Star Army

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RP: YSS Imperator Mission Three: Hurry Up And Wait


The Ham Lord
Inactive Member
YSS Imperator
11日 6月 YE 39
Mosa no Iori

With the battle over and a large hole in her hull, the YSS Imperator along with a number of other ships, mostly cruisers, to rendezvous with a Star Fortress to repair, rearm, and restock. Imperator had been given a berth at Bay Eighteen, with one of the cruisers, YSS Saigō, docked nearby.

Reapir teams were already on the hull working to patch the holes while teams scoured the entire ship for any faults at all. Different panels were off the walls to get to access points to check them, and other teams were rebuilding destroyed bulkhead doors.

For once in their deployment, they were at rest.


Kaede looked slightly annoyed, his eyes settled in the vacant exec's seat while he rapped his fingers on the armchair. Almost as soon as they had docked, the higher ups had up and transferred his XO from his ship and gave Kaede the order to wait for a replacement while repairs are completed. With repairs mostly completed, Kaede still couldn't return to the front without an XO.

He gave a light sigh before leaning back into his chair, "If the brass want to throw a third of the Third's primary gunnery away, that is their loss."


With the watch clock strike the beginning of the third watch, the mostly empty galley began to slowly fill with incoming crew that were hungry from running repairs and their duties. The tables filled quickly as a line formed at the serving line, the cooks were busy and the servers didn't have much to say otherwise.

A few new hires had appeared with the ship's docking in the form of extra staff. The server's crew had gotten a new head, as well as two veterans from somewhere within the fleet. The halls were nearly vacant with the galley acting much like a Neko-Magnet to the welcoming smell of the ship's menu.

Mosa no Iori
Docking Bay 18

Just past the docking collar was a few of the off duty flight officers, aimlessly waiting around and generally loitering while looking busy. The Captain had given them liberty to take leave aboard the Star Fortress as well as the Pyramids on the Imperator to their leisure while they were restocked with items for their shops.

The CAG was present in that group as well, but was sitting alone on a nearby bench looking out over the massive battleship as the shuttles buzzed around it and its neighboring cruiser. Her eyes moved around lightly and briskly looked at anything that they could.

YSS Saigō had taken a beating in the last fight, being one of the ships rammed by the carrier. It had been lucky to survive in the state it did. Ume's eyes settled on the wounded cruiser's large gash in the hull where the L'Kor Carrier had wedged itself. She gave a light shudder as she placed her head in her hands and twirled a strand of her hair around her index finger.
Mosa no Iori
Docking Bay 18

Able walked down into the docking bay, looking around at all of the damaged starships with intense fascination. The battle these vessels were recovering from must've been a massacre, but on which side was the real question. Because from what he saw, it was a miracle that they even made it here for repairs. There was one in particular he had been assigned to just very recently that he was looking for, however. The YSS Imperator, a Sharie-class battleship which needed an extra pair of hands as far as the hangar bay was concerned. Being that he had excellent scores during his time in flight training, it wasn't hard to see why he was immediately chosen to fill in. He wasn't one for being cocky, though.

He passed by each ship, thoroughly reading the IRN of each, as well as the name printed right alongside it. Eventually, near the far side of the docking bay, there she was. A Sharie-class battleship... They weren't the largest, but they still packed a good punch. She was getting quite the buzz for her efforts against the Kuvexians, as well. A ship getting that kind of attention was a ship he was proud to serve on, simply because it was clearly a beacon for adventure and most importantly, a beacon for discovery. Very few had laid eyes on any shred of Kuvexian culture. The fact that he got the chance now was something else.

He looked over the ship's hull, giving a slow nod at its design. The Sharie-class was a beautiful model, indeed... The Imperator had noticeable wounds from battle, but no more so than any of these other starships he saw. Adjusting his shades, he looked around at the repair crew which were hard at work fixing the structural damages sustained to the hull before approaching the vessel to board. If he was to be a member of the ship's crew, he wanted to meet the man who was in charge of operations.

YSS Imperator

He headed up the ramp to the interior of the ship, immediately looking for a lift that could take him up to the bridge. That was his best assumption for where the captain would be. During his walk to the lift, he noticed just as many internal damages as external. It was easy to assume that the ship would be under repairs for a fair amount of time, and that meant his feet would stay on the ground for awhile. This annoyed the pilot in him, but he wouldn't complain, as the pilots in the heat of the battle that caused all of this probably didn't share those feelings. If anything, they were probably glad to be back on their feet after nearly brushing death, as usual.

Upon the lift doors opening up to the bridge, Able's eyes concentrated on the captain's chair resting right in the middle of the relatively small chamber, holding multiple stations with button arrangements that could induce a migraine in your average citizen. He walked forward with a sense of confidence, standing beside his chair with a straight posture, his hand raised in salute. "Taisa Sutoikku, sir. My name is Able. I was signed to serve aboard your ship." He took a moment, and quickly added. "I'm... Sure they told you of my assignment to your crew. The fighter pilot?" He said questioningly, a bit concerned that he wasn't aware of his addition to the crew until right now.

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Kaede raised an eyebrow as he raised his hand to salute. It wasn't required to meet the Captain on larger warships, in fact he didn't think it was required at all. Though it did give him a sense of respect was being given. He squinted lightly at the absence of a rank marker, meaning that a Santo Hei was trying to impress someone so far up the chain he might as well be his father. The Taisa lowered his salute down and placed his hand back on the arm chair as he spoke up.

"No, I just get a mass list of names. We are currently numbering at around fifteen-hundred souls onboard. As much as sometimes wish I could, I cannot keep up with every single Neko, Minkan, or otherwise. Though since you are here, Welcome aboard." The Taisa gave a slight smile before leaning back into the back of his chair, "Now, go find the CAG. She'll have something for you to do."
YSS Imperator
Somewhere in the Battleship's Interior...

Araena Serphine, the large head engineer whose strange overall complexion could stand out in basically any crowd, was busy talking with several other technicians, some of which worked at the star fortress and others who lived on her ship. It was oddly like a company board meeting, the Shosa discussing what systems were still the most critically damaged, assigning several officers about the ship to segment the construction. The more daunting the task, such as repairing the annihilated port bow sections and regulating the flow of energy through freshly-built sections to prevent further damage went to a higher ranking officer to oversee; more menial tasks such as restocking damage control stations, replacing smaller hull segments, and installing new blast doors fell to the fresher NCOs to organize.

A slightly tired-sounding message was dropped into the Taisa's digital mind via telepathy, his red-paneled elysian on the other end, Many of the superficial damages are almost completely removed. Half of our cannons are responding incoherently however, it's a good thing we returned when we did. How are you holding up, Taisa?

Itto Heisho Eto Suama, a new addition to the kitchen staff, though a rather experienced one- and the ship's head server, took some time to inspect the place where she'd be working, and the people she'd be working with, as well as supervising. The lovely thing about server and kitchen staff is that with proper training they were generally a well-oiled machine that didn't need a whole lot of guidance to function properly.

Of course, sometimes screws came loose, or high-tech sensory equipment gets fried- all figuratively of course- and that is what she was there for. An experienced and patient server with several years of both cooking and serving under her belt, not to mention her event planning experience. She didn't like to brag or anything, but that didn't mean she wasn't proud of her accomplishments as a Star Army Cook!

Such as just right then!- tripping over her own feet, and catching herself all without anyone noticing!

Easily the greatest.
YSS Imperator

Senjo Shefu, the ship's Head Cook, noticed the new Head Server. The sous chefs had already begun gathering the necessary ingredients for today's meal: pork filet served on white rice, topped with either a sweet, sticky sauce Senjo had come to call Eel Sauce, or a savory, salty sauce most everyone used. There would also be a chopped chicken salad, a concoction of lettuce, red onions, carrots, baby boiled potatoes diced into small cubes, and a choice of traditional ranch or a dressing very similar to Eel sauce, but not the same, all topped with grilled strips of chicken.

He went over to the sink to his right and washed his hands, walking back over to his station. The kitchen staff had a long shift ahead of them today, so Senjo began warming up his stove while his sous plopped a slab of pork on his prep table. He grabbed a knife and cut into the meat, placing the small rounds of pork into a pan with some vegetable oil in, the heat making it sizzle as the meat cooked. Various chefs around the kitchen did the same, some cooking the chicken. His sous now brought a bag of rice, pouring it into a large measuring bowl. Senjo then went over to the large sink and poured water into an even large bowl, doubling the amount of water than there was rice. He dumped the rice in as the water boiled, the small grains slowly enlarging. He began to focus on the pork as the rice began to cook, his sous chef now preparing the lettuce for the first serving of salad.

Able blinked with a stoic expression at the captain's words. In all honesty, he should have known better. With this many hands aboard, it was no surprise that the Taisa looked at him like he was insane. How in the Hell would he be able to keep up with his entire crew of ell over a thousand? If he had the capabilities to show embarrassment, he would have. Giving a nod at his orders, he spoke up once more. "Yes... I believe that would be the most logical thing to do as of current. I will find her immediately, Taisa." He said respectfully, turning and quickly leaving the bridge. Perhaps his encounter with the CAG would be... Less awkward.

Shuttle Bay
The trip down to shuttle bay was around the same length as the trip to the bridge. Mostly because it was directly down, instead of directly up. Upon entering, he immediately looked between the smaller vessels docked inside, noticing minor damages to a few, and more serious damages to others. There were engineers in here as well, conducting similar repairs as to the repairs on the Imperator itself. He walked into the large hangar bay, passing between the fighters as he looked around for the CAG. He approached finding them in the same way he went about finding the Taisa. Where else would they be, other than where pilots usually spent their time? It was only logical.
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Mosa no Iori
Docking Bay 18

Yamasaki Ayane was looking to meet up with her CAG. After the chaos of the battle, there had been a scant and hurried briefing, and Ayane did not get the chance to talk with her CAG on her performance in the battle.

As she walked around the docking bay, for the first time Ayane began to comprehend the scope of the damage to the Imperator. During the entire course of the battle, Ayane had been focused on shooting down hostile fighters and shuttles. While she had been paying attention to communications throughout the battle, the channels that her CAG had prioritzed were the ones directly related to the fighter squadrons.

Once Ayane located Fukugumi Ume on the bench, she approached the CAG and gave a swift salute.

"Yamasaki-Hei, reporting."


Shosa Aerlia Lei'Shela struck an imposing figure as she slid casually into the packed room, black panels standing out amongst the sea of bright colours. Eyes turned as the dark-skinned leader of SAINT took her place in the line behind a particularly fidgety blonde Neko, uniform absolutely immaculate and dark hair perfectly straight.

She was aware that some of the crew had come to view her with something close to fear, fabricated rumours of her past had circulated and she was doing her best to ignore them. While the Separa had been part of the Star Army for a good while now, it seemed most people hadn't experienced the way Venis carry themselves and it had apparently inspired the budding authors aboard to spin fantasy around her for whatever reason.

Aerlia didn't care whether she was thought of as unfeeling or cold, that was their ignorance not hers. Pushing such weak thoughts aside, she absentmindely flicked her forked tongue from one corner of her mouth to the other in thought. She had to submit a detailed report of the last battle, her agents working around the clock to decipher the enemy's tactics and anatomies. Their foes were adapting, she was sure of it, even as they learned more and more. She was troubled at how they would counter such zealotry as suicide bombers but she had to abide protocol and report before acting on her own.

Before long, the Separa had reached the front of the line, turning her reptilian gaze on the server expectantly as she sidled up.
Shuttle Bay

One of the flight engineers looked over to Able, cocking her Neko head to the side. Unless there was a sudden scramble that was silent, or that a pilot was checking on their fighter for the umpteenth time, the pilots were usually not on the flight deck. Checking that her minute or two of absence wouldn't cause total catastrophe, the flight engineer jogged over to the visibly lost pilot.

"Looking for the CAG? Last I saw her she was in the pilot's ready room getting ready to go get food or something."

Mosa no Iori
Docking Bay 18

Ume looked up, looking startled for a millisecond before relaxing again. She gave a light smile before stating flatly, "Follow me, Ayane. I'm hungry." The CAG had her hair down across her shoulders, something very odd for what the CAG's usual tight hairstyle usually was. Her expression looked a bit dodgy as well, but could be passed off as either battle weariness or she being wierded out of upset about something.


Kaede thought back to the engineer after he dismissed the pilot with an equally tired tone, "Toss in a request for total repairs to the fort, let their techs help out." He gave a slight smile though before adding on, "And I am doing just fine."
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Suama met the intelligence officer's gaze- and did so with an award winning smile. There had been plenty of times she had received such a look and she knew it wouldn't be the last time either. Some folks just had that certain stern outward demeanor about them, and you just had to look them in the eye like you would anyone else!

"Nice to see you, Chosa!" The Heisho greeted cheerily, "What'll it be?- I'm willing to bet you're aching for a big meal!"
Shuttle Bay

Able was taken out of his thoughts as the flight engineer came running over. Looking over at her and hearing what she had to say, he gave a nod. Well, at least he didn't have to go searching the entire station. "Thank you. I'll be taking my leave now." With that, he turned and left to go catch the lift once more, to the galley. There, he'd hopefully meet up with her and finally get some instruction. Though, there obviously wasn't much for a fighter pilot to do with his ship wrecked and under intense repairs.

A short lift ride to the upper portions of the ship, and here he was. The galley. It was packed, too. Plenty of people here today looking to fill their stomachs. He had no place here, as the circuits and wires encompassing his body made eating an impossibility. Not that Able minded. He found that constantly having to consume to remain energized was a weakness he'd rather not have. Among plenty others that biological organisms tended to come with.

He tried not to bump into too many people as he sat at an empty table near the back, away from all of the restless folks who were quite noisy, as well. Able wasn't a big fan of being in small areas with many people, all of which seemed unable to act logically, or civilly, for that matter. Fooling around, laughing and making a fuss over subjects which carried no real importance... Was a silent meal simply an impossibility to Nekos and Minkans? Though, he never complained. He simply distanced himself at these occurrences.
Mosa no Iori
Docking Bay 18

"Yes, Fukugumi-Taii!", Ayane replied in a exuberant and military tone. "If you don't mind me asking Fukugimi-Taii, what is...wrong?", finished the fighter pilot in a softer tone, as she followed Ume to the galley.

Ume's expression had not escaped from Ayane's notice, and she wondered if it was the performance of her underlings in battle, the excessive damage and casualities that the Imperator had sustained, or some esoteric matter that was of little direct import to Ayane.

Whatever it was, Ayane looked to the CAG with a concerned expression crossing her features.

Mosa no Iori
Docking Bay 18

"I am fine, I'm just... uneasy all of a sudden. Rumor has it that something is going around along the lines of a new craft." Ume seemed to have the look around her of concern, but it was shadowed by her growing stoical expression as they walked closer to the docking collar. Ume was saluted by the Chui in charge of making notes of boarding and disembarking of the great warship, to which she gave a sharp reply with her own hand as she entered the bowels of the Imperator.

As they navigated the halls, the CAG was quiet. She twisted and turned her way to the zero-G passageway nearest to the galley before ascending upwards towards it. She seemed to pay no heed of Ayane as she walked through the galley doors and silently melded her way into the assembling line.
Mosa no Iori
Docking Bay 18

Ayane gave no reply after her inquiry about her CAG's mood. As the pair entered the Imperator, Ayane stopped and gave the Chui a sharp salute before continuing inside of the ship...

YSS Imperator

As the pair entered the growing line within the galley, Ayane took a plate from the stack while waiting patiently for the line to move. Once she arrived at the food pickup area, Ayane scooped chicken and dumplings onto her plate, then picked up a chocolate chip cookie from the desert bar. Ayane had finished picking up her food and drink before Ume, so after looking to beckon her CAG to follow her, she headed to a table occupied by a single slim and snow white masculine figure who was wearing dark blue panels.

Ayane made eye contact with the figure as she approached the table. As she set her drink down on the table, she gave a soft smile to the snow white man.

"I haven't seen you before. My name is Yamasaki Ayane-Hei! Nice to meet you!", she said in a piping and cheerful voice.
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YSS Imperator
Interior, near airlock 7C

Serphine slipped her datapad back into her hands as she made her way back to the station's interior. Typing a message out for the Star Fortress's crew and command, the elysian stole a look into the flight decks, noting the lack of people inside-all tasks here were complete, at least. "They should be on their way in a few minutes." Her telepathic, secret message was warm, seeing as he seemed to be feeling overall alright considering the circumstances. She chuckled a little to her stomach as it growled, the smell of food from one of the various galleys permeating the air as she passed by. "It is about meal time, it seems- I'll likely eat in the wardroom after I arrange a few things on board the station, if you haven't eaten already perhaps you'd like to join me?" Telepathy was great, it didn't have to deal with the hassle of wireless electronic communications, it was private, it was fast and easy...

Araena stepped through the airlock cheerfully, loosely-but still officially-saluting a small team of technicians in uniforms almost perfectly identical to hers as she passed. She had more than just official business to attend to while the fleet was stationed here; Not all of it was likely to be completed before dinner but she'd still try.
YSS Imperator

Able looked up almost as soon as the peppy Neko made her presence known, plopping her drink down at the table across from him. He at first just looked at her blankly, examining her features and her uniform for a moment. He took note of the coloration... The blue indicated a fighter pilot, much like himself. Perhaps this was an indicator of one of his comrades, which would explain why she had approached him. Or maybe this was a fine example of many biological organisms' overwhelming friendliness and willingness to approach complete strangers. It was an odd concept, one he couldn't quite wrap his head around.

It took a moment, but Able finally did acknowledge her with a nod. "Greetings. I am known professionally as Arinobu Sutoraikā-Hei. However, you may refer to me as Able, if you wish." He told her with a calm and collected voice that showed nearly no emotion. It was somewhat scary, but somewhat relaxing, the lack of expression. He looked around, seeing if he could spot the CAG anywhere. "Forgive me... I have direct orders to locate the CAG of this vessel to receive further orders... As you noticed, I am a new asset here, and my main function is as an acting fighter pilot."
YSS Imperator

Yamasaki Ayane's pupils widened when her greeting in a monotone and robotic manner. Her facial features twitched as she attempted to suppress any facial expressions that could register as shock to the man. Although her initial reaction to his voice had been somewhat averse, after replaying his greeting within her digital mind, Ayane found his tone to be slightly relaxing.

A brief and awkward silence passed between the two after Able spoke. As she replayed Able's greeting in her head, Ayane stared deep into Able's glowing blue eyes. It did not take long for her to see the inner mechanical workings of his...ocular apparatus. The revelation came as no surprise to Ayane after hearing his voice. However, a thought did cross her mind that this man was simply a heavily augmented Nepleslian.

Realizing that it had been far too long, Ayane shook herself out of her trance and flashed a demure smile at Able.

" to have your acquaintance!", replied Ayane hesitantly at first, her voice rising once again into a peppy and sweet tone as she finished her sentence. "You mentioned the CAG? She is right behind me actually...", replied Ayane as she shifted around to glance at the pale-blue skinned CAG.
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Caught a little off-guard by Suama's shining attitude, Aerlia blinked once in shock - a rare and unintentional display of emotion. Scolding herself internally for breaking her Venis upbringing, the Separa'Shan replied calmly. "Good to see you too - Eto is it?" she didn't mention that she had done one of the scheduled SAINT reviews of certain personnel a few days prior, remembering her file easily with her dark-blue skin. Not often you see a Neko like that.

"I'll have whatever's meaty, if that's alright." the Shosa continued in her calm monotone, inner eyelids blinking a fraction of a second before her exterior as she finished. After she would be served, the dark-skinned woman would slither to one of the less-populated tables with a polite "Arigatou gozimasu." Settling down at one far end of the bench she chose, Aerlia nodded to the Taii one table over as their gazes passed each other.

Kaede smiled to himself and responded to the Elysian engineer, "Of course."


The CAG appeared to be spaced out, looking blankly out into the air of the room. She her her title stated and she looked over with a simple, "Huh?" She turned a slight shade of deeper blue, a blush for the blue-skinned Neko. She interlocked her hands together and looked at the android with a million things going through her head at that very moment. She got his name and rank through the KAMI's rosters for the ship and she blinked with a simple question flowing from her mind.

"Have you flown in combat with craft we have or are you new?"