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RP: 4th Fleet (NSN) [Mission 6] A Not-So-Brief Interruption


Inactive Member
Following the hectic events following their return to Prime, the Cavaliers were given some leave, provided that they did so incognito.

Then they all got a message asking them to meet at an apartment in downtown Prime City, in civilian clothes. And to come armed. It was a simple text message from an "Unknown Sender" on their military issue datajockeys.

6001 Delancey Boulevard
APT #12-12
Prime City, Nepleslia Prime

None of them had yet heard about what was going on with Admiral Valken, except that he was now in the care of the IPG. That probably meant he was safely tucked away on Abjection and unable to run anything for 4th Fleet.

Laura and Bernhard were the first to arrive, having driven from Bernhard's family home where the two had been staying. She hadn't wanted Bernhard to be involved in this but his datajockey had pinged too. Officially, he was part of the Cavaliers again, unless Sergeant Volkov kicked him over to the Minutemen or another squad.

But the reason why she didn't want him involved yet was that she was concerned for him. Something was wrong with Bernie and even his family had noticed it. None of them had said anything but it was there in their words.

Like it or not, they were now in hostile territory. Laura fingered the hidden pistol in her left trouser pocket while her right arm was wrapped around Bernhard's left, imitating a young couple on a date.

The apartment looked like it was from some historic decrepit slum. A brick and mortar building set against larger, taller modern prefabricated apartment blocks. It stood out as a place for the underclasses of Prime to gather. Beggars, prostitutes, and vagabonds of all sorts roamed the hallways within.

As they climbed the stairs, they found the rest of the squad outside the apartment, scattered in groups and just waiting

The wooden door had been locked and none of them had decided to risk kicking it down, in case it was booby trapped. It was a simple mechanical lock that Bastilen could have picked in his sleep.

Before any words beyond greetings could be exchanged, the locked door suddenly swung creakily open. All it revealed was an antechamber that looked just as run down as the rest of the place. But they couldn't see the interior of the apartment because yet another door blocked their way.

Together, weapons ready, the Cavaliers entered the antechamber. Laura tried the door in front of them and fell right through it. The others rushed after her, barely registering the fact that the second "door" was a hologram projection and recognizing that something was definitely going on.

The Cavaliers abrupt charge stopped when they passed through and saw Laura unharmed, looking embarrassed. And in front of them, a dozen men and women clad in the unmistakable uniform of the IPG. Each of them had a rifle or shotgun in hand, ready to use them. But they weren't pointed at the Cavaliers.

"Not very impressive, as far as Commando work goes. Which, I suppose, is acceptable since you're not trained for this work. Follow me, please, Marines."

The true interior was actually very cosy and clearly renovated independently of the rest of the complex. It was also very obviously an IPG safehouse, from the way listening and communications gear was spread out. And weapons racks were scattered along the walls.

The speaker led them into a room with no windows and a large square table with enough seats for all of them.

He took one and then waited for the Marines to have a seat.

"I am Commandant Shang, head of IPG operations throughout the Imperium. In other words, I run the IPG while Admiral Valken is running 4th Fleet. Clearly, you have questions but let me speak first. This room is being monitored so any side conversations you might have are being recorded, any messages you send from here will be intercepted, I would really like to do this in a less suspicious manner but... circumstances are not ... optimal for that."

"As you are keenly aware, the NSS Dauntless was attacked two weeks ago by then-unknown terrorists. Admiral Valken's life, as well as your own lives, were imperiled and 68 sailors were killed. We, the IPG, did not detect the threat and it was clearly an internal threat. For that, I owe you all an apology. And I must acknowledge how ham-fisted some of my subordinates were when they came to whisk the Admiral off. My orders, though not the style I would have chosen.

"Simply put, Dominic Valken is actually more important to us than any of the other Grand Admirals. He reformed the IPG while leading 4th Fleet and most of the new Operators were recruited on his orders. And if someone is gunning for him, that makes this as personal as it can get for the IPG. And someone is definitely gunning for him."

The room went dark and a 2D video projection appeared on the far wall to the left. It showed wrecked vehicles and craters in the ground as NPD and IPG investigators combed it. Amongst the wrecks were heavily armored cars, riddled with heavy caliber bullet holes. "This is the aftermath of an attack on a NPD convoy, which we deliberately leaked false information about, with the NPD's consent. We said that the NPD would be transporting the Admiral under the guise of a convicted murderer. Not true and they actually were transporting a convicted murderer. A few of the officers on this convoy were IPG Military Police Operators in disguise. We found these in their helmet cams."

The silent screening changed to a jerky and smoky video. Whoever was wearing the camera was obviously running, taking cover behind an overturned police car. He or she checked underneath but before the camera could get a view, the head jerked up as if in revulsion and then turned. The Operator's pistol came up, firing thrice into the smoke before a tracer round suddenly zipped through it and struck the IPG agent, who slumped against the car. Then the camera changed as though it was being ripped off the helmet, pointed at the sky. And then when it settled, it was from ground view from somewhere shady. The wounded IPG agent's back visible as he tried to resist before a military-style boot and digital camo trousers appeared. And then the IPG agent fell sideways, blocking the camera's view.

"Operator Ozzeway took the video from his camera, hiding it in that police car after he'd been wounded. It gives one valuable clue. The camouflage pattern on those trousers. We also know that the NPD's radios were jammed, preventing them from reporting in right away. They found out when citizens started reporting an attack through their own telephone lines. Another clue we have are the smoke bombs used to mask the attack. If Ozzeway hadn't given us that video, we wouldn't know a thing about what they look like. Those bombs aren't NAM or factory made. They were home made, with military grade precision. A couple had been left where they were placed, obviously the clean up crew got sloppy.

"No one survived the ambush. We found evidence that some of them, like Ozzeway, had been executed with shots to the head. So, we have a pretty good idea now about who we're dealing with. Any questions so far?"

Shang hadn't given them all the clues he had, like the few bullet casings they'd recovered or the size of the bullet holes and craters, but this was the obvious stuff which had made it a no-brainer for them. Few organizations had personnel with military-grade skills and equipment, practically none of them would have made a daylight assault on a governmental convoy. Something like that ensured the attention of the IPG. While it was still trying to set up intelligence networks outside of Nepleslia, their presence within the Imperium was felt everywhere.
Re: [[Mission 6]] A Not-So-Brief Interruption

Phaedra sat quietly and absorbed the information presented by Commandant Shang. The scowl on her face was obvious however; she did not like anything about this situation, nor the disturbing information she was given. Still, she sat quietly with her arms crossed over her chest and listened.

"Any questions so far?" asked Shang. Nearly a dozen questions floated through Phaedra's mind, but the obvious ones were: "Was it Paragon mercenaries who executed the attack?"

"Valken as head of the IPG, I still cannot believe it. And this Commandant Shang; do both of them know about the training incident? Do they know what really happened to me?" thought Phaedra. The questions about her past automatically came to the surface.
"As head of the IPG, surely they would know. But do I really want to know the truth?

Phaedra unconsciously flexed her metal left hand into a fist. She closed her remaining eye for a moment and sighed.

"Focus! I am not important. What is important is the safety and protection of Nepleslia and its people. That is why we are here!"

Phaedra opened her eye and then asked her question.

"The digital camo on that man's trousers is used by Paragon mercenaries, is it not?"
Re: [[Mission 6]] A Not-So-Brief Interruption

"I can't believe this crap, finally found my new unit and some mystery man wants to meet," Eric mumbled to himself while walking down the street. "Making me come to the bad side of town huh? You're damn right I'm coming armed." A kindly prostitute had pointed him in the wrong direction about fifteen minutes before and after stumbling through the lower class of the city, he had come upon it. It sure wasn't pretty to look at, but this was the address. He tightened his jacket around himself and went inside.

He had barely found the door when he started noticing the small groups of people gathered around. "Nope these aint bums," he mumbled under his breath. Right on his heels a young couple entered and the groups converged on the door. They moved with the practice of professionals and he was at a loss of where he fit in. He fell back on his training and did what any good private does, pretend like you know exactly what's going on.

They entered the room and his hand instinctively went to his holster underneath his arm, feeling his .45. Someone quickly spoke up and laid out information he hadn't heard much about. When they moved to the new room, he politely sat down but kept his arms crossed, with his hand on his handgun. He had no idea what was going on and he didn't like it. Deciding that he wouldn't be of much help to either party, he was content on letting them settle their business while he sized them all up.
Re: [[Mission 6]] A Not-So-Brief Interruption

"Quite true, Sergeant. These are Paragon colors." The image shifted from the video still to a house. It was Mr. and Mrs. Valken's home, the scene of a kidnap attempt on the Admiral some time ago. Also by ex-Paragon.

"We now believe that the attempt on the Admiral last year and this current spate are related. The Admiral's family are secured in a safehouse with several Military Police operators watching them. We have a Commando squad standing by as a reserve. Anything happens, we drop power armor on them."

The picture now shifted to the man believed to have orchestrated the earlier attempt.

"Arnold Boobinsnatch. Cashiered from the NSMC for attempting to sell crates of factory-new Assault Ordnance Projectors and munitions for them onto the black market. Joined Paragon, stayed loyal to it after it went defunct. We now believe that he and a large portion of the former mercenaries blame Admiral Valken for the failure of the company. Hence, why they attempted to barter the Admiral's life for warship plans. They could sell our latest designs to various political rivals or foreign companies." Shang did not say that he suspected that the Gartagen Union, the destination demanded by Boobinsnatch, was also a very good place to sell to.

The IPG were starting to keep tabs on the rapidly expanding Union. Ether was uncomfortably close to the colonies and Freespacers. The GU wouldn't start a war with Nepleslia. 1st Assault Fleet at half strength alone was enough to destroy their Navy. Add in a full-strength 2nd AF and elements from the 3rd, 4th and the IPGND. It wasn't a military question. But the Spacers at Port Hope and Neue Jaspis were essentially defenseless and the Gartagens may think to try something there. While a military solution was easy, it was Shang's job to prevent it from becoming necessary.

Right now, these ex-Paragon were his best lead.

"Grand Admiral Valken is fully recovered and is not happy to be unable to coordinate with the Fleet. We had suggested that he work from a warship but he disagrees with us, citing how he needs to be in the office so that everyone can see that he's not scared. So we're going to be using your headquarters. Obviously it is necessary for all of us to protect the Admiral so he will be accompanied by two bodyguards, who will be discreet. They are the last line of defense. Your squad will be the first, overt line, Sergeant Volkov. We will also be placing an Intelligence task force in your headquarters to gather information and pass it onto the Admiral. If and when they attack, and they will attack, it is your squad's job to protect Valken and get us prisoners. We will be doing investigations outside. But let me be absolutely clear about one thing. Our enemy is already here, already planning to strike. The moment you exit this building, you are to consider yourselves in hostile territory until you get to a military facility, which I suggest be the first thing you do. Anyone acting alone will go missing and we have to assume that there are moles in the police and military. Be very careful about security. Questions?"

Laura spoke first, all childish clinging to Bernhard gone. "I've done some research and I know that there were some encounters by our forces, including the NSS Acadia, of something called Mr. Brown. The details were sketchy but it sounded like NMX controlled ID-SOLs. After having found that Paragon bastard acting as warden in a squid prison, would there be a connection between these Paragon idiots and the NMX?"

Shang's brow furrowed slightly. It wasn't a connection he or his people had made. "We have not fully explored that line of thinking yet but it will be pursued. It is not outside the realm of possibility." He paused to consider it more thoroughly. The idea was certainly a plausible one.

"You will be interested to know that the man you captured is a self-styled Major Louis Verner. He's not telling us what he was doing in NMX uniform, yet, but we do know about his past life. Suspected Reds military, wasn't on Kennewes when we dropped the hammer on them so we believe he went underground and resurfaced in Paragon. While you were at Tange, there was an incident with one of their people. For some reason, they had assets there and threatened to bomb you if the Admiral didn't allow them to leave. So we've got him on record for threatening military and civilian personnel as well as jeopardizing a military operation. I'm sure we can also add treason to the growing list now that we have him in NMX uniform. His prisoners are giving us quite a few horror stories about his treatment of them. He is now enjoying our hospitality on Abjection."

He looked around the table to see what kind of reaction these Marines would have. Valken had told him that the Cavaliers were veterans, loyal to the cause. But there was new blood amongst them. New blood was a security issue and an operational unknown.
Julian sat quietly throughout the briefing. He was a new addition to the 4th, "new blood" as a lot of the veterans would like to say. This was something, he admitted to himself, that he was not expecting. Moles in the police and the military? That was just unheard of as far as Julian was concerned. All of this political and corporate upheaval was something that did not interest him in the slightest. All he wanted to do was to be assigned and to carry out his assignment to the best of his ability. But worrying about moles and traitors that could be anywhere? That was something that Julian did not like one bit. He fingered his ESG's safety, turning it on and off in anticipation and nervousness. He didn't really know the situation, and as far as he was concerned, didn't want to know any more about it until he had to. He looked around the room, the different kinds of people that had gathered here were very unique, and Julian was excited at the possibility at working alongside the lot of them.
Talbain sat through the briefing portion, a bit suspicious the IPG had seemed this forward with information. He had become accustomed to far more secretive and violent methods from the interactions he had with the IPG while stationed on the Acadia.

As for the assignment itself it was the sort that he had learned to like the least. Defending a static objective. There were just so many points that could be exploited by an attacking element when they only needed to get one good shot in to achieve victory. The ID-SOLs mind began going through ways that a group could get into position to perform a strike on the Grand Admiral. The possibilities were staggering.

"Commandant Shang. The combination of possibilities for such an attack is a problem. Are there additional resources we should be considering available for this defense to address this?" The question was valid. Marine equipment was meant for offensive action and was less than ideal for a static defense against a force that was largely unidentifiable and had the freedom to pick their approach.
"In a word, no. The Grand Admiral has complete override authority over you and me. If he wants to work from the Fleet HQ, it's your job to use its already formidable defenses. Captain Murdoch is already preparing it but we can't bring more troops into the operation. After all, we want them to attack and then catch them.

"I'm not expecting a swarm attack in broad daylight. From what I can tell, we're looking at multiple terrorist cells that are operating in concert. Each cell, individually, is too weak to pull this off. The operation to kidnap the Grand Admiral was one cell being desperate. The armed freighter required huge amounts of resources, which we're backtracking. Lots of aliases and smokescreens but we're working through it. Your job will be to ensure the Admiral's safety until we pinpoint these cells and take them out. The more visible your security, the better. After your work against Boobinsnatch, the Cavaliers are infamous and you might make them think twice. Plus, we're fairly certain that they don't have power armor. If you have an alternate plan that will satisfy the Grand Admiral, I'm willing to entertain it."

Shang didn't like the plan anymore than Talbain but he saw no other alternative. Then again, these were front-line Marines. Shang had been thinking along the lines of a security and intelligence agent for over a year.

"Sergeant Volkov, the Admiral only asked for your squad. Do you want to bring in any other squads or personnel?"
"Boobinsnatch. What a ridiculous name. I wouldn't mind putting a gun in his face again," thought Phaedra, remembering when they saved the Admiral from the Ex-Paragon Mercs previously.

"Sergeant Volkov, the Admiral only asked for your squad. Do you want to bring in any other squads or personnel?"

"I would like to have Morris' Minutemen on hand as well. I would not trust anyone else but them to have as backup," replied Phaedra.
"Corporal Morris' squad has been tasked with another mission by the Grand Admiral and will be unavailable."

Shang wanted to keep the nature of Morris' assignment quiet. It was a mission he wanted to give to an IPG Commando unit but there were none available. The one assigned as a reactionary force for the Grand Admiral's security could have been replaced by another MP squad but the difference of quality in the MPs would have been noticeable.

"Corporal Holmes and his squad are all ex-Paragon. They've proven themselves, why not bring them aboard?" Laura asked.

"Because we are already working with them to track down various avenues that might be or have been used by our enemy."

"Sergeant, there's that squad of six. Sergeant Hardman's unit. 3 ID-SOLs and 3 Jiyuuian aces," Laura suggested again.
"Corporal Morris' squad has been tasked with another mission by the Grand Admiral and will be unavailable."

Phaedra scowled. She hated being on the wrong foot like this; she should have asked who was not already assigned to a task. But apparently Laura had that covered for her."

"Sergeant, there's that squad of six. Sergeant Hardman's unit. 3 ID-SOLs and 3 Jiyuuian aces," Laura suggested again.

"Hardman's Hammers; assuming they have not already been assigned a task? If they are unavailable, then Motoyama's Avengers."
Bastilen found himself sitting near Talbain as he was one of the few members of the Cavaliers that the odd Nepleslian enjoyed being in the company. Being in the gentle cupping hand of the IPG forced him to be on edge. Yet, the kind of treatment they received, the people they were talking to, had him quite level. Every notion of receiving instruction reminded him of the reeducation processes he had gone through on Abjection. The pin-pricking, the chemical suggestion, the constant loyalty initiatives. The IPG he was used to carried long flat blades to keep the galaxy's worst in line.

He didn't get that sort of vibe from this guy.

Yet, knowing he was IPG forced that chemical programming in his mind to churn like a stove's fire. Those who watched could see him clench his fist, with blood-vessels stretching his skin thin when he heard of treacherous attacks on the leadership. Yet, a strange, serene nature followed over the Private's luminous, blue eyes when heard of talk of catching prisoners.

"This one prisoner we caught... already on Abjection?" the marred soldier leaned over a bit, tapping his chin as the venomous alterations in his mind pressed questions, "Does that mean we get to treat the traitors we catch like Abjection prisoners?"
Shang turned to face Bastilen, his head lowered into the high collar of the IPG trenchcoat so that only his eyes displayed any expression. They drilled right into Bastilen, as the IPG Commandant recalled everything he knew about the man.

IPG prisoner, held at Abjection during the Veles years, subjected to re-education. Yes, he was the dark horse here. He knew none of the others would like this op but they'd do it since it was still the Grand Admiral calling the shots. But this one, he would still have baggage. Possibly unresolvable baggage. Most of the Operators from Veles' time had been removed or forcibly retired. Commandant Shanina had a whole team in Intelligence working to ensure none of those guys got out of hand. If they did, the MPs would be sent in. But the uniform, the mission, the same basic ice-cold disregard for collateral was still there.

"These men are traitors. Either you bring them in alive and breathing or you bring them in cold and dead. They have no protection from the law or the state they betrayed. I would prefer ranking officers alive but I will take whatever I get."

He returned to Phaedra's request next.

"Sergeant Hardman's unit will be assigned to work with you. That should provide the necessary numbers for your assignment. Captain Murdoch can provide any other security requirements from his own security detail. Grand Admiral Valken does not want too many Marines guarding him so that they can be used on 'offensive operations.'" Shang kept quiet about the fact that the Admiral wanted even fewer IPG around him, which meant that the total security cordon was sub-optimal.

It was, if Shang was correct, the Admiral's way of goading the enemy to attack him while he was underdefended but completely prepared. The IPG Commandant had a sneaking suspicion that the Admiral had a streak of pride that made him demand revenge for an unfair defeat.
Eric had sat listening to his new squad leader's knowledge on the matter. He was quite new to combat and operations outside of planetary security forces, but as an engineer he had been mulling over the problem he had been given and would get an engineer worthy answer.

He had been a private for some time and had heard many a tale about the IPG and honestly, he was intimidated. He gingerly raised his hand, "Is it a safe assumption that we will have full cooperation of headquarters and their staff on defensive operations, security, and fortifications?" He hadn't wanted to overstep his bounds or to even make himself known, but it was doubtful any line infantry marine could understand that engineers needed details. "What amount of preparation are we allowed, and is our operational area restricted to inside headquarters?"
"Didn't you hear him?" smirked Bastilen, looking directly at Eric, his cold, blue eyes burning on those black, metal scleras. The Tech Expert leaned back into his chair, sifting a few fingers into his coat. Pulled from the inside, tucked from its safety, was his Marine Combat Axe. He began to flip it, tossing the handle in the air just enough for it to spin. "We start work as soon as we exit the house. That means any part of the city is our operational zone as long as it's defending the Admiral and Nepleslian interest."

He caught the axe again, and drove it into the table with one flourishing swing.

Thock! Resounded a strike that was reminiscent of a headsman's chop, would there have been a head there. Those blue eyes worked their way back to the IPG agent. At that his fingers loosed from the handle of the weapon and he propped his now free hand on his knee.

"The Intelligence Pacification Group doesn't pinch pennies when it comes to this kind of thing. We're talking about high command-level protectorate targets. Fleet Admirals are just a step under the Sky Marshall, and a single step over Senators in security value. It'd be questionable if they couldn't warrant us a range of proper supply and support," Bastilen's lips carefully formed the words, as if he himself were one of the terrible interrogators of the Veles Era, "Very questionable."
Shang turned his baleful gaze to Eric. The Commandant of the IPG did not suffer fools lightly and this one was asking many foolish questions. Eric Spence, newbie to the fleet and squad. No wonder he was asking questions without any formality.

"You would do to remember who you're speaking to. The Grand Admiral would not tolerate such ... informality," was all Shang said. He was also amused by Bastilen's outburst. It had a flair to it, the theatrics mixed with cold reality. Maybe he might turn out to be a possible IPG candidate. And maybe Nekos were human.

Laura leaned across to smack Eric when Bernhard stopped her.

"Captain Murder is the 4th Fleet's third-in-command. If anything, we fall into his defensive measures. And our operational area is wherever the Admiral goes. Like that guy said, we are now the Admiral's personal bodyguard," Bernhard said patiently.

"Sergeant Volkov, I leave you brief Sergeant Hardman and his unit. And now, I must ask you to leave. A pair of Outriders from your HQ are outside to take you back to your HQ and begin your preparations. And if any of you breathe a word about this place or what was discussed here, someone will have to come by and have a chat with you."

The Marines were led out of the apartment unceremoniously and when they got to the street, they saw a pair of green SMDION Outrider armored cars waiting for them.

The lead car, which Phaedra got into, was driven by none other than Sergeant Hardman in uniform. "I'm guessing there's a reason why I'm picking your squad up from this seedy joint?" he said as Phaedra, Laura, Bastilen and Eric climbed in.

Talbain, Bernhard, Stan and Wulfe got into the other car. Their driver was Butch, the aggressive one. "Good thing I'm driving. Boomer would have tried to make it back to HQ in under 30 seconds. And it took us twenty minutes to get here," he told them.

"So... who're you guys then?" Bernhard asked curiously. None of them had been around when he had left the squad. And it had been split into the Minutemen as well. All that remained from when he had first joined 4th Fleet were Laura and Phaedra. It made Bernhard feel very awkward, despite being back to his original unit.


As the cars pulled up to the 4th Fleet HQ, a large though comparatively short building, the Marines noticed how subtle and not so subtle changes had come about to the HQ. It was only eight storeys high, compared to some of the skyscrapers in the area which rose to almost a hundred.

But it made up for height in width and depth. Most of the HQ was now underground. Aboveground floors were mainly places that didn't involve sensitive stuff. And it had a wide open, well-kept lawn on all sides, giving the defenders an excellent killing field. Where once it had simply been empty save for bushes or flower patches, now pairs of J2 Combat Robots patrolled with their miniguns on a constant swivel.

And parked outside of the gate, two of the huge, new Maximus Heavy Main Battle Tanks, still in their factory black and green colors. Senior Corporal Tim Kerr stood atop one of the turrets and waved them in. Obviously his squad had traded the smaller K4 hover tanks for these behemoths.

"I would love to see foot infantry try to get past those two," Laura giggled gleefully at the thought of certain massacre, "All those laser pulse arrays would eat up a whole battalion!"
"I heard they used to be smaller," said Bastilen aside to Laura, staring up at the large tanks as the squad went by them. He tucked his hands into his pockets, eying the well-placed turrets and the dual-purpose cannon. While Nepleslia already had the monstrous Aggressor, the Maximus was a true display of Nepleslian might. With that loadout of weaponry, nothing save for a starship, could outgun the Nepleslians on the battlefield.

With that he turned his eyes forward, "They planned to put out with a smaller engine to conserve costs, but they say that the Premier actually told them that he wanted to 'drive it down the highway'."
Eric had remembered his mistake as soon as the commandant looked his way. Alongside the chewing out his superior gave him, the halted aggression by his squad leader, and the scornful look the commandant gave him, Eric was content to shut his mouth and just soak up as much information from the rest of his squad as he could. At least his questions had been answered and he had some new things to think about.

The session closed and they walked briskly to waiting armored vehicles. He slid into a seat next to his squad leader and tried to enjoy the ride. He had overstepped his bounds, and he felt like a jackass, but oh well nothing to do about it now but take the heat. He grabbed a pouch of chewing tobacco from his jacket and proceeded to put some of it in his jaw. It relaxed him though he didn't dare spit anywhere near his new squad leader. He bucked up and swallowed it, one of his hard earned talents I suppose, but it didn't make it any less vile.

The sight of headquarters with it's massive titans of Nepleslian weaponry displayed for everyone to see would, by themselves, cause people to second guess a frontal assault, which only caused him to worry about what they weren't thinking of protecting.
Wulfe had kept quiet during the whole briefing, he figured that the less he made himself noticed by the IPG, the better. From what he heard during the basic training, which seemed a whole lot of time from then, and the spooks he saw during the day the Cavaliers rescued the admiral on his own house the marine was set on doing so.

Bernhard's question got Wulfe's attention back; he had been staring at the floor of the Outrider as the vehicle drove back to the HQ, thinking about nothing in particular.

'I'm the guy who got buried under a few tons of rubble by friendly fire. The guy who did it is sitting in this very same vehicle, no, not the corporal, the other one.' is what he wanted to say right off the bat.

"Private First Class Stones." He said instead, looking back at the flooring as the vehicle continued to make its way to the HQ.
"I'm guessing there's a reason why I'm picking your squad up from this seedy joint?" said Hardman.

"Your squad will be assisting the Cavaliers in protecting the Admiral. That is all I am at liberty to say at the moment," said Phaedra with a scowl.

"Damn IPG have me all on edge," thought Phaedra. She shifted her shoulders inside her leather jacket; she almost preferred her uniform over the civilian clothes she now currently wore. She glanced over at the newest face in the vehicle.

"Spence, was it? This is an atypical mission for the Cavaliers. I hope you are ready for some action, because there will be no small amount of it. Just remember your training and follow the orders you are given; that is all that matters."

As they pulled up to the HQ, Phaedra had a feeling in the back of her mind that something unexpected was about to happen very soon.
The unceremonious exit from the IPG controlled building felt more like the IPG Talbain knew. But it was definitely different still. The old IPG would have had the squad walk back to headquarters just to see who shot at them. Looking around the buildings one last time while people mounted up Talbain expected that there were quite a few sets of eyes watching him.

"Good thing I'm driving. Boomer would have tried to make it back to HQ in under 30 seconds. And it took us twenty minutes to get here,"

Talbain wasn't very familiar with Boomer. Just that they were in the same unit, and that there was a degree of respect that went with that. "Good. We're going to need someone who's going slow enough to actually pay attention to what's around them. There's a chance we're going to be shot at by someone more competent than the gangs around here."

As for the 'new' guy. Talbain was at a loss. Someone who actually turned Romero into a reasonably personable individual, that wasn't something he had seen anyone do. Looking the man in the face as he answered the question. "Corporal Talbain. Aggressor pilot. What's your specialization.?"

Pulling up to the HQ the new lawn ornaments were impressive. Though he doubted they were there for more than dissuasion at the moment.
"Ok. Suit up for imminent combat and everyone brings an observation probe." was the only thing Talbain had to say before dismounting and proceeding towards the other car to wave over Bastilen.