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RP: ISC Phoenix [Mission 9] Enzo's Lady of the Night

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The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member

"Aaahrhrgh, this is gonna suck," Luca had returned the next morning to the Hotel where the crew of the ISC Phoenix was stationed for the night. A fairly nice place with all the nice things nearby and a pool.

He had a noticeable lack of spring in his step, as he was walking bowlegged with a bashful expression, causing onlookers to stare and chuckle. John was nearby with a sly grin while Luca was reaching for an ice pack from the bar fridge.

"Sebastian told me where ya went with Aerin," John was clearly very cluey about this, "Tell me everything."
"Everything?" Luca groaned as he put a sizeable chunk of ice to his groin, eliciting a sigh of relief.
"EVERYTHING," John spelled it out for him.

Luca blinked a little, frowning, "Well, it gets a bit hazy after the first few litres of Elysian Wine, but-"
"YOUNG MAN!" Anna had come stomping in, and before Luca could get a word in, he was slapped in the face not once, but thrice, leaving a lovely hand shaped mark on his face, "I was worried sick! Where were you last night?"

Luca rubbed his cheek and replied with a weak smile, "Business meeting?"

"Business meeting my arse! Wait till your father hears about this!" She stormed out of the hotel room and slammed the door behind her. John shrugged.
"So, anyway," John continued, unperturbed.

"Well, there was a bottle of motor oil and-" That's when his communicator started ringing, "Oh blast it all," He answered, audibly annoyed, "Hello?" John was also frustrated by this.

The line stayed quiet for a moment before a hazy voice answered, "MR. BORTELLI SEEKS SHIP LADY OF THE NIGHT. MR BORTELLI'S SHIP IS FOUND."
Luca blinked for a few moments as he gathered his thoughts, before his head kick started into full gear, "Where?"

The hazy, and yet loud voice gave the coordinates to be floating a couple of light years away from Nepleslia Prime, just to the galactic north.

"Uh, thanks," Luca then terminated the call and looked at John with a smile, "This is an interesting development!"
"Quite," John shrugged, "Now, if we are going to go after this lead, you need to be able to walk properly."

"Oh, I'll get better," Luca nodded, "I always do, but I think after that thing she did with the barrel of feathers, a jetpack," John's head tilted sideways in awe, "and a few yards of det cord, I might have to take my time."

"What did you..." John mouthed, somehow his rather low standards had been breached, and he cringed at the thoughts of what happened that night between his Captain (and college buddy) and the CEO of Origin.

"Shush, I need to call Enzo," Luca said as he punched numbers into his communicator and hoped that Enzo wasn't busy, "Hello?" He started, "Are you sitting down? I have some interesting news for you..."
Enzo's eyes opened slowly to the sight of his communicator buzzing off of a nightstand. The room was fuzzy, but he could distinctly tell that the communicator was somehow hanging from the cieling above him. But then, how was it falling off a nightstand?

A quick inspection of his feet revealed Enzo to be hanging upside-down from the light fixture in the ceiling by his belt. With a sigh, the mercenary stretched out his arm and picked up the communicator and listened. He struggled to think of a reply.

"I can't really sit down at the moment, Cap'n Pavone. I'm, uh... hanging froms the ceiling of rooms 309. I remembers doing this to proves a point, I just can't remember what point I was tryin' to proves. Well, what's the news, Cap'n?"

As he waited for a response, Enzo made his first attempt to curl up to his feet and hack away at the belt with his knife. Each attempt brought him a sharp pain followed by a shallow notch in his belt.
Panther slept on the floor in his makeshift bed of bedsheets. The Kohanian sat up and smoothed out some of the fur on his head while trying to think what needs to get done today.

He walked over to the table where his makeshift garden that he moved from the ship and noted that the leaves of one plant was drying up. Thinking for a moment, he then plucked one leaf and watered the plants like normal.

"Talking Breeze, has it been 8 years? Has the spirits protected you well my friend?" He spoke to himself, and then crushed the dry leaf in his hand, "As I am here forming a poison, I wonder myself if I have risen to a great challenge, greater than what you gave me." The dried up leaves remains was placed into a jar for use later, then placed it on the table and rose to to prepare to leave.

He stepped out the door wearing a dark blue hoody, one he hoped to substitute for an Origin one if he had the chance, worn brown pants, and a pair of sports shoes. He wondered if the Hotel had an area that could provide him some breakfast, as he had some things on mind to do.
Naoko awoke with the sort of clockwork efficiency that...

No, wait - fuck that.

Instead, she simply curled back up in bed, and buried her head, and tried to go back to sleep since there was really no point to being awake. The window had been cracked open, and the beautiful simulated dawn was casting its splenderous rays over the similarly named space station, but that was immaterial. Naoko did not particularly care about that because clear bright mornings were never something she had been forced to bother with. Its ready replacements were the very smooth, very warm blankets and sheets of the hotel bed. Almost animal-like, she had turned and tossed and twisted until the bed was more of a nest, and she lay curled in the center, completely buried.

She hadn't let herself get drunk, she hadn't danced on tables or killed anybody. This was just a routine. Sooner or later, something would happen that would catch her interest, that would jar her awake. Hopefully, it would happen much, much later.

Ah, shit, there it was.

Naoko oscelated an ear, briefly, honing in on the familiar wideband. She cracked an eye. She cracked the other eye.

She blinked.
When morning came and Zeta awakened she foundherself blankly watching ceiling in deep thought. Last night was a disaster for her. After they left factory she got cocky and full of herself. She forgot her duty. Why did she let Luca leave like that? One second she was asking him if he is going to joing, then se fell into conversation with others. When she looked for him there he was already gone. And she didn't go with him.

Instead she just went to pub with others. She was enjoying herself while her captain was who knows were. Whil talking to Uriel about Elysia was interesting and then catching up with Robert about nepleslian streets and life there was interesting it was wrong. She was supposed to accompany Luca. Someone would say that it was okay sinde Naoko was with him, but Zeta would disagree. SHe still didn't believe Naoko. Little neko was just some arrogant merc. She would probably stabbed Captain in the back if someone gave her something she wants.

Although Zeta had few drinks she didn't get pissed. She was a little woozy in the evening but, she normaly went to bed at hotel. Thanks to that she was even first to wake up and was already walink in front of hotel when John woke up. She waited for Luca of course. She would go to where he was, but Zeta didn't know his location. So she just strided on the pavement in front of hotel back and forth. She was getting sick with worries. Luca could get attacked by some leftovers of NMX or even one of the goo-things could be hiding somewhere. And she was not with him.

She looked awfully happy when he finally showed up. First she though he was hurst whe she saw how funny he walked but then she put one and one togerther and smiled a little more. Big stone fell from her heard as her captain got back safe and happy. She only greeted him with a nod and followed him inside.

Maybe she made a mistake but now she should not worry about that and worry about not making it again. Luca just got a new shadow.
Robert groaned as he rolled out of bed. His head was pounding horribly. He quickly dressed and went downstairs to get some hair of the dog. Equal parts of beer and hot tea.
"sixty-eight.....rrrrrrrrrrrrgh sixtyyyyyyynine!......mmmph.....nnnnnnnnngrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Seventy!! Daxle exclaimed as he let himself fall to the ground. He unhooked his feet from the bottom of the bed and just lay there on the ground panting, letting the burning in his abs and stomach pass before rolling over and getting up. He had just completed his irregular workout, which involved finishing off with as many sit-ups as he could force himself to do. The workout was irregular because he was always traveling, and he didn't always find himself with suitable room or conditions to do it.

Daxle had already been up early in the morning, just before the simulated sun started rising. He normally woke early, just a habit developed early on in life, but today he was up earlier, mostly because the pain-killers he had taken before bed had worn off.

He didn't bother trying to towel his body off, instead just hopped in the shower, and ten minutes later he was done, dressed and out the hotel door. He had been told by that Sebastian fellow to come to this hotel if he was to take passage aboard that new ship, so that's what Daxle did.

He managed to scrounge up some bacon to eat as he headed to the hangar to that big Red ship, but on his way down the hotel hallway, something mad him literally stop midstep.
There were two big holes in the wall, one clearly man shaped, and one clearly female shaped.
"What the hell?" he said aloud as he stepped closer to look. He flipped out his Utili-tool and shined the small light around the whole area. He examined the shapes of the holes, the funny spot in a corner, and eventually put his tool away and walked away shaking his head.
"There are some real perverts on this station" he said aloud to himself "I mean, honestly, a jetpack?!"
"Enzo," Luca started, not really getting caught in the details of why he was hanging off the ceiling, "Long story short, I've been given an anonymous tip that your ship has been, well, found."
He then made a motion to John to head to Enzo's room and help him out before he hurt himself.

Meanwhile, down in the hotel's lobby, two ID-SOLs flanked a much smaller man, whose eyes darted around nervously. He was fidgeting, looking over his shoulder and overall, a nervous wreck.
"I thought there were THREE of you," The little man started backchatting to his two bodyguards, who shrugged in reply, "I needed someone to watch my back!"

"We are watching your back, sir," One of them stated, "I assure you."


Ivan's connection to the local wireless network was fuzzy at best, lag time on his HUD's identification matrix was beginning to drive him mad. However it was a necessity, one that was about to pay off.

Pulling his weapon off the back seat of the rental vehicle he concealed it rather loosely under a throw away black coat, two grenades and his .45 joined it on his person. Slamming the door and muttering something about cheap Origin trash be made his way toward the hotel's lobby.


The nervous man sat down with a glass of brandy, his hands continuously trembled as he tried to keep the glass steady, "I know some thing's wrong," He stammered, "I can feel it."
One of the ID-SOL guards looked at him and shook his head, looking to his partner and tapping the side of his head.

"Listen," One of them started, "If you don't shut up, you'll have much more to worry about,"
The other sat down next to him with a revolver in his lap, pointed to the nervous man's groin, "We demand a raise if we're gonna put up with your babble."


Meanwhile, up above, John had knocked on Mr. Smith's door, "Hey, Smith," He asked, "Got a moment?"


The three men were suddenly suprised by the high pitched scream of a woman behind the main desk and much to their dread the metallic sound of an automatic weapon being cycled. Before either ID-SOL could react a 12 gauge flechette load caught the one on the left's upper body, practically nailing him to the wall. The shooter shouted a few curses as the action locked on a defective round, giving the surviving two the opportunity to react.


The ID-SOL who was pinned to the wall still had his right side available to him, and reached for his revolver, flicking the handle back with his thumb and pointing it at the gunman - although, his aim was slightly impaired since he couldn't put two hands on his gun.
The ID-SOL who was sitting down had accidentally pulled the trigger in surprise, demonstrating a heinous lack of regard for gun safety.

The nervous man had a whole lot more to worry about now, and now that he had some serious wounds, chances are someone could finish him off in a hurry.

The clerk at the desk, meanwhile, was hiding behind her desk and mashing the security button to get OriSec down here.


John, upon hearing gunfire downstairs started hammering on the door harder, "SMITH!" He yelled, "Don't make me come in there!"
Meanwhile, further upstairs, Luca had also blinked in surprise, wondering what the hell was going on down there. He decided, for once, that he wouldn't investigate.

"Orisec's on it's way. It's none of my business right now." Smith replied from inside his room. The Nepleslian man finished up another short call from his siblings, they were prodding him frequently now, and put on the rest of his Origin Suit before opening the door. "Unless Mr. Pavone says it's his business, sir."

"John," Luca's voice was in John's communicator, "What the hell was that?"
"It's his business now," John said, doing his investigation for him.

The first revolver round made him take cover on reflex, stepping behind a pillar. The second one followed by his mark's high pitched screaming brought a slight smirk to his face as he tore defective magazine from the shotgun. Glancing around his temporary sanctuary he located the mark and two other threats. Leaning back he reloaded his weapon, thirty rounds of .00 lead shot. Pulling the charging handle he shouted at the two ID-SOLs, "Hey shit birds! He worth your life?"


Daxle was still shaking his head and muttering something about jetpacks when he rounded the corner of his hallway and heard weapons fire. He took a moment to listen intently, and figured it was either coming from really high up or really far down. In any case, it was exactly the opposite direction of whichever way he wanted to go. Daxle trudged on further down his level and found a side stairwell door near the elevators. Silently praying, he opened it and began his descent.

He reached the lobby level and opened the door, inwardly crying as he saw that the battle was, indeed, on this floor. He could see the main doors, not too far from his location, and he was just a little bit behind the service counter. Taking great pains not to be seen, he began edging around the main area of the lobby towards the door.


The two ID-SOL took a glance at each other, then at the nervous man, who was now rolling on the floor clutching what was left of his family jewels, "Nah," They replied in unison.
The one who was sitting down with the smoking gun in his hand said, "Just spare us, alright? We'll just forget this guy happened."

Meanwhile, cars could be heard pulling up in front of the Hotel, with the sounds of orders being barked for people to get into position. Arrest first, ask questions next, then shoot later was their main plan.


Emerging from the pillar he carefully approached the two ID-SOLs, his shotgun trained and ready. "Drop your weapons, walk out" said Ivan, his smart ass tone replaced with a cold growl.


The two ID-SOL shrugged, seeing that they'd done nothing wrong (except for one of them grossly disregarding gun safety) and put their guns down, then stepped to the side. The nervous man on the floor took a look at Ivan, and then tried to crawl away from him towards the front desk.

Behind the front desk, the lady noticed Daxle and urged him to come closer, noticing the bag with the red cross on it, "Listen," she asked quietly, "This might be a bit of an ask, but can you do damage control for any of these guys afterwards?"

John had come strolling in and looked around at the carnage. He took a look at the two ID-SOLs, one of whom resembled a pincushion, a man on the ground, and a threatening looking Nepleslian with a shotgun in hand.
"So, what else is new?" John asked, clearly nonplussed by the situation at hand.

The two ID-SOLs looked at John incredulously, "What?" one of them asked.


Daxle stopped, for the second time that day, midstep. He couldn't believe his luck; he had failed to sneak out, and he failed badly. He turned to the receptionist with a nervous glance and hustled back to over the reception desk and joined her behind it.
"Damage control? Oh, you mean on....what, those body guard types?" he asked very quietly, looking over the counter quickly to see some guy with a big weapon standing over a smaller guy who was bleeding profusely. He also noticed John seemed to just be standing there. ~Odd~ he thought


Ivan glanced at the newcomer, throwing a smirk before leaning down and hefting one of the ID-SOL's revolvers in his prosthetic hand. He then casually walked over to the heavily bleeding mark who was now moving frantically trying to pull himself away from the tall Nepleslian. His smirk gradually growing into a feral grin Ivan spoke, "You are aware why I'm paying you this visit?" he said while cocking the oversized handgun.


The nervous man was very close to bleeding dry if his wound didn't get attending to, and he was barely able to squeeze these words out of his mouth, "Trafficking... dealing... ugh, uhm... people and animals..." He was starting to sound very faint, and Ivan was told to bring this guy alive if he wanted a little extra pay.

The receptionist leaned around the corner and pointed quickly towards the nervous and deathly pale man, "Yes, and him."


Hearing the receptionist Ivan levelled his shotgun toward the pair and growled, "This isn't any of your business, suggest you just stand and watch for now, now you pitiful piece of shit where were we? Ah yes!" he emptied the cylinder into the nervous man's body. Four roars ending with the wet sucking sounds of a pulverised lung trying to function.

Flipping the cylinder open Ivan ejected the spent casings and glanced back toward the weapon's owner, "Consider this a tribute for your life now pick up your friend and get the hell out of here." said Ivan in a flat tone.


Shortly after more gunshots were heard, a team of at least ten or twelve power-armour assisted men and women armed with Fatboys had stormed in, and made ranks. They only had one word to say to the situation:


John remained nonplussed as he walked forward, looked down at the very dead nervous man, and looked up at Ivan, "So, uh, you have an alibi for this, don't you?" He sounded somewhat concerned, "You'd better hope his misdeeds outweigh yours."

The receptionist stood up and wiped the sweat from her brow with a sigh of relief. The OriSec team remained

A feral grin returned to the Nepleslian's face, he pocketed the hand cannon and reacted to a small cord sticking from the coat. A sharp tug was rewarded with half a dozen metallic pings as several armed grenades fell to the floor around him. "One Mississippi..." he grabbed John by the front of his shirt and practically jumped toward an open elevator.


The OriSec team didn't want a building to be blown up in the process of rounding up one man, and kept their distance. Hostage situations were always more tricky.

John had a hard time keeping a straight face, but he was keeping his cool. He'd experienced worse. He whispered in his captor's ear, "Listen, I can get you out of this. Ever heard the name 'Luca Pavone'?"

Letting go of John, Ivan smashed the panel, activating the lift. "Can't say that I have" he said in a strangely calm voice. The explosions followed just as the elevator hit the second floor.

"Did you ever hear about the virus that almost bombed Nepleslia and Yamatai, got stopped by a rag tag group of misfits?" He asked. Ivan would be able to recall hearing about it offhandedly, "Or about Drift's NMX incursion getting held back?" Ivan would've heard reports from his contacts in Drift, "Or just recently?"

"Rumours and bullshit mostly, didn't effect me to much so I didn't really pay attention, you see how many Sec guys they have in the street?" he asked pulling a small device from a pocket.

John shrugged, "Dunno, twelve?" He wasn't really paying attention to them, "Try not to kill 'em if ya can."

"We'll see." he pressed the button and the building was rocked by a larger blast, "Ten kilograms, plastique" he said smirking again.

OriSec turned around to watch the car outside the building explode and fly a few metres into the air. The team was very much surprised by this and decided to leave the hotel before things went from bad to worse. The ensuing scene would be a team of OriSec outrunning an explosion.


Daxle watched completely baffled as the huge man took John and made for the elevator. He walked around the counter and, with a sigh of resignment, began to head over to the ID-SOL that was pinned to the wall. Yet fate, it would seem, had cruel jokes up it's sleeve for the young man, because once again, yes again, he stopped midstep.

It was nearly impossible to notice the team of heavily armed OriSec members rushing out of the building, and indeed nigh impossible to notice that pretty hot receptionist fleeing for her life with them. He looked down into the middle of the lobby, and saw the many grenades strewn about, very clearly active.

His reaction was immediate; he took one back pedal and dived sideways into and through the stairwell door that he had previously just come through, and just in the last moment as the explosion tore apart the lobby and everything in it.


John frowned a little as the elevator hit the floor that Luca was residing on, "Listen, I'll do the introductions. Be warned, though," John leaned in, "He's had a rough night with the CEO of Origin, he's having trouble walking - Oh, and he has a strong sense of justice," He let the last statement form whatever opinion it could in Ivan's head.

"Whatever, lead the way I get the feeling cans downstairs will be tied up for a while," said Ivan, dusting himself off.

"I don't mean that sort of justice," John corrected himself, he then sighed before speaking again, "Ever watch those Sentai shows when you were a kid? He's kind of like the Red guy."

"Sounds like screwball" replied Ivan, checking his weapon and chambering another round, "We there yet?"

"Yes, but he's an effective screwball, which is the scary part," John replied as he reached the door and gave it a knock, "I'm back, open up. Got someone interesting here."


There wasn't much of a wall left, or anything really. Whatever grenades were dropped, they sure did have a kick. Daxle heaved and pushed what was the door off of him and slowly stood up. A sharp pain shot through him, but he brushed that off; he knew it was just the remnants of injuries he had taken yesterday.

With a sigh, he put his right hand inside the left side of his jacket, and just gripped the handle of his modified pistol. He could barely use it, but he could use it...he just hoped he didn't have to use it. Still, there was something reassuring about having a hidden 10 mm pistol with extended magazine and reflex sighting on hand just in case. He picked his way out of the stairwell and looked to see if he could get out of the building.


"Door's unlocked," Luca could be heard from the other side of the hotel door. The sounds of a video game could be heard as John pushed the door open and found Luca sitting against the bed with an ice pack on his groin, a game pad in his hand, and an online shooter game on the screen, "Talk to me," He said, paying equal attention to two things at once.

"Told you," John reaffirmed to Ivan, wondering how his captain managed to put a games console in the hotel.

"And you would be the screwball eh?" said Ivan, addressing Luca.

"Accept no substitutes!" Luca chuckled, fragging another player on Dawn Station with a boot to the face in game, causing Luca to holler in response, "So, looking for a job?

"Depends" said Ivan "What's the pay?"

"Usually 20K a job, plus spoils of - damn," Luca had been knifed in the back in game, "Spoils of war, and maybe some extra bits."


Smith wasn't in a happy mood. His little siblings were ordering to do certain things. John had bugged him in the middle of a call to his family. He had just went downstairs after said crewmember, and watched a mess of grenades pile onto the floor just as said crewmember was taken hostage. He had to quickly ascend in another elevator, just as one blast, followed by another shook him.

And whoever this person was, has made a mess of Origin property. Mr. Smith was not a happy man.

So when he used his HUD to follow the two men up to Mr. Pavone's room, the very first thing he did when he saw the back of the unnamed man, was throw two monomolecular knives right into his calves before stomping him into the ground face first. His 17mm was aimed at the head.

"You owe us at least 5k worth in damages. At the least." he coldly spoke. "And you made my day start off poorly."

"Smith," Luca said, while still looking at the screen, having his right hand on the controller, and his left hand on his HHG, pointed in Smith and Ivan's general direction, "Good to see you're awake, try not to kill him. I think he's useful."

A click caught everyone's attention, Ivan's .45 had found itself angled toward Smith's groin. "Hello to you too, now if you don't mind this is rather awkward."

It was at this moment that Smith decided he absolutely hated the man; whoever this person was, was the biggest idiot he had ever met. The Origin Employee leaned in so that the .45 pushed against his valuables, at the same time, pressing the hard, cold ceramic barrel even harder into the back of this insolent man's head. "I can always grow an even bigger pair, but I'd like to see you grow a new head after having 17mm's worth of high explosive jammed in that empty noggin."

Mr. Smith loosened his tie with his free hand. "Mr. Pavone just gave you a free ticket off, and you just pulled this. I am not pleased."

Luca scratched his chin by using the controller, and used his chin to get his character into position to snipe someone and succeed, nailing someone who lived in Nepleslia Prime between the eyes.
"I have an idea," He said, "Smith? You listening?" He then realised that he and Ivan hadn't been properly introduced, "And your name is?"

"Ivan, Ivan Kummel," retorted the cyborg as a whirring sound began filling the air.

"Alrighty Ivan," He said as he put his revolver down, freeing up his spare hand, "Here's my plan," He shuffled over a little, "Now, how about you do a job for us, and a portion of your cut goes towards getting this place fixed. And then it's business as usual. Smith gets his money, you still get paid a good sum amongst other things, and you get to kill some real bad pieces of work. All I ask is that you try not to kill us, and we'll return the favour."

The match in the shooting game had concluded with Luca on top of the leader board, "Try anything and I'll see if you can fly," He said dead calmly in response to the whirring.

Mr. Smith growled in annoyance. "Are you even sure he's worth your time Mr. Pavone? He's not very bright. He keeps digging himself deeper." Smith eased off the handcannon from the back of 'Ivan's' head, but reached back and plucked away one of the throwing knives out of a calf, far from gently to display his disagreement.

"Always wanted to fly, though I guess that can wait," said Ivan in a semi-annoyed tone.

"Mr. Pavone?" Smith asked.

Luca was listening, he sat up on the bed and took a look at everyone with a silly grin, "Yes?"

Mr. Smith stepped off of 'Ivan', before kicking the last throwing knife out of the man's calf. His 17mm however, was still aimed squarely at the man.

Retrieving his shotgun, Ivan resumed his stance, albiet keeping it semi-angled toward Smith. "So, what did you have in mind?" asked Ivan.

"Well," Luca started, taking a moment to blink, "I recently got a call from someone somewhere that a crewmember of mine's ship has been located in space somewhere two light years north of Nepleslia Prime," He thought for a moment, "Naturally, I don't think something's right about this at all, and I'm not expecting taking this ship back to be easy,"

He leaned back in thought, then leaned back up, "All I need is a good set of combat hands to help clear whatever's in there, while trying to keep this ship intact. And you, sir, seem to be very, very capable."

"Armaments?" A small gleam begun to show in his eyes.

Luca grinned, "Anything you can get your claws on. If we're facing NMX, we'll say 'allo to them with Plasma. I think all we gotta do is not destroy the ship, but clear out whatever's inside it, if anything."

"I be a little low on funds at the moment, hes a Origin pencil dick right?" asked Ivan jutting a thumb toward Smith.

"His name is Smith, and yes. He's my Origin liason," Luca replied calmly, "I'll buy you something if you need."

"If you believe theres even a chance of squidies then theres a list of items I'll need before I even think of airlocking on this Op," replied Ivan, switching to a more serious tone.

Luca took a quick glance at the list, and nodded, "Ah yes. I myself like using a Lorath Grenade launcher for NMX negotiations, and a shotgun loaded with plasma shells."

"I stil don't like this Mr. Pavone. He's sloppy in his work, reckless, and has no regard for his life. The last thing any of us need is for him to get in our way. Or for us to be in his bullheaded way." Matthew commented. 'Great. I have a Neko to watch out for, and now this Psychopathic Idiot? Mr. Smith thought. The day was getting better and better.

"Relax, I haven't even seen him fight yet," Luca said to Mr. Smith, "Once we see him vent some NMX foreheads, I'll have something to say."

"How about this boss, give me a time and a place for pickup and I'll show, as far as kit for the moment I'll just borrow a few creds from pencil dick" said Ivan, producing a wallet with his free hand. "I'll reemberse him after the Op.. maybe"

"His name is SMITH!" Luca yelled out, suddenly having his HHG in hand and levelled at Ivan, "Don't forget that - and give him back his wallet," He seemed to be making it explicitly clear that name calling was not how you got a job done, "All I ask for is mutual respect, got that?"
Enzo stiffled his excitement over his ship for the noise below. During the gunfight in the lobby, Enzo had managed to unholster his Peashooter and point it towards the door. A hanging shot wasn't impossible and he was prepared to fire one off at a moments notice. However, as no one entered and the fire subsided, Enzo found himself alone again with the silence. He could hear only the muffled sounds of the scuffle sounds down the hall. Luca and Smith were bickering about something. There was a new voice.

Enzo sighed and reached for his communicator. He opened up the public channel and asked in a beleagured tone, "Naoko, yous can hear lasers and shit right? If yous can hears this, can yous comes and cuts me offa the ceilin' in room 309?"
Naoko flattened her ears, groaning audibly. It had been such a good morning. If she had only just kept sleeping, none of this nonsense would be any of her concern. It wasn't like any of this was her problem, directly. People could shoot each other's brains out all day and then some, so long as they kept it quiet and stayed out of her way. But, they never could. It never so happened. Six inches or six feet - it didn't matter. It was always some nuisance, somewhere.

Groggily, she crawled out of bed.

Somebody was going to pay for this.


A short while later, Enzo found himself facing an upside-down vision of Naoko, fully dressed out in the castoff clothing of the rest of the crew - a dull gray turtleneck tucked into loose pants, which themselves were tucked into small dark combat boots. She had thrown a stark black Haori with a giant gold sea turtle over the ensemble as a personal touch, wearing it open at the front to reveal that the Origin-grade energy pistols she had claimed during the battle yesterday still hung from two cross-crossed holsters at her waist.

Oh, and there was the long axe too, of course, carried almost as an afterthought.

She entered through the window, which was unlocked, and ducked inside from the three-story drop on the other side of the glass. Touching off lightly from the sill, Naoko levitated to the belt directly and hacked Enzo down with little fanfare.

"You are welcome," Naoko stated, hovering with her axe lackidasically dangling beneath her feet, "Doshite?"
Seiren had spent the rest of the previous day getting training for a LEAF, and that night he had purchased one for himself and sent it to the Vampire. Afterwards, he went to bed and got up early, toying around with a portable bunsen burner stove to make candy. After all, he would have plenty of time to modify his new 'toy' later, when he would have the necessary materials to weld on the aether generator and the plate he had ripped from the Mishu Power Armor.

Hearing only a fraction of the commotion downstairs, he muttered, "Must be one of the crew's doing. I wonder if it's the ID-Sol?"
From his new, blood redistributed position on the floor, Enzo could get a better grip at to what was going on. He still couldn't remember why he had tied himself to the light fixture however.

"That's the first times I been upside downs all nights long in a whiles." he said, rubbing his head where it had impacted the floor, "Thanks for the save, Naoko. I'm glad yous can hears lasers and shit."

Enzo stood and appraised the damage to the room before lighting a cigarette. "There's no need to ask why I was up theres. Luca says they founds my ship! You oughta see 'er Naoko-- I spent my life's savin' on this thing. Sexy paint-jobs, climate control, hidden panels for sneakery, stolens airbike in the backs for riding into town. It's got everything a mans on the lam could asks for. And I'm gettin' it back! Yous gonna ride in it with me, yeah? I'll show you stars and shit and we'll pick up people of our respective sizes and charm their pants off and them kicks 'em out on the curb, see? I outran Yammies, outsmarted Reds, and whatnot in this thing!"

Enzo smiled to himself and sighed contentedly as he gathered all of the towels and shampoo from the hotel bathroom into his pockets. He gathered everything he could hide in his coat and then grabbed the pillow from his bed. "Let's go gets it!"
For an Elysian, alcohol was slow to work, and rarely worth the effort considering how quickly most of their metabolisms functioned. That said, he had entertained a few mixers the previous night if only to keep the air light and friendly.

Come morning, he was having no problems- he'd never had any problems with alcohol- and was more than ready to be moving. Then the explosions came. Uriel was already dressed, but he still had to throw on his belt before striding hastily from the room and making his way to Luca's.

There he came upon a rather ugly scene- three guns raised, two of which were pointing at a man in the middle he didn't recognize. Hisshana did recognize Smith and the Captain both aiming at him, however, and contributed his own Tiger's Tears to the showdown.

Curtly, he inquired, "What seems to be the problem?" He'd only heard Luca's voice rumble whilst walking the hall, and was unaware of any details.
Naoko crossed her legs in mid-air, settling the long-handled axe on her shoulder to watch Enzo go about his pilfering and holding her combat boots together by their rough-out sides. Possibly Naoko could have been compelled to steal, but it would have to be something worth stealing. She didn't see the point in pillow theft, except in the metaphorical sense.

"Luca's room is just down the hallway," Naoko stated, helpfully. Then with a dry tone, she added, "And I am getting bigger, yo. I'm supposed to be one hundred and fifty-two centimeters, point-five."
Robert slowly came out from behind the bar where he had jumped when the explosions went off. He looked at the bartenders, grinned sheepishly and paid for the bottle of whiskey he had broken as he had forgotten his weapons. Then he bought another bottle, and took it with him as he took the staircase up to Luca's room. He figured that the Boss would want to hear about what he just saw. As he approached Luca's room he heard more shouting including the voice of the guy that destroyed the downstairs. He slipped in quietly and stood the side waiting for the Boss's final verdict on this new guy that Luca was probably trying to recruit.
Enzo reacted oddly to Naoko's comment about growing. The wayward smuggler's face twisted and contorted into a swell of emotions, each one more inappropriate than the last. First was anger, then grief, then a stoic line which crossed from jaw-to-jaw over his chin. Finally he coughed, and in a puff of smoke, was smiling again.

"Downs the hall, yous says, eh?" he chirped, sucking harshly the butt clenched tight in his mouth, "Well, let's see who's fighting and hows to puts a stops to it so's we can reaqcuires my ship, see?"

And with that, the lanky criminal jaunted down the hall at an accelerated gait; swaying the freshly stolen pillow at the end of his arm.
Naoko followed, out the door and into the open hallway beyond that. Halfway to Luca's door she gently touched down on the ground, and then began a sort of half jog to keep up with Enzo's long strides.

They ended up entering together, at the same time, without so much as a courtesy knock. Naoko stepped around the handful of people congregated at the door, and stole a look at the newcomer.

"Dare ka?" she hummed, politely skirting around to stand near Luca, allowing the newcomer a full view of her despite her diminutive preteen stature. If he was causing trouble, perhaps a view of the axe, however small the wielder, would diffuse the situation. "Who is this?"
Mr. Smith continued to stare down the sights of his handgun at Ivan, not so much as moving. Inwardly, he was quite pleased that Luca had seemed to finally have had enough with this person's insolence and lack of professionalism. As footsteps floated to his ear, he heard the Elysian's voice speak, surprisingly nonchalant. Given the situation, most respectable. "Mr. Pavone was intent on recruiting this individual, but it seems his patience has come to an end."

But there was more, more more feet paddling into Smith's hearing, and finally, a voice he would never mistake; one of his eyes twitched in response as Naoko spoke and asked. His grip on the pistol tightened ever so slightly as his heart quickened. The Origin Representative thought quickly. Something that would keep the damned thing's attention off of him! After all, it had to be looking at him. Ivan too of course, but he could just feel it's eyes boring into him! His mind clawed at memories in a desperate attempt to find a way to leverage the situation to his advantage.

'But I don't wanna get up!' she moaned.

'You have to! You're practically late for the hit, and you're ASSIGNED to overwatch. Overwatch on MY deal!' Matthew yelled, wrestling to pull off the blanket.

'Nuuuuu!' Bare and slender, yet shockingly strong legs kicked out at Matt, knocking him into the wall. He slumped down, completely winded.

'Ah. That might work.' He thought, back in the present.

"Ivan, this person here, is responsible for opening fire in the hotel lobby, and setting off a series of particularly disruptive explosions. Not before attempting to hold John hostage of course."

The damned Nekos tended to sleep A Lot, and it was a plenty safe bet to assume Naoko was doing the same, especially after the battle the other day. Besides, from his point, he had nothing to loose if he was wrong about that; Smith made sure to dangle John out there. If she didn't care about the man, then there was that chance that she was already on thin ice with some of them at the least.
Ivan did something unusual for a man surrounded by several heavily armed unknowns, he switched his Auto-12 to safe and pulled it back over his shoulder. Smith's twitch as the fuzzball entered the room caught his attention, then again so did the small surfboard form holding an axe. Momentarily fighting the urge to drop an IED and bolt as the room became more and more crowded, then the Origin pissant's comment caught his attention.

"Well I suppose I could have left the man standing next to a pile of active grenades, come to think of it that may have been a viable option" said Ivan, a slight spaced out look coming over his face. A moment later he snapped back, "Anywho" he said looking toward Luca and the fuzzy eared surfboard, "Ivan Kummel, armed interventionist at your service ma'am".
Momentarily in control of the situation, and comfortable with that knowledge, Naoko settled the axe blade-down on the floor and leaned, smiling a bit as she examined the man. She looked up. A lot. He wasn't much to look at, with a couple of days' beard and a mismatched eye. In fact, he was downright ugly, but she smiled anyway and kept on smiling.

The sort of eery smile that a doll wears.

"Armed interventionist?" she offered, "I don't know what you were intervening. It made a lot of noise, yo."
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