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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 6] - The Trounce of Tami

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"Eh hello. I don't mean to bother or to be impolite but I couldn't find any other way to contact you." She said with nervous voice, while she walked just behind the gate. "My name is Zeta Five. It is a little blunt to say but I would like to join the crew."
She looked on Lucas face with anticipiation what comes next. Well that wasn't the best way of introduction.
Vincent was leaned back against the wall of the building near where Arin was taking apart whatever she was taking apart (the girl flitted from one piece of equipment to the next without breaking stride, which was too much for Vincent to track). He had drifted off about five minutes before Arin had used the intercom, but when Crane spoke he was immediately on edge. His boots clomping on out of the room, Vincent headed for the kitchen.
Jim made his way into the kitchen a few beats behind Vincent. Normally the resident chef was pretty calm, even under pressure, but something had spooked the guy, and it sounded like something within the base. It could be a prank, but judging by the circumstances, Jim thought this to be unlikely.

"The fridge," Crane pointed to the offending object, as it emitted another bump. He reeled back with his jaw dropped, "IT'S MOVING!"
It gave another audible bump, shaking a little. Crane looked at Jim's NSP, and pointed to it, while peering at the fridge make another bump, "Can I borrow that for a second, or have you got anything smaller?"

Crane visibly looked nervous - for two reasons. He wanted what was in that fridge out of there, and he didn't want to harm the fridge in the process. It'd be very hard to come by one.

Meanwhile, outside, Zeta's introduction pleased the captain. It was always good to see a new face.
"Sure, no worries ma'am. We're always looking for more crewmembers or tagalongs," He showed him over, "The pay is when it happens, too - but it's hard to get employment when the whole planet is close to swarming with Mishhu..."

"Keeps us on our toes, though," Sebastian said without thought, walking by, "Keeps us busy." He gave a wry smile at the prospect, then realised that a new crewmember had arrived.
"Pleased to make your acquaintance, I am Sebastian Pavone," He introduced himself cordially, "I trust my son has made you feel welcome, Mrs..." He didn't quite catch her name, and erred.
Well that went pretty easy, Zeta thought, Do they just let anybody join?
She looked at Sebastian. "Hello Mr. Pavone, My name is Zeta Five."
Then she looked back to Luca.
"Thank you for accepting me into the crew, sir!" She said, her voice still sounded little nervous, "I will do my best!"
"Alright, Jim," Vincent said calmly, even as the fridge (which by some small miracle of physics was even bulkier than him) continued lurching towards the group. "I'm going to see if I can get around behind it and pull the plug. If it keeps moving after I have, shoot it. If it's still moving, shoot it some more."

The big merc then lurched off towards the fridge on his own, moving to its right side and (hopefully) around behind it.
Jim silently cursed, he only had his 10mm on him at the moment; he had left his bigger gun on the ship so he wouldn't be burdened while trying to carry everything out of there.

Fumbling for his pistol, Jim took aim at the fridge with a scowl. Something like this had never happened before. "Let's take this easy Vincent," Jim said quietly.
"The big guy is right on this one." Arin murmured, leaning on the doorway while observing the ID-Sol and the Chef. "If it's still moving after he pulls the plug, then it's definitely not a mechanical problem. In that case..." She tapped the Dragonsbreath hanging by her side with her screwdriver. "Dinner will be extra fresh today."

She wasn't in the mood to deal with biological surprises of any kind, including the one the members of her sex is burdened with.
"Okay, on my count..." Crane said as he cocked the 10mm pistol, haphazardly, and allowed the others to get a piece of the action. A few beads of sweat were barely contained by his hat, "3... 2... 1..."

Vincent pulled the plug immediately and Crane flung the fridge door open with his pistol pointed into it. The critter that was making the shaking wasn't in the main fridge, per-se, but it'd gotten into the vegetable crisper drawer and locked itself in, almost by accident. It was hard to see exactly what it was through the clouded plastic, but it was brown.

"There it is..." He said as he put his hands around the handle, his were hands shaking more than what was in there, "GET.READY.SHOOT.IT.GO!" He motormouthed as he pulled with so much force that he inadvertently flung the drawer out of the fridge and fell backwards, and flung the contents of the crisper drawer onto his face and chest.

Some half-eaten lettuce, a gnawed zucchini, some chomped carrots and tomatoes, amongst other vegetables - as well as a Peter, the crew's pet platypus, sitting on the chef's chest. The duck-billed, webby-footed, poison-sting sporting and furry little critter made of the scraps from Mother Nature's cutting room floor.

"Quee?" The platypus vocalised as it stared into Crane's eyes.
The look on Crane's face was a mix of surprise and amusement - whatever was in there could've been worse, after all.

Meanwhile, outside, Luca motioned to Zeta to get onto the ship, quickly - as he and the rest of the crew would be leaving very soon since everything was packed up.
Vincent sighed audibly. A platypus was making the fridge move? Either the fridge was made of styrofoam or the platypus secretly weighed about a ton. The merc walked over to Crane, took Peter in one hand and lifted Crane to his feet with the other. Brushing the leaf lettuce off him and placing the remaining, un-eaten vegetables back into the crisper drawer, he passed Nature's cutest abomination off to Jim, then plugged the fridge back in and moved it flush to the wall.

"Heh, well that was embarrasing." Vincent said as the refridgerator began humming behind him again.
"Yes sir." she responded. Onto ship then. Luckily she hadher most important things with her. Her pistol and few clothing plus her money. She didn't need anything else, after all.

She was checking her pockets while walking to the ship. Soon into space, she thought to herself. To see new things and meet new people. She might be dissapointed most of the times but she would bet that most of it would be exciting.
Jim blinked. In all that had transpired over the last few weeks, he had completely forgotten about their fuzzy companion. Smiling widely and holding the little creature in his hands, Jim shouted, "Peter!"

Peter gave him an indignant look as if to say, "You know what you did and you'd better be sorry. Hmph."

There wasn't much Jim could do other than laugh at the ridiculous expression the creature was making. "Haha, don't worry little guy, I'm not going to abandon you again, I promise. Now come on, let's go."

With that, Jim placed Peter on his shoulder, grabbed a couple final bags of equipment, and headed for the Big Bird.
In due time, everything was packed up and ready to go. The base was completely locked up, and left in a reasonable state, sans furniture. All that was left there was an old fridge covered in bullet holes.

"Okay," John said as he made the radio protocols and turned on the thrusters, pulling the landing gears in, "I'd like a quick headcheck before we take off to Nepleslia Prime for some, er - fun in the sun." John gave a happy grumble, "I could do with some of that."

"I'm ready, let's move!" Luca ordered as he double checked all of his clothing - swimming trunks especially.
"Good to go," Sebastian said, kicking his feet up on the lounge, watching the Televisor 12000.
"Ready, and patients are in stable conditions," Anna reported as she looked over her patients, first to Robert, whose injured leg meant he had to hang back, "This downtime will do us good."
"Yep," Robert smiled as he lied down in the bed.
Anna turned to Nyezeh, "I'm sure you agree, ma'am?"

"I'm here... I'm fine..." Crane said as he got up, cleaned his kitchen a little, and sat down in the lounge with a cuppa, sipping lightly. He was still somewhat shaken by the spontaneous platypus.
"Right behind you..." Hitori tapped John on the shoulder.
A loud burp could be heard as Mitch reported that he'd gotten into his bottles of scrumpy. Possibly to ease the trauma of the back-to-back missions.
"Yeah yeah..." Mel grunted as she put her rifle-revolver-railgun hybrid away. She'd studied how it worked, and sighed lightly, unable to figure it out.
"Uh huh..." Allison, one of the other newer crew members announced, "Where'd you get this ship anyway?" She asked the captain.

Luca thought for a moment, "Inherited?"
"Nah - you coerced someone for it," Sebastian corrected the technicality.
"It was more of a donation," Luca retorted.
Sebastian shook his head, "He asked you not to break his legs."
"I didn't say I wouldn't, did I?!"

((OOC Language Note: Cuppa = Australian Slang for 'Cup of Tea'))
((Kind of like the American term, except replace "tea" with "coffee".))

"I'm here," Vincent said over the intercom from the kitchen. Truth be told, he hadn't actually left or headed anywhere from the kitchen, just kind of stood there like an extra piece of furniture and occasionally pitching in when Crane needed a hand lifting something. Now that Crane was relaxing, though, Vincent decided his work was done. He silently plodded over to the armory.
Zeta went up the ramp into the ship. She walked into the vehicle storage. Three GP-Off Roads Vehicles were there and one of them didn't look so good. She looked around and didn't see anyone.
Just a peek probably won't be bad, She thought to herself as she looked under the hood. Hmm, this beauty is running on an Aether generator.

Then the intercom in vehicle storage went alive. Zeta listened as crew members were reporting themselves. It doesn't look like they are an army or anything. Atmosphere sounds pretty friendly. She walked to the intercom and said, "Here's the new crew member, I am ready too."

Now that must have sounded soooo stupid. Well, what can you do? She had to go and say hello to the others, but it could probably wait. Off Roads vehicles called her like sirens and she had no problem to answer that call.
Arin's usual curious personality was partially restored by the appearance of 'Peter the Platypus' which she has never seen before. While she's more attracted to mechanical oddities, she knew enough of biology to know duck-like beaks, webbed feet, poison stingers, egg laying and fur don't really come together so often.

When she was carrying the last pieces of scrap she managed to salvage from the base up the ramp, she noticed a new arrival to the team, a Nepleslian woman just like her. The way the blonde looked at the engine also suggested they may have similar interests.

More interested in a potential similarity than a potential difference (like names), the NAM Representative stepped up to the other side of the engine, still cradling her box of spare parts. "Need help with that?" She chirped.
"Oh hello. You have startled me a little," said Zeta when she saw woman on the other side of car. "No I am just looking at this beauty. I am more of a driver but I like to look under the hood from time to time too."
Zeta looked at the woman and stretched her arm to greet her.

"My name is Zeta Five. I am a new crew member," she paused, looked on her wristwatch and smiled. "Since twelve minutes ago."
"Okay, that's everyone. We're leaving," John said as he bought the ship into the atmosphere, shortly after negotiating with the flight control tower and some of the military. They didn't mind that the ship was heading out to Nepleslia Prime.
The planned course was from Nepleslia to Albini, then down the New Nepleslian spaceway to Prime. The trip would take a day and a bit.

"Good. I'm getting sick of being shot at or having the prospect of Mishhu come up and ..." Luca rambled, but stopped before he got into too much detail and flopped onto the couch, "I'll just leave it at that."
"Good," Sebastian said whilst watching the news, "I'm seeing it on the news anyway."

He crashed on one of the couches in the lounge. Allison was giving repairs to Valo, her collaborative jury-rig job with Arin not quite holding up.

Then the ship went FTL, and the weary crew and their captain were well on their way.
Jim was exhausted after what had happened recently, what with the evacuations and moves, as well as the fighting. Making his way to his cabin, Jim flopped down on his bed, placing Peter on his chest. He fell asleep quickly, leaving Peter to chirp as he fell asleep as well.
The ship continued flying through space. It'd still be a day until they reached Nepleslia Prime.

Luca had decided to hit the bunks, tired and injured from the day's events. He wouldn't wake up until much later, and any effort made would most likely fail.

John had set the ship into autopilot, and was reading a magazine labelled: 'PORNO! - WOW~!'. Casually flicking through, occasionally snerking or sneering at the perverted content.

Sebastian had fallen asleep on the couch, leaving the TV on. Anna walked by and turned it off before retiring for the night, after making sure her patients were in good condition.

Crane decided that after encountering a platypus and nearly getting killed by Mishhu, he'd hit the hay too. Taking advantage of this, Mel snuck into the kitchen, making herself a snack to eat. Two slices of comically thick bread, tomatoes, cold-cut ham, lettuce and cheese.

She topped the edible architecture with a toothpick and an olive, and begun snacking down on what she could before realising that it was too big to eat by herself.

She mumbled incoherently as she put the other three quarters of the giant sandwich back in the fridge.
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