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RP (18+) Yoi-no-Myōjō/Evenstar Mission E01 - Maridor

Eidan took the binoculars from Tomoko briefly and peered in the direction she'd been watching. The Valon'rai, quick to notice the reflection of the setting sun off the lenses, had already retreated further into the cover of the Starfire Trees. Shrugging, Eidan handed the binoculars back to her. "Probably just reflections. Could be the setting sun," he remarked. "If you spot it again, we’ll head out in the morning to check."

As dusk deepened, the soft glow of aeris lumina~~bioluminescent particles suspended in the air ~~ began to fill the night, casting an ethereal glow across the alien landscape. The gentle lights illuminated the camp as if Maridor itself were alive, breathing with the pulsing energy of the world. Nighttime on Maridor was far from silent; the air was rich with the songs of insects and unseen creatures, their calls filling the cool air. The rhythmic hum of bioluminescent fauna could be heard in the distance, lending a vibrant energy to the otherwise tranquil scene.

"Eidan to Kazumi," he called over the comm, linked through his trusted KAIMON companion. "The suns are fading quickly. Head back to base and help with setup." As Kazumi worked near the stream, but as she collected samples, one of her specimen bags caught the light breeze, drifting down into the silvery liquid. As soon as it touched the surface, the polymer disintegrated instantly, consumed by the stream of corrosive metal—definitely not water. A fascinating yet worrisome discovery, they would need to find a source of actual water before their supply ran out.

"Beldagor? Beldagor, where did you go? We need some assistance here!" Eidan said, looking around, but the Valhallan had vanished into the dusk.

"We’d better get these tents up," Eidan instructed the others, casting a glance at Yuki and Kuroko. "These things are tricky, and we don’t want to be setting them up in the dark, even if the light isn’t an issue here." He then closed the comm and spoke directly to Kuroko. "I don't think we'll need guns tonight. Let our companions handle the perimeter. Hopefully, we’ll be more settled by tomorrow." Eidan felt a surge of excitement as he imagined the group finally sitting by the fire with their camp set up around them, ready to face whatever the new day on Maridor would bring. The alien world was alive, and soon, they would be part of it.
Twilight Basecamp
Tomoko noted Yuki’s reaction to the name of basecamp as Twilight Basecamp. Her lips curled up as she heard her say it was delightful. Though she was uncertain what she meant by as long as no one whipped bright lights around for a second but her attention went to Eidan, as he took the binoculars to look but she frowned as he couldn’t find anything, but he thought that what she saw was the reflection from the setting suns. Though Tomoko nodded her head, she wasn’t as convinced, and she knew that time will tell what they’d find. When Kazumi returned, Tomoko smiled as they were told that the Dai Oni had found a stream. “good! if that’s water, we could refill out bottles and containers if we need to. “ She said to Kazumi. Before she began working on getting her tent set up.
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