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RP [Monarchy of Dovania] Burns and Bruises


Inactive Member
RP Date
RP Location
===== Xuno | Ichiko Territory | Warzone | 05:00 =====

A cool summer day on Xuno, the year is YE40, the Dovanian Army was recruiting for the Dovanian army. Most of them were either already military, or young men and women that took up arms. Section 6 was currently on the other side of the planet, attacking the Reevean forces head on at the time. While in Ichiko, they were assaulting a fort being held by Ichikan loyalist. It was up to the Dovanian forces to seize the fort and destroy everything inside. The current force was from the Nojahn Army, this segment of them was called the Yuk Company, and they were under the command of Kyro-vek Draguun. Who currently was sitting down with officers and commanders to develop a battle strategy.

Meanwhile, within the fort, the Ichikan forces were in disarray. Desperate against the massive assault force that was besieging the fortress. The soldiers were manning every battlement they could for the impending battle.

A young soldier with blonde hairs and a juvenile face, was looking from the battlements of the large walls of the starfort with his blue eyes, it was his second time in the frontline but the war was getting desperate for the Empire, supplies of food and ammos were a distant memory. The soldiers were trying to catch rats, even eating the shoe sholes to survive, Dragan did that too, it was more a trap than anything else. The last war bulletin came several days ago, the surroundings were taken by the enemy hands, Fort Yekov was tight in a vice, pocketed and cut from the rest of the retreating army.

This wasn’t the dream Dragan believed, it wasn’t dying of starvation his destiny, he knew it. He barely could handle a rifle such was weak his energy as the rest of defenders. He counted his magazine, realizing he just had two of them Better to make them worth, he looked at his companions, one just passed out with shoulders on the battlement, the others with weapons on hand barely focussing on staying on foot. The young man sighed and looked back at the massive enemy, with their absurdly advanced weapons. No one was ready for their assault, the only thing they could do was just to wait and pray.

The Lieutenant that was left in charge of the fort since the rest of the fort commanding officers were all killed. “Alright everyone! Man the walls and be prepared for the assault!” He was clearly unprepared for the fight, holding his rifle and bayonet shaking.

Dragan fixed his bayonet, as the others did, although his hands were not trembling like their lieutenant, he just felt everything heavy, really heavy. His muscles stretching in a slight pain as he positioned his rifle over the battlement, using it to stabilize the aim, there was no fear in his eyes, just disgust for the horrendous and useless death they were going to face.

A silence would ensue, all gunfire had stopped from the outer lines of the Fort. There was no word from their defenses. This is also when an Eire fog settled in, and the subtle sound of marching, slowly getting louder towards the fort. The sound of engines and tracks wrecking through the dirt and over small wooden fortified positions were heard getting closer as well.

He saw the enemy crossing the trenches he was fighting the day before, he barely made it to reach the fortified gates while they were closing as the command ordered the retreat during the night. The young soldier aimed to one of the vanguards, he kept his eyes and the barrel of his bolt action rifle pointing straight at him, before shooting as he entered in his firing range.

A single sound came from the fort, breaking the silence. The projectile hit the head of the enemy soldier right in the forehead as he fell on ground. Dragan remembered in that moment the words of his training officer It is a waste to put you in the frontline, you should be a sharpshooter, but that what he wanted.

It was then the tanks stopped, and the sound of artillery shells whistling. Moments later the fortress was being bombarded by artillery fire. And the tanks and field guns opened up fire on the wall.

“Blyat!” he shout as the projectiles crumbled the parapet, he fell on ground and started to crawl back to change position. The explosions of the artillery shells hammered the fortress everywhere, he saw his last companions flying in pieces all of the place, screams, orders shouting to open fire.

His eyes were shaking by the trembling ground, even the guy passed out before waked up and spasmodically tried to open fire back but he just got headshotted by the enemy machine guns. Dragan reached the angle of the of the fortress corner bastions, he hoped to be protected there as he aimed back and started to make some kills I am not going to leave this place before bringing someone with me!, even killing a machine gunner over a tank turret.

But then another explosion, his ears whizzed and his mind faded in black, the shell hit the corner making fall an entire piece of the wall, where Dragan was. The young soldier would fall on ground with some bones broken and completely unconscious.

The battle only lasted an hour, before whatever was left of the garrison and the fortress itself was seized. Leaving mostly just piles of concrete and lonely segments of chipped and battered walls. All of the wounded were brought into medical tents, where they were tended to by medical. The survivors from the fort were held in a prison area, the fence gate covered in barbed wire. There was a medical tent inside as well, where their wounded were also treated. Multiple guards were stationed on patrol.

Dragan woke up with a shout, he looked around while heavy breathing from the shock, seeing men like him over beds, with what looked like field doctors controlling one after another, he knew the defeat was inevitable but even surviving at it?.

One of the field doctors noticed Dragan wake up and walked over to him to inspect his condition. “Are you alright?” She asked him in Xunok, “Is there any pain anywhere on your body?” She followed up with.

His mind in complete chaos, his eyes only giving a blurred view over the medic, “My body, it hurts everywhere” He grunted as he made a really painful expression “My back hurts” but looked like he was able to get up as he did while trying to move his arms. His ears were still whizzing and he felt pain in every side of his body, although he could move it.

She felt bad for him and went to go retrieve a shot of morphine, which she quickly gave to him. “Hopefully this helps ease the pain for you. I’ll have someone bring you some food soon.” She then patted him on the arm and walked off.

As the sedative started to make its effect he slowly relaxed back on the bed, his mind still trying to catch what happened in the hours before. He closed his eyes and slept for few dozen of minutes before waking up again My diary!, his thinking led him to reach such realization, his most precious thing together with the photo of his family. The diary where he wrote all his poems and daily thoughts, it wasn’t there and that led him to panicking.

Another doctor would notice this, however he was less enthusiastic and just strapped him down onto the bed. “Calm down, you’ll get your food soon.” He then rolled his eyes and went to tend to the next patient.

His breaths slowed as he started to elaborate on where and how he could find back his book, for now he realized it was better to keep calm and wait, wait for the food, maybe he was now a prisoner of war, maybe they would execute him after getting him back to walk. He didn’t know anything about their manners out from the imperial propaganda.

In truth he feared to die without honor, falling during the siege would have been a better end than a summary execution.

About 10 minutes later, the woman returned with food, and unstrapped Dragan from the bed. She knew that the lead doctor had tied him up, however she didn’t want to anger Dragan as well. “You still look stressed, what’s wrong?” She asked him. She was more comfortable with the prisoners of war compared to other doctors.

Dragan sighed “I think I’ve lost my diary... it was in my bag before losing consciousness”, his juvenile and worried face looked at her “Am I going to be executed? What happen to us?”

She couldn’t answer that, because she didn’t know. She just shook her head unknown to what will happen to him. “I’ll see what I can do about your diary Mr…” Not knowing his name till she saw his uniform “Khaimov.”

His eyes lit up hearing the words of what he thought was a nurse, with both hand he took her one and shake it weakly. “Thank you, it means a lot for me! Whatever it happens to me i would not get peace without having it on my side”. He then released her, and glanced at the food.

She left, leaving him alone for the next 15 minutes before returning back with a satchel and a diary. She walked over to him and asked, “I assume these are the items you requested?” She asked him softly, seeing he still hasn’t eaten his food.

The young man nodded as he rapidly recognized his diary “Yes miss, thank you again. Now I can eat in peace” he responded with a slightly forced smile. He then put his diary right next to him as he opened with a bit of curiosity the satchel, maybe there was things about him on it? Quite weird.

Within the satchel, there were a plethora of images. Many were from the war or full of letters. Some of them were from his family, who had sent him a total of 6 from what he could initially see. Even more for other Ichikan soldiers as well.

“Excuse me miss, where you found this? There are letters for men of my company too.” Dragan said as he recognized some names, he then handed to her the satchel after he took the letters dedicated to him. He was surprised to see that somewhere somehow those letters reached the battlefield but never came to hands of the soldiers.

After saluting the doctor he put the letters in the diary, where it was the photo of his family, he caressed it before starting to eat.

The doctor left and left him to be by himself, as all of the patients had been dealt with and they left the tent alone. Leaving everyone to talk amongst themselves while the Dovanians were determining what to do.

After eating he sighed, he still didn’t know his fate, and looking at all the soldiers in his tent he realized that also them had no clue. He shook his head, then took the letters and started to read one after another.
He slowly dropped some tears, as he remembered the voices of his sisters and parents while reading, fearing to not see them ever again. But he consoled himself as he had his diary next to him, he cleaned his eyes before returning to read.

After a minute went by, gunshots could be heard outside of the tent. It sounded like executions were taking place, as cries and yelling could be heard.

Dragan freezed while holding the last letter. He deeply knew that they were going to die, all of them, in a really dishonorable way. His hand started to shake as he looked downward, he remained silent as the sound of the executions continued on the outside. I don’t want to die in this way, damn i don’t want to! His mind screamed in fear. He tried to get up and leave Better trying to die running away than follow their orders but after he raised on foot an excruciating twinge hit his left leg followed by a shout of pain as he fell on ground with a loud thump.

Minutes later, armed soldiers entered in, starting to grab all of the men one by one, bringing them outside. One of them went over and picked up Dragan, dragging him outside. Where he saw a pile of dead bodies over on the left, and a line of men over on the right. He was being lined up for execution.

He tried to oppose a feeble resistance as he was dragged out, he shout with a hoarse voice because of the dehydration “You can’t kill us in this way! What kind of men are you!”. But of course it was like screaming at a wall, the soldiers just put him right next to the other prisoners. His ice eyes looked at them with hatred and fear, death without honor would have been the writings of his tombstone if he would ever get one.

As they waited, the soldiers brought out a priest, he was dressed in the traditional Hoxkal garbs, holding the symbol of Yrook, the God of War. “The Gods shine upon you great men today, as you may have lost. You fought brilliantly in battle till you could fight no more. Yrook is proud of you great men, though you may be young, he will be taking your souls to the great fields above. Where you may rest at last.” He prayed, giving them their final silence. A way to die with honor.

Some of the young men began to cry, some falling to their knees in the mud. Some cried for their sisters or mothers. As the Dovanian soldiers raised their rifles, ready to fire. “Pray my children. You’re suffering is over.” The priest said walking down, bestowing the symbol of Hoxkal upon each of their heads.

Dragan shook his head as the priest waved the symbol over his head “My soul will be damned in eternity for not have died in the field of battle, there is no honor to get shot by a platoon, unarmed. There is no honor on dying like dogs!” He shout with all his strength as few tears dropped from his face, but remained standing, his eyes full of hatred for such pitiful death.

“HALT!!!” A strange language was spoken, as the soldiers lowered their arms. Before a very large and burly man with a large auburn beard, and combed back auburn hair. He was absolutely massive compared to everyone else, standing at 6’11”, and weighing 445 lbs. Wearing a strange black uniform with gold stars. Advanced weapons on both his hips and on his left shoulder. “Look at these men! They cannot fight back! How disrespectful can you men be! Out of my sight! It appears that you will have to be retrained, If I see this again YOU will be executed!” The words were not able to be understood, but the terror on the soldiers faces showed that he was livid. They all were then ordered to leave, as Kyro glanced at the bodies of men, and only seeing the wounded men left alive. A total of 37 of them.

Kyro shook his head, his rebellious new soldiers needed to learn the rules of war. He then caught the glance of Dragan, “It would appear that I have some fixing to do here. Call over medical, I want all of them, inside the tent and tended to. Get them dressed and cleaned up. I want to speak to them in an hour.” Kyro then looked at the rest of the young wounded men. His face was was still straight and unemotional as he left.

Dragan remained hesitant, trying to understand the situation, his heart skipped a bit as he saw the soldiers lowering the rifles. He looked around and just froze as Kyro glanced right in to his eyes, he gulped, that man was massive.

But he made a long sigh of relief as he heard the last words of the tall man, actually spelled with a never heard before accent.

As he left, medical came back and lead the men back to the medical tent. Providing them with fresh clothing and better food as an apology for the scare that the soldiers had given them. Providing them with more medical aid. Everyone was getting chocolate as well, as they probably have never tasted it, or haven’t had it in years.

The young soldier was on his bad again, he refused to change clothes, his rather spoiled uniform was more a symbol than anything else. As long as he didn’t knew what the future awaited for him, he would have kept the old clothes for loyalty to what he risked his life for.

He just waited, after eating the chocolate he laid on the bad, reading with a bit of worry his diary as he waited for the calling from the beefy man, he caressed his family photo as he thought that the fate was smiling at him in someway, but he didn’t felt to write anything on the diary from now.

Kyro stepped into the tent and looked at all of them looking more comfortable. “I come to propose an option to all of you. Join Dovania, or be stuck here till the end of the war, awaiting trial and execution. The choice is yours.” He gave a pause then said, “I am the man to unify Xuno, I have already conquered Fahen, Thullo, and Nojah. Ichiko will soon ensue. I want to give you young men a chance to see your families once more, before fighting for a unified Xuno. Dovania. What day you.”

Some of the young men were speechless, they had no clue what to say. Some of them shuffled around, but all remained silent.

Dragan needed only few seconds to realize the actual impossibility for the war to end in a different way of what Kyro explained, his fancy mind in a flash imagined the stars and all the people of the planet looking at them and a choir, like an Ichikan choir, raising louder and louder from the background. That picture will became what he will describe in the future as the The Will of Xuno.

“I want to join sir!” He energetically raised his arm, with the hand still holding his closed diary. Even the pain of his body couldn’t refrain his selfmade enthusiasm. His ice coloured eyes looking directly to the man with hope.

Kyro chuckled, as he saw many more of them join Dragan, eventually all of them accepting the offer. Kyro looked to Dragan and smirked grandly, “Then I will see you men on the battlefield.” He said before exiting.
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