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RP: UOC Government Motion to Ammend Article 1


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"My dear Assembly representatives. I wish to propose a technical change to the constitution that will allow us to better represent ourselves and our people." The Crowned Prince stood, the volumetric projectors over the table activating and zooming in on the first article of the nations constitution.

"It is my wishes that going forwards we refer to ourselves on official terms as 'The Commonwealth of the United Outer Colonies'; and for sort, 'The Commonwealth'." He paused, bringing up the definition. "We are a nation built for the commonwealth of our people, therefore we are a commonwealth. This merely highlights this, and will serve as an official reminder of why it is we civil servants are here."

"I send this to vote, as that it is a minor change." he nodded and sat down in his throne.
I see no real need for this change. It is, as you have indicated Crowned Prince, a minor change. As a nation, we have called ourselves the 'United Outer Colonies', indicating our unity as well as our origin. Neither of which will we easily, nor likely forget.

I do not believe that adding the term 'Commonwealth' is even necessary to indicate our unity or purpose. 'The United Outer Colonies'" Shinichi paused. "United. What does that word signify in our name? I believe it carries the same weight as the term commonwealth. Our small nation was formed out of unity. From Taiie to Secession from Yamatai we were unified. At first our unity was out of necessity. Now we have evolved, we looked at the deeds of our parents, and decided as a whole. We decided, that those actions were immoral by our standards." Shinichi took a sip of water from the glass in front of him.

"With that decision, and the deepest desire for peace, we withdrew. Unified. I believe that this government, no. This nation, has been nothing but about it's citizens. I do not believe we need the term 'Commonwealth' to indicate our unity, as our very existance as well as past actions are indication and proof enough. If it were not for the support of our citizens, their unity in what could have been our weakest times, their desire to build for the greater good, we wouldn't be here.

Because of this, region 4 votes No to the proposed change.
Tio pointed out at that point, "You do realize the word commonwealth already appears in the article?" He however knew there was many other representatives to vote.
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