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Approved Character Monomonoi Ko -- Star Army of Yamatai


Inactive Member
Foreword: So, you'll notice that this character is rather bland. This is partially intentional, as given my lack of solid SARP knowledge, I'll likely hammer out the finer and more minute details as I go (assuming I get started at all). I tried hard to steer clear of falling too far into the Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu archetype shenanigans (using the Original Mary-Sue Litmus Test as a base), and I'd rather be bland and tasteless than full of... well, Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu-ness. Criticism and suggestions entirely encouraged, as I'd rather make a horrid attempt and get it right than not get it right at all.

Anyway, without further adieu...

EDIT: Excuse my stupidity. I read the instructions as "post to forums first, get approval, then to wiki." I suppose it probably should have been the other way around. Regardless, the wiki page has been added here (https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:monomonoi_ko), as per proper instruction. You may otherwise disregard the sheet formerly listed in this post. Again, excuse my idiocy. Vehement criticism and suggestions are still welcome
Approved! Everything looks fine.

Time to request orders.
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