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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 6] - The Trounce of Tami

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Vincent had just finish field-stripping, oiling and cleaning out all of his weapons and had decided to head down to the armory to stock away his weapons (for some strange reason, he preferred his bunk to the armory for cleaning) when he passed the kitchen. Noting Mel eating what appeared to be a small division of an unrealistically huge sandwich, Vincent decided to do the chivalrous thing and step in to help. The ID-Sol carefully, one by one, stacked his guns next to the doorway, stock down, barrel towards the cieling, and then clomped into the kitchen and over to the fridge.

Throwing the door open, he immediately marvelled at the plastic-wrapped monolith within, the tribute to culinary architecture, the Mona Lisa of the hoagie world-

"Saaaaaaandwiiiiiiiich..." the hulking ID-Sol said in a low, appraising voice, before swiping the massive sandwich off the top shelf of the fridge, picking a seat in the galley and sitting down to tuck into it.
"Save some for later, mate," Mel asked Vincent politely while giving him a tap on the shoulder.

Allison was keeping her eyes on the engines of the Vampire Class Patrol Craft, making sure they didn't fall apart. Her appropriate fixing of Valo was going well too. She also took a look at the GP-ORV vehicles, and determined that the most damaged of them need a serious overhaul once they hit land. The other ones just needed rudimentary fixes.

The rest of the ship was still quiet as could be, the Autopilot guiding the ship towards Nepleslia Prime's system. Eventually, they'd get a well-deserved stretch of time to rest their weary bodies.

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