Beau didn't react that much to Enzo's prank, it was almost as though he was prepared to die. He'd seen his airbike race, he was happy with the result (even if he didn't win), and just sighed a sigh of relief as he finished his beer. Melissa, who had pulled out her rifle and pointed it at Enzo swearing a blue streak.
"...grrfuckin'hellwotdy'rethinkyerfuckin'DOING!?" She swore angrily as she pointed her rifle at Enzo, but after watching Vincent give him the what-for, she lowered her rifle and looked over to Beau, still eerily calm, "You orright?" She inquired as she put the safety on her rifle and sat down with it.
"I'm fine." Beau said, sounding numb as he sipped his beer and looked over to Luca, "You have a very, very dysfunctional crew. Ever considered getting a shrink?"
Luca thought for a moment and said, "If we did, I think our chances of success would diminish tenfold."
"No, I don't mean for sanity. I mean for togetherness," He observed, "If anything you and your team would get better," He smiled a weak smile.
Luca thought of Uriel, being the one with the most level head on the crew, bar his parents. He then thought of his crew at large and their squabbles. He could hear them vaguely - then it hit him with clarity, "You're right. You're absolutely right. I'll try and look into it."
"I don't doubt that you're one of the good guys, if anything you're a whole lot more pleasant than the pirate I shot down a month ago," Beau observed dryly.
"That's always a plus. No doubt you'll sell your story about me to the media about the Insane Sideburns wearing Pirate?" Luca smiled wryly.
"No need. A deal is a deal." Beau gave Luca a pat on the shoulders.
"John," Luca commanded, "Get us back to the Kestrel and take us home with Ardent. Beau, you're free to leave. Get some rest and bust your boss."
"Can do," Beau said as he picked himself up, and then took Ardent with him, "Sorry boss, you have to face the music for what you've done, maid uniform and all."
"Alright, on our way now," Jon confirmed as he detached the ISC Phoenix from the Lady of the Night and sent it back to the Big Bird, which, in turn, sent itself back to the Crimson Kestrel. Eventually, the Police Vessel went its own way, and the Lady of the Night was in the Hangar.
"How did this get on board?!" Luca said as he threw himself at the Mishhu, with a flamethrower in one hand and an automatic shotgun in the other, firing both off at the same time.
"I dunno!" John said as he erected a sentry and used his Laser Pistol to keep shooting at some of the straggling zombies.
"Quick, we gotta hurry!" Melissa argued as she continued picking off the ones closer to the back and the bigger ones in front.
"Door's open! Go Go Go!" Sebastian yelled as he finally unsealed the door, and the crew sprinted through it, Sebastian closed it behind him and sealed it shut with a welding iron.
"Whew!" Luca said as he put the controller down, "I haven't played that in Ages!"
"That wos fun," Melissa said, "Not terribly realistic, but fun ne'erth'less."
"I wonder if the others want in? Its an eight-player game, we got eight controllers." John mused.
Sebastian shrugged, "You kids can keep playing. I've got books to balance."
It'd only been an hour since the the previous incident, and by the looks of it, the crew needed a break for a while to gather their wits.