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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 8] Dawning Concerns

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A few more beats passed, just the few flickers of a dozen hearts pounding, before Naoko delicately placed her hand over the barrel of one of Enzo's guns - the one pointed at Zeta. It was a slight stretch for the small Nekovalkyrja, but she was tall enough now that the action could be performed casually. With gradual pressure, she lowered the gun to her level.

"It is fine," she said quietly, turning slightly and looking up at the gunman, "Don't go all crazy-eyed. I don't care, yo."

Then, with an almost absurd air of nonchalance, Naoko brought the SmAR up, angling it towards the ceiling right in front of Enzo's cigarette, the barrel just touching.


Some morter trickled down from the resulting hole. The cigarette, not just lit, began to burn, candlelike.

"I really don't."
Luca was watching the situation go further and further out of hand. Dyna's offer to relieve some tension hadn't helped, but he appreciated it. Now he had to do something to stop Enzo from painting himself into a corner. He had a revolver in his hands whilst Naoko had her SmAR pointed at him, or at least, near him.

"Guys," Luca said bluntly with an unusual scowl and his folded arms, "Cut this shit out, now."
The feeling in the air was tense, since nobody had ever seen Luca put his foot down, or get mad at the crew, so this was especially jarring.

"We've nothing to gain by killing each other," He then gave a stern look at Enzo, "Enzo, you still have a ship that needs recovering. Once we get our new ship out of the hangar tomorrow, we'll find yours next," He then looked down to Naoko and sidestepped between her and Enzo, "If it gets in the way, cut it or tie it back with something better than a rubber band. Simple."

He then made an observation while moving to Enzo and putting a hand on his shoulder and lowering his gun slowly, "Nobody's crazy, mate. We're all stressed out, tired, hurt and hungry," He then thought for a moment as to what entertainment options there were on the station. He recalled seeing a video arcade, a movie cinema and a five star hotel, as well as a love hotel for the lonelier crew members.

"Tell ya what, drinks are on me, guys," He chuckled as he knelt down and put his arm around Naoko, and Zeta, in a staggered group-hug, "I've had enough of fighting that gooey bitch too."

He then smiled a little and held some sweets under Enzo's nose, "Would you like a jelly baby?" He asked with a guffaw to lampshade the absurdity of the situation.

It'd always be the captain's duty to keep the wheels of this machine rolling, even if it had to resort to glucose.


Sebastian, John and Hitori were watching the Origin workers get to business on their ship to be. John had a wide smile on his bespectacled face.
"I am so getting a minifridge put in too," He remarked as images of himself flying this thing pervaded his minds eye.

"Now now, you'll have to peel yourself away from there eventually," Sebastian gave his hair a ruffle, causing him to playfully push him away, "Y'gotta dine with us some time!"
"Not if Crane keeps food coming for me!" He then laughed out loud as he and Sebastian traded smiles.

Eventually, Sebastian turned around to notice Daxle standing nearby, looking rather lost.
He leaned toward Aerin and stated the obvious, "He looks out of place,"

Aerin Stared at Daxle for a few moments, communicating with the station to identify him, before ejaculating in response: "He came in on the damaged courier."
"I see," Sebastian replied as he frowned a little, "I heard that he's no longer got a crew to speak of."

He then sighed a little, "The poor guy must feel very fragile."
Robert relaxed his aggressive stance instantly as the Boss laid down the law. His eyes flicked quickly from Enzo to Luca, giving the boss his full attention. He skilled a little bit as the Boss waved the candy under Enzo's nose. He said nothing as the Boss finished his rant. He glanced quickly and thought "I have a feeling like this is going to happen again. Perhaps really soon."
Seiren watched the end situation unfold after discarding his Impulse (Thing was getting too difficult to move in! 'Twas made for somebody two inches too tall!). He didn't get involved, however, as messing with an Id-Sol and a cyborg-woman was not on his list of things to get mauled by. Not that he keeps a list of things to get mauled by or anything, sheesh. So, after Luca stepped in and laid the law down, he finally got involved.

"Speaking of candy, I've got some recipies you all should try out! Just stay away from the red ones if you like not having holes in your stomach." He told them. "Far, far away from the smashed Jell-o lady. As far as possible."

A visible shudder ran through his back as he thought of the goo woman. There are some things that just weren't right and Malice was one of them.
As he was chewing on his Jelly Babies, Enzo thought about the conflict he had just escalated. Luca was right; he was tired, and he was stressed out. Never-the-less, Enzo still felt as though Naoko were being treated unfairly. With a sigh, he blew out the fire on the end of his cigarette and began puffing it silently. Wisps of smoke curled up to the cieling with each breath and curled around dripping streams of black goo.

Enzo went to Smith to talk about the gun.

"Thissere' Peashooter's nice, yeah? But it's got a few lil' kinks I don't likes about it. How about's a shorter barrel and a louder boom. I wanna scare the rocks offa someone with it. Get yous boys to fix's it up withs a lighter, looser trigger. Aside from that, the handguard is a nice touch. Give me somethin' to hang it offa."
Daxle honestly had no idea where in this station he was, or what he was supposed to do know. He rifled through his "special" bag, to make sure everything was inside. The bag was bigger than it looked, and without fail Daxle had his head in there as he shifted through the various supplies.
~oh good~ he thought as, to his pleasure, he discovered nothing had been left out. He pulled himself out and closed his bag and went back to looking around. He rested his eyes on the Red Courier A2. It looked just like the one he had come in on, though maybe it was bigger, and it certainly looked like it was being modified for some purpose; or else it was broken and was being repaired, he couldn't safely guess which.
But that didn't stop him from lightly stepping past workers and avoiding the gaze of any of these Origin workers; he had the itch. An itch to "explore" this new looking ship and "take a look at" any new piece of technology they might have...
Enzo took his gun down and started munching on candy. Zeta didn't smile, seh didn't scowl, she didn't do anything. She just sighed and walked to the small Origin security chief. On the way to she muttered, "That bazooka will really come handy."

With that she finished her short walk and towered above smal woman from security. "I am sorry for what happened now," she said. "But I woul like to ask a question. Did anybody manage to hide and survive this?" Her voice showed that she truly wanted to know. It was why she wanted to hurry here in first place. Maybe if they didn'T wait for armours they could save someone. Stupid maybes. Zeta thought.
'So much for the Mexican Standoff.'

Matthew was twiddling with his damaged glasses again, this time one handed as the other held onto the Origin brand drink for comfort. He could see fine without them, but acted as though he could not; the entire Mexican Standoff simply came, and then went as a result. It really wasn't any of Mr. Smith's business anyways. On the other hand, he did feel tempted to bill Naoko for the hole in the ceiling. It was about this point that Smith finished twiddling with the glasses and put them back on. Besides. He had his trust in Dyna. "I'll pass that on to R and D Mr. Bortelli."

Smith casually walked over to Zeta and pressed a few buttons on his PDA. The Impulse automatically rerouted power around the damaged area, and functioned properly again, minus the protective plate. "Like I said, these are beat up rentals. Even the AI needs a vacation." While he went over the Impulse's data stream, he replied to Naoko's original prod whit some hesitance. "Well...after an incident with one of our beta testers in an onsen, it was, ahem, quickly recitified." He put away the PDA. "You can wear clothing under the volumetric display. It will conceal the actual clothing while making you look good." He looked about at everyone.

"I'm not forgetting anything am I?"

'And what the hell is a Mexican anyways?' he thought to himself.
"An onsen?" Naoko asked curiously, watching Enzo move off with something akin to a frown.  Her features were too delicate for the word, though - possibly, therefore, it was a pout.  Enzo had been one of the first crew members to take to her, and that meant something to her.  It bothered her slightly that he had been so upset.  It was kind of flattering though.

Naoko did not extricate herself from Luca - there was really no polite way to accomplish it, and Naoko sensed that he was just trying to be nice in any case.  What could it hurt?  So, taking his criticism in stride, she put an arm around under his and said, "So-yo, let's go and find some place loud.  I want music."

However, even as she said that, the message was already sent to Smith; "Can it be programmed to change appearances?  I can not afford to be in a spotlight anymore."   
Uriel's presence in the fight was... minimal at best, and he was more than willing to admit that his efforts proved worthless in the grand scheme of things. He freed himself of the custom-designed armor.

Then a second fight broke out, this time amongst a couple crew members. He did what he did best: remained silent and observed all that went on. It was best that Captain Pavone resolved the problem, reasserting his position and at the same time reassuring them of his ability to maintain civility within his crew. He handled the problem smoothly and naturally in a way that the Elysian probably would not have; Hisshana was once more glad he'd chosen social sciences and navigation over a leadership position.

Uriel strode forth to join Luca if only to encourage the idea of the group going together. The idea of loud music didn't seem appealing in the slightest, but he was willing to sacrifice some of his own comfort for the sake of fostering community.
"I'm going backs to the ship-- I gots guns to clean." Said Enzo. There was a certain look in his eyes. It wasn't angry or sad, but somehow it seemed impulsive. He turned around and looked at Smith again.

"And sends along one of those airbikes, I'm gonna hit the town in style."
Panther continued into the assembly area, while he had no trouble getting there he could tell the fighting had come to an end. Nevertheless he began to look around carefully to make sure the black goo things were not around and continued to the Depot. His caution was lowered with the sound of guns being absent and was not taking his own search seriously but felt necessary anyway so he could say he did something.

He was planning later to see if the station had a gift shop, Panther was beginning a collection of various hoody jackets after all.
Smith appeared to calmly think about what the doll-like individual said out loud. Inside though, he felt disgust. 'Nekos. Always partying, getting drunk and then &%#@ing themselves silly. And this is completely indecent! And a Neko of her size? What kind of man would -- No. I already know the answer to that unfinished question. I refuse to go any further into thought about it.' Smith forced down the memories of her forcing him to come along to the clubs full of blaring music, filled with dumb, clueless individuals. Mr. Smith hated clubs; the drinks tended to be only ok anyways. Still, he was a professional damn it! "I personally prefer some place more quiet, but I suppose a club would be an enjoyable change of pace." He spoke out loud. 'Yeah right.' he thought.

Mr. Smith quickly messaged the little abomination and answered it.

"I am not an expert when it comes to volumetrics, but I can only guess that it can be used to do so with some modifications, though, I am just as likely to be wrong. If you're worried about standing out, it's best to bring this up with your entire crew, not just me. And, some place loud is the best place to avoid being overheard."
"As far as we can tell" Dyna answered Zeta "Most of the employees managed to get out after the first signs of trouble. thankfully, those that didn't make it were Yamataian citizens with backups, so all we have to do is notify the government and give our employees one hell of a bonus check when they get back." the tiny girl answered, looking over the Mercenary.

"You guys fight okay, but try not to kill each other, or threaten any Origin personnel ever again. Next time the OriSec team won't have such a forgiving leader." the Ex-neko warned, turning to her team and dismissing them to search the factory for any last enemies, they were soon off, the sound of boots clomping around everywhere as they sought to secure the facility before anyone could come in to investigate or clean up the mess.
Zeta nodded. "Believe me lady no one would like shooting match between you and us less then me," she said and looked and Vincenzo. "Enzo... he got through a lot. We all did. Please forgive him. We just came back from fithing NMX and that scars you a lot. He is pretty nice guy when he wants to. Thanks for not shooting him." Zeta said. She then nodded againg and walked back Smith and others. He was just talking about places to go. "Well I myself preper a pub with good rock music where you can sit, have a good beer and chat with people. If there is place like that here Smithy, why not go there?" She said to Smith.
Over at the hangar bay, the Origin engineers who were getting to work on making the requested modifications to the Courier A2 watched Daxle walk right into the where the in-ship Hangar was going to replace approximately half of the cargo space.

"Hey," One of them asked politely as he was carefully rerouting various pipes and wires before the welders got to work, "This is a dangerous area, man," He rapped his knuckles on his hard hat, "If you got an inquiry 'bout this vessel, take it up with those guys over there. They own it!" He motioned to Sebastian and John, who were standing near Aerin, well away from the workings of the Vessel.

John had his nose buried in a risqué magazine that was hiding under his sweater, whilst Sebastian had acquired a cup of tea from a nearby kiosk, sipping it slowly. White with two sugars.
"I wonder what he wants?" Sebastian asked John quietly, who looked up with a slight blush, his thoughts were momentarily elsewhere.
"Ah- Dunno," He responded before getting his head back in the gutter.

Sebastian tutted and frowned, "You realise that you're not that subtle."
"Shuddup..." John mumbled, "I read it for the articles," To which, Sebastian chuckled.


Back at the Factory, Luca and company had moved outside as the rest of OriSec were sweeping up what was left and assessing the damage, trying their hardest to overlook the damage caused by the Phoenix crew.

They eventually got themselves to a hotel that was very far away from the factory, and close to the Entertainment that was spotted nearby. There also happened to be an Onsen nearby with an explosion-shaped hole in the ceiling, and another hotel with someone investigating a television that'd been dropped out the window, as well as a few missing walls.

"Fantastic!" Luca smiled as he examined the hotel that was just across the road with the holes, "This place reminds me of Nepleslia fair!"
"'pparently a big arse frame with a Mishhu tore through 'ere while a frame crew wos relaxin' at the bath'ouse," Melissa said as she found a newspaper nearby and flicked past an article on the third page.

She then sighed as she realised what this entailed, "Well that's jus' great. Fer once I thought we'd be having a peaceful 'oliday."
"I agree," Luca rolled his eyes as he realised this fact too, and realised that he'd dragged himself and his crew into what appeared to be another warzone - On the bright side, they'd dealt with the immediate threat, and hopefully things would be calmer for a few days.

There was also a pub brimming with goodies just around the corner too, and the familiar smell of malt-liquor wafted through the air. A video games arcade was around the corner, and had some virtual-reality simulations. There was also a strip club and a magazine library in the immediate vicinity too.
From the hotel lobby, Seiren messaged Smith, interested in getting his hands on a LEAF.

So, where do I get to go to test out and get the tutorial for one of those LEAF mecha?

Contented with this message, he headed over to a vending machine and bought a bag of chips, the munched down heartily on the meager meal as he waited for a response.
The Elysian in the group wasn't particularly a fan of any of the immediately available options, but going back to the ship currently wasn't an option. Well then, to the lesser of these evils he would venture...

"Zeta, I do believe we've stumbled upon that which you seek." He gestured toward the pub. "Looks like the sort of place, in any case, but I'm no expert." He offered his arm. "Regardless, I'd feel much more comfortable there I believe. Care to join me?"
Zeta ditched the armour before they left the factory. She returned it to OriSec with a borrowed plasma rifle and chubby. She walked outside and stretched. When she tried to move her right cybernetic arm it was kinda stiff. She must have Arin have a look at it later.

When Uriel talked to her she looked at place he pointed to. "Yeah that seem good and bloody hell yeah, I am for it. You going with us Smithy? You look like you could use few beers yourself." She answered to Uriel and then asked Smith her own question. She could really use some R&R after this. "And what about yer captain? You with us?" She asked Luca too.
Back at the Big Bird, Enzo was going through his collection from the factory in his makeshift bed in the cargo hold. Jewelry and papers littered the bed along with his guns. He had all of them out and was counting each piece of equipment, loot, and ammo available to him.

Satisfied with his inventory and also bored for the moment, Enzo reloaded his weapons and holstered his new Peashooter again before heading back out the door and into the station. He still had some pent up rage from before, so he set out towards the entertainment district to find some trouble. And Vincienzo Bortelli always finds his trouble.
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