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RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [Mission 5.4] Briefing II


Inactive Member
Power Armor Hangar, NSS Dauntless
The Marines were assembled in their squads around the Chief and his 3D hologram projector. "This is SC-4. Rotten dirtball. Its gravity is three times the standard. That means things are heavier. We can still operate but remember that things will harder, especially if they're coming top down. Six hour day - three of sunlight, three of night. Get used to it cos we're gonna still be operating on a twenty-four hour clock.

"The 3rd Shaikis already sending in the first waves. The 242nd Heavy Infantry and 11th Recon are the first in. They are hitting these," the view zoomed in over several locations on a single continent, "fortified NMX locations. It's what they do best."

He didn't need to tell them that those landing zones were within range of heavy NMX artillery and troop concentrations. Casualties were expected.

"Since we're all a bit battered and bruised," Leon gestured to himself and his bandages, "we're getting the easier job of dropping behind NMX lines and having fun with it." The view shifted away from the NMX fortifications.

"Volkov, Morris, your squads will be tasked with securing this facility. As best as we can tell, it is an NMX industrial mining plant. Seize it intact. Watch out for prisoners or slaves. We don't know if the NMX labor force are prisoners or their own Nekos. Volkov's squad will hit the interior while Morris holds the exterior. I doubt the squids will just roll over and let you seize their biggest raw material production asset. Holmes and Motoyama, this fuel depot. I trust that the new Raiders are up to scratch?"

Holmes tilted his head to the side, as if he could have done better while the dour Motoyama smirked. "Finally something that doesn't feel like we're carrying a 2 ton monkey on our back. We can finally move around," Motoyama replied.

"Good. Rochester, your boys will hit this water plant. If this turns into a siege, we'll need to deprive the squids of water. And as long as some anti-air batteries are operational, our supply shuttles will take losses. Need to be sure we can live off the land. Hardman, you're the reserve in Corporal Toby's tanks. Kerr and Toby, you'll be flying support. We've also got a squadron of Navy gunships waiting for the 3rd Marines to take the airfield. Once we have that airfield, those gunships will be flying air cover as well. Which reminds me, our two newest additions. Sergeant Terrence Hardman and Corporal Alan Toby. Both recently of the 3rd Marines' 23rd Division. Hardman's our assault specialist and Toby's squad have the best long distance gunnery rating between both fleets."

The last comment caused a frown on Kerr's face but he took it with grace. He knew his squad were the best assault drivers and that was what they were supposed to do.

"I'll be riding with Kerr, coordinating all of the missions. If anything goes sour, call it in. We'll have Hardman and Toby save your asses. Questions?"
Claire rolled her shoulders at the briefing, Trying to look as professional as she could without showing her excitement. Though the actual killing part was never a highlight for her, she did get a thrill out of using the big guns, and was hoping they'd be ok with her carrying the heavier ordinance. Either way, she payed attention best she could, mulling over in her head the logistics of such an assault.

"Floor plans? Any intel on the structures we're hitting? Or is that on the way there?" She didn't mean to sound impatient, but she was always of the mind of knowing as much as possible before getting thrown into the fire. She still had to adjust a little from the very casual setting of Cirrus Station to the hardlined military ships like these.
"Private, you must be new here. Using your brain might be a challenge, though I do hope you can overcome it soon. First, you address me as sir. This is not whatever hick backwater station you transferred from where you go around addressing your superior officer like your best fucking friend.

"Second, this planet has been occupied by the NMX for the last three years. If they have been so kind as to share their floor plans with us, I have not been made aware. The data which Sergeant Volkov retrieved details NMX dispositions and concentrations in this entire sector of space. Conveniently for us, none of it pertains to any of our missions. Anything larger than a platoon is occupied by the rather loud entrance that the 3rd Marines are going to make in... five minutes. But since this is the third time that Sergeant Volkov and her crew are going in blind, I am sure they can cope. If not, that is why Sergeant Hardman is being kept as a reserve."

Leon was snappy today. His gut still ached badly despite the liberal use of medical nano and just about every ointment, solvent and injection that the doctors had. Taking it out on the new private who wasn't wearing any Fleet insignia might be mean but he didn't care right now. While he didn't mind familiarity with his subordinates (especially a particularly buxom Sergeant), he did not believe that this Marine, Winters, had not earned the right to speak to him so casually. Lacking a Fleet insignia meant that she had not been formally part of any fleet. Thus, her rank was probably due to long and/or meritorious service rather than any real combat experience. Combat veterans never stayed in rear area positions for long.

"That does remind me. We used up our stock of J2Cs in those boarding ops. Too many damaged or lost. What few we have left are going to help the 3rd Marines. Good news is that we can use our heavier suits again, if the pilots are up to using an Aggressor or VOID in three standard Gees."
"Of course, Sir." Claire replied crisply. True, she had let a bit of protocol slip from her mind since basic, and a reminder was all she needed to go back to business. Nothing in her expression showed any kind of displeasure or discomfort at being yelled at. Sadly, if he was expecting a greenhorn to either cower or be intimidated stiff by a yelling voice, he wasn't getting it.

The private's eyes then wandered over the info. Asking for floor plans a bit much, but not even a drone recon with a basic idea? Something in the back of her head itched at this, but she silenced it. Her superior made a good point, if they had anything more they'd be sharing it.. right?

'Such a doubter you've become, girl. What's next? Command infested and shit?' The inner voice was just as quickly silenced. Perhaps it was just nerves from it being her first large scale attack. But her thoughts were going on the leash for the moment. Now wasn't the time to have those ideas when she was technically the new blood now.
Talbain looked at the map trying to determine avenues of approach from the aerial view. The lack of information really didn't sit well with him but it was a far cry from the no information that had regularly been doled out by the IPG for other missions he had been on.

He listened the redhead pose a question and get shot down in quick order. Though she might have been on to something. If there was a standard design to this kind of facility it there might be some sort of data from mining facilities elsewhere.

The ID-SOL did have a question he thought was relevant though. He raised his hand up and waited for Santiago to look towards him before he started to speak. "Chief. If we are to take and hold the objective. What are our restrictions on munitions and are we authorized demolition material in case destroying the structure becomes the best course of action?" Talbain's question was honest enough. What he knew about demolition told him that there were plenty of things that had a tendency to violently explode without being hit with high yield explosives. Whatever this planet had that was worth extracting could certainly fall in that category.
Rita stood in the back of the room with her arms crossed over her chest and her body leaned up against the wall. Like always, she had a grim expression on her face. She said nothing, simply nodding in response to the orders she received. She had no desire to get on Santiago's bad side, even though she thought that he was a putz. In fact, she thought her own squad leader was a putz too, for losing her goddamn sword! The more this ran through her mind, the quicker her expression turned from a grim frown to an outright scowl.

Rita kept telling herself over and over that this was what Phaedra wanted. Sergeant Volkov was the only marine in that room who truly had her respect, even though she was obligated to show fake respect to everyone.
Sawyer sat thinking to himself, Finally I can get back into my preferred Aggressor class suit. He'd look around to see how many other people were in the area. He had no real input as of yet until after he had more information.
"Chief. Corporal Seigmund brings up a valid point, sir." Corporal Morris, squad leader of the Minutemen spoke up after having taking mental notes during the briefing. "Are there any restrictions to armour or weaponry or other parameters for my squad aside from not destroying the vital facilities, sir?"

Taking and holding somewhere would be interesting work for him since more often than not, he found himself taking objectives rather than securing them. With his VOID reassigned to him, he knew that he'd finally be able to make use of those mortars on the back of the armour to lay down wide area-denial - but there was an additional problem:

Gravity. He'd have to factor it into each of his calculations when he launched. The ballistics of the mortars was completely upset by the tripled gravity of the dustball. But - calculations were calculations, and if an irresponsible Marine could use their Armour's AI as a giant server to download ludicrous amounts of pornography and be a general waste of space, a smart marine could easily make the ballistic adjustments on the fly and not need to waste shots.

"PS: Ladies, Gentlemen, you may wish to adjust the ballistics calculations of your armours for the increased gravity." He made his point clear to aid Volkov's squad, and anyone else who was willing to fight smarter rather than harder.
"Agreed, Morris. Watch those trajectories. No restrictions weapon or armor-wise. But do remember we want that facility intact. We have limited numbers of VOIDs and the new Raiders. Most of the latter are going to our Jiyuuian colleagues who feel ... they get fat when they're in a Hostile." Leon grinned at Motoyama who had the good sense to exaggerate being offended at the implication of being fat. "All those extra pounds, make the girls feel like they're pregnant and makes the guys feel like we've drunk too much beer without any of the alcohol," the Jiyuuian added, to some laughter.

With his hair tied in a short ponytail, beard and light blue eyes, Motoyama almost looked Nepleslian. But his smaller, wiry frame as compared with his Nepleslian comrades made it clear that he was not quite the same. The presence of UOCPKF items on his uniform also pointed to his past as a member of the United Outer Colonies.

"Right, Volkov and Morris. Your's first." The map of the area surrounding the facility zoomed in, with the mining complex in the center. "It's a three storey building. Doubt there's much of interest in the upper floors. Most of the complex, since this is a mining facility, will be underground. There's a quarter of smoke stacks nearby so it's possible that there is a refinery down there. Laborer quarters will definitely be underground. It'll be close quarters down there and while I've got no weapon restrictions, I expect the Cavaliers to have enough sense not to cause a cave in and bury everyone alive. Phaedra, we're probably going to lose communications with you. That rock is pretty dense stuff. So if you're not back in a couple hours, I'm sending Hardman or Morris in after you. If you find that they're using slave labor, see if you can help them but don't make it a priority."

Leon turned to Henry. "Morris, your job is simple. Secure the perimeter and try to maintain contact with Phaedra. While I don't expect heavy NMX forces to suddenly appear, it is quite possible that you will come under attack now that the 3rd Marines have begun their assault."

He started talking to the other squad leaders about their roles and missions. Each time, he changed the holographic projection. This way, if anything happened to one squad, all of the other squads would know what they had been doing.

"Questions? If not, get to your armors, Marines. Squad leaders, stay behind for one last bit of house-keeping."
Lisa raised an arm looking at Leon. She might not like the chief, but now was business hours and there was no time for that. Especially when she had a valid question. "Sir," she said to get his attention. "Simmons from Morris's minutemen. Can we get some power-generators and more shield-drones with us. It would help us hold the perimeter. The drones could charge at the generators in shifts, so we in VOIDs can use our own drones more flexibly. I have no trouble setting those extra drones once we get on the ground. And for example if our over-watch on roof had shield-roof on most of the time, I think they would appreciate it."
"You will have to check with the armorers. I don't know what we have in stock right now. We should have spare drones but the generators may prove trickier. But see what you can do about it. Your idea with the CFC earlier worked out so maybe you're onto another cracker," Leon replied to Lisa. He was well aware of who she was.

When he had first joined, she had publicly criticized the then-Rear Admiral Valken's decisions in front of him, Santiago and every other Marine. Rather than defending himself, Valken had simply looked at the recently arrived Leon to see if he wanted to rein her in. Leon had liked that about the Admiral. He didn't interfere with Marine disciplining unless he had to. Leon had then proceeded to immediately chew out the errant private in front of everyone else.

It wasn't a personal attack in his mind since the matter at hand was professional. And she had done well enough in the recent boarding operations.
Rakowski stayed silent during the briefing, merely let the information sink in. Looks like he was set for guard duty. Fun, providing there wasn’t a regiment size force of NMX in the vicinity that would hit them in force or the rest of the squad gets their selves wiped out underground and they'd have to move in their place.

No, Zyv corrected himself, not the rest of the squad, the Cavaliers. With that he glanced to his new squad and let out a cross between a sigh and a snort, though in truth he couldn’t really complain. Morris was as decent an NCO as any he met while Simmons, Stenton and Aubrey were all 4th fleet veterans. Zyv hoped, however, that the last two weren’t going to make a habit of getting themselves shot up as that would be a pain.

With the briefing over Rakowski straightened and waited for the dismissal.
Phaedra silently observed the briefing, absorbing as much information as she could. While disappointed with the lack of intel, it was true that the Cavaliers were experienced with going in blind. She tried not to think of the fact that she was going to be in cramped spaces, underground, with the risk of it all caving in on top of her.

"You are just going to have to adapt and overcome it, Phaedra," she thought to herself.

She waited patiently for the rest of the Marines to file out and so she could hear what Leon had to say.
Francis sat back during the briefing, trying to absorb what he would be doing planetside. It seemed to him that this would be a pretty difficult mission, but what better way to get his baptism-by-fire than this? Francis wondered what actual combat would be like. He had heard so many horror stories about it, but he had also heard of the glories of battle. Hopefully, it wouldn't be so bad. Knowing his luck though, it would be.

Francis was worried about the fact that their fighting was going to be in a mine and they would be cut off from 4th Fleet command. Francis knew this was not going to be easy. The more he thought about it though, the more accepting he became. There wasn't a damn thing he could do about this, whether he wanted it or not, so he might as well just go with it. Francis' mind drifted back to the conversation he'd had with Ben Linzer before they'd transferred over to the 4th Fleet. He'd given Francis advice to dissuade him from getting swept up in the glory of the kill. Judging that Linzer was an experienced veteran, that advice was good to follow.
Getting back alive, that's all that counts.
Francis would certainly keep that pearl of wisdom in the front of his mind while he and the rest of the Cavaliers descended into what was sure to be hell.
Once more into the breach, thought Stan to himself. He could only hope that he would be able to keep cool under pressure. One of the many nightmare scenarios running through his head was getting a little too trigger happy and anxious and blasting a prisoner, slave or a fellow Marine by accident. This would also be his very first operation planetside rather than in space.

Stan mentally noted Corporal Morris's warning - foolishly, in his pre-mission nerves he had forgotten to consider something as basic as gravity's effects on munitions. He needed to be more switched on.

Having nothing to ask, the ID-SOL promptly left the room when Leon made his last request. Just stay frosty, and don't forget to think quickly and act slowly. It sounded counter-intuitive, but like so much of his father's advice it had a logical basis if you thought about it.

In this case, it was "look before you leap". Fine advice, in Stan's opinion, if you were going to be up close and personal with the enemy.
A twinge of annoyance ran through Claire's mind. Sure, she had worded her question wrong, but info about the building at all was what she was seeking. And why wouldn't he give this information before going 'any questions?'. Either he was deliberately looking for an excuse to yell at someone or, heaven forbid, was actually a bit incompetent. She kept these thoughts to herself however, and silently removed herself from the room.

She had doubts whether the man was fit to be commanding people in life or death situations, but surely his rank was earned by doing it well. She wouldn't pass judgement yet.
With the briefing over, Wulfe got up and left the room, quickly having his datajockey on hand and reviewing the tidbits about the next mission as he headed to check his Hostile's loadout with the ship's armorers.

Instead of having some rest like he promised himself after the boarding action, the marine had spent the whole 'rest' time using the small electronic device after being unable to sleep, constantly thinking about the next mission. It wasn't that he was completely scared, although he would admit to himself that he was a little bit scared about it, but the few layers of armor between him and the NMX were about enough to make up to the situation, and he wouldn't just let his squad down by wetting his pants because some squids and cats were pointing guns at him.

Wulfe thought about the close quarters he would be in when assaulting the facility with the rest of the squad and thought back to how he had brought his HPAR to the boarding action, just to find himself time and time again to not have enough firepower to engage the enemy PAs by himself. It was time that he brought something for closer ranges.
Talbain didn't waste any time after being dismissed. He moved with a purpose on his way down to the armor bay and started prepping his armor. Most of the work was already done but he ran though his pre-combat checks again anyways. Afterwards the ID-SOL pulled out his
To: All Cavaliers
Until Sergeant Volkov arrives report up to me on your pre-combat checks and inspections. Remember to get someone to double check your work first.
With that he piled into his own Aggressor and started through the system checks, ammunition counts, and all his mobility checks. He wanted to stay ahead of the timetable.
"Yes sir!" Lisa answered to chief and walked slowly to Henry. It was strange not to work under Phaedra anymore, but Henry was part of cavaliers before and he was veteran. It will be okay. Lisa was sure of that.

"Boss," Lisa addressed Henry with a smile. "I am going to try and get as those generators and extra shield-drones. You going to riding your VOID or saddle up in something else?" She asked.
"I'll be putting my VOID back into use after appreciating how versatile the Hostile can be." Henry replied to Simmons, who was a tech sentry. Henry had comfort in knowing that there was an additional techie in the squad, so Henry could focus on command and tactics.

"I think your plan is worth pursuing, but it'll require coordination. I believe you're up to snuff, though." The leader of the Minutemen gave Lisa a smile, perhaps the first since he'd touched down on station.