Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Approved Character Miyu Ayana

Miyu Ayana

Inactive Member
Character Name: Miyu Ayana

Species: Nekovalkija 17R
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years, 2 months
Creator/Parents:WickedArms Corporation, Star Army of Yamatai
Faction: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Lamia Mecha Pilot
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Assignment:

Hair color and Style:Blonde; Stright and Long, Reaching down to about the small of her back. Usualy tied back, or in a tight pony tail
Build and Skin Color: Slender and atheltic, With Smoot flesh coloerd skin.
Face and Eye Color: Red Eyes and round almost childish face with just slightly narrowed eyes.
Distinguishing Features: Red Eyes, and thin red lines "tattoed" over much of her body in almost circit-like patterns.
Personality: Strong-willed, possesive, and agressive, Ayana tends to attempt to excell in everything she does.. and often becomes hostile should she do poorly. She is easily taunted into a fight, perhapse because she enjoys fighting. She is also a habitual drinker, dispite the fact that she has little alcohol tolorence.(for a neko at least)

Likes: Girls, fighting, good food, and strong Booze.
Dislikes: Diplomats, politicians, Elysians, and Seraph.
Goals: To be the BEST. Period. (secretly wishes to find evidence that the Elysians are plotting against Yamatai.)



Neko Hologaphy 5
Language: Japanese 5
Hemosysthesis: Basic 5
Anti-grav. field: Basic 5
Telepathy: Advanced:5
Martial Arts: 5

Class Skills:

Sniper 3
Improved Accuracy 3

Occupational skills:

Commu. Laser 4
Mecha Repair 4
Pilot Mecha 4
SLICS Interface 4
Weapons: Mecha 4
Zero Gravity Movment: 4

History: Created By the Star Army in the early part of YE 25, Ayana was trained and conditioned from "birth" to fight and Kill the Elysians and there Seraph creations. She graduated 2nd in her class from Star Army Basic Training, (which infurated her, as she had shot down the top studend several times in simulation.) and was immidately assinged a Mindy M2 power armor.

Before she could even be assinged to a ship, peace was made between the Star Army and the Elysians. Ayana was enraged, she felt as if her biggest chanse for glory had been stolen from her by those spineless Eliysians. In a fit of fury she lashed out verbaly at several superior officers and was thus assigned to ground duty for two years.

Two years seemed like 2 decades to Ayana, and she spent a good part of her tour of duty planetside In hot water with her Various CO's, who described her as "A loose cannon" and "A fine Soldier, but excessively aggressive and abusive toward other personnel, especially the junior officers." But after two years of hell, she finally received orders to report to a ship, and take a position as a Lamia pilot.
The history was really a bit too detailed. I believe RPers should actually RP the important parts of their character's life, instead of just writing about what happened. The rest of it was good though. Someone's told me that my criticism of history (which I do to everyone who posts a bio) isn't constructive, but I don't really know what to suggest except to change the history. It's your character and you don't have to listen to me. No one else is going to mind.
Character approved, if you want to use her. If you want to change the bio a bit to reflect Wolf's thoughts, that's okay too.
The history was really a bit too detailed. I believe RPers should actually RP the important parts of their character's life, instead of just writing about what happened. The rest of it was good though.

Well I can safely say that I've never been told my RPing is too descriptive. Thanks, In a way You just gave my ego a boost.

Anyway, my ego aside, I had planed to write a short flashbackish RP on the whole 2 years she spent planetside. (provided thats not frowned upon) The Better part of the "two years" part of the bio was filler. I wrote this at about 3:00am, so I was kinda low on creativity.

But anyway, I guess I'll start on an Income and finance report.

I hope to have fun RPing with you guys ^_^
I liked the history. While it is good to flesh out a character with other people as Jadg suggests, it is also good to have a basis for RPing. If you just go into it blindly, you will typically contradict yourself or not have any idea of the personality that you will be taking on and do something not in keeping with the character's personality. B)
Well, if you write a "short flashbackish RP" then that's not RP. That's a story that you wrote by yourself. What I meant was, history should really be plain and simple, without stuff that makes the character special (i.e. saving a squad from attack or single-handedly destroying an alien race you made up). Yours wasn't too bad, don't get me wrong, but it seems to me like it's too much information. If you RPed out your two years of stuff with Wes or something (even if it's nothing special) that'd be better.

I still like this character though. She sort of reminds me of Wolf, with the hot temper.
What I meant was, history should really be plain and simple, without stuff that makes the character special

If what Wolf is implying here is that you shouldn't give your character special abilities based on your history (Unless of course you ask Wes and he approves), then I agree. Your character seems fine to me in that aspect however.

If Wolf however means that you shouldn't have a character history that makes you in a way unique or special compared to every single other person on the forum, then in my own opinion ignorance is bliss. Then go ahead and build that basis for your character personality or any other features of your character, as long as it's accurate, within the rules and neither Wes nor any players (With a good reason) object about it.

seems to me like it's too much information.

I disagree again, the more information you have the easier it is for you to roleplay, since you have more information to work with.

If you RPed out your two years of stuff with Wes or something (even if it's nothing special) that'd be better.

Well if you have the time to roleplay a timegap of two years...

If you just go into it blindly, you will typically contradict yourself or not have any idea of the personality that you will be taking on and do something not in keeping with the character's personality.

I fully agree with Tim.