Star Army

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RP: YSS Heartbreaker [Mission 4] The Word And Deed Go Hand In Hand


Well-Known Member
8/38 - Kerata Anathema - Heartbreaker Bridge - 1000 Hours

The transmissions had been growing more and more clear as the Heartbreaker continued towards the next system on their list. While Edtoto had been translating them for the crew herself at first, over the last few hours Ochiko's translation program had grown more precise. The MEGAMI had been developing it while listening to the alien's mumblings and the fragments of the distress call, but with Edtoto's assistance and a clearer signal, it had come together just in time. An artificial voice began to play the full version of the transmission for the Taii, Rin, Edtoto and the others on the Bridge. It sounded similar to the alien's voice, which itself had originally been copied from the artificial voice the I'ee had used to speak Trade and Yamataigo. A strange sort of circular creation.

"I don't even know if this transmission is being received. The station has been hit hard...worse, we were taken totally unaware. Security teams, both blue and gold, have been decimated! If anyone responds to this distress call, be advised that station security was deactivated from within! As hard as it is to believe, we've been one of our own! Incredible as it sounds, Nar has gone insane. The Sivaro Clan was the first to die. I'm the only one left to send this message, power's out everywhere else. It's our own fault, really -- reappearing after all those years, we should have never trusted that there were no adverse effects. We knew so little about what he'd come in contact with outside the station. Wait, is!?"

This time the signs of a second person entering the recording area and initiating a struggle were more obvious, the Vekimen screeches and hisses easy to identify for those familiar with Edtoto. "You?!" And then, a second voice. Deeper, raspier, somehow predatory. Somehow familiar. "Of course, child! Did you truly believe, even for an instant, that you would escape the same fate which befell the rest of your family?" "I don't believe you -- I can't believe you! You may have killed the others, but the clans will never...!"

"...die?" The sounds of the struggle began to fade. "On the contrary, my child." Quiet. "The clans are dead."

The transmission crackled as it came to a stop, leaving a similarly heavy silence hanging on the Bridge. The Taii carefully observed Edtoto for any signs of another emotional outburst, before Funabashi suddenly spoke up. "Exiting fold space in 3...2..." "Entering real space, adjusting ship to local time. Beginning scans." Rin had been handling the last stages of the trip herself, switching the Heartbreaker to more conventional movement as they entered the system. The distress call was easy to pinpoint, at this distance. A large asteroid, floating through a system otherwise relatively devoid of them. Transmissions, power emissions and life signs, in a system that otherwise showed no signs of life. Focusing in, it was easy to see the manmade bits protruding from the rock, right angles and glowing light standing out on the rugged, lifeless rock. The cloud of debris around the station made it even more obvious why the distress call had been blasting out ceaselessly for weeks now, the station obviously drifting and putting out so little power that locating it outside of the system would have been nearly impossible. Fortunately, the Heartbreaker had known just what sounds to listen for.

Unfortunately, it seemed they were not the first to follow the strange sounds to their source.

"Readiness Condition 2, all hands to their stations!" The Taii quickly called out, as the red lights and warning klaxons began blaring. The image of familiar ships was broadcast across the ship as well. Large, rectangular carrier type ships, with small, round fighter sized craft darting all about. The I'ee.

Rin sent orders to crew members to begin armoring up, as Usagi spoke up with more bad news. "Captain, another ship has just exited fold space nearby. It's smaller, lightly armed...and...broadcasting a Star Army registration number." The Captain scowled, remembering the tactic the I'ee had used before to draw their attention by bouncing the Heartbreaker's own registration information back at it. "Hoshitomo-Shoi, lock on weapons and hail them. If I do not like their answer, prepare to fire."
Edtoto had been working in her free time with the MEGAMI to translate the transmission and the whole time she wanted to throw up. Quite the feat given the Vekimen usually didn't do such things ever. When the message finally played through, she was digging her claws into a terminal, staring at it intently. Her tail seemed rather deflated from what it usually was, and she was personally finding it hard to breathe once the audio finally cut. She could feel the eyes boring into her, which made her stand up straight.

"Stop looking at me like an animal about to lose its mind... I can handle it" She said, her voice holding the stern punch of a demand but at the same time had undertones of being forced. When they dropped out of FTL, Edtoto was shocked to see how the outside of the station looked so... Normal. She had only seen it from this distance once, and that was after she was essentially sent to her death by the station for her duty to her kind. Now that she thought about it, it was a touch of a bittersweet reunion. They sent her to her death, and she is here to save them. She was admittedly quite conflicted, but only at a personal level. She still had a job to do.

What she wasn't expecting was the Alarm Klaxon to sound off so suddenly. Her hands shot up to grip her skull as the piercing noise caught her off guard. The sheer volume hitting her like a truck as she tried her best to compose herself again. She didn't have an official battle station, but she had a protective suit to get into. Without a word, she turned and started her run to the Power Armour bay.

She was far from the first person there, but she ignored everyone as she stripped out of her Pilots skin and started to prepare the initial sequences to her armour. She had since added her own weaponry to give her ranged capabilities, but she opted to ignore the power armour weapons. Her SAAC and sidearm were more than enough for her once she was on the station, and she wanted nothing to do with space combat unless she was in one of her ships.

Once she was done the start up commands, cursing at how the suits systems weren't quite perfected for quick entry yet, she was finally able to actually get into the suit, placing her head against her helmet and leaning her body into it. The usual unpleasantness of essentially swallowing a piece of metal so she could breathe in vacuum and still use her jaw. She waited silently as the armour finished encasing her, before stepping off into the bay. She had gotten accustom to moving around in the weight, watching the scripts read by as the suit fully booted up for her. To most, she would look like she was having a hard time; she just didn't have the same equipment as everyone else. The suit did pick itself up though, the eyes turning a deep red.

"Officer Edtoto Nar'Sivaro Rank Three, prepped and ready in the Power Armour Bay. All systems normal, sensory inputs and outputs all within manageable levels" She stated sharply so those who needed to know she was ready knew she was actually ready. She looked around the room and then to the launch bay. "Let's just hope my sensor package is enough to guide me... I would rather not star at the most open space in existence" She grumbled, seeming to deflate a bit.
Kuma T8 Shuttle - Cabin

"Sally. I believe you will like seeing this.", Yui called from the cockpit as the shuttle left FTL-speed. Sally, who was dozing in their living quarters with a few empty canisters of fruit juice, brought with them from their time spent on the YSS Soyokaze, scrambled sleepily to her feet and half-crawled into the cockpit.
"What's happening?", she asked, peering out through the view port into space. "Ooh! It's our family, Yui! Look! They're already here!"

The slightly shorter ambassador pointed a claw to the craft milling around the asteroid station, who seemed cautious about approaching any closer. Yui, however, made a tsking sound and pointed to another, closer object that was just as familiar. "No, Sally. Look again.", she spoke, to which Sally let out a delighted squeak.
"Oh, Yui! It's the Heartbreaker, is it?", she stumbled over her words in her excitement. "Or, or is it just a similar vessel? Let's find out! I wanna send a message!"

Knowing better than to try and stop her sister on her mission to make friends with the galaxy, Yui handed Sally the microphone and sat back. Soon, the bridge of the Heartbreaker would receive a message with a familiar, artificial voice speaking: "Hello? Is this the YSS Heartbreaker?", Sally spoke. "We never thought we'd meet you again! Is Edtoto still with you?"

Ee'ith Fleet

The patrol craft around the Vekimen station looked similar in general shape to those the Heartbreaker had seen in use by the Thoot family, although there were some noticeable differences. Namely, the armour plating of each ship was a vibrant, glossy gold with a solid band of jet black bisecting the ship horizontally, and the sharp prongs had been removed entirely. Overall, they looked a lot less threatening, and the tiny, spherical craft flying in and out of them suggested that they belonged to the same family as Sally and Yui.

Indeed, one of the smaller spherical ships was already approaching the Heartbreaker along with the Kuma shuttle, using the same copy-cat signal that Sally and Yui had once used themselves.
YSS Heartbreaker - Power Armor Bay

At last, Ylva's gear for her Mindy is in its proper lockers and organized. Easy enough to grab in a jiffy but still neat. Dr. DeForest would be pleased. She could imagine his voice in her mind repeating one of his favorite adage's: When you're forearm deep in a Kodian's guts trying to replace his spleen, you don't want to be tryin' to figure out where you placed the dagnabbed cybernetic grafting laser.

Although she loved the fact that she was finished with her unpacking; Ylva felt a twinge of guilt about not properly introducing herself to the crew, or even the MEGAMI yet. "In my defense, it ain't like they rolled out a welcome wagon and the lot of 'em looked really busy. Why bother them when there is work to be done?" she mumbled to herself as she inspected the Mindy and its gear for the eighth time.

Ylva was midway through checking her medical kits for the ninth time when the klaxons started blaring. "Well I'm sure that its all there. Its not like its life or death or anything if I leave something behind." she said while chuckling at her own joke. Ylva was almost finished donning the armor when the alien burst in. Ylva watched it carefully as it donned its custom armor, taking mental notes about the alien's anatomy and starting to make guesses about its physiology. When it finished its report Ylva spoke up. "Ah so you're the new xeno that has got all the Docs on the Seisenkyo all hot and bothered. I read up on some of the reports sent in by Medici-Heisho. Your biology is intriguing to say the least." She said as she eyed the alien. "Where are my manners? I'm Ylva Ōkami-hei Medic and newest member of the Heartbreaker. I guess someone thought y'all were too prone to injury to not have another medic." She said and finished donning the armor.
Edtoto hadn't noticed the Medic standing in the armour bay when she entered, turning to bring her to attention. She didn't realize there was a new medic aboard the ship. Her eyes narrowed in the suit, a little off-put by the sudden addition. The comments about having the medics and scientists off the ship all hot and bothered caught the alien off guard though. "Hot and bothered? I didn't think I could do that to people off the ship. Does my sexual influence reach that far?" She asked, looking down at herself. She clenched her right fist, having gotten it strengthened after losing it in the last mission.

Ylva laughed heartily. "Sexual influence? Nah it's just a turn of phrase. They are all super interested in your biology and how your innards tick. You know real Doc type stuff." she said.

Edtoto stared, looking down for a moment. "So, a turn of phrase used to describe sexual arousal within your kind, used in regards to the doctors and scientists perception of how my body works, has nothing to do with sexual arousal. This sounds like you are trying to cover for something" She stated, seeming to shake a little in her suit to loosen up the gears and servo's.

"Look, if you're tryin to find conspiracies or hidden agendas you're barkin up the wrong tree. All I know is you offer new horizons to science and I intend to figure out how you tick." Ylva replied. She had noticed the fist clenching earlier but had dismissed it as a cultural gesture. Now however she was beginning to think this alien might be preparing to fight her. "You know I mean no hard feelin's or nothin right?" she added quickly.

"I wasn't looking for anything. From what I have experinced so far, many of your kind get hot and bothered when interacting with my anatomy. I have no problems sharing" She said simply, one of her eyesblinking as if she had winked. "And I'm aware. I lost my arm last mission, it was my reaction to your comment about being hurt" She said, touching her toes quickly. "I'm fucking with you, as your kind may say" She finished.

"Oh good, well not good about your arm, but good that you ain't mad." Ylva said but then she raised an eyebrow, the alien wouldn't see that of course since her visor covered her face. "Have you been fraternizing with the crew? Not hatin' or nothin cause that ain't my place but to be quite honest as a medical practitioner I feel like there are a lot of tests we should perform before you engage in... intercourse with other crew members. You know safety first and all."

Edtoto just shook her head a little. "I'm a scientist too... I was well aware of dangers to your kind and I dealt with the-"

"Did you stop and think about the dangers to you and your kind our physiology could cause?" Ylva interrupted, " Shoot, we could be carriers of some sort of virus that is a symbiont for ourselves that turns your innards to basic amino chains." She shook her head. "I ain't callin you dumb but I have read plenty of stories about people doin dumb stuff for.... intercourse."

Edtoto nodded slowly, crossing her arms at being inturrupted. "You can the captain will certainly get along" She muttered, shifting her hips and resting a hand on her hip. "When we get on the station, open your mask and let one of my kind spit in your mouth. We will see who has the stronger Symbiotes" She stated firmly. "I could melt your face with a good kiss, and even your advanced vatborn antibodies will have a hard time holding them at bay" She explained.

Ylva chuckled for a little while. "Your file never said how sensitive you are-"

"File also doesn't say I love blatant specism, or being inturupted when I speak. Funny how that works" She interjected.

Ylva backpeddled a bit. "Look I didn't mean no harm. Honest. It's just it's my job to keep everyone on this ship healthy and combat-ready. That's hard enough with people tryin to kill y'all out there. I just don't want nothin to happen to y'all in here too. So, I'm sorry if I offended you. Shoot this is the first time we've met and I've already upset you." she chuckled a bit. "Edtoto was it? Well look I ain't the type to have grudges. I hope you ain't either. Even if you are I don't care; 'cause out there," she gestured to the outer hull of the ship, " come hell or high water I'm gonna save you and everyone else on this tin can if it kills me." She then turned back to the alien and lifted her visor revealing a toothy grin. "'Cause that's my job."

Edtoto turned to walk towards the launch deck. "Yes... For future reference, don't interrupt me please. It tells me you don't care to listen to what I have to say, and I really only see one reason for that lately. It's your job to keep the ship in tip top shape, and it was Medici's job before you were here. I get regular check ups too. Let's just save my station" She muttered, going into the launch bay.

Ylva raised an eyebrow after the alien's last statement but decided to let it slide. She had accidently insulted it enough for one day. "Honestly when am I gonna learn to keep my trap shut." she mumbled to herself and began running through the diagnositics for the suit. She hoped she'd have enough time to run it at least three times.

((JP post to save room))
YSS Heartbreaker, Engineering Bay

Skade sat at her station in the Engineering Bay, twiddling her thumbs until the ship came out of FTL. With her probabtion lifted, and thus her kitchen duties completed, Sunny had used the newly promoted technician to the fullest, which had made her enjoy her limited free time even more than before. Of course, there are other reasons why that’s true… she thought with a smile.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the Heartbreaker’s entrance into real space and the klaxons began wailing. Son of a…the technician thought as she ran to the AMES storage locker and slipped into the rubber-like body suit.

I wonder who would be around this place, she thought as she walked to the damage control console that was her usual place. The only reason we’re here is because of the Vekimen. The Neko sighed and shook her head. I just hope Edtoto is going to be alright. She was really freaked out when she saw that transmission. Wait…she thought as she patched into the ship’s sensors. Why in the world are the I’ee here?
YSS Heartbreaker, Starboard Corridor

Hasewega was doing her usual routine of patrols around Heartbreaker before the alert went off. Though she tried to remain attentive, her mind would occasionally wander off as she walked, small tinges of guilt still stung at in the back of her mind for what happened, especially with the ambassador they had on board. Though the occasional talks with Edtoto helped, the guilt still lingered and haunted her.

Then the ship's klaxons started going off and all thought guilt disappeared for right now. She was already bounding towards the power armor bay by the time she realized what she was doing.

The minkan managed to burst into the power armor bay at the tail end of the conversation between Edtoto and the arrival Ylva. She caught something about "interrupting" and "not caring" and casted a bit of a glance towards Ylva before turning and nodding meekly towards Edtoto as she moved to quickly run a diagnostic on her suit, removing her belt in the process.
YSS Heartbreaker, Cabin 3

Itto Hei Blesi Ingrid sat in her cabin, wringing her hands. The Heartbreaker was scheduled to drop out of FTL shortly. The incoming distress signal from the Vekimen station had been deciphered bit by bit and though she hadn't heard the full, completed message yet, she knew the situation was dire. She'd done her best to carry some of Edtoto's stress and fear, but now the full weight of it was going to press on the entire crew.

She felt the ship drop out of FTL and linked in to the sensor feeds. I'ee, huh? she thought. It wasn't the existential threat that she envisioned, but then again, she knew the might of the Star Army of Yamatai. The I'ee posed a serious threat to anyone with a comparable technology level. Orders came in from Rin and Ingrid stood up, straightened her jacket and left the cabin.

Power Armor Bay

Ingrid purposefully strode into the room and went to her cradle. She removed her jacket and skirt and stepped back into the armor. It enfolded her and came alive as the AIES integrated with her SPINE. She had expected a combat operation, and had already prepared her suit's loadout earlier on. She had mounted a second missile launcher and fully loaded both the launchers and her backpack with a full complement of SOOW missiles. She stepped out of the cradle and went to Edtoto. She clasped the Vekimen's neck and pulled her helmet into contact with her own.

"This is it, Edtoto," she said over a private channel, "The last weeks have been building up to this. You're kitted out and ready to rock, so we're going to rescue everyone we can. Keep calm and stay safe, because you're our guide out here. And stay safe for me too, okay?"

She released Edtoto with a pat on the arms and turned to Ylva, saying through another private channel, "Okami-hei, I hope you've been studying everything we have on Vekimen physiology. We don't know what we're walking into here, but expect some injured or–" Ingrid paused and considered, "–deranged Vekimen. Expect corpses, too. You do know how to tell an unconscious Vekimen from a dead one, right, santo hei?"
Edtoto was in a bad mood, but she managed to give a nod to Hasewega, tapping her index and middle finger against her helmet as her own classic "Smile" symbol. Her body language gave her true mood away though, her tail flicking harshly and her shoulders drooped down. She stood in the launch bay, staring intently at the door when Ingrid walked up and headbutt her. Their words made her feel better, reaching up with her hands and taking Ingrid's helmet. "Be careful... This power armour is strong but I don't know how it will hold up against a swarm. I'll keep you safe in the tunnels, you don't need to worry about me" She responded, letting the science officer go, letting her claws lightly slide along what would be Ingrid's cheek as she moved away.

Her mood lifted a little, she turned to Hasewega, walking up to her and opening up a direct line as well. "Are you good to go?" She asked, placing a hand softly on her shoulder. "Nothing lingering from the last mission?"

Hasewega seemed surprised for a moment but shook her head as she set her belt aside and stood up. "No, I am okay despite what happened during the last operation. I promise I won't let that happen to you or anyone else on the crew." Her voice seemed to carry a bit more cold professionalism than the distraught girl from last time. She bit her tongue for a second, perhaps she was sounding too focused? No, there's no such thing as 'too focused,' she could hear her father echo in the back of her mind. Only enough or lack thereof. She opened her suit and took a step back inside of it. "Thank you though... for the consideration." she let out as the suit closed in around her.

The Vekimen frowned at that, replacing her hand up on Hasewega's neck. Her thumb subtly tracing over the Minkans armoured cheek. "We will make sure that doesn't happen again Hasewega... When we go to the station, we are a team. We will all do what we can" She explained, her voice holding a soft yet stern tone. "I need you to understand that. I don't want to see you like that again, and I don't want to lose you simply because you feel you need to keep us all safe. We will get out alright. You won't get us all out alright, got it?" She asked.

Hasewega stared for a moment, both taking in what Edtoto was saying and waiting for the suit to fully power up. She had a point. Maybe the soldier was putting too much trying to make sure everyone got out. Everyone here was trained to fight and could handle themselves. But still, she had a duty to protect them. Once everything had powered and the suit was displaying vitals and radio, she nodded towards the vekimen. "I... understand." She answered with the professionalism slowly withdrawing from her voice.

Edtoto tapped her helmet in a smile. "Good. Things are going to be hard in the station simply because of how close everything is. Keep an eye open, and work with everyone else. This will be a cake walk if we all work together" She added, a smile in her voice clear as day. With that she patted Hasewega's cheek a little and walked to the front. Everyone who should be in the PA bay likely was at this point, and if they were late well... They shouldn't be late. She thought things over, and figured explaining what to expect to everyone would be the best idea.

"Alright, I just have to warn all of you that once we get into the station, your range is going to be cut down to maximum 50 meters. Vekimen don't like large spaces, so we avoid them as much as we can in our building. Some of you who have seen my cabin can attest to that. Crawling will likely be our main mode of transportation. Damaging the tunnel walls could have adverse effects on the structural integrity of the section we are in. That means we cannot make the tunnels bigger. The main tunnels are exactly ten feet in diameter. This is where the most traffic happens and are likely going to have the largest concentration of inhabitants, both civilian and hostile" She explained, looking down at her wrist datapad.

"Vekimen build in full three-sixty sphere. That means there will be tunnel entrances everywhere. Up, down, left and right. The enemy can come from any direction so keep that in mind. Our first priority is to get to the command bridge" She continued, asking Ochiko privately to project the map of the station in the Launch Bay. "I built this simple map from memory of the station, so there may be discrepancies." Suddenly, several paths appeared along the inner working of the station, leading to a singular point in the center. "This is the command bridge. It is the only part of the structure that doesn't have gravity, and is the most likely place to find the Command crew. These Vekimen make up the Government System, and are crucial to the races continued growth after being rescued" She said, pointing out several other locations.

"After that, we are going to need to take over the security systems. Again, access can be granted through the Command Bridge. Till then, Ingrid, I'll be sending you a package to shut down any automated security. It exists, and it shoots some big rounds. Each turret will have to be disabled individually, and cannot transmit information back to the system other than basic targeting information" She sighed, shrugging. "I've done what I can to make this easy, and I'm probably severely underestimating the soldier of the Star Army, but I won't take any risks. I'm the most knowledgeable, so I feel personally responsible for all of you while on the station. I only have two eyes though, so the most I can do is make sure I get you all prepared"

" All you need to know about now are weapons. The Vekimen don't have a large amount of them. Maybe enough firearms, ammo, and equipment to supply 1/100th of the station. Even then, with how long since we first received the message, that may have grown even less. Family dens will be protected by their families, and each family is prepared to defend themselves without weapons. We are naturally a warlike race, so it's not uncommon for their to be some family tiffs here and there. However, a vast majority of the soldiers will be concentrated around the Maternity Wing of the medical center, as well as the Powerstation, and the Bridge. These Vekimen are some of the best our kind can produce, but they won't stand a chance against us. None of our weapons have anywhere near the power to damage Power Armour, but the point defence will" She finally finished, taking a breath through the respirator down her throat. "Any questions?"
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YSS Heartbreaker - Power Armor Bay

Ylva watched the exchange between the alien -its name is Edtoto, gotta stop calling it 'alien'- and Ingrid. It was touching to see such camaraderie between the two. "Yes, Itto-Hei, I made sure to read all of the data Medici-Heisho transmitted in her reports on Vekimen anatomy, physiology, and psychology. Also respectfully, I'm fairly certain I could tell the difference of unconsciousness and death in most organic life Itto-Hei." she said over the private channel.

Before Ingrid could reply; Nito-Hei Hasewega entered. Hasewega also gave Edtoto a very familiar greeting. Ah I think I'm beginning to see what it meant when it was talking about sexual influence and experiences. The thought was pushed out of her head when Edtoto gave the briefing.

After Edtoto finished, Ylva raised her hand. "I have a question. Where are the medical areas on the station? Just in case I run out of supplies or we need to treat more wounded than we can fit on the ship." she said after noting they weren't displayed on the map.
YSS Heartbreaker, Bridge

"Opening communications line to unidentified vessel now." The door to the Bridge had barely closed behind the Vekimen before Sally's artificial voice was heard, a surprised look appearing on Rin's face. She hadn't managed to properly hail them before the excited bug started asking questions. "...yes, this is the YSS Heartbreaker. Are you the I'ee Ambassadors, Sally and Yui?" Funabashi worked as the Shoi spoke, connecting directly to the Kuma shuttle now that she knew its credentials were legitimate. A video feed popped up on the main screen, showing the two insects crowded around the controls in the cockpit of the small shuttle. Hints of alterations to the interior of the shuttle could be seen behind them.

"Identities confirmed, Senchou. The shuttle seems to be registered to the YSS Soyokaze." "Another vessel is hailing us, Taii." Usagi interrupted the conversation, shrinking the image of Sally and an image of two nearly identical creatures appeared on the other half of the screen. Although they were broadcasting from a small pod similar to the one that had been unfortunately destroyed some months earlier, it was otherwise difficult for the crew members on the Bridge to differentiate between the two pairs of I'ee. The Captain frowned, eyes flickering between the two nearly identical views as she waited for one or the other side to begin explaining themselves.


"Masa-san is curious, yes? You want a peek, yes~?" Ochiko appeared behind Skade, peering over her shoulder as the Neko examined the sensor data on display. With a giggle, a volumetric screen appeared in front of them both, showing the crew on the Bridge viewing the four I'ee on their screen. A few moments later Skade received a message from Rin, ordering her to ensure the android reported for duty with the others, and to prepare to join the away team herself.

Power Armor Bay

Ochiko had also appeared at Edtoto's request, opening her fan and giving it a wave that caused the three dimensional map projection to flicker into existence. After the alien's short explanation, the MEGAMI bumped the projection aside with her closed fan, opening it again before it transformed into the same volumetric screen that was currently following Skade around. The Vekimen could see her two I'ee friends...and their twins. There was no view of Edtoto to display for now, although Ochiko playfully drew a thin red cord between the screen and the finger of the menacing armor the Vekimen was wearing, patching her audio into the conversation.

The blaring alarms had long since faded, but now the flashing lights dimmed as well. The crew members in the Bay and across the ship were all alerted that the Readiness Condition had dropped to Condition 3 after the two sets of I'ee ambassadors had been identified. Rin attached a brief text message asking for crew members to remain ready, although an engagement in free space was no longer expected. She reminded the crew members already armored that conditions inside the Vekimen Colony Station would likely render many weapons too dangerous to use without risking destroying the severely weakened station, and to prepare properly.
Kuma Shuttle

"Yes, this is Sally and Yui!", answered the two wasps in almost perfect unison, with Sally continuing to speak on her own. "It's so lovely to see you again!" The two then paused, apparently also being contacted by the small Ee'ith sphere ship, from which a very similar artificial, feminine voice spoke.
"Greetings, Yamatai!", the unidentified ambassadors spoke. "It is good to see you out here, where it is lonely. Please be careful of the artificial structure: We have tried to send our ambassadors inside to contact the inhabitants, but were attacked."

The mention of violence brought a sad whine from Sally, which the I'ee over the line heard. Soon, the Heartbreaker could hear a rapid I'ee conversation of chattering and squeaking, presumably bringing one another up to speed on the situation.
"Is Edtoto safe, Taii?", Sally finally spoke up again, sounding concerned, with Yui speaking after her. "I assume you are here about the structure as well, Yamatai. Let us know how best we might assist you. We would like to help if we can."

Open Space

The I'ee fleet: Around 5 patrol craft with 20 or so sphere ships between them, was slowly forming up into a neat formation beside the Vekimen station, as if to welcome the Heartbreaker. None of the ships themselves looked damaged, suggesting that the I'ee were only attacked once on board the station.
YSS Heartbreaker, Engineering Bay

Skade looked sidelong at Ochiko. “Thanks,” she replied, then looked at the display. Got to love the AI, I guess. Makes you wonder how much she’s seen of Edtoto’s antics… she shook her head in annoyance. Best not to think about the invasion of privacy.

While she listened in on the bridge’s conversation, Hmm…irony, the technician’s communicator buzzed with Rin’s message. “Welp, let’s go wake up Saba,” she said as she quickly made her way forward to the Cargo Bay.

Cargo Bay

“Saba?!” the Neko shouted as she ran into the storage area. “Wake up! We’ve got a station that needs saving.” While she waited for the android to wake up and get going, she slipped out of the AMES suit and placed it on a nearby box of rations. Remember to put that back later.
YSS Heartbreaker, Bridge

The Captain's lips were pressed tightly together as she frowned, listening to the two sets of I'ee chatter with each other. Their translation abilities for that language were far too limited to keep up with the speed of that conversation, leaving her somewhat out of the loop, which she clearly did not appreciate. "Greetings. I am Taii Tsukisaki Valesti, Captain of the YSS Heartbreaker. By your friendly reception, is it safe to assume you are relatives of our friends the ambassadors? The I'ee that identified themselves as the Thoot possessed similar vessels, but their manners were less than impressive." She let out a grunt of annoyance, as Rin slyly smiled in the background. "Yes, Officer Sivaro remains aboard and in fine condition. Now, at least. You have permission to speak, Officer Sivaro." The same map Ed had just summoned appeared on the Bridge, as the data was beamed to both pairs of I'ee as well. "Where did you attempt to enter the station? And what sort of resistance was met?"

" should tell her yourself, Kondo...Kondo..." Usagi sighed as the rather shy new crew member at the console a few feet to her side silently pleaded for help. "Fine...Captain, Yuko-Hei says there's another shuttle that just dropped into the system. This one's registered to the Seisenkyo, at least." The Taii glanced between Usagi at the Science station and Kondo at the Operations station as the Hei seemed to wilt under her gaze. "This is becoming ridiculous. Very well, on screen."

Seisenkyo's Kuma Shuttle

Alexis arrived in the system to more activity than she was expecting. The Heartbreaker was there, of course, but there was already another Kuma floating near it, along with some small, obviously alien shuttle shaped like a golden pod. What was likely a space station built into a large asteroid loomed in the distance, with a small fleet of more alien vessels formed up protectively around it. The SAINT Neko didn't have long to consider the situation before she was hailed, the shuttle's small communications screen suddenly filled with a rather complicated image. Four of the I'ee she had heard vague reports of, along with the expected face of the Taii she'd been ordered to report to. Before she could even respond, her passengers crowded back into the cockpit to make their presence known, squeaking and chattering away in that strange language of theirs.

Of course, Edtoto immediately recognized the three muzzled creatures that appeared on the screen as it split again to make room for the newest arrivals. "It looks strange from outside, but that's the station!" "It's damaged...are those aliens attacking our home!?" "This Star Army has sworn to us that they will protect the Vekimen, they must be here to fight the insects." "What type of Mishhuvurthyar are they?" Alexis still had no clue what they were saying, but Edtoto could hear them clearly, while Ochiko seemed to be hesitating on her translation without the Captain requesting it. A few words they were obviously imitating from Trade were easy to pick out, though. The Neko in the shuttle with them seemed a bit uncomfortable, but she wasn't choking on poisonously bad breath, so the devices covering their faces seemed to work similarly to the one Edtoto had been wearing on board the Heartbreaker.
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Sally & Yui's Kuma

"Oh, I'm so happy that Edtoto is ok!", Sally said, clasping her forelimbs together happily. "And yes, we are the Ee'ith family. None of us mean you any harm." From the Ee'ith ambassador sphere, the other I'ee spoke up to answer the question addressed to them. "We attempted to enter via the external landing pad. Our ambassador's were hit with gunfire once inside.", one of the I'ee answered. "We saw no one as we entered, so we are unsure of where the gunfire came. Two of us died from the barrage."
Again, Sally could be heard whining sadly over the comms in response to the mention of violence, clutching at her head with her claws.
Seisenkyo's Kuma Shuttle
Alexis saluted the Captian. "SAINT itto hei Alexis Morwind reporting for duty. I look forward to working with you." Alexis couldn't wait to take a shower after being with the three Vekimen for this entire journey. While she had gotten used to the smell somewhat it still bothered her. "I have recently been reinstated after an extended leave where I was captured by the NMX and met these three during a prisoner rebellion which I began. I hope that this covers all your questions." Seeing the Vekimen on the Heartbreaker Alexis moved so that the Vekimen on her craft could speak as well.
Heartbreaker Launch Deck

Edtoto remained silent when Ylva asked about the Medical Wing. Part of her lurched, her officer training kicking in. Don't reveal the Medical Wing as protocol... Or give it away... She asked herself. She knew the Heartbreaker crew was to be trusted... But at the same time that was where the maternity ward was, and their Childrens Den. "I apologize, but I will have to leave that as a need to know. I may be working with the Star Army, and I trust you all, but if I told you where it was at this moment without explicit permission from the Sraralumee or an emergency need I would be tried by the station for treason. Just know that I will tell you the second we need it if we cannot get a hold of the Sraralumee. Hopefully she is fine though" She explained, before she heard a familiar chatter coming through the COMs.

When she was given permission to speak, she waited a moment or two more before speaking. "The outer landing bay is guarded by two... 30mm cannons I believe is the conversion. I am sorry you lost two I'ee, but I am impressed your ambassadors got out of the corridor and back into safety" She commented, thinking for a moment. The canons didn't carry much ammo, maybe fifty rounds a turret. "This is good though. That means the defenses around the Landing bay will be reduced. If we do things right, maybe we can take the Command bridge and the Power station at once" She thought aloud.

Then she chose to address the Vekimen aboard the second shuttle that came into the system. After so much time being on the Heartbreaker, they seemed alien to even her. She could see the dull hue of their scales and their frail bodies. Faintly she remembered looking quite similar to them when she was first found by Sally and Yui. She heard the comment regarding the Mishhuvurthyar and started speaking back to them.

After a minute of a broad range of sounds that likely wouldn't be replicated by anything but a speaker, Edtoto finished. "They believe the I'ee are Mishhuvurthyar. I have corrected them and given them a brief explanation. I request that until we understand the full situation on the Station, they remain locked in my Cabin" She asked, figuring it pointless to even ask, but polite none the less. "They have indicated that they will comply fully with the Taii's requests" She added.

This was getting stressful. Those around her could see her tail lashing side to side as she stood in a stand of ponder. She was trying to figure out what best to do, how to suggest it, and get it accepted. She took her map, and picked three points including the landing pad. "With the information I have, these are the least defended airlocks on the ship. If the I'ee just tried the Landing pad, then it is likely anyone on the ship doesn't believe any Vekimen are assisting. These are my best solutions Taii" She finished.
YSS Heartbreaker, Bridge
Kondo Yuko nervously stood at her station, hoping not to mess anything up. She was extremely nervous, as she knew the highest ranking person on the ship was just a few feet away, and one mistake could make her upset or unhappy. Yuko had paid very close attention to everything that was going on, but was confused. She didn't understand the Vekimen language, and was getting more nervous wondering what they were talking about. She'd never felt this nervous before, but she knew she'd feel like this for a long time. She let out a very gentle sigh. Why must I be so shy? Why can't I just be normal? Its so strange...being so close to such a high ranking person...she probably thinks I'm completely daft...of course...if I told her anything...I'd probably get laughed at for my stutter...Is she that kind of person though? Would she laugh at my stutter? Yuko quietly wondered to herself, still keeping her eyes on her computer.

She suddenly stood up, standing at a overly stiff attention. "Permission to go on away team!" She squeaked, slouching as she cursed herself internally. She had forced the phrase out much to fast, her position was all off, and her face was beat red. Not to mention she was a bridge officer. Why would the Taii send a bridge officer with the Away Team? "The V-vekimen m-m-might n-need a d-d-driver... Ma'am" She threw in. It was perfect. She would be in power armour, and she knew Edtoto's kind had rather primitive weapons. She wouldn't have to worry about anything! It would be a walk in the park! She could even be useful!
Sally & Yui's Kuma

A loud, rather obnoxious squeal of joy sounded over the comms after Edtoto had finished speaking, followed quickly by Sally excitedly speaking. "Edtoto! It's me, Sally! Do you remember me? I've missed you so much, I-!", the I'ee's elated babbling was cut off by Yui, who hissed at her for silence. "S-sorry, Taii!" The little ambassador shrank back a little on screen, managing to look bashful somehow.
Heartbreaker Launch Deck

The situation seemed to be in quite a bit of a flux to Hasewega. First the I'ee, which she had missed the first time they were on the ship, mistaken as Mishhuvurthyar by the Vekimen and now a SAINT operative had appeared with even more Vekimen. Despite the Readiness Condition winding down, she still felt tense about everything, especially looking at Edtoto. "Are you going to be alright?" she asked over a closed channel to Vekimen, the closest thing she could do from a pat on the shoulder.