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SACN [Motoyoshi Clan]Creighton Marks


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Quantum Encryption Active.

Mr. Marks...

A pleasure to do business with you. You have been issued the following:

  • Blackcoat 'Shroud' Suit -- 1

    The Shroud Suit is generally something I only issue to Blackcoats in the SAoY, but considering your importance to us. I feel the need to ensure you are taken care of.

Remember no "weapons" in the conference area. As for in the other areas, A weapons storage crate containing an assortment of arms is in the Heion's cargo bay. Jasmine Rice is the way to go.

Have fun at the party,
Black Nova.
Black Nova,

I am currently on board the MFS Heion. The Crowned Prince and Senator are safely aboard as well. I have seen to it that their security details will always have me at their side.

With the current diplomatic situation I have been in contact with personnel already stationed aboard the Pisces in preparation for the conference. With enough luck this should be concluded without much fanfare.

I will make sure your passive objective is taken into account. But my priority will always be caring for the keys. And thank you for the suit, it's quite the piece.

Mr. Marks
Mr Marks,

Please report your status and anything of interest.

Black Nova.
To: Creighton Marks
CC: Camellia Sarri
B: Assignment.

Sir, It's a pleasure to talk with you again. I was redirected by Heika Katsuko to talk to you about a position in the Motoyoshi.
Quantum Encryption Active.

Black Nova,

The current situation is interesting to put it lightly.

Prior to the arrival on the Pisces Station, the arranged meeting between Senator Ayana and the SMX entity Melisson had its share of difficulties. Apparently the Mishu find it in their best interests to assault a member of the Motoyoshi Clan. Regardless, we managed to escape under some confusion between rival parties within their own force. Neither of the keys were touched. The Heion suffered minor to moderate damage, but thankfully, under quick thinking, we are alive.

Once on board the station, as the two keys readied for the conference. I managed to speak with security personnel. Confident that they were placed and competent I made a short inspection and escorted the Crown Prince and Senator briefly before making a final rounds. The station is sufficiently locked down around the conference area, but during the course of my work I sometimes find the security lacking in motivation. I do believe this is related to the requisitioned units and not normal garrison troops.

On the subject of the meetings content. I have near complete transcripts of the major points on file. But I should make prominent notes of Melisson, the Nepleslians, and the Nepleslia-Lorath-Yamatai exchange.

First, Melisson, representing the SMX interests, has remained enigmatic at this conference. I find many of her words cryptic at times. She is intelligent, almost too good for our situation. While I cringe at working so close to her, I understand the goals and accept them. At this time she seems satisfied watching our nations pull and bicker with each other. Tomorrow I hope the Prince or Senators pressure her more.

Next, the subject of Nepleslia and its delegates. The obvious revelations of the plague and SAINT assaults have placed us in precarious positions with them. Their emotion filled responses proved to stonewall our progress. Their own constituents may be more of a cause to this, what with their cultural tendencies. Should their responses remain combative I may request certain dismissals for the sake of the conference. I remain both wary and optimistic with Sky Marshall Davis. A clear head and good character he lead the meeting. But perhaps he is leading too much. Should he begin to move his charisma around, he will have a sizable and hardy push for any of his policies.

Lastly, the final minutes of the debate saw a undiplomatic breakdown. It began with heated debate stemming from the plague and the former Emperor's supposed involvement. The delegates eventually broke into less than professional stances. This proved problematic and the Crown Prince called for a recess. At this time a Lorath official has privately apologized for the outburst. How sincere it is remains to be seen in my opinion. For all its worth I find that this situation has soured the mood. If it were my place I would see fit to bar certain parties, however I let the Crown Prince remain free of my suggestions over such matters.

Regardless, this has been the first meeting. More information will certainly follow. I will continue to serve as a security official as well as an aid to the Crown Prince and Senator. All three mission parameters will continue to be met.

-Mr. Marks
To: Creighton Marks
CC: Camellia Sarri
B: My resignation

Mr. Marks, though it pained me to do it, I have successfully been honorably discharged from the Yamataian imperial Navy. I await a response from you.
Quantum Encryption Active.

Black Nova,

We have a problem.

Just a short time ago I was rooted out during the conference by an overly perceptive Kohanian ambassador. One, Mistress of Judgement, or something to that nature. I was "smelled" out or something to that effect. I followed all the procedures mapped out in the shroud suit training manual, so I doubt I had done something irregular. And before then they "presented" the Crown Prince with information on their genocide said to be conducted by ourselves. More calls for apologies and reparations, more dwelling on the past. They probably saw this as the most opportunistic time for their own goals.

This may have compromised my work there, as the Nepleslian delegates seemed less that dismissive of my presence. Because of this I am now also outside of the conference. The Crown Prince said I should be seated with the rest of Yamatai's senators. But I unfortunately have little patience for them.

These events have left me in a precarious position. I am not sure of how you wish me to proceed. As it stands I am standing by watching security personnel meander about. This whole situation has me on edge now.

In lighter news I have received a message from Camellia Sarri. She has left the military and is ready for employment. I took the liberty of setting up a meeting between myself and her.

-Mr. Marks

Mr Marks,

With your official resignation from the Star Army of Yamatai, you are now being added to the roster of SAINT under my direct command.

I am disappointed in the developments on Pisces that you have sent. Be prepared for my arrival. I am picking you up.

For paperwork purposes you are restored at a rank of Taisa.

Please inform Ms. Sarri that she too is effective at her previous rank. Tell her to find her way to Pisces to meet us.

Black Nova.
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