"Good," Kotori - gracious in her small victory - said with the ghost of a nod.
"Now, truth be told, the plan - despite any enthusiasm - is unfeasible. We aren't an organization like Black Spiral or the Daughters of Eve whom have survived at length skirting around the eyes of the Empire. Nor were they perfect: we found them."
"Last we were in port, Yamatai was developing extended measures to protect the homeworld from infiltration. Those, in the time that passed, will have progressed. We'll be behind the times for them, and too much, so that isn't a viable risk to take."
"We'll have to hunt for Eve sooner or later. It'll have to be later for now," the princess then asserted. "For our purpose, I no longer think we actually need to. Not to the point when we've become inclined to turn to Melisson for assistance."
"Correct me if I'm wrong: Eve got her psionic amplification technology from Melisson. She got the inspiration to subvert the fleet through Melisson's own example back in YE 27. Melisson is not as powerful as the Infection Queen proper was and Amaya rated her slightly lower than Eve in that report..."
"But if you think about it, those ratings are probably biased. Eve's psions not only cover telepathic mind alterations like Melisson, but also telekinesis, pyrokinesis and stuff such as spatial manipulation. Melisson has never shown any of that: she seems to specialize only on perceiving and altering minds, in a way that has her experience and insights outweight what we've seen with Eve."
"Eve was prepared to try and take over the Second Draconian Fleet on her own. That leads me to believe that Melisson would suit our purpose just as much without running the risk of having to infiltrate Yamatai's perimeter defenses."