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RP: NSS Acadia Mission 5: Sidebar


Inactive Member
“One… Marine…”

That is all the CO said when he the airlock doors opened to allow Darux to come onto the ship from the transport shuttle, an obvious tone of annoyance permeating his voice.

Though technically he had been assigned to the NSS Acadia, Darux had been transported to the NSS Asp, a C3 class missile cruiser that was operating as the command ship of the 4th fleet. The Marines from the NSS Acadia had been reassigned to this ship for the time being while the fleets were being restructured.

The man standing infront of him had a cane supporting his weight in one hand and a datapad in the other. A green tank top replacing the traditional full naval uniform.

“The fleet is still regrouping from the last combat action so you’ll be alone here for a while.” He explained, “If you want to get something to eat you can come with me to the mess hall otherwise I’ll have Drei show you to your room where you can unpack. You should also visit the armory and requisition a power armor along with whatever gear you might need.”
Darux stepped into the NSS Asp with a scowl on his face, not that it ever went away, just that it had a reason to be there this time. He was still in space, though the ship was bigger than the transport, it mattered not to Darux. He snorted at the CO's voice. He briefly wondered how the CO would fair if he was sent on the ground, then banished the thought. If he could do his job here, he was useful.
At the sound of another person's voice, he snapped to a rigid attention. As the man spoke, he studied him. Though Darux did not know exactly who this person was or what rank, knew this person expected him to obey, and that's exactly what he did. Without thinking Darux replied, "With your permission, I will unpack my things, then go to the mess hall for food. After I have finished with that I will acquire whatever gear I need for the upcoming mission." Darux blinked as he realized that he had just gotten permission for these things. His scowl deepened, though out of thought rather than anger, as he thought up of something he could do after all was done, "I also request permission to use the NSS Asp's training equipment, if available, after everything else has been completed."
“The barracks is on deck four.” The man responded as a waist high spherical robot walked up, its four legs balancing its body over the floor as it turned a single, glowing, red eye towards Darux. “Drei will show you the way and answer any other questions you might have.” He would then turn and head down the hallway towards the stairs, his eyes focused on the datapad in his hand as the robot turned on its speakers,

“I apologize for that. I should have been here to greet you.” The robot said in a soft, feminine voice. “We just returned from a combat operation and all of my robots are busy running maintenance checks. Please follow me.” The robot would then begin backing up, walking with its eye towards Darux as it made its way to a lift. “You are being placed in the barraks with the rest of the marines, Grab any bunk and locker you want. This ship is equipped with a suite of power armor simulators and gym equipment on Deck 6. Though we normally use a marine vs marine set up for practicing power armor maneuvers I can simulate opponents from a wide range of skill levels. If you ever have any questions about how the ship operates, your duties, or where something is feel free to ask me.”

At the end of her length speech the drone would finally reach the marine barraks. Rows of bunk beds and lockers filled the room, all of which had been expertly folded and placed, still pristine even after the ship’s combat action.
Darux remained in a ridged salute until the man was gone. He cursed under his breath as he realized who he had been talking to. The man was an admiral and Darux did not know exactly how to behave towards one. He wondered if the admiral saw his actions as acceptable before sharply turning toward the lift, following the robot. He listened to what the machine had to say before turning toward the robot, "What is the standard procedure for addressing the admiral of this ship?" He said as he walked to the third to last bunker and began unpacking, taking out hastily packed clothing and putting them in the locker.
“Just be respectful.” Drei replied, leaving the drone to stand by Darux as he began unpacking. “Wazu tends to tolerate greater infractions in conduct for the personnel who are most capable in their jobs. Flawless execution of an operation, creative thinking, and results are rewarded. Botch a power armor landing or bungle something bad enough and you should start seriously considering keeping in uniform at all times, saluting when a superior officer comes into the room, and speak to a higher up only when spoken to.”

“Do you have a preference in power armor? Basic is putting most recruits through the paces in the hostile now but a lot still have stocks of other armors. I can manufacture any armor in the inventory and have it ready in your power armor node in half an hour.”
Darux nodded as he unpacked, making sure to remember what the machine said. At the mention of breaking power armor he closed his eyes and sighed heavily, "Well I better start keeping my uniform on from now on." At he mention of his preference of power armor he grinned, "Though I did a pretty good job with the hostile in training, only the earth models ever made it out of the training ground in one piece." His grin slipped and he frowned, "I've only used it a few times though, is there a simulation battle in which I can pilot an earth power armor?" Darux asked as he finished unpacking and started walking toward the mess hall, slowly to buy a bit of extra time with the machine just in case he had another question.
“I can simulate a wide range of opponents for you.” The drone said, “And a range of other challenges you can run through.” The voice would stop for a moment as the drone turned towards the doorway, “I’ll have an Earth assembled and readied in your assigned power armor node. This body is also needed right now for repair duty. The marines are returning from their last operation. I suggest you finish here and then head to the conference room to sit in on their debriefing.”
Darux stopped, "There here? Well then, better get to the briefing room." With that he turned toward the direction of the briefing room.

(Double checking, I'm going to the forum in the link now?)
(right, you can keep posting here if you want since there is still about 20 minutes between the end of this and the beginning of what happens in the next mission. However, everyone is going to be posting in mission 6 now so that thread is where all the action will be going down.)
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