, ok he could think of a couple people but he doubted it was anyone who designed this tank. Also, judging by the size of the main weapon, firing it in mid-air would definitely send them off course for their LZ.

"What's our primary target once we land, boss? Those defensive turrets or any of the puny tanks, frames, or power armor?" he asked Luca. He swiveled his turret a few degrees in each direction to get a better feel for the rotation speed.
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Kennewes, T1A1 Havoc, about ten thousand metres above ground level and falling
"We're going to take out the facility's defences first, then pummel the whole facility to pieces with Moonsong dropping her bombs." Luca replied as he wiped water away from the visor of his helmet, flicking it into the cabin's walls. "If they send out frames or powered armour, the frame team has the edge on mobility to take them out, and they can disappear into the forest for ambushes with the poor visibility from this storm." He was thinking tactically. "We should be pretty good for taking out gunships if we coordinate."
Kennewes, T1A1 Havoc, about ten thousand metres above ground level and falling

"Roger that boss," Makari replied. He started the pre-targeting sequences, telling the computer to identify the defenses and prepare to lock-on for maximum destruction. He took his hat off and placed it in his lap and fiddled with the chair's settings to get himself comfortable for the battle ahead.
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Zeta sat silently in the driver's seat going over her equipment. If things would go well, she would not really need any of it, but it was better to grab it. She had her Plasma revolver strapped to her thigh, while a ODM Peashooter was put in a holster on her chest. She wore a combat vest, because going out without any kind of armour would be just dumb. She also wore a padded protectors over her lower leg. Next to her seat a .40 caliber smg.

"You know," Zeta said and leaned back looking up to where she could see Luca's legs through the inside of the tank. "We should call this thing Naoko.... well... just a feeling."
Kennewes, Moonsong, Mesosphere

It was peaceful. Well above the storm, rain, and clouds that the rest of the strike team were descending Tamamo was largely free to pursue her whims for the moment. This largely manifested in tracing a circle around the deployment site with a projected radius of nearly two-thousand kilometers all the while riding the atmospheric swells at low speed. For the moment she was idling, soon she would be flying air support for the weapons on the ground all in all it was a favourable arrangement after all it hadn't been often enough for her liking that she'd been in the sky with her Moonsong.

Drawn from her idle relaxation as she received a message from the Captain, there was a brief pause as she waited for a hole in the discussion before Tamamo's digitized voice responded, "Tes. Her name is Moonsong."

She had to admit that she wasn't entirely sure why the question of a name was brought up, though she had little trouble with answering it. Of more immediate note however was the request for confirmation that she was on standby to which the Nekovalkyrja once again replied her peppy idol like digitized voice momentarily gracing the communication channel, "Hai, hai, Taisa." There was a lengthy pause, "Signal me when you have an idea of where you want the payloads dropped." Apparently their air support was feeling sassy today.

Returning her most of her attention to gracefully riding the atmospheric waves Tamamo once again reviewed her periodic diagnostic checks ensuring that nothing had changed and she was still flying at prime capacity relative to her ordinance payload. Methodically her powerplants, control surfaces, sensors, gravitic systems, and finally weapons systems were reviewed and confirmed to be fully functional giving another layer of comfort to Tamamo as she flew. Thankfully the easy part would come once the firefight started, and with it the opportunity to unwind.
The freshly painted black-and-white LEAF with two small,round ears on top gently floated down.

"I'm callin' it the Ursaphone! because it's Ursaphonic!" Seiren chattered. He pressed a button on his console, and a dial on his screen lit up, tic by tic. Which then promptly spun out as a set of wires above him burnt out.

"Damnit! Guess that's gotta be rewired before I can do the really cool thing. . . good thing i still have my HIPR!"

On that note, he used the combined wired sights to play spotter on the installation.

"If I see turrets, can I take the shot?"
Hawkwind - "Silver Machine"

"Negative, pre-emptive fire will alert them to our presence and the traversal on emplacements will be optimized for ground to air targets... The sheer volume of fire would probably rip you apart" Aiesu's voice voice sounded through the encrypted comms.
"Recommend you hit the ground first: try to position anything you think is of value behind you if you sight targets after touchdown: Collatoral is probably going to be a serious consideration, meaning you'll draw them out. From there, its up to you."

A flash of sparks around the joints of Rebeka's Winter II had its posture relaxing some: another as the visor plate partially opened, revealing a glowing sensor of some kind, like a suit of armor lit from the inside by fire -- then again from the large spherical ball sat atop the collar of its neck which began searching the ground like an eye without a socket -- small flashes from the left shoulder as it launched small torch sized drones in rapidsequence: resembling flares or chaff.

Within, she made no effort to retain her physical form: a mass of white and orange webbing filling the modified cockpit like some overgrowth of liquid fungus.

"No, Echelon. Suggestions?"

Soon, a volumetric image of the ground environment with estimations of targets and emplacements was shared over the group data network. The jammimng was intense: Whatever was below ground-level obscured by ultra thick materials, probably zesuaium. And around the entire thing, a ring shaped tunnel packed with heavy alloys and electromagnets.

Other than that, the image was a mess: Military grade countermeasures in effect. Whoever designed this complex didn't want it even being seen from orbit: The atmosphere denser, more electrically charged: Enough to give anyone outside of an environmental suit a serious headache if they didn't keep moving.

Small lights were moving now beneath them as the air rushed by at dizzying velocities, trailing like fire-works in dizzying patterns: things like folded metal bats with long legs and split bracket wings scarsely bigger than a person that had been loitering now picking up speed.

"Air contact, bogey baring six oclock on intercept. No IFF, no identify. I think the scan gave me away: probably gravitationals. Seventeen seconds until full contact: they don't seem to have sighted you yet, because of the jamming."

The arms of her frame extended outward: structol ablating along the thickened fore-arms to reveal a weapon flush: hands breaking at the wrist as the set holding them swung forward like switchblades, remeniscent of watching an IDSOL cycle a pump action with some cowboy like spin at the index: each cannon the size of a suitcase were the frame the size of a person.

The previous pair of hands that had ducked away were now changing in shape as rods formerly fingers re-arranged themselves, dull glowstick like lights in red connecting before what moments ago resembled a hand on either side sat on the cuffs like cannons.

Rounded hubcaps along the joints of the frame were unfurling, shifting in shape like slices of pie, new segments rising up out of the middle to form larger discs: seven or so detatching and arranging themselves in a circle beneath the LEAF at her side, forming a faint wall of light.

"Let's keep it that way. Seiren, cover the ass destroyer's descent and penetration into target area. Keep it hard and fast: the less time you're in the air over dropzone, the better. If you have to, ditch the chute and find a concrete structure to break your fall. Transfering control of the defense drones to you."

With that, Rebeka rolled off from the group: slipping away beneath the cloud cover, lightning beneath as her engines kicked in, carrying her away at dutch angle from the group, then inward again from a different approach: the craft beneath adjusting accordingly: seemingly unaware of the Norris or the LEAF.

"Withdrawing to intercept. More telemetry to follow. Still waiting on suggestions, Echelon."

"I Th0UGHT 1T W4S 4 F4CT0RY, N0T 4 F0RTR3SS. 4LL TH1S F0R D00R T0 D00R S4L3SM3N? WH4T H4PP3N3D T0 M0D3R4T10N?"

"Excess in moderation, Echelon" Aiesu replied.
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Kennewes, T1A1 Havoc, about one thousand metres above ground level and falling
"Naoko..." Luca repeated, clicking his tongue and looking through the gap between the tank commander's seat and the driver's seat down below at Zeta. He listened to the chatter from Rebeka and didn't like what he heard, but smiled when he realised that something was in their favour. "Seems the jamming works both ways. We can't let them know we're coming until we open fire. Rebeka, keep the bogey busy, misdirect them from us."

"0H, B0SS, H3R3'S TH4T M4P!" Echelon said, realising that the altitude was very close to the ground and this sort of information, worth a thousand words (certainly makes my job easier!) was very useful. "TH0UGHT 1'D LET Y0U KN0W!"

"How convenient!" Allison said as she braced herself for the impact. "I'll head southeast and sit between the hills, might be able to get some vegetation cover and take out the left side of the facility."

Luca considered something as he examined the map - trying to push aside how it could have even be acquired, if something was coming already, perhaps it was already too late for stealth. Luca could be heard breathing in to continue his orders - but the tank hit the ground. In its wake, the parachutes slowing its fall disintegrated into flames, dancing against the hull of the tank and extinguished quickly by the heavy weather.

♫ Rainstorm SFX ♫ (Keep playing over the music for best effect)

Luca stamped his foot against the floor of the turret twice. "Shit! Get a move on! Everyone, go, go, go!" He barked over the radio with urgency in his voice. "They know we're here! Zeta, northeast! On the ridge! Makari, get ready!"

Landing beside them was the T1-Norris, its parachute also disintegrating so it could get a move on. Immediately after landing, it started advancing towards the the left of the hill between them and the facility. "Affirmative!" Allison said as she guided the Norris, treads kicking up mud and dirt as the treads started to roll. Seiren's LEAF Ursaphone landed shortly after, followed by the defence drones Rebeka lent to him.

Over the hill in the rain, Luca could sense that the facility was beginning to light up. Even with five kilometres of distance between the landing zone and the facility, poor visibility, and the rainstorm baffling sensors, he had the feeling they knew they were coming through other means. Rain beat down heavy on everyone's hulls, an epileptic chorus of plinks against metal, drowning out the sound of the engines in each of their vehicles and their charge. The smell of wet soil and vegetation pervading the tanks as the treads shredded the ground.

♫ Agony - Sea ♫

High above in the atmosphere, Moonsong could hear the sounds of thunder from down below, and all the fury from the microphones in the tanks below. It was only sound and fury signifying nothing below for now - but soon it'd be sound, fury, and the force of an angry man over the edge who had a tank and a particular set of skills.

Zeta watch the altimeter and wondered who put in a tank. Still it was a good thin to have. The descent was nearing its end, so Zeta leaned back in her seat and re-checked if she was secured enough. She then put a bite-protector, she generally used when sparring with Luca. Last thing she needed was to loose few teeth on a landing. The protector have seen a lot of use in past few years. She and Luca did not spar as often, but it was generally pretty tough.

Both of them always wanted to win, although generally it was Luca. He was just too fast. Zeta also could not really use all power of her arm in a spar, since that would end up with serious injuries, so generally she went for grapple match. Luca was fast, but if Zeta would get to grab him with her cyberarm, it was clear that that would be the end of a real life. After all Zeta's grip could break bones. Still it was a fun times, even though Luca was usually one who ended on a top. In various ways.

The tank hit the ground hard and Zeta did not wait up and started the engine. She spit out the protector into her hand and put it back in her pocket. Puttin the tank into one, she moved forward.

"Roger that, shifting north-east." Zeta reported and looked at one of her displays that showed the map, uploded by Ech. "We will be passing a fortified guard post Luca, Then it will be AA encampments. We take those out and blueberry can come do the cavalry thing."
The little LEAF trundled along the lack of path, forging its way behind the others through underbrush and hill. It'd be a few minutes before he'd be able to get a bead on the complex. So he set his LEAF on auto-roll (Because autopilot was a little too sophisticated for this stocky machine) and set to fixing his wiring problem with his sound system.
Kennewes, A sodden battlefield
The mechanised infantry begun to move across the soggy landscape from their landing zone, with the Havoc moving over a hill and getting some good elevation over the facility, a nice vantage point wherein they could snipe out the closest AAA post a little off to their left, while straight ahead was a larger security structure - and hiding behind it another of the AAA towers. The crew of the Havoc could see some of the structures behind the walls of the facility - and had some light concealment from the underbrush between the Havoc and the facility.

The smaller Norris tank and the LEAF following it were moving through soggier ground, the LEAF's windscreen wipers for their optics getting a decent workout from removing the rain and mud. The Norris tank's petite little frame was able to skirt the slope of the terrain and fjord over the river shallows and crush the underbrush, finding itself at the southern base of a small hill with the LEAF following it. Inside the tank, Echelon asked the LEAF to "G0 L3FT, S31R3N. W41T F0R TH3 F1RST SH0T, TH3N G0 F0R TH3 F4R L3FT, FR0M TH3 BUSH3S 4ND STR1K3 1T."

"I got you covered." Allison assured the inventor.

In the Havoc, Luca was content with the perch he'd chosen for himself. He was confident that the tops of the brush were not going to interfere with the round the tank was able to put out. "Rebeka, what's your status?" There were flashes in the air to the fair northwest of the battlefield, up in the sky just a few kilometres north of the facility. She was tangling with something - but only she could confirm what it was exactly. "Rebeka, confirm status. What is our bogey?"

Still no answer. "Come in, Rebeka!" Luca asked again over radio before patting Makari on the thigh and giving him an order. "Take aim, closest AAA platform, quick smart," he peered down to the driver's compartment, "Zeta, prepare to move into the underbrush or backwards if return fire comes our way."

"Allison, Rebeka, Seiren, on our mark..." he transmitted to the team, raising his hand in the tank for Makari at a bend, ready to straighten it to give him the arms-free.

Zeta stopped the tank at the top of the slope. She did not bother with angling it for now, since the shields were still up. She planned to reverse back behind the slop if needed. The underbrush up front was nice for optical camo, but if the enemy had better targeting systems it would mean nothing.

"I'll revers if they start firing at us. Solid cover, is solid cover." Zeta responded to Luca. "Just tell me when you want to start the assault afterwards and I'll moves us more to the north. We can rush through the greenery and hit the AAs behind the guard post."
Spherical baubles of light and trails of smoke sunk from the sky where shots had connected with the strange matte grey metal monsters chasing Rebeka, swarming like a circus of missiles as she rolled onto her back to fly in reverse, facing her pursuers as compression of air waked like smoke across her hull. Left arm packet-rifle, right arm converted railgun from the fore-arm of the 101 stacked in quad, she opened fire. More fell but their movements were pre-emptive and intelligent: scattering in differing directions removing her ability to cluster engage multiples at once, forking in from three sides. Through the hail of missiles and machine-cannon fire she weaved, jinking from side to side in explosive flashes of thrust that left whatever semblance of teeth she had ringing where ears should have been.

She had to keep moving. An airborne police-chase, taking down whichever broke off to pursue ground targets, ringing the combat area in a slow lazy circle: Swimming on her back through the air then periodically forwards again, eventually an arm of the frame twisted back at 180 degrees upside down, what would dislocate a human, surpressing fire.

By her estimate, the team had to have hit deck by now. Surrounded by high value targets the swarm above couldn't engage cleanly.

Once more onto her back, the black faceplate of the frame gleaming as the eyeball on its collarbone started scanning targets: Plates along the heavy blocks down the outskirts of the frame's long legs opening: a flurry or smoke and bright lights as missiles poured out in rapid-fire before she took to the ground: The Winter II's feet sparks flying against a long flat of metal, then steam against tarmac as she rumbled to a stop behind some armored hanger, peeking out before concealing herself, back to the wall as the drones came down like bees sprayed by flamethrower, rolling and flashing cheaply: a child's construction toy thrown full pelt down a flight of stairs. Smash.

Heavy breathing.

"Come in, Rebeka!"

The eyeball scoutsphere sat on her frame's collar untethered, peeking about the corner on a long prehensile cable, like a snake wearing a soccer ball for a hat. Like fire-works, up from the ground. She crunched numbers, working out the placement of the source, dialled down her rail-cannon and launched a shot almost straight up into the air. It came down in a parabolic arc, a moltov cocktail of high explosives smashing into the launch-tube with "clunk" then an explosion that she felt beneath her own feet, rumbling before a column of smoke shot up through the air at high speed.

There was indeed something under them. And there were more of them: kicking her foot against the tarmac, a flash of plasma glassing it beneath her as she pulled back, switching to gravitics as she moved through the green: preferring not to ignite it.

"Here. I don't know how many there are. Instructions?"
Makari took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He maneuvered the main gun to the nearest guard tower and readied the turret for the secondary target, the AA battery. After that, he supposed he would go for the fence so he could hit targets inside the perimeter. Without saying a word he watched Luca's arm motions intently waiting for the signal to fire.
Kennewes, A sodden battlefield
Luca briefly processed what came from Rebeka. Targets, bogeys, something came, Rebeka dealt with it - could be more. She seemed to be the lone aggressor, and that meant that she had their attention. Not Luca, but she did. "Rebeka, hide, after our first round of shots from tanks, move in while we reload." he gave direction, keeping his arm still - fingertips brushing against the roof of the cabin. "If we scatter their attention enough on first volley, they won't know what hit them."

Divide, and conquer not the forces, but their attentions. A force is worth nothing when its attention is misplaced. Luca's words. He straightened his arm, chopping forward and screaming "FIRE!" loud and clear over the communications. Fire! FIRE! It felt good to bark an order once in a while!

Allison and Echelon's Norris got the order immediately, firing at the leftmost AA post - a burst of heavy plasma from the underbrush, streaking through the air and smashing into the battlements of the AA tower, shattering concrete and sending an armed emplacement tumbling down and smashing into the sodden ground. If that didn't tell Lagrange that someone was on their doorstep, and pissed - Luca was happy to keep restating the message with the rest of his team.

Makari let loose the first barrage at the closer guard post. What better fear tactic than seeing your buddies go up in an EM cannon burst? He fired all eight rounds at the guardpost for maximum effect and began the reloading procedure and took aim at the middle AA tower. Locked and loaded he fired all eight shots again. Better to vaporize the towers now. Ya know, just in case. There's no kill like overkill, Makari thought.
Seiren's LEAF pointed the long barrel of the HIPR from the "Far left" (as Echelon had put it, only after he had to force the little mecha through some tough patches of mud), cycling through views in his lense before he could get an accurate shot. Steady, steady, SHOOT! The long-barreled rifle flashed, sending a bolt of plasma designed for putting a hole in power armor straight towards the post. He cycled the bolt easily, thanks to a mechanism he had hooked up to the side of the gun, that was wired into Ursaphone. And he repeated this, sending a total of twelve shots into the tower.

Of course, thanks to his LEAF's sturdy nature, Seiren really just had to aim the first shot before letting his frame autofire, so he could focus on his wiring problem.

"I swear, I fixed that wiring problem. . . I need better power conduits!" he mumbled, fishing a length out of one of his harness pockets.
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Kennewes, a sodden battlefield
The eight cannon rounds shook the ground beneath the Havoc, each smashing into the guard post and sending an explosion through it, the whole structure falling apart at the sixth shot, but the seventh hitting it as it fell down and the eighth going high and missing the facility, instead smashing into the wall behind it. The next eight rounds fired at the AA platform tore it and some of the wall around the facility to shreds as it fell down.

"2 AA platforms down!" Luca called out, getting a line to Tamamo, "Moonsong, you have an opening! Scramble!"

Meanwhile, the Norris' assault continued, smashing through the hole they'd made in the wall with their first attack and firing at the operations office, vaporising concrete and metal, while a followup assault from the smaller main guns to either side of the tank fired at the walls to give her an opening.
"Y33H4W!" Echelon called out as she saw Seiren fire bolts of Plasma at the guard post, barraging it with mad-minute rifle fire and filling it with holes. The lights inside of it flickered out, and the figures moving around within - moving too methodically for being under attack - started evacuating. "N1C3 SH0T!"

♫ Metal Slug - Assault Theme ♫

Something burst out of the middle of the facility from an unseen exit. Swarms of autonomous drones flittered into the air, three groups of five split off north, east and south to examine and deal with the threats that had hit their facility. As far as guard dogs went, these ones didn't need to be fed - but dousing them in blood was an option. As Seiren was moving up, a swarm started heading his way, pelting the underbrush with laser fire. It was interrupted by the sound of the minigun on top of the Norris cutting through the thunderstorm, smashing into the side of the drones.

Here comes the counterattack...! Luca thought, knowing it had to happen sooner rather than later. "Look out, Drones!" He relayed to the team, taking control of the top gun of the Havoc and firing at the swarm closest to him. He wasn't sure if he was making hits, he couldn't estimate damage with each round hitting an individual member rather than seeing the structural integrity of a whole being.

He needed something capable of hitting the mass of them - like a giant shotgun or an explosive. The swarm was returning fire - lasers pelting the tank, minor damage readings appearing in front of him. "We have to take them out before they can focus fire on us!" Luca relayed to everyone in his tank. "Makari, reload and hit 'em! Zeta, give us some cover!"

"I'M S331NG 3N3MY S0LD1ERS, TH3Y L00K L1K3 R0B0TS," Echelon said as she saw a platoon of robotic soldiers moving from the ruins of the guard post that'd been smashed to the southwest. "N0 1D34 0F C4P4B1L1T13S, W4TCH 0UT!" Another group emerged from the northeast guard post, heat signatures easily spotted.

Upon closer inspection, the robots, two groups of ten seemed to be carrying with them a boxy looking weapon, about as large as a desk for a single person with handles, tall as a pair of 25 litre capacity microwaves stacked atop each other, painted white with what could be construed as the business end covered in yellow and black warning stripes. Underneath it was a tripod - it was a crewed weapon of some sort, in the process of being set up, but what was it exactly?

It caught the curiosity of the Phoenix's resident engineer. "Aiesu, what's that?" Allison asked the bunny on the line, transmitting an image of the thing belonging to the south group of robots to the 'good' doctor. Some urgency was in her voice - she had no idea what it was, but she was going to shoot it anyway since it was pointing at her. "Some kinda Lagrange or Lazarus tech?"

Meanwhile, the most alien member of the Phoenix was face to face with another swarm of these drones. Looks like whoever owned this place wasn't going to let up, sending masses of disposable beings.

"Loading grapeshot," Makari replied calmly to the drones Luca spotted. Makari took aim at the center-most drone and fired two rounds of grapeshot at the drones before reloading the normal rounds. "Firing at the wall, boss," he said before letting lose all eight rounds at the damaged wall beneath what used to be an anti-air battery.

"Time to make us a door and take a peak inside, wouldn't you say?", he asked no one in particular. The sooner the wall was cracked like an egg dropped on the floor, the sooner he could blast away the soft and gooey internal structures of the base itself.
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