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Money, how do you work?


Inactive Member
I understand how this works from a military perspective, so thats easy enough.

But if you are a company or an independent , is there a hard and fast rule to how money is acquired and how much we can spend for purposes of RP? or is it ' be reasonable you dont have government level spending'

I am okay with both concepts , I just have a character concept I am toying with where this would be an important part of the character and I have never heard this explained
We don't have a solid guideline for corporations since they're generally background factions and not played ones. The closest we had was the old "assume you sold 1 million of the product for every player character purchase" where each item sold to characters in the RP resulted in a large profit to the company.
With Origin I sort of ignore the 'day to day' money business and just only list the large transactions, such as government/military contracts. It just makes things easier. I assume my company is doing well because I see things that I or my cohorts have created being used in the RP almost daily.

As for Characters within Origin itself, we do have a payscale and pay is doled out once a month.
I tend to lean towards the notion that if the amount of wealth is reasonable and appropriate for the setting, it's usually going to be alright. Obviously a small company won't have the spending to fund huge operations, but at the same time, if a company is mildly successful it's not unreasonable to think they'd be a bit in the green.

For example, my Nepleslia super-corporation Vinross Yu-Cranker Materials is huge. They have a straight up monopoly on the whole of Nepleslia's raw materials market. This wasn't written so to provide any personal satisfaction, however; VYC is mainly a front that I, as a GM, use to provide a new, unique antagonist to certain plots. If I made VYC with just the purpose of having a rich corp in the setting, it most likely would not have been approved.
For example, I have a smaller company then most. Only a small number of specialized designs, and a much smaller staff, so the funds are on nothing like the same scale as, for example origin. Think, for example, the difference between Koeniggsegg and Ford. Koeniggsegg may make some incredibly high end cars, but no one would ever say they have the income or financial influence that Ford does.
Do we still do the thing in sales where we multiply a sale by some arbitrary number to work out what the estimated sales are based on the actual number of people or characters in the SARP, not just the ones we play?

What is that number?
I think it would make more sense to submit a wiki article in which it says "This company makes about X annually."
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