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RP: 5th XF [Mission] Jaspis Expedition


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
[Mission] Jaspis Mission

The 5th Expeditionary Fleet's staging area at Taiie was a busy place, but unusually for the late hour. It was nearly twenty past midnight and there was a rush to load the members of Namiko group for their upcoming mission to Jaspis with cargo.

The crew of the YSS-Namiko had spent the last two days on the Ecstasy Recreation Ship, the YSS-Hikari, as they were the last of the fleet to get leave after the betrayal of Shosa Yoshike. The Namiko had received heavy damage and took the longest to repair yet a final inspection revealed that the repairs were complete and the ship once again ready to resume its duties.

The Namiko was the former command ship of the Galaxy Expeditionary Fleet and had been under the command of the now Taisho, Motoyoshi Katsuko. After her departure she appointed her former first officer Tanizaki Kadiri, to the rank of Taisa.

01:00hrs z-minus 00:01 until departure

"The last of the transports have cleared Taisa.â€
Radio Waves assaulted the receivers of the Star Army ships like waves upon a shore during a storm. Someone was pretty close to their location since they seemed to be receiving transmissions at fairly short intervals.

The first signal seemed to be a single encrypted signal of one long electronic beep, but the rest of the signals seemed to involve battle chatter in a language that seem incredibly close to Old Earth German with them all being visual text messages instead of auditory or visual transmissions.

High above Jaspis V, two forces seemed to be battling for dominance. Each force seemed to be comprised of 44 ships with the largest being 35 meters smaller than a Yui Destroyer. Flashes of light could barely be seen as what seemed to be lasers were traded back and forth between both groups.

Orbiting the small, barren world was a huge station 80 kilometers wide, 25 kilometers long, and 40 kilometers high. It seemed to be constructed of two rectangular structures, one over the other, connected by a large tubular structure running horizontally between them, all surrounded by two massive circular structures. All in all, it was a very impressive sight, though the technology seemed to be quite primitive compared to that of the Star Army of Yamatai.


"Kommodore Adler!" the Communications Officer suddenly reported to toned woman sitting in the center seat of the bridge. The Kommodore in question turned her goggled eyes towards her subordinate and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Yes, Leutnant?"

"Unidentified transmission detected, putting it up on speakers."

"An audio?" Kommodore Leah Alder of the 101 Destroyer Squadron plus escorts looked over at her arm monitor in question before paying attention to the message. All it did was come up in a strange language she had never even heard of before...though some words seemed familiar in a way. "Location." The tactical display came up on her monitor and showed it being pretty close. Eyebrows furrowing, the commanding officer of the taskforce turned to her Comm. Officer. "Message to both Frontier I and all Forces, the War Games are over...form a Wall of Battle and begin switching over to combat readiness. Once that is done, send a text message via Laser Communication to the strange vessels."

"Aye ma'am," the Communications Officer replied as she began to dictate the message.

The only problem was, the Kommodore couldn't really tell how powerful the ships sitting just inside Abwehran space were. For all she knew, they could have been "god-ships" as the techies have begun to call higher tech levels. Sighing in annoyance at the whole thing, the Taskforce CO noticed her Flag Lieutenant standing directly behind and to the right of her chair. He seemed to be nervous as he bounced on his heels noticably. "Oberfähnirch Löwenhertz."

"Ma'am!" the young man jumped into military parade fashion, causing the elder woman to chuckle.

"At ease, Mr. Löwenhertz...you and the crew better start getting into your skinsuits."

"Aye, Aye, ma'am," the young Flag Lieutenant replied with a blush as he walked off. Now...all they could do was wait.
"It appears they are engaged in some type of war-game Taisaâ€

The raven-haired Kommodore read the message with an expressionless face. It seemed plausible that aliens would explore their surroundings, the Abwehran people themselves were planning to do the same thing in the future. First Contact with an unknown species...the thought excited her though it didn't show upon her face. "Ready the recorder for visual transmission," Alder ordered her Communications Officer.

"Ma'am," the officer replied as she pressed the record button.

Sighing quietly, the woman sat back in her chair as the recording halted. "Send that message to them and then form an escort formation around their ships, Formation Alpha-Five. Keep our weapons on stand-by."

"Aye, Aye, Ma'am," the officer replied.


Giving the message enough time to reach their visitors before moving, the force of 88 ships manuevered to surround the Star Army ships in a sphere formation. The collection of Destroyers, Frigates, and Corvettes seemed small in comparison to the Irim Gunship and gnat-sized when compared to the Kyoto Carriers, but the shear amount of them was pretty impressive for a military inferior to that of the Star Army of Yamatai.

The HMS Durandal, a Löwenhertz-class Destroyer and the flagship of the taskforce, flashed her running lights in salute to the YSS Namiko. Her egg-shell white hull gleaming with the black tri-planet symbol of the Abwehran Empire. The maximum speed of the entire taskforce seemed to only reach 0.44 c. meaning they were a great deal slower than the more advanced Star Army ships.

"Please standby Kommodore...â€
Kadiri raised a brow as the communication ended. Obviously this species is not the sharpest, not to mention very demanding, and unattractive to boot. Her eyes trailed to the tactical overlay on one of the holoscreens, giving orders as she observed the readouts for Frontier which they were closing in on. "Signal the rest of the group; tell them to keep our vessels within the 100 kilometer zone around their base...unless things get out of control.â€
Sighing and pinching her nose, Leah stood up and headed towards the back of the bridge. "Oberfähnirch, get cleaned up and in Dress Uniform," the Kommodore ordered calmly, causing the young man and blink in surprise under his goggles. "Don't you remember...I told you that you'd be in the party."

"Y..yes, ma'am," the young Löwenhertz responded as both left the bridge to get ready.


Meanwhile, Frontier I began the YSA fleet. The feeling amongst the Abwehran Fleet and Station was that of wariness and of strict discipline mixed with a hint of fear at the newcomers. Their first contact with the galaxy beyond their solar system's borders and they looked to be military vessels...most of them larger than any combat craft the Abwehrans had built.

Frontier I, on the other hand, was several dozen times more massive than even the largest YSA ship in the vincinity. Being the primary military facility at the edge of the solar system, it was also not only heavily armed but surrounded by dozens of orbiting defense platforms bristling with weaponry.

You have permission to launch at your ready. Please dock at Hanger 32, it will be flashing green so you can identify it and will be on the nearest section towards you. Frontier I, out.


At that moment, a shuttle was launching from the Dauntless as well. Unlike the other much larger capital ships, this transport was sleek and fairly well designed. Moving at a much faster .6 c for the first bit of its journey, it slowed to a crawl before entering a red-flashing hanger directly beside the green-flashing one. A strange woman with rosey-pink skin tone and auburn hair, she was the shortest of the party, only reaching five feet tall. She wore the typical dark goggles of a Nightdweller, just like the majority of the party excluding one of the marines.

"All right, let us be off," the Kommodore replied as she straighted her Black Dress Jacket adorned with medals and insignias before taking the lead. "Mr. Bauer will meet us there."


Exiting the small craft, six people stepped onto the deck of one of many Hangers on the massive fortress. Two of them being the Kommodore and her Flag Lieutenant while three others wore the Green and Black Dress Uniforms of the Weltraumflotte Marines. The last person wore a black on black, insignia-less dress uniform and carried a palm-top computer in one hand.
OOC said:
Due to the time I was away I want to get this dealt with:
All 5th Expeditionary vessels would have left the area suddenly having been ordered back to Taiie IV. We can try again for this plotline later. Please contact me if you have any questions.
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