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RP [Monarchy of Dovania] Volatile Representatives


Well-Known Member
RP Date
YE 41
RP Location
===== 06:00 Xuno | Kyrok City | Dovanian Royal Council Hall =====

Winter was still present on Xuno, at least where Kyrok City was located on the planet. Kyrok city was bustling with people outside, as there was a call to the Royal Committee. Recently, while Kyro was away, there have been many smaller incidents and fights in the Royal Committee and fights outside from Royal Representatives. Making it that there are political feuds on how to run the nation. However, all of the fights have not gone unnoticed, with local and governmental news channels reporting in the events that have conspired. Creating a widespread call of conflict between a minority of people who believe in Democratic and Communist reformation. Some radicals even throwing out the call for revolution.

All of these events have been going on for over a week, making it an issue that doesn’t seem to have an end. Though with the Legislature now up in a frenzy, politicians are hiring militia organizations for additional protection from other politicians. As there have been over 12 different assassination attempts. 3 of them were on Royal Representatives. Violet, one of the victims, is now hospitalized for the damages she had sustained from a member within the TUP, the Tuko Union for the People. The Communist Party in Dovania. Of course, Kyro is just now hearing of this.

“My apologise, General, except, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY!?” Kyro shouted at General McDavid as he slammed his fist into his desk, the expression of anger was most obvious. “I leave for a diplomatic meeting with the New Dusk Conclave to return to this. I need to know everything, I’m calling the Royal Committee.” Kyro ordered him, after he stood straight, regaining his composure. This news was most troubling, now only did he have to deal with the stragglers from the Reeveans still, now he had people within his government trying to kill each other. Having internal strife now in this crucial moment in time was not needed in any way shape or form.

General McDavid stepped forward, motioning his hands out to try to calm Kyro down, “Sir, with all do respect. I would not advise calling a Royal Committee meeting right now, the risk alone is already high. Let alone the amount of Representatives that would have weapons on them.” He tried to get Kyro to level and cool his head. Believing that calling everyone now would only make things worse. Thus giving another idea, “I propose that we take those whom we know is conspiring against Dovania and punish them publicly. Sending a message to all of their followers that we are not to be trifled with.” General McDavid was a Reevean man who was one of the first to join Dovania. Although he was more of a military strategist, it was clear to everyone else he was not to be left in command of political situations.

Dismissing him with a wave of his hand, Kyro was not listening to him. “Bring me, my advisors, I must call a session with them immediately. It is of utmost urgency General. Thank you quite.” Ordering him with a more natural tone for Kyro. Very monotone, deep, rough, and disheartening. Kyro was a very blunt man with delicate plans. Although his actions were very powerful, his words did not stutter nor fell behind in meaning or weight. Making every word he says have a purpose, and not filling. “Your assistance is no longer required in this field, it would be most appreciated in the province of Ghott. Maybe there you will have more success than in an office.” Not sugar coating it for him at all.

Begrudgingly, General McDavid nodded, “Quite right your majesty. I shall call for your advisors, then make my leave for Ghott.” Gritting his teeth, he saluted with a firm fist over his chest and made a sharp and crisp turn to the door. Just like he was trained, always information and looking official. Kyro saw a lot of him in McDavid. Although he may be older than Kyro, he was ignorant, despite the experiences he’s gone through. However, 27 years of warfare will do that to any man, especially to one who lost everything again and again.

=== 20 Minutes Later ===

“Anyone have a clue why we were summoned by his majesty?” Travis, the Economics Advisor had asked the others. He was most curious of the reason as to why he would call them out of the blue like this. Normally when they were summoned, there was an event or at least an email in advance to let them know ahead of time that there would be a summoning. “Seems out of place for his majesty to just call us to him when we are so ill-informed on why he wants us.”

Felix, the Agricultural and Regulatory Advisor was silent. He knew what the issue was, because of the timing from recent events. In fact, this meeting being called was most appropriate in his train of thought. Having everyone get together to resolve the issue with these radical political parties were getting far too out of hand to leave be. Grabbing his chest, he nodded to Alexis, the Political and Foreign Affairs, wanting to hear what she had to say about this.

Filling in for the absence of Princess Violet, she had a large role to take hold of. Alexis saw Felix’s acknowledgement towards her and chose to appease him with a response. “We’re being summoned to resolve the issue regarding the political parties Travis. Please keep yourself more informed on the real world and not trapped in your studies like his royal highness. High Queen Orias already has enough issues to deal with than to have to deal with two stubborn men.” Having a superior attitude towards him, placing him below her.

They all arrived at Kyro’s Office, to walk in with him looking especially livid. He was wearing his formal uniform, meaning that this matter will go public and possibly with military action. His garb being a more traditional European like design, being made out of cloth and silk, with gold and silver buttons on his cuffs and on his chest. Upon his head, he wore his crown, made of gold, and having Onyx stones on the front, for additional design. Kyro turned to his advisors, not looking content, yet retained his straight expression. Looking over the small group, he sighed, “I shall assume that the rest are currently occupied. I do recall having 20 advisors, not three.” The disappointment was emanating from him, though someone showing up was better than no one.

He smoothly dropped down to his knee, bowing before the High King, “My apologies for being late, your highness. Again, I apologise for not being as present as I should be during this state of affairs. I will try harder to be more attentive.” Travis said as he felt embarrassed for not knowing why they were summoned. Travis, being a younger fellow, only being the age of 29. He had short brown hair and barely any hair on his chin. Standing at 6’1”, he was a standard Xunok by weight and height alone, though not as numb as one to pain.

Following after Travis, Felix too takes to his knee, bowing before Kyro. He looked up as he spoke, “It’s good to see you your highness, though, it would be better in air that is not as tense. I have arrived as you have commanded.” Stating in his deep and rugged voice of an old man, Felix being 57, he has as much experience as his beard has hairs. Which was long, going down to his chest, his long white hair, almost resembling the President.

Last there was Alexis, who bowed with the curtsey, “A pleasure it is to see you, your highness. How I hoped it would be under better circumstances, however, there is always work to be done.” She introduced herself, then followed up on Kyro’s question, “In regards to the others, they were summoned to the Presidential Hexal Office. There were more pressing matters there, and I’m afraid they have little choice but to stay there. Since there have been threats on their life if they are to leave.” After a moment she also followed with, “I’m sorry, for what happened to young Princess Violet. I hope my service may fill her absence.” Alexis’s long black hair and young complexion were of wary. She was only 28, the youngest there, and the burden was very heavy on her.

“That would explain their absence. At least you three arrived, instead of just using the military and my own wit to handle the situation myself.” Kyro stated with a monotone voice, no emotion was held in his voice, as per usual. “Yes, I need to inform you of why you were summoned.” Recalling after a long silence. “Stand, I don’t like seeing the back of your heads. On with the briefing, I’m looking for solutions to calming or to deal with these extremists. I need the attackers to be captured and executed. As well as a solution on what to do with the political parties.” Having a solution in mind, though was open for new solutions.

There was a strong silence for a few minutes, everyone eventually sat down. As they were all thinking for a solution to this issue. It was something that needed to be solved quickly, or else it will lead to further issues. None of them having any definite ideas, seeing how they were not very experienced in this problem. That was until Felix turned to the rest of them and had come up with a solution.

Felix stood and cleared his throat, “I do believe that I have devised a solution.” Clearly stating, waiting for everyone’s attention. Once he had obtained everyone’s attention, Felix continued, “I would suggest a course of action that is more subtle. Make the subjects reveal themselves and take the blame from the public. Instead of just imprisoning and executing them publicly. For that would make us look like the tyrants, which is not required. Let’s hold a summit for the Royal Committee and Legislature to discuss the issue, if they show, we shall have military personnel on standby to capture them. I, of course, mean the Sky Tanks, as they’re a popular icon to the public and an extremely effective force.”

Hearing no comments to his suggestion, Kyro was the first to respond, “I do say, Felix, you are quite the planner. It is a shame you left your position as Major General in the Army, however, your input is most appreciated. Are there no further suggestions?” Kyro asked looking at the other two, Travis and Alexis, to see if they had anything else to add to the conversation on how to deal with the Communist and Democrat Extremist.

Travis shook his head, “No your majesty, I have nothing. Please forgive my lack of ideas, however, I would agree with Felix’s plan. Seeing as he has experience in the issue of communist before. Maybe we should see who rules the party and take a visit with them after we capture the extremist?” He added as a possible plan to execute, wanting to at least add something onto the conversation.

“I would second with Travis here your highness, I don’t think we can add anything on. Except for possibly visiting the Democratic political leader as well, after we have captured these terrorists.” Alexis stated, making it clear to everyone that she was not much of a fighter, but a diplomat. The Diplomat for the President, not the High King. Which to an outsider may seem the same, however, the domestic diplomat has yet to be used for international issues, and with Violet out of the picture, she had to take up both mantles.

Kyro was satisfied with the results that he had accumulated from his advisors, standing he made his way to his wall monitor. Contacting the President, “Mr. President, it has been a while, my friend. I have a favour to ask of you.” He stated to President McGrath, as the President turned to his computer. “I need to ask for you to ask the Senate and Representatives to call a summit. They need to discuss the issue of the current, I assume you know what I mean.”

It was not very difficult to understand, seeing as he was mostly stuck in his office due to it. McGrath nodded, “Yes, it’s about time that we had some action taken. Let us just hope that this doesn’t get as out of hand as the ‘Reevean Conflict’ was for us just two months ago. It’s always something, no?” The older man stated, appearing to be in his 60’s. He had a long silver beard and short wavy silver hair. Dressed in a grey and black suit, with a Dovanian banner pendant over his left breast, on his suit.

“It would seem to be that way as of now, hopefully, these issues can be resolved soon. So we may turn to an age of peace and expansion. Though, the occasional external conflict does raise support and makes the populace know that we are a force to not be underestimated. By the by, how goes my advisors. I hear they are also held within the Executive Palace.” Kyro mentioned, wanting to make sure that everyone was alright.

Chuckling, McGrath was not surprised for him empathy, though he never truly expressed it. “They are fine Kyro, maybe if you showed more facial expression of worry then I could see you more beloved. I kid, I cannot hope to see you change friend. It truly is a blessing and a curse to be able to have such control over your emotions.I shall call the summit, I’ll be in touch.” After nodding, he closed the call and arranged a new one with the Head of Provincial Representatives and Head of the Senate.

“Sir, and Madam, I have to suggest that a summit is to be held in both houses of Legislature. The summit topic is of the recent attacks that have taken place on Legislature and the Royal Council.” President McGrath asked them both, hoping that they would agree with him and that the plan that High King Kyro-vek Draguun would go as planned.

Head of the Senate Julia nodded, “It shall be done Mr President, I fully agree with you. I will see that the summit will be call-” Interrupted by Gregory, Head of Provincial Representatives.

His expression was showing great animosity towards the President, “You have no power over me Mr President. The legislature does not answer to you. Just because you have the people and the government backing you does not mean that you can order us around like a dictator!” A loud bang could be heard coming from the monitor, “Dare to make these orders again, and another Senator gets around.” He stated before cutting out.

Julia was in shock, unable to speak she just heard a fellow Legislature kill another. She looked silently down at the floor, as there was nothing she could do. Out of hand wasn’t something to prevent any longer, there was a revolution starting. That revolution was starting now. It all rested on the planning of the people handling the operation to stop it now.
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