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RP [Monarchy of Dovania] Black Skies, and White Earth


Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
Xuno | Ex-Fahen
===== Xuno | Kyrok City | Draguun Royal Palace | 13:15 =====

=== 1 week after the Fang City incident ===

The landscape was covered in a thick blanket of snow. A perfect pearly white, almost blinding. The day was clear, cold, and the sun beamed down, making the snow glitter. Dovanian Royal guards stood in their obsidian and onyx black. It's architecture was designed with a blend of modern and old Xunok art. Making a masterpeice, one to spender, a black castle in a field of snow.

The Draguun Royal Palace was a Castle, black all around, making it one of the few buildings that were all black. The only things that stood out were the Dovanian banners and flags that flew against the walls of this castle. It's gate was archaic in design, like the rest of the castle. However, it had the most up to date security and systems within, having DRG patrol the perimeter and walls at all times. Even having heating, pluming, electricity, as well as a 'lock-down mode', just in case of intruders or a siege.

Outside, the limousine had driven up to the castle, within was Private Second Class 72. He was to be brought to the High King's Royal Estate. For there was a very important message that this man had to give to 72, he just didn't know it. The diver of said limousine gazed into the rear-view mirror and asked 72, "So, what's special about you sir? I hear you're apart of the infamous Regiment 001. I feel as if I am not incorrect, given you're not a man."

"You're correct," 72 said, looking into the eyes of the driver reflected off of the mirror. "However, I've got no more idea than you do as to why I'm being escorted here. I'd assume that it's good things. That's normally the case for those you drive here, right?"

With a chuckle, the driver responded, "Of course, so far at least. Surprisingly, you're the only person I've driven here. Besides his and her majesty of course. So you should be cautious, but relax. His highness is not an aggressive man, from what I've seen, he's fairly reasonable with his punishments, and gracious with his rewards." He stated, trying to make 72 feel more relaxed.

"I guess I should be off, then. Wish me luck, sir," 72 said to the driver before opening the door. He then gently closes it behind him and starts for the large castle that awaits him, unsure of what matters lay inside.

The Guardsmen that stood outside waited for the limousine to drive away before approaching. From their chevrons, they were both Dragoons, very distinguished men, to be able to be such a rank. The man on 72's left greeted him in Xunok, "Greetings, we've been expecting you Damadian 72. Apologies if I do not call you by your full name. It's too inconvenient." He waved his hand dismissively, followed by, "However, please present your dual documentation." He asked.

72 replied to the Guardsman's comment, "Don't worry about it, I've noticed only the aristocratic 'spacers want people to call them by their full name." He then produces his various utilities of documentation from his pocket and handed it to the guard, waiting for the standard approval.

Looking over the identification, he returned the identification to Damadian 72, "Wonderful, also, may I point out that your Xunok is fairly decent for a newcomer." He stated with a grin, escorting him to the gate. "Alright, open up! Our guest have arrived!" He shouted up, a moment later, the gate opened and he stepped through, "Welcome to the Draguun Royal Palace." He welcomed Damadian 72.

72 was in awe of the entrance to the palace courtyard, both from the traditional Xunok architecture it portrayed and the sheer realization that he was inside of the Royal Palace so soon after joining Regiment 001. He thanked the guard and took a few steps inside, then waited for another Dragoon or similar Royal Officer to escort him.

They escorted him through the cobblestone path, the other soldiers and officers training over on the left, locked in combat. Sword against sword, a ballay of elegant swordsmanship. To his right, he could see the shops that were there, fit with all sorts of goods and items. A small flourishing community. "Do you know why you are here Damadian 72?" The other Dragoon had asked him curiously.

"I'd assume that it has to do with the most recent mission that I've attended, over at Fang City, but I don't know why they've called me here exactly. The two others don't have the honor, at least, as far as I know." 72 responded, with almost the same tone of curiosity as the guard.

"Huh, what a predicament, I do hope for you that it's nothing too bad. I caught wind of the incident in Fang City. We recorded over 79 casualties, and 167 injuries. So let us pray that you're not here to be punished." He finished after arriving at the palace doors. "You may enter in alone. We trust you enough not to do anything to stupid. Because if yoy did, I'd shoot you myself." He chuckled jokingly at his remark.

72 entered the palace through the doors, thinking to himself, 'I guess it's time to meet Him.' His mind was filled with infinite possibilites processed through his MMI, but he took a deep breath to prepare himself to meet Kyro-vek Draguun.

Upon entering, Damadian 72 would see a grand entrance hall. The floor being a smooth and pristine dark oak wood planks, the chandeliers above him were golden, lit with candles. On the walls were paintings of gorgeous landscapes of Xuno. Portraits of soldiers and of course, banners of Dovania. The architecture on the walls, floors, stair case, and door frames continued with the style. Servants walked around busy, cleaning, carrying supplies or food. Damadian 72 would receive a few friendly faces and waves from those who passed him. On the floor there was a Gold and silver carpet, which lead from the entrance, up the main stairway.

72 walked carefully across the intricately designed carpet as not to bunch or ruin any portion of it. He followed it through the hallway and up the main stairs, his cardiovascular organ unit beating five times faster than usual.

As Damadian 72 made his way up the stairs, the floors did not creek, nor did the carpet get ruined. When he reached the top, a servant woman stopped him. The woman had long blonde hair, and a bosom that was endowed, along with her fair skin and youthful complexion. She seemed rather content, "Hello sir, it's a pleasure to meet you. Would you like directions to his highness's office?" She offered her aid as well as taking a short bow.

"Why, yes ma'am. That would be great." 72 said, eager to meet Him, yet very nervous as to what he would say when he does. He was sure at this point that his reason for visiting the palace was not for punishment, but reward.

"Very well, please follow me sir." She said with a smile, as she made her way down the hallway. "I am Elisabeth Questberg. Daughter of Philip Questberg, previous king of Thullo and now President of Dovania. Whom might you be sir?" She asked.

"I'm called Damadian 72, either names suit me. Most people call me 72." He said, almost proud for the first time of his name. "Hmm, what is a young woman of such strong filial connection guiding people such as myself around? I'd imagine you'd be near your father political-wise."

"You are correct, I am apart of the Dovanian Royal Council, as a Representative. However, I'm not there every day, and helping his majesty would reap more benefits than helping my father. Plus, my father wanted me to earn that position with him." She gave a nervous laugh after that, she being a bit of a klutz.

"Well, I'm not that great seeing the pattern of raising that parents show children, being from a mother-ship and all. Well, after you," 72 added to his statement, gesturing ahead as to continue their walk towards His office.

Elizabeth stopped outside a door, the placate reading, [Draguun Office]. "Well, here we are. I hope that your meeting with his highness is not terrible and is in fact beneficial to you Mr. Damadian." She smiled to him, "I should get going, maybe after we could get a cup of tea?"

"I'll be sure to take you up on that," 72 replied, returning a smile. "And I hope so too," he put in, acknowledging Elizabeth's previous comment. 72 opened the door slowly, hoping to see Draguun sitting at a desk, smiling to him and motioning him over with open arms. This exact scenario was unlikely, but hopefully Draguun would show some sort of kindness to 72 so he could know for sure as to what terms he is here.

Upon opening the door, he would see an office layout still holding to the style of the rest of the building. The floor having a floor carpet that was the Dovanian banner. Two black leather and wooden chairs stood on the opposite side of the stone and wooden desk. Kyro-vek Draguun standing on his side, staring out the large window that took almost the entire wall on the opposite end of the office from the door. There were bookshelves and portaits of him and Orias there.

Kyro stated after a minute of absolute silent, "The view is absolutely astonishing. Wouldn't you agree Damadian 72-6932-0441." He stated in his cold and monotone voice, glancing back to Damdian 72 with his straight and stern expression. Turning completely around to face him, he wore his Royal Garbs.

72, hearing the emotionless voice of Kyro, completely changed his initial expectations of a raucous and boisterous man. He then tried to look past Kyro's large figure through the window at the blanketed landscape, and replied. "Yes, sir. It is especially more beautiful with the priestiness of this planet. The overpopulated lands of Eastern space do not compare to the magnificent frontier."

Kyro raised an eyebrow, stepping away from the window, he approached Damadian 72, "I see, you were from Eastern Space. Would you be as so kind to say from where? Your origin intrigues me Damadian." He spoke clearly, yet without emotion, and showed none. The face of a soldier, one locked forever in combat and formalities.

"I originate from the Kovax System of Nepleslia. I do not remember much of my past, but I know that I have spent most of my time on Vandenberg. However, I have been to Planet Nepleslia itself, which shows the overpopulation and mutation associated with its Republic." 72 stated to Kyro.

Kyro nodded, though he looked unimpressed, "I do not have such hopes for Nepleslian or Yamatai. Filth ridden planets with no structure or true organization. Legally a mess, and internally ridden with filth and corruption. I of course have never been there myself, but from intelligence alone. I never wish to step foot there for the wish of pleasure." He had a hint of disgust. "Dovania and Dusk are far better organized places. Again, of course I state that from a bias point of view."

"My relationship with Nepleslia is purely locational. My record does show the deeds I had carried out in Kovax." 72 said, hoping to clarify his own interpretation of their government. "I do agree with your point of view, sir. The freedom of the people deserves to be regulated, not cast aside by politicians who are trying to rake in as much KS from lobbyist corrupting a government and bending the laws to better suit corporations."

Smirking, Kyro looked to Damadian 72, "Perfect explanation. Now to get back to why I have brought you here." He clears his throat before putting a hand on Damadian 72's shoulder, "Please explain to be in your own best words. What happened in Fang City." He stated simply and to the point.

72 tried to recall the events that had occured not too long ago. "Warrant Officer Tazer, Private Second Class Blade, and myself arrived at Fang City at 13:00, and proceeded to question some of the residents. Me being the only one there knowing Xunok, I personally questioned a small boy and a prostitute as to find the Sour Kraut, the location of the target. We headed there, but I remember that the small boy received a package from the prostitute and ran away. Anyways, we all headed towards a diner, and Blade separated from the group, resulting in the death of a single Fang City Police agent and the injury of a second. Soon after, a commander arrived and informed us of the help they could provide us. We went to an alleyway outside of the target's location and me and Mark Tazer found another agent and learned of the amount of hostiles inside, while Blade tried to find a way in from the roof, injuring himself. I went up to aid Blade, when Mark, followed by a Militia medic went up. The explosion went off around this time, and I believe on retrospect that it was most likely the package the small boy carried. We all headed into the building, and the target was killed, by Mark Tazer I believe, and the building collapsed. We all made it outside with help from local firemen." 72 ended the longwinded recollection of the events a few days before.

Kyro listened and processed the information given, "Indeed, an affair that should have been given more than a measly three man squad. I should have intervened sooner." He stated almost as in apologizing for the actions and mission.

"We came out alive, with scrapes and bruises as expected, but alive. That is the only thing that matters, sir. That, and the service of Dovania." 72 said, trying to reassure Kyro and his ideals. It was almost surreal for him to see such a powerful man(politically and physically) show any sort of weakness and sympathy, cementing the fact that Kyro, by nature, was a good person.

"Of course. however a soldier and civilian that is lost. Is another family that must suffer. A cruel world we endure, but we all must just the same. Now, I wish to bestow an offer to you." He stated looking at Damadian 72, still looking slightly angry from the deaths.

"Yes, sir?" 72 asked, sympathetic to those lives lost in the explosion for the first time since the event.

"I want to give you a position, a very high level one. Involving a matter of intergalactic organizations." He smirked, the offer being a rare one that only so many had.

"'Intergalactic organizations?' But, I have joined so soon. What is this position you plan on giving me, sir?" 72 asked, ecstatic at his moving up the ranks yet nervous at the burden that will be bestowed upon him.

"I give this to you as you are not human, and Freespacers are not common here. Making you perfect for blending in in eastern space. I'm offering you the position on top of being a medical officer, as being an intelligence and foreign administrator." Kyro offered to him, the obvious hing of being promoted to an officer included.

"I will accept this position, your highness. Might I ask what this job entails, sir?" 72 asked, intrigued at the agency that is visible through this offer.

"You will be sent out to western space, under the indications that you will represent Dovania everywhere you go. If necessary, you will be involved in combat. However, never give the location of where you come from." He clearly stated to him, as no one outside of Dusk knows of Dovania.

"Thank you for clarifying, sir. Are there any future missions that I should be expecting in the future?" 72 again asked, hoping that this new position may aid him in the future.

"Yes, as of now. We have a need to have ears in eastern space now. Departure will be soon. Within the coming weeks." Kyro said, as this matter was needing to be done as fast as possible.

"Thank you for calling me, sir, and it is an honor to represent Dovania under these pretenses and an honor to meet you in person, your highness." 72 says, before headings towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going? I have yet to properly give you your mission details amongst other important details." Kyro called out to Damadian 72.

"Sorry for my eagerness, sir. I do apologize." 72 returns to his previous position in front of Kyro and awaits his mission details.

Kyro waved him to approach, picking up a wooden box on his desk.

72 went over to Kyro's desk and stood there, watching Kyro's every move as he put the wooden box on it, observing as to what was inside.

Kyro opened the box, within was a Apprentice Knight chevron. "I, High King Kyro-vek Draguun, bestow to you, Damadian 72-6932-0441, the honorary rank of Apprentice Knight, Dovanian Royal Guardsmen. Your uniform will be supplied at a later date, and this is your first mission." He handed him the box and a tablet. Then giving a Dovanian Salute.

"Thank you, your highness." 72 returned the salute and looked at the tablet before opening the wooden box.

The mission was a very complex order, regarding the need for other nations to know of the existance of Dovania, yet to never give it's positioning in the nebula. To spread the culture and word, the legacy and nature of Dovania. Making this mission going to take a long time.

72, once again, thanked the High King and headed for the door with the items given to him for his mission and the title of Apprentice Knight. He then walks through the halls, searching for the young Elizabeth.

Damadian 72 would eventually find her out in the court yard, sitting at an outdoor table, under an umbrella. Drinking a cup of green tea, sitting blissfully.

72 walked towards Elizabeth. "I said that I'd take you up on that offer." he says to her, sitting in a chair at the same table.

"Ah, hello again Damadian 72! I'm glad to see you've accepted my offer." She grabbed the tea pot from the center of the tray, and poured him a cup, handing it to him. "So, how was your meeting with his highness? Good news I hope?"

"Indeed, the best of news." 72 said, looking in his cup and swishing it around. "I have been promoted: 'Knight Apprentice'" 72 then takes a sip of his tea and sets it down on the table. "I have to be leaving soon." He adds in, before checking his MMI's chronometer. "I hope that we may meet again, in a less rushed atmosphere. The tea is very good, and I hope that the next time may involve similarly exquisite tea." 72 gets up and shakes hands with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth waves him off, "Best of luck to you Damadian 72! May the God's of the moon guide you to glory!"