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RP: 21st Fighter Sq [Mission 7.1] Operation Payback (Deploying)


SARPaholic & Admin
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Convention Veteran
0600 hrs
The following morning the quiet on board the Heitan was shattered by klaxons followed immediately by Hiromi's synthetic voice.

"Attention all shipboard personnel, report to your action stations. Repeat all shipboard personnel report to your action stations. The Fleet is getting under way.

All Pilots should stand by for further orders."

Those who were attentive would feel the subtle changes in the Heitan as her power and propulsion systems were brought up to full power. Resonating through the hull docking arms were disconnecting external power.
Yaeko's Quarters
0600 Hours

Yaeko stared angrily at the loudspeaker on the opposite side of the room as it screamed for personnel that were irrelevant to her squad. In an attempt to muffle the sound, she grabbed one of the many nearby pillows and slammed it around her ears. Once the sounds stopped, she rolled over to look at her clock and grumbled as she debated getting up. Her body quickly overpowered her mind as she pulled the blankets up to her chin and drifted off for another few minutes of sleep

Yaeko's Quarters
0645 Hours

Yaeko woke up to the sound of music playing, the side-affects of her newest choice of alarms. She looked around, smiling that there was nobody in the room for her to inconvenience in any way, the benefits of being an officer. Throwing on a duty uniform and grabbing her comm off of the bed-side table, she made her way towards Atsui's office.

Along the way, she sent a quick message to Silic.

Munkata-Shoi said:
Tin Man, meet me at my quarters at 0745. Don't be late.

When she reached Atsui's office fifteen minutes later, Yaeko stopped to make sure that her uniform was in order. Satisfied, she stepped up to the door, knocked loudly three times, and then entered.

"You wished to see me ma'am?"
Silic walked out of Anne's quarters with the gait of a cat after sleeping a night on the tiles. He walked back to his own bedroom, dumped his ruffled gym gear on the floor, took his towel and went off to the showers with it wrapped around his waist. As he entered the room the warm steam started to reinvigorate him almost immediately. He hung up the towel, heedless of other patrons, and stood under a nozzle as it began to splash warm water.

As soon as the water splashed him, Silic clicked his fingers and spun around. Slowly he started dancing, it was simple at first, some ankle flicks and a little arm movement. Slowly it built up as Silic went around in a little circle, using the wet floor to slide his heels.

As he completed the circle he spun to the wall and stopped for a second. It looked like it might be over, then Silic sprung into an almost crazed series of movements. His heels never rested, his arms splayed out, in, out and swung around. It was unlike any Yamataian dance, it was wild and uncontrolled, obviously something imported from Nepleslia.
Atsui looked up from the tactical screens that she had been viewing. She smiled at Yaeko.

"Yes, Munkata-Shoi, I wanted to talk to you briefly about the upcoming mission and the role the Diamonds are going to fulfill.

Operation Payback is going to be done in waves. First the fleet is going to punch a hole in the NMX defenses. Once that is accomplished the fighters and bombers will be deployed.

The first attack wave is going to be targeting the power grid, the second will go after the telecommunications infrastructure, and last wave is going after their transportation capabilities.

So I am giving you the option to decide which role you want the Diamonds, attacking the defenses or going after a specific objective."
Atsui's Office

"Hmmm," Yaeko started as she took a seat, musing over the operations. "Do we have any intel on what kind of defenses the NMX will have, or what sort of inner defenses the infrastructure pieces have?

"My first thought is that I would like the Diamonds on whichever objective has the highest casualty projections. You know it's my opinion that the Diamonds are the bets damned fighter squadron in the fleet, so I feel that the Diamonds should be placed where they're needed most.

This also leads to my second thought. If the squadron was to assault the NMX defenses, then it may be possible for us to return to the Heitan for a quick resupply and then redeploy with the second or third wave."
Kenshin's Quarters
0600 Hours

Kenshin had unconsciously migrated towards the edge of his bunk during his sleep so that when the klaxons began to sound, the sudden loud noise startled the young pilot awake and into jerking himself right off his bed and onto the hard floor.

"Arghh... I'm awake! I'm awake already, shut off that damned noise..." He bellowed, then winced in pain as he rubbed the part of his thigh that hit the floor first.

He laid on his back, starring balefully at the metal ceiling and listened to the announcement that came over the ships intercom. Once it was finished, he sighed and began going for the motions of getting ready -- no telling when the Diamonds would be called to do their part.
Atsui's Office

Atsui listened to Yaeko putting on her best poker face. She did not want to bias the young officer's decision with input from herself. It was only after Yaeko concluded that she allowed a slight smile to reach her face.

"So you want the Diamonds to pull double duty. We are expecting their system defenses to be formidable. Otherwise the Taisho would not be allocating so much of the 2XF for this operation. The initial strike is to hit the defender ships hard and fast. Punch a hole so that the assault group can get through.

If you want a piece of that fine, the Diamonds fighters are being modified to give them a heavier load while not sacrificing dependability. If you want the detail, then I will let the CAG know that the Diamonds are want in on the first blow. Depending on how your craft are, you get a piece of the second wave."
Atsui's Office

Yaeko stared at the desk as she pondered her options, as well as what Atsui was saying. After a few seconds she looked up at Atsui with a grin.

"Well, based on what the Diamonds have done in the past, I feel they can handle some double duty, especially with some more powerful payloads. The only thing that I would like to be sure of is that we have the opportunity to land for a brief resupply before heading back out. Even if it's only to reload the missiles, I don't want my squadron out there with just their cannons."
Atsui's Office

"Wouldn't make make sense to not, if you are going on the initial strike against the defense forces, you will be carrying Ke-Z1 torpedoes. For the planetary attacks, we are dropping Ke-Z2 Bombs. Looks like that training on Aqueous will be coming in handy. After the first run, the Diamonds will land, get out stretch, get something to drink while the techs check for damage, fix what they can while the munitions teams reload." Atsui replied.

Elisto let out a yawn as he stared down at the book and knife he had recovered so long ago, he was still in the process of translating the book and figuring out what the knife had meant when the call came; the intelligence operative glanced upward and stretched his arms before taking the book and knife and placing them in a secure area.

He then got dressed, having done the work in casual clothing, and got himself ready for the day - knowing that it was going to be a very long and possibly even grueling day.
Heitan Gym 0546 hrs

Errowyn ran on the tredmill, arms swinging as her feet pounded the moving belt on which she ran. It was her time to reflect as she exercised.

As the timer wound down to the cooldown phase, and the tredmill's belt slowedto a walking pace, klaxons sounded throughout the ship, alerting something important was about to be announced.

"Attention all shipboard personnel, report to your action stations. Repeat all shipboard personnel report to your action stations. The Fleet is getting under way.

All Pilots should stand by for further orders."

Erica scowled as the other's in the gym scrambled to get ready and report to their duty stations. She finished her cooldown to avoid the rush.

It had been a good training seccion with the Senior Non-com on the Daisy's, even though it had cut into both of their rest period for her to learn and get some practice with the Daisy. At least she whont be a clutz in them if/when she would be forced to use one again.

0657 hrs

Errowyn put the finishing touches to her duty uniform, wondering about what was in store for them as she felt the ship come alive for it's departure. ~~wonder if I've time for breakfast?~~ Scampering out of her quarters and heading to the Officer's Mess to get brerakfast.
Atsui's Office

Atsui looked at Yaeko, "Is there anything else we need to discuss? Have you dealt with Silic? I am going to have to report to the bridge shortly."
Atsui's Office

"There is nothing left to discuss. I feel this plan will be effective and the Diamonds will be able to provide the most support to the Empire this way. As for Silic, I have arranged for him to meet me at my quarters in roughly 15 minutes. I will leave you to your work, have a good day ma'am."

Yaeko then stood, bowed, and proceeded out of the room. Once she was in the corridor she made her way back to her quarters to wait for Silic to arrive.
After being doused with cold water by the other users of the shower room, Silic stopped dancing, scrubbed himself up, and walked back to his quarters in nothing but his towel. He quickly pulled on a fresh uniform and checked himself in the mirror.

He still looked like an absolute mess, but at least he no longer smelled of hot, raging, multiple session, three-party sex. Silic blushed as he thought back on last night and cleared his throat as he positioned his glasses in their usual spot and opened his door to find Yaeko's quarters.

A line of pink arrows was already waiting for him.

Soon he arrived at Yaeko's door and stood it front of it awkwardly. He nervously looked around, straightened his front and then knocked politely on the door.
Yaeko's Quarters

"Come in," came Yaeko's voice from inside the room.

When Silic entered he would find that the room had been refurnished with some of Yaeko's personal amenities. The was a feather pink carpet covering the entirety of the room. Her bed, which was in the corner, had baby pink sheets and pillows with a hot pink comforter. Her desk had a hot pink liner on top, with all pink accessories such as a pencil holder, a small rack for keeping files, etc.

Silic would find Yaeko at her desk, her back to him since the desk was pushed to the side of the room, a volumetric display in front of her. She wouldn't turn to face him until she heard the door close.
The door opened and Silic's head peeked nervously, his eyes darting around the room, his lips tightened and his eyes widened as he took in the decor. Slowly his eyes travelled up, a growing look of horror emerging on his face as he took in more of the room. By the time he was half way his face was a portrait of terror, he visibly appeared to break down in the face of so much pink.

But somehow with Yaeko sitting amidst all of this and refusing to face him made him feel like he was about to enter the room with some sort of serial killer. Silic stood there for a good thirty seconds before taking tiny, slow, unwilling steps inside. He jerked in surprise at the sound of the door closing behind him, feeling trapped in a cage with some sort of wild animal.

"Gomen kudasai." he said, quietly.
Yaeko's Quarters

With a sigh Yaeko waved her hand, the volumetric display in front of her disappearing. After pausing for a moment, she spun around in her chair.

"Silic," she paused again, "after everything we've been through I was hoping that I wouldn't have to have this conversation with you. We've been through hell and back, together, with you always letting me take the lead and steer us the right direction, with you always making sure that I didn't get us killed. So I didn't think it would be a problem for you to operate under me. Apparently I was wrong. The one mission that you get to go off on your own without being in my backseat, you fuck it up, and you know that you fucked up Silic."

Yaeko paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts and allowing Silic to collect his before continuing.

"Solitaire has informed me that you already were issued deferred punishment, so I can't let this one go, not without looking weak in front of the entire squadron and in front of my superiors. Therefor, I have decided to issue you additional duty. We're assigned to ship off to a mission soon, but you will receive no leave following the mission and you will report to the crew chief. As for Anne, I won't punish her this time. But let her know that if the two of you can't manage to place the mission before each other then so help me Empress I will transfer her to the middle of nowhere and give you an infantry slot on the front lines."
Silic's fists slowly clenched and tightened, by the end his natural one was shaking so bad that when he finished lifting his ever-present glasses off and let Yaeko see his scarred eyes he had to hold it behind his back. His prosthetic arm did not suffer such indignities.

"How dare you..." he through gritted teeth, staring her in the eyes what what remained of his own. "I...never...don't..." his eyes dropped and his mouth twisted, trying to prevent a snarl.

"Hate me!" he shouted, "Gods know, I've done wrong before, but you will not threaten my friends to get at me! Hate me! Hate me!" He said, his fists coming out to drum against his chest in frustration.

"You've bullied, mistreated and tried to get me killed throughout all the time we've known each other! You must do!" he stopped and took deep gasping breaths. "If you want to punish me for some slight, do it. If you think it will impress the rest of the squadron or those precious officers of yours, I don't care. I brought it on myself. I signed the contract. I take the blame!"

He stopped, still heaving in breaths. His fists dropped to his side in defeat. "Just don't make anyone else suffer because I can't get it right." he said, voice suddenly quiet, then he let out a loud breath and touched his eyes. No tears.

"I should never have signed that contract. I've never matched what was expected of me." His voice was quiet it was almost as if he were speaking to himself. "What am I even doing here."
Yaeko glanced down at the floor as Silic spoke. She knew that he was going to be upset with her, she just didn't expect him to get this angry. When he finished speaking she did the only thing that popped into her head. The moment he was finished Yaeko jumped up and embraced him.

"Oh Silic..." She held the hug for a few seconds before taking a step back. "You know I didn't mean it like that. I said what needed to be said. I'm not upset with you at some slight mistake." Yaeko's voice was now softer and gentler. "What upset me was that I repeatedly tried to get a status report from you and and issue you orders, but every time you ignore me."

"And how could you think that I've tried to harm you?" Yaeko's expression and tone now showed that she was obviously hurt by what he had said. "Now, I'm not perfect either, you've had a couple of burns to prove it, but the one thing I was always concerned about was keeping us safe. Never once did I put us in imminent danger. Sure I fly like a maniac, but it kept us alive. And can you blame me? I'm not a pilot Silic, I never was, I was trained as a god damned Communications Specialist for crying out loud, a Starship Operator." Her voice started to become harsh again, and much more defensive. "If you've felt personally victimized by my actions then say so, and in the future say so when I make those actions, but don't think to stack things on me like that."

She took a breath, trying to calm herself before she continued. "As for Anne, her actions are not your fault, nor is her punishment. She defied a direct order and went blindly running into that compound for you, my only medic. While it may be because of the relationship that you two have, it's not your fault and I'm not punishing her because of what you did. Her actions are her own and I will not divert the blame to you so that you can protect her."
Silic's eyes widened and he stiffened as Yaeko hugged him, she only reached his chest with her height but it was still enough to cause him to freeze up for a few seconds after she withdrew.

Finally, he said haltingly "Did you, by any chance, use the radio instead of subspace communication while I was in the base?" he asked, blinking. "I didn't hear anything."

He didn't mention the bits where she had thrown him across a room, or stood by as he'd been beaten up. May as well keep her in the talking mood while it lasted.
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