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Approved Character [MoD] Dragan Khaimov

What plot is this for? I am going to clean up some red links and grammar, if you do not mind.
Sorry, I just saw this and have already fixed grammar, spelling, and links. Is @Dragon_God running that plot? If so, I will move the thread to approved characters.
No problem by me. We are all here to learn and grow as writers. Most mistakes I found were minor and were side effects of what I suspect is you having a hot pen and wanting to write down everything in your head. I really like the character concept you made! The concept of a war poet/writer is close to my heart as Hemingway shaped a lot of my writing and how I look at war, simultaneously. Whether that is good or not for me, I can not tell. Have fun with your character and reach out if you ever need anything! : )
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