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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 5 Prologue] A breath of fresh vacuum

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Noting the hug, Yaichiro elected to make himself scarce. After all, he'd already finished his meal.

Once he'd thanked Mango with a quick telepathic message, he went ahead toward Engineering. He soon resumed cleaning, configuring systems for optimal operation as he went. The acute hearing of the Neko aboard could detect a very slight change to the light hum of the ship as the engines were recalibrated to optimal balance.

This was not uncommon, as he knew cleaning THEN calibrating meant making the rounds twice.
The very tips of Nana's ears drooped. Not even a hello. Turning towards Cherry, she shrugged it off and straightened right back up just in time to be hugged. Her smile widened, and there was a very faint rumble of purring coming from the technician before she spoke.

"Are.. you all right? First time in a while I've seen you out and about." There was, of course, a hint of concern lining her words, brow furrowing as she eyed Cherry.
Cherry didn't even notice Yaichiro making his exit stage left, not even paying any attention to him. Poor fellow. In anycase, though!

She kept her arm around Nana for a gentle embrace, leaning partially into the fellow techie in a show of affection, which she had plenty of for Nana. She even smiled brightly to her, something that usually hadn't been graced on her face in a whiiiile. It made her giggle a little when she noticed the slight vibrations of a more feline like quality coming from Nana.

"Mm... Of course I am. And the same could be said for you." She spoke in a light tone similar to that of her usual pre-depressionary era tone. "Always about by yourself like a socially inept girl..."
"No, I'm afraid not Hanako-Taisa. Just the person you spoke to yesterday as noted in the logs." Misaki smiled, bowing a little in her direction. "Nakishi, correct? There has been no noted reply to the orders." The XO noted, bringing up the routine of files she looked at every day. Stepping off the deck, she made a light glide closer to one of the disassembled stations, inspecting it.

"Is there anything else, or would you care for a hand here?"
"Like one? Cherry, I am one!" Nana mused with a grin, her tone jovial. If she had a tail, it'd be wagging right about now. A brief glance was cast toward her discarded papers, but she was too distracted at that point to care too much.

"Besides, I've only been working every moment of every day... I don't know if you've been hiding in a utility closet or what." Combing her fingers through her hair, Nana stared off towards one of the opposite walls, her voice soon lowering to a whisper.

"I.. I don't really feel like I... belong here. I've been feeling so out of place.."
Cherry giggled a little to Nana's words, shaking her head in slight amusement. Though she frowned a tad bit when Nana suddenly changed her tone and mood, she letting out a gentle sigh that would send bits of matter toward the other neko's cheek.

And then the hug squeezed a bit more and, surprisingly enough, Cherry dipped her head in and gave Nana a kiss on the cheek before whispering; "Yeah... Me either. Though it's bigger for me... Say..." She paused a moment. Couldn't really do this... legally... "... Do you want to come with me? Out of Star Army..."
Nana's ear flicked gently as Cherry's breath hit it, shoulders rolling reflexively before her eyes widened. She slowly lowered her head, biting down on her bottom lip. Those words were more foreign than anything she had ever heard, and she wasn't entirely sure how to take it. Nana was, after all, essentially a good, compliant, hard worker, who had little life experience to speak of.

"Leave..? But... it's all I know.."
Cherry nodded gently, leaning her head on Nana's a bit in a show of affection and such, speaking in a gentle whisper. There were folk still about, after all! "... Me too, Nana... And... We don't really know very much, do we?"
Something burned in the pit of Nana's stomach. The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became, and that left a physical residue of sorts. Her head was swimming and she felt her knees shaking. Her voice cracked as she mumbled.

"..I.. I guess not.. But it's just.. I don't know. It scares me.. the idea of leaving. But at the same time..." Her voice faded, eyes growing misty. She shifted in place, quickly folding her arms beneath her chest and gaining a steely, hard stare that burned into the ground.

"I guess I've never thought about it before."
After having tripple-checked that their quarters were as clean and tidy as possible, Kim left. The soldier made her way down to the PA bays, a somewhat sheepish smile on her face as she moved through the Eucharis. The redhead had a reason to be happy.

Well in the PA bays, the Neko found the one she had used last night, and set about the task of cleaning the contraption, both inside and out. She sure as hell didn't want dirty access ports in her SPINE next time she used it.
"I will be disappointed if he does not arrive today," Hanako commented. After finishing with the vent, Hanako stepped down from the stepstool and went over to Misaki. "Have you had breakfast yet? I was thinking could get some before the kitchen closes. In fact, I was waiting for you."
Cherry frowned a tad bit as she watched Nana change quite literally in her arms. It made Cherry shudder a bit, in fact, and she quickly gave Nana a gentle squeeze to try and bring back up the neko's spirits again. She didn't want to see Nana down because of her in any way of the meaning of the word.

When she spoke it was in a hesitant tone, almost as if she was shy. Though, of course, Cherry wasn't. "Thats fine, Nana... Really. I just brought it up out of the blue... Don't worry about it." A pause. Nana was one of her last companions... Actually, Nana probably was the last of her companions, really. The thought made her glance over to the kitchen momentarily before she simply sighed, breath going across her friend's cheek. Cherry was selfish. "... Think about it, maybe?" Selfish enough to risk it... Nana couldn't go like Cherry could, could she...? Probably not...

No... Probably not.

... But it's worth it... For Nana.
Konoka ate standing up, in a corner, alone. She was new, and knew no-one. She played with a strand of baby-pink hair. She was a morning person, she was ready for the day, cheerful, wide awake, and longing for someone to talk to. She'd been thinking about her first actions on the job. It had unnerved her.

However, she was over it. She was cheerful and smiling, typical of her. She hummed softly to herself. She wished she could be more social. She thought to herself: Wonder what wonderful things I'll do today? She hadn't wanted to bother anyone, and she had been unsettled and therefore spazzy, so she'd spent the night at the Med Bay, not bothering anyone. Today she hoped to make friends. She muttered,"Everyone seems to have their own stuff going on. Who can I talk to?"
Turning towards Cherry, Nana slowly nodded, taking in a deep breath. With a sort of nervous glance from left to right, she opened her mouth to speak -- and, of course, nothing came out. Flicking her tongue across one of her canine teeth, she sank back down where she sat, laying her hands atop her lap.

"Okay..." She spoke low, her words hesitant, and she finally let her gaze meet Cherry's face again. "I'm going.. to think about it. But I don't want you to rush me!" Her tone became matter-of-fact, an all too serious look on her face, wrought with an iron sternness that just didn't fit with Nana's usually soft features.

"...but I'll think it over.. I just need time.."
Cherry paused a moment in hesitance as her body froze up, her teeth nibbling gently in the tip of the bottom of her lip as she looked to Nana. It would take a moment until she nodded, and then another until she actually spoke in a calm rather settled tone, much like her usual one really. "... Don't worry, Nana. Take your time, really."

Another pause. And her face dived in with Nana's facing her to give her companion a quick peck on the lips. A very quick one. A rather impulsive one, yeah, but a peck none the less.

Cherry's then retreat could probably be considered humorous, too. As right after the peck she brought her knees up to the seat and floated up into the air via way of usual biological warmachine traits, immediately flying to the door and hitting the ground on her knee before fleeing out said door to the hallways of the vessel in almost a jog. Half power walk half jog, really.

But she ran regardless.

And left her plate at the table, the insensitive little fuck.
Yaichiro floated through the maintenance conduits, cleaning, inspecting, and cleaning up the cabling and tubing where needed. He sent communications out to the technicians, unaware of Nana and Cherry's conversation.

A copy was sent to Hanako and Misaki, so as to keep them aware of what was being worked on.

As she was finishing her quick breakfast, Hotaru began to get up and as she did, she saw a Neko in a corner by herself looking lost. Deciding to approach her, Hotaru took her culinary things back to Mango, thanking her in the process before heading over to the new crewmember.

Bowing to the Science uniformed clad Neko, Hotaru smiled and said “O-hayou gozaimasu, are you our new medic? I’m Yamamoto Hotaru. You are?”
Konoka saw someone approach her. She smiled a sweet, happy smile. "Good morning. I'm the new medic, yes. I'm Konoka Miyazawa, Miyazawa Konoka, Santo Hei. I'm just starting work. I am extremely pleased to meet you. What do you do here? Are you in good health and spirits today?"

She cocked her head. She was so happy. A potential friend. There was no garuntee this person could not become her best friend. Possibilities were a beautiful thing. She swallowed the final bits of her breakfast. "Aaaah." she sighed. She loved good food. Though candy was her favorite...She smiled at the thought of sugar. "I love mornings, don't you? Don't you think this will be a wonderful day?" She smiled, reflecting her normal chipper attitude.
“Pleased to meet you Konoka-san and I am well thank you. I’m a pilot primarily but am hoping to diversify and gain a second role here. I’m proud to be an armor pilot but fighting isn’t everything,” replied Hotaru while returning Konoka’s smile.

Seeing Konoka finish her breakfast, Hotaru said, “I see you enjoy the food here. It is rather good isn’t it?” while thinking to herself with a grin, she is definitely a morning person! It’ll be nice to make a friend here plus her attitude is infectious.

“I’m not sure what today will bring, hopefully something new for me to learn. I love reading and learning new things. How about you? What do you think of the Eucharis? I love being here!” exclaimed Hotaru smiling.
"That is true." replied Konoka. " Fighting isn't everything. I really hate seeing people get hurt. That's why I love being able to help them. Promise me you'll take care of yourself, ok? I hate having to worry. Though I always will. Life is short, so take care of yourself and live a happy life. That's my philosophy."

She sighed. She hated thinking too hard. She liked to smile and be happy. "The food is very good. What else have they fed you in the past? Was it as good? Though I like sweets the best. Still, nutrition is important to stay healthy. I like that the meals seem to provide a balanced diet. Though if candy were nutritious..." She laughed softly. She'd probably eat nothing else.

"Even if you don't know what the day will bring, the possibilities are beautiful. You have so much potential to be happy during the day. Learning can be fun, I just like to do whatever makes me happy. What makes you happy? I've been here at the Eucharis since just yesterday, so i can't make a good judgement as to if I like it. The Med Bay is nice, it's one of the only places I've visited. Actually, the only place besides here. But I'm sure I'll love it! What do you like most?" She smiled. Hotaru-san could become a nice friend.
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