Star Army

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RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [Mission 5.0] Planning


Inactive Member
The bridge of NSS Dauntless, en route to the Mwigflukbajik systemm, 3 days after the beginning of the Rok'Veru Offensive

"I was really beginning to think they were going to leave us out of this one, Grand Admiral. Being the smallest, newest Fleet and all," Captain Valencia Ironside confided to her superior officer. Grand Admiral Dominic Valken was still getting used to the new rank. He had thought that his assignment to the 4th Fleet a year ago was temporary. Until Admiral Heram J. Wazu had done a runner. Valken wasn't surprised to hear about the coward's flight. Employment of useless mercenaries and illegal Nekovalkyrja, the crimes certainly carried a heavy weight.

"And not helped by the sudden re-emergence of the delinquent Wazu. From what I'm told, that international conference was a waste of time. Nepleslia continues to strengthen itself and Yamatai continues to be two-faced. Once the NMX are gone, I expect there'll be conflict between us and the Cats. And no quiet retirement," Valken agreed.

"I don't think anyone retires quietly as a Grand Admiral, sir," Valencia added.

Hangar of NSS Dauntless

Leon stood before the assembled Marines, at least the ones stationed aboard NSS Dauntless. Sergeant Phaedra Volkov's Cavaliers and Corporal Steven Holmes' Irregulars. The former was a mix of veteran and green Marines. The latter were all former mercenaries who had gotten fed up with their former outfit, its ridiculous policies and attitudes. The Cavaliers were led by a clone woman, used to sniping at long distance rather than leading her squad. The Irregulars were led by a cold-thinking, highly intelligent young man who clearly had stories about him but refused to share. Two very different units led by two very different people.

The other squads were on other cruisers in the squadron. Admiral Valken clearly didn't want all of his precious Marines on the flagship causing him headaches. Better to delegate those headaches to subordinates.

"The Admiral has briefed me on the mission and I'm here to brief you lot. As you may, or may not know, depending on how well you read the news, the 1st Assault Fleet has begun its attack on Rok'Veru. Details are a little sketchy at the moment but we do know that they've launched the planetary invasion. So it shouldn't be too soon that we hear that they're pushing the squids back.

"Our job, in six hours when we exit FTL, is to make sure the NMX don't bother old Vanderhuge while he crushes the Mishhu and Nekos on Rok'Veru with his bare hands. The Fleet will engage all NMX forces present in the system and once we have secured it, elements from 3rd Fleet will be dropping in with reinforcements, resupply and repair. It's going to be a fleet action and that means..." Leon waited a moment to see who would catch on first.

"Boarding actions," Laura Romero spoke first. The silver-haired clone, who might have passed as Volkov's younger sister spoke with the same serious analytical voice that Leon had come to expect from Holmes. He had thought that the girl was a bit of an airhead and ditz but clearly he was wrong.

"Exactly. I don't have the exact details since we'll need to know first what the enemy has but the basic plan is simple. The Marines are launched from shuttles to assault immobilized NMX capital ships. Hopefully one of them has their Fleet commander. If not, grab all the data and important looking prisoners. That means, Private Aubrey, pay close attention here, no anti-matter and nothing bigger than a Hostile. No VOID, no Aggressors, and no NIGHTs. I can see that look on your face, Sergeant Volkov, this is an assault through close quarters. The NIGHT is a stealth machine, not a stand up fighter like the Hostile. I will not let my people take anything that has a higher risk of getting them killed. Don't like it? You can go without power armor and join the sailors in body armor instead. We provide the armor and armed sailors will provide the numbers to secure the ship. Anything slowing them up, we take it down. Remember those ID-SOLs from the bar? Be nice to them.

I want door breaching charges ready and medics, make sure you know where to set up an aid station for wounded. Tech sentries and you computer geeks, make sure you're ready to tackle NMX security systems. Squad leaders, prepare your squads. We drop out of FTL in four hours!"

XSS Momoranth, Flagship of the 118th NMX Fleet, Mwigflukbajik

"It occurs to me, Elite Technician Gahze, that fortune is smiling upon us or it is about to play a cruel joke. Our force here has been ordered to immediately assault the Nepleslians in orbit over Rok'Veru. The 132nd will arrive in two days to guard this system." The deep, gravelly NMX Mishhu that spoke was the commanding officer, Master Commander Izmarhk'resh. He was addressing his favorite pet, a Nekovalkyrja named Gahze, who stood before him nude as was customary in this fleet. Or rather, the custom was no clothes allowed on the bridge. It was an odd, though amusing tradition amongst some fleets in the NMX, usually observed only when the threat of combat was low to negligible.

"But that is insane, we have less than ten capital ships. Our cruisers would have to ram ... Oh..." Gahze stopped when she realized that was the whole point. A one-way trip to destroy the Nepleslians.

"Indeed, pet. It is an excellent strategy for everyone, except for those who have to carry it out. Signal the fleet to prepare to leave the system."

"Strange for a Master Commander to speak with such... cynicism. Surely you have no intentions to rebel against this order, Izmarhk'resh?" the third speaker's sweet, seductive voice drew Izmarhk'resh's attention. The hybrid. Neither Mishhu nor Neko. A Nightmare named Helszepont. While he was in command of the Fleet, she was just an observer who outranked him and enjoyed ordering him around. A creature being prepared for higher command.
Lisa stood at ease in the midst of all the other Cavaliers and Irregulars. Her eyebrows arced showing she was deep in though. Boarding action. She did not mind using Hostiles at all, there were very very good suits and HPAR was just the gun to love. She was still sorry that there will be no VOID and their shield drones, but they are probably too tall. What would be handy though would be its fusion cutter. Shaped charge is nice but you can bring only so much of them.

"Sir?" She spoked up to chief Santiago. "Can I bring a fusion cutter from one of the VOIDs? It could prove to be handy. Infantry grenades could get useful too." She asked him.
Henry Morris was amidst the Cavaliers, looking about himself and listening to the briefing. The sound of this mission hearkened back to his retake of the Golding and the Adler, wherein familiar places had been rendered alien by intrusion - and he and the Acadia crew of the time were to clear it out and take it back.

To Henry, this was just payback. Tit for tat, you miserable arseholes. He grinned.

"A fusion cutter would be useful - but we can't use it to make breaches the hull, or our backup is going to choke." Henry provided his thoughts on Lisa's want to bring a fusion cutter with her. As a melee weapon it was good and as a tool it was great for opening things - not so for closing, "I'm sure we'd be at liberty renovate the interior if the situation calls for it."

"I'll be bringing a bit of column A and column B with me," he said, referring to a tech sentry's door breaching charges and hacking datapad - and a Monoeye drone. He'd learned how to use one well in the Golding and Adler takeback, "I'll be ready to lead the way for the technicians."

He had only two other tech sentries to work with: Lisa Simmons, and Bastilen Wreno. He could rely on Lisa, but he didn't see enough of Bastilen in action to form an opinion of the man. His reasons for coming to the Acadia soured Henry's palette, but he needed all the help he could get - according to reports he was an ace electrician and mechanist.

But a report and reality can be two different things. I'll have to wait for him in action until I pass judgment.
Sawyer grimaced slightly but replied crisply "aye aye sir, nothing larger than a Hostile and no antimatter rounds." He thought about his load-out for the mission and decided on two racks of ARROW mini-missiles and decided that he really didn't like the limited ammunition of the HPAR and its apparent inability to penetrate Zesu armored rippers and figured that he would take the Light plasma auto-cannon to be able to put down a hail of fire while the internal power supply was recharged via his suit.
Finally slated for action, Bastilen was able to sortie with the rest of the squad, which explained his appearance amongst the others. His grim, taciturn expression remained as such as he looked about. Many of them were the same from the simulations, and the bar itself. From some came a few stares of questioning intent. He could tell they weren't staring at his eyes, he had skulked about enough scrubbing the hangar for them to get used to that. Being a P4C there was a clear doubt to his level of skill, not to mention a level of trustworthiness.

"Removing the interior would be ideal. I've taken a few familiarity courses with NMX ships, with a few Yammie ships. If I can get behind the wall to the wires, I can make doors less of a hassle." noted Bastilen aloud, hoping to show he was just as keen on teamwork as he was setting useless teammates on fire. "The intel I've read states that most NMX ships are crawling with parasites. They're supposed to be pretty squishy and susceptible to things like..."

Bastilen's humbling, blue gaze side-tracked for the moment.

"... Heat... And what not. Though, if they start attaching to things, a good vibro-saw might work." the soldier, looked to the others and back at Leon. "Either way, I won't need more than a standard combat load-out to hack doors and consoles. It would be easier in a VOID, due to the advanced electronic interface, but a Hostile will fit in tighter nooks to get to wires."
Wulfe stretched his legs, shifting his weight from one feet to another as he considered the options that were being offered. He could only find it funny that they trained on a jungle environment but were being deployed in a boarding action instead, making the marine grin inwardly.

"Can't we bring something that would pack more firepower at closer range, sir? Maybe have at least one person on point with an AS4GS?" He asked the Chief, trying to think of what he would fit his Hostile with.
As he leaned back against one the Marine Hostile Power armors, Marine cook Rayne Hollister reflected on his new orders, much to the detriment for the next meals menu planning. Close assault against the hated NMX enemy. He had been trained to expect this kind of fighting, but the reality still was a shock to him. Shipboard combat was close, violent dirty work, he knew this much from the stories his Drill Instructors had lectured him about. "A flamethrower would be perfect, quick sear on high heat, it'll be like an octopod on the barbie back home..." An Evil grin began to spread across his normally innocent looking face. The grin turned to a scowl as he looked at the contents of his ration pack, S*@# on a shingle"...again...this he repacked before grabbing the provided canister of THRUST cola and popping the top. He looked over at Wulfe and nodded "I'll take the shotgun, packs enough of a punch, and it'll handle in a close range environment like ship corridors"
Ulrich grinned as he sized up one of the nearby suits of power armour, kicking it softly with he side of his foot. "Those NMX bastards won't know what hit them, they'll be cooked and cut before you can say calamari". Taking a quick swig of his canteen; flinching slightly due to the strength of the scotch within "Damn, if this stuff doesn't light a fire in your gut".

Ulrich walked over to a nearby crate and parked himself on it, using the idle time to tinker with his HHG. "If boot taught me anything, it's that dying during a mission is suboptimal, so I'd appreciate it if someone reminded me of that at some point".
"If you think the cutter can be attached safely to and powered by the Hostile, do it. We're going to need multiple options for breaking through any obstacles the NMX throw at us," Leon said to Lisa and Henry. If they felt it was possible to move the cutter from a VOID onto a Hostile, he wouldn't argue with the engineers.

"So... whatcha gonna do? Make breaching charges?" Laura Romero asked Sawyer. She already knew what she wanted. The Plasma Autocannon and a HPAR Master Set. Supplemented by ARROWs, some grenades and her usual MED kit and hypolathe.

Leon turned his attention to Wulfe. "What do you think I'll be doing. Sitting back and drinking THRUST? I'll be leading point for one of the teams. Who else is on point for the other teams and their loadout is up to the squad leaders," he told the young Marine.

"Stop playing around and see to your armor, Private! The armorers and junkers aren't your servants," Corporal Watson from the Irregulars kicked Ulrich.


"No, Fleet Commander Gallivy. Merely observing how good fighting troops and ships are being wasted because command has decided that the field commanders cannot be trusted. You, of course, will departing before we leave for Rok'Veru?" Izmarhk'resh replied casually.

"Naturally. But that is still some time away since your half of your fleet is still rearming. I shall take my leave when you depart tomorrow. Now, I think I shall retire to my cabin. Might I borrow your cute... pet?" the Nightmare named Gallivy responded with sickening sweetness. It made Izmarhk'resh want to beat her and take her at the same time.

"My crew are at your service, Fleet Commander," was all he managed. Izmarhk'resh watched the two females leave the bridge.
Rayne shook his head and set the can of thrust down, and peeled off his pull over before beginning a detailed check of his Hostile. Propping his datajocket between the suits chest plates he pondered for a second "Drei, can you see about filling out a stores search and requisition, see if we can't find SOMETHING we can make into a flamethrower" he looked at the oncreen representation of the ship's AI unit with a pleading glance as he checked the condition of the various weapon mounts of the suit. "if not i'll pull an AS4G from stores with full plasma load and a pair of Arrow packs for the leg mounts."
Lisa answered Leon with a nod and walked to Henry. He was engineer and he was much more skilled then her own, but she knew a thing or two herself. Keeping mining ship in shape for ears learned her and then she got to work with starfighters. Then there was the tech-sentry boot-camp. Lisa knew her way around eletronics and technology.

"So Corporal, what do you think?" She started talking to Henry, checking him out meanwhile. Lisa did not really got to talk with him, ever since he joined Cavaliers. From what she heard, he was like veteran of veterans. Seen every important battle Nepleslia was ever in. He did not look intimidating to Lisa at all. He was a shorty with inteligent look in his eyes. Not someone you expect to survive years of battle. But then she saw how he beat a guy in the bar-fight.

"We could attach the cutter to the Hostile's left fore-arm and direct a power cable under it." She shared her idea. "Or we can attach extra power-source to the cutter and just have it on the backs instead of extra weapon, but I personally like the idea of having one on my forearmy. Faster to access it and even use in battle."
"Crafting makeshift weapons at this stage is unwise. Please specify your query. The ship's engines can be used as a flamethrower, though that would require multiple levels of authorization and disproportionate effort to wield," the AI replied in her monotone voice. "Weapons requisitions are submitted to the armorers, not to me. See one of the shipboard Junker drones or the ship's armorers regarding your weapons loadout."

In the back, Laura Romero snickered. "Drei, stop teasing the newbie," she said. The P2C medic left the unamusing Sawyer and sauntered over to the newbie or one of them, it seemed. People seemed to come and go in the Cavaliers more so than any of the other squads. Maybe this one would be more fun to tease.

"You're seriously doing it wrong." Laura turned Rayne bodily to face one of the distant Junker drones. "See that? It can help you out. But before you go deciding what kind of hero you're gonna be, why don't you check with the sergeant about what you're supposed to be doing. I've never seen you in combat and I don't trust you with point. Sawyer, over there, is a better choice even if he does like to blow things up with too much explosives!"

Farther away, a group of FA4 pilots entered the hangar and headed towards their own machines. They were the pilots from Green Squadron assigned to the Dauntless. Parts of the squadron were scattered throughout the 1st Cruiser Squadron since no single warship could fit all 64 fighters and their huge arsenals. "You grunts have a mission? Doing what? Traffic control?" one of them called out.
Sawyer shrugged before Laura walked off, remarking "Yeah I'll make the breaching charges since I'm one of the few remaining demo guys in the squad. Here's hoping we don't run into another cluster frag like the last mission turned out to be." With that he pulled out his datajockey and started doodling up schematics for a set of shaped door breaching charges designed to be simple to place and powerful enough to bust through the hull and internal blast doors of the predicted NMX ship types that he could pull from the net and as he did he mumbled to himself; "Blow up one facility and annihilate a Ravager in a simulator and you get branded as excessive explosives guy for the rest of your career." Looking over at the pilots he replied; "Just make sure you shoot the bad guy armors and not us."
"This is a fleet action, Marine! We don't have time to babysit you! We're on escort duty for the bus drivers, keeping battle pods off their asses. You just sit back and watch the Navy win the war!" the pilot replied.
Rayne Sighed and tossed the offending datajockey back into his footlocker and looks at Laura. "ok, so what do you suggest? a flamethrower would be ideal, but I can't find one in the stores list. so I was gonna requisition a shotgun. oh right. Private Third Class Rayne Hollister, I was assigned here on the last shuttle before we transitioned to FTL. I just graduated from..." He turned a little red and gulpled before continuing "Cooks School in Funky City"
"Yes, sir. Understood." Wulfe replied, thinking about what kind of loadout he would choose. In the end, he chose something simple, reliable and well rounded since he didn't know what else he would find in there."Right, I'll just take a basic loadout then. A Hostile with ARROWs and DARTs and an HPAR, you can never go wrong with one of those." The marine said. It wasn't like it had been a hard choice, since he had taken a liking for the Hostile since his training on Funky City.
"How am I supposed to watch y'all 'win the war' if I'm inside one of the enemy ships getting up close and personal with the squids and breaking all their shiny shit?" He jabbed back at the pilot. With that he queried the armory system about how much in the way of explosives was currently on hand in the ship's stockpiles, and then he looked up the schematics for the pair of bunker buster bombs he had to see how much explosive and what type of filler was in them.
Henry rubbed his chin and listened to Lisa's input. He knew he was going to be working with her closely thanks to her status as a tech sentry, so it was only necessary to mull over the facts and indulge her.

"You could, but the Hostile's reactor can't make it nearly as powerful. It'd only last ten minutes with half the strength before it requires a cooldown, optimistically." Henry was doing this based on what he'd learned from both armours and studying them inside and out, "The Hostile doesn't have everything the Fusion Cutter needs to keep it cooled down either. But, if we're judicious and use it only when its needed, it could be viable for cutting holes in walls as a quick-fix."

He put particular strain on could, because if the thing wasn't allowed to cool down, it could explode on them and take out the entire squad in a miniature fusion explosion - hence why the automatic cooldown failsafe was built into them to begin with.

He ignored the pilots, since Sawyer seemed to be the target of their jabby cues.
Phaedra had selected a Hostile armor earlier before the briefing; with some nostalgia she realized that the days of her piloting a Night were gone. She had a squad to lead; she could not do that effectively by sniping.

So when Chief Santiago had informed the squad of their upcoming boarding actions and specifically stated that Nights would be restricted, Phaedra frowned. Leon was assuming too much this time; she prefered the Night, but she was not an idiot.

She remembered what a boarding action was like; she remembered the retaking of the NSS Emden. It seemed so long ago to Phaedra; she had been forced to overcome her fear of piloting powered armor much sooner than she anticipated. But she emerged all the stronger.

Phaedra equipped her Hostile with an HPAR Master Set; she fitted the weapon with the standard optics package, as well as the underslung grenade launcher for tactical flexibility. For her secondary weapon, although she found it distasteful, she equipped her Hostile with an AS4GS. She then used her Datajockey to enter an image for the drones to paint on her Hostile's helmet; the image of a wolf skull. Satisfied, she turned to check on the rest of the Cavaliers.

She noticed a unfamiliar face being accosted by Romero and strode over to see if she could help.

"Is there a problem here, Privates?" asked Phaedra, placing her hands on her hips. She glanced at the nameplate on the man's chest.

"Hollister. Are you our new cook?"
Lisa stroked her chin deep in thought. What Henry mentioned was truth. The Hostile reactor was not enough, but there might be a way to go around that.

"Well what about this," Lisa says. "Hostile reactor is not enough because it has to power the Hostile. Now if it was powering only the fusion cutter......." She paused for a while and smiled at Henry. "What I try to say is this. Hostile has two ultra compact fusion generators. THey are not big at all. If we took them out of one of the non used suits, we could attach one to yours Fusion cutter and one to mine. It might be a bit risky, but doable. Not to mention if we attach it straight to the cutter there won't be no pesky cable in way."