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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 5 Prologue] A breath of fresh vacuum

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Hanako looked down at Nana from her position above, in the main passage just outside the bridge door. "I just want things to keep moving and I want her to keep up. I suppose we can keep her for a mission to give her a chance. She will need to show initiative to remain. Please inform her simply that I have chosen to let her join the crew."

The Taisa then entered the bridge. "Charisma, send an alert to the station, crew, squadron ships, and fleet command that we will depart in ten minutes. Plot a course for Gemini Star Fortress in the Ketsurui Military Sector at the Asamoya's maximum speed. Set all systems to full online and operational status and report on the ship's condition."

Hanako then got on the intercom. "Blackberry and Pineapple, please report to the Asamoya and assume control of that vessel. Prepare to follow us home. All other crew prepare for departure. Remember that we will be passing through frontier territory. That is all."

A series of holographic counters appeared throughout the ship, showing the time left until the Eucharis would separate from Pisces.
As Yaichiro began the pre-flight check of the systems, he noticed their destination and smiled a bit while thinking to himself.

We're going to the KMS. I wonder if Office 8412 made any progress since their last report...
Bowing her head, Nana turned and walked slowly back towards the wardroom, stepping inside and offering a warm, if not somewhat forced smile to Kumiko.

"On behalf of the Taisa, I would like to welcome you to the Eucharis. You've been accepted as a member of the crew." The pink-haired technician attempted to remain friendly and somewhat professional, but she was exhausted in more ways than one. The tips of her ears folded downward just faintly as she bowed to Kumiko before turning and stalking out into the main passageway.

Sliding her hands behind her back and forcing herself to straighten up, she then headed for Engineering, all too ready to get caught up on her routine maintenance (which probably wasn't required at that point).
Hanako would shortly after receive notice of a message sent to her from Cherry, it being a simple text message describing her wanting to speak with the Taisa before they set off.

It was quite simple and to the point.
"Come to the bridge," the Taisa replied to Cherry, eying the timer as it closed on nine minutes.

- - -

Down in engineering, Nana found Blueberry, Kaede, and Kaori going over some diagrams.
Cherry shuddered a bit at something as she entered the bridge space as directed, not taking to long to get there. It was like the Sakura, after all, her home...


Shaking her head a bit, causing her pinkies to flare about, she dispelled the thought and straighted her posture out somewhat to gain a half inch more of height, striding over to the Taisa after a quick glance around to find her.

She immediately bowed.
Yaichiro looked to Nana, just arriving, and the others looking at diagrams.

"...Hmm? What exactly are you doing?"

He felt a bit left out...but then again, he'd been off on a mission instead of in Engineering, in spite of his being Chief Engineer. it was to be expected, really.
Hanako rose from her seat at the center of the red-and-white bridge and met Cherry at the door. "What is it?"

- - -

Blueberry looked up from the diagrams. "Ah, Hanako has been considering replacing the positron cannons with anti-neutron beams. The weapons are a little more complicated and we were looking at how to integrate them into the ship's power systems. We are also looking at other power system configurations."
Kumiko bowed. "Thank you." She then went about finding where she would be staying and putting her stuff away before they headed out.
"Anti Neutron...I and one of my associates successfully worked with that type of weapon before, applying some types to a scout design. Only problem is that the technology came from Novacorp...if you already have the weapons though, I can help you attach them to the ship without violating any type of corporate contract."

He said, unaware that the mentioned associate was just outside the ship in the maid outfit.
Cherry paused a moment; It wasn't a long moment, but it was a definite pause of her freezing up before she once again slumped down a bit, as she usually has been in her recent time aboard.

She... Didn't look like the same Cherry Hanako knew, not by a long shot. This was already well established, but it was quite the reminder. Cherry spoke with a hesitant tone, as if not quite sure if she should actually say it or not but... Either way, she did.

"I... I am going to go with the Asamoya." Another pause, not long enough for Hanako to speak, though, "... And I wish to resign from Star Army." She let out a sigh, as if a burden was undone, and continued, "I... I have no purpose now. I was made for a ship that has been destroyed, fighting in a war that is over, to be with a crew largely gone and to serve a empire thats... Not the same. I'm... A thing... Just some Neko... A one purpose thing. And... Yet I am pushed toward being something else... More... Indepth. When I can't." She nibbles on the bottom of her lip for just a moment as she conjures up the words.

"I'm made to be a short term creature, but I lived longer then that... Leading me to confusion. I was created with a small personality enough to label me as someone else without actually being a individual on my own and... Then I had to fill the void. I'm..." Another pause, and she let out a sigh.

"... I need to find a purpose. Or... I need to restart. I need to leave..."
Hanako pulled up Cherry's file at a nearby control panel. "The new, shortened enlistment term means you can get out earlier. Since you were created in early YE 28, so that means you have the option of choosing not to reenlist when YE 31 arrives. At that point you would also be halfway to a lucrative retirement package available to you in YE 34. If you are dead set on going civilian, can you at least wait until your enlistment term is up? Or am I going to have to find some excuse to kick you out?"

Leading on part of the wall, Hanako continued. "I would like to talk more about the motivations or lack thereof that are making you quit."
"I'd... Prefer to go now - Or at least soon. I'm just a hindrance." Cherry spoke quietly, blinking in slight confusion at Hanako's request before nodding. "... Go ahead, I guess..."
"I'd like to hear your side of things...are you depressed? I imagine you must miss Yuriko..."
"Of course I do!" Cherry snapped, suddenly coming out of her mellow state for just a moment, furrowing her brow at the time before degenerating back to a slightly slumped, mellow state.

She paused a moment, sighing, "I've had lots of time to think... Many... Um... Epiphanies..." Another pause before she let out a sigh and looked even more sullen. "Of course I'm depressed... I've come to the realization that I have no role... Humans... Humans have a role, they have lives and family... Neko... Neko don't, do they? They were made to be like humans... But fight their wars, weren't they? And... We try to be them... Even though we aren't."

"... I've... Had a lot of time to think..."
"That is nonsense, Cherry! Humans have no more of a role than us, and we have no less of a mind than they do," Hanako countered. "Rather than blaming your uncertainties on your race, look to yourself. You have have a successful role as a crew member thus far...so I think what you are lacking right now is a sense of support...a role, or niche in the Eucharis crew. Since the Asamoya crew broke up, you have been left uprooted and I think your stress comes from fear of growing new roots here. But wherever you go, Cherry, you will need to settle in again, and the Eucharis is as good a place as any."
Cherry sighed a little once more, albeit a stuttered sigh. She simply looked to Hanako for a moment, and then spoke, "... Hanako... I'm a sprite. It is true for me. I'm a simple creature..." She trailed off, not being able to gather the words to finish that sentence.

"... Either way, though."
Scanning through the list of open bunks, Kumiko noticed two that only had one person, so she picked one out, and sent a quick message to that person.

To Jôtô Hei Yamamoto Hotaru

I've just been assigned to the Eucharis, and I'm looking for a place to stay. Would you mind me bunking with you, at least for the time being?
Nana paused just outside of Engineering, her ears perking as she spotted the group pow-wowing about replacing a system, or something like that. She quickly shook her head and retreated back into the hallway, deciding the crowd was just a bit too much for her. Were she to work on something, she wanted to do it alone. Lifting her head up, she blinked several times in surprise, placing a hand against her abdomen with a heavy sigh.

Detecting a heavy mood around Nana, Yaichiro followed the Neko out into the hallway...after all, as an Engineer, she was his responsibility, right?

"Mitsui-Hei, is there...anything you wish to talk about?"
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