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RP: Hinomaru Sunrises II [Motoyoshi Open] Azure Conclave


SARPiverse Culture Dreamer
Retired Staff
RP Date
YE 45.8
RP Location
Virtual Space.

Virtual Space - Former Bakufu Conference​

YE 45.8

You told me to dream Obasaan...


In a quiet realm where memories reside,
Obasaan’s tears flowed a sorrowful tide.
Each droplet told tales of yesteryears,
A mixture of joy, loss, and heartfelt fears.

Amidst the veil of night, young Eidan lay,
Dreams took his hand and led him astray.
To a realm where hopes bloom free,
Where Obasaan’s eyes joy would see.

He dreamt of days filled with gentle sun,
When tears of sorrow would be overrun.
By smiles that blossom on cheeks so fair,
A time when peace would lift despair.

In slumbers deep, he saw a morn,
When past’s cold grip would be shorn.
Obasaan’s cheeks, now dry, bore a glow,
Her eyes, a tranquil, still water’s flow.

Eidan’s heart yearned for that tender dawn,
When memories’ hold would be withdrawn.
And Obasaan’s tears, now a forgotten lore,
Would stain the faded cheeks no more.

He dreamt of love, a balm so kind,
A soft salve for the weary mind.
And as dawn’s light curled around,
Hope in his heart, was profoundly found.

He held a vision, tender, and bright,
Of days filled with soft, soothing light,
Where Obasaan’s tears of sorrow cease,

Replaced by whispers of love and peace.

Arisu glanced around; nothing but darkness filled the virtual space. "Eidan?" she called out, feeling the emptiness stretch infinitely in every direction. "Eidan??" she called out again, curious as to where her illustrious nephew had hidden himself. She appeared as she always did, in her custom Megumi combat suit colored white, grey, blue, and black, with a hooded white cloak draped over her. She pushed back the hood, revealing the soft flow of her arctic blue hair, while her steel eyes continued to search the void around her. KAIMON had confirmed his presence in the space, yet he was nowhere to be seen.

"I am here..." Eidan's voice seemed to emanate from all around, echoing from every direction simultaneously.

Arisu narrowed her eyes, "Very funny, now what did you do with the conference room?" she hummed for a moment, then continued, "What do you need anyway? I was planning to call you in a few days to congratulate you on your command. I know it's a little late; I've been busy." She folded her arms just beneath her bosom, a sigh escaped her lips as she awaited his appearance.

With a spark akin to an orchid's bloom, illumination sprang forth, revealing the magic of virtual space where anyone could manifest their desires. Eidan had a clear penchant for the dramatic, every action of his was meticulously orchestrated. The space around Arisu gradually took form, block by block, until a new environment emerged. A grand round table sat in the center, reminiscent of a scene from a fantasy fiction novel, yet bearing a modern sleek finish. The walls curved upward to form a dome, and the dark translucent panes slowly shifted to reveal a city skyline bathed in twilight. At first glance, she thought it was Tokyo, but upon closer inspection, not a single familiar landmark was visible. High-backed, comfortable black leather chairs surrounded the table. Two chairs stood out from the rest; one bore the emblem of the Azure Legion's sword and shield, while the other was adorned with the violet-kissed petals of a magnolia.

"I see you've been busy," Arisu remarked, settling into the chair that was clearly designated for her.

Eidan finally materialized, his combat suit mirroring Arisu's but with a dominant color pattern in reverse. "I'm always busy. You are always busy too. I heard that Kumo no Kagayaki will be online soon, are you ready for its grand opening?" he inquired, casually draping his legs over the side of his chair and reclining into the padded backrest.

"The station is almost ready. I'm sure people from all over the sector will join the celebration. I kind of hoped you and your crew would make it," she offered, extending an informal invitation. "I looked into that other matter you asked me to," she added after a moment.

Eidan's expression shifted slightly. "I can't. I haven't found what I am looking for and it isn't there... It's out here, somewhere among the stars. But I can always attend virtually, thanks to technology," he replied with a light laugh, although his smile quickly faded. "And what did you find out?"

Arisu shook her head slightly and shrugged, "I didn't get much from Miho; she was suspicious that I even asked. I did some digging on my own, though. There hasn't been a sighting of your father in over a year. I know my mother reported him as AWOL to Star Army Personnel." She looked at him, aware that his actions always had underlying reasons. They both had undergone rigorous training within their Clan's structure. "Why do you want to find him anyway? I heard he's quite the unpleasant character," she probed, her left eyebrow arching slightly.

With a dismissive huff, Eidan responded, "I really don't care if we find him, I just wanted to know where he disappeared after all those promises that he would set things right... And 'unpleasant' doesn't quite cover it, although I can't think of a term harsh enough to describe him at the moment." He let out a lengthy sigh, then added, "I kind of hope Auda finds him first, although I doubt bubble gum comes in a bullcrap flavor," he chuckled, waving his hand dismissively through the air.

Arisu blinked, "Wow, I bet Obasaan hasn't heard you talk like that! Have you been hanging out with that Vahallan guy again?" she inquired, adjusting her posture slightly and fidgeting with the strings that hung from her hood.

"Ah, he's a good guy. I bet she'd appreciate that I'm not viewing the galaxy through rose-colored glasses," he retorted, making a goofy gesture by forming imaginary glasses with his thumb and forefingers over his eyes. "Are you going to Tsukimi with them?" he asked.
The Yugumo Kaicho shook her head from side to side, "No, I have my own plans. Besides, I need to be here with the new station coming online. We're months behind on the 2A space frames for the explorer and the merchant destroyer. I have plenty to keep me busy." She stood up from her chair, turned around, and leaned against the edge of the table, "What about you? I'm sure they'd love to see you."

Eidan replied quickly, "I don't have time. There are things to do, and discoveries awaiting. You know, all that destiny stuff. I'll observe the holiday, probably with Kuroko or the others."

"Oh yes, the girlfriend. Did you share that secret with her yet, the one I told you about?" she inquired as she watched him rise from his seat.

"I'm not in any rush to. Besides, I think she lucked out, at least one of her parents isn't an idiot," he gestured broadly before shifting the conversation, "This is the new space. Didn't care for the old one, too cramped and antiquated. This is our domain now, reflecting the myriad possibilities we've been groomed for since the day, well, since the day I was rescued. You catch my drift." He eyed her intently, "You heading out already?" he queried.

"Yeah, I'll swing by later. Have a meeting to attend. Stay sharp out there and stay alive. Though, I doubt the Mishhu would be interested in eating you; they'd probably look at you and think they've found a cozy spot to lay some eggs," she chuckled.

Eidan rolled his eyes, "I already dealt with one M... eh, never mind. Catch you later."

With that, they both disengaged from the virtual space, their avatars dissipating into the digital ether.
Thanks to VCE technology the Tamahagane Corporation produced had managed to bridge the emotional gap that had formed among the scattered members of the Motoyoshi Clan. This virtual space had become their refuge, a place they had utilized during both the good times and the bad. Since the tumultuous battle involving Kaoru, Datenshi, and Kiyoko, it had remained tranquil, with only Arisu and Eidan frequenting it. Eidan had made significant modifications to the environment, yet it still exuded an air of comfort.

Arisu's arrival into this digital realm appeared almost mystical as if she had materialized out of thin air. With her sky-blue hair, she assumed the seat Eidan had designated for her, marked with the Magnolia emblem. Thanks to her digital mind, multitasking was effortless; she seamlessly integrated her work into the virtual experience. A projection within the space displayed the spaceframe body of the new Misha 2A, a project Fleetworks was struggling to complete by the YE 46.1 deadline. The Yugumo Corporation had been operational for five years, celebrating numerous successes, and Arisu was determined to mark the anniversary with the transformation of their very first product on the market.

Arisu added a touch of ambiance by playing "Tokyo Dream" by the Troubled Nekos, a band she admired despite her older sister Kaoru's protests, as Kaoru was the face of Midnight Infinity. The song held a deep connection to Arisu, reflecting her life up to that point. In fact, she had attended one of their performances a few months earlier on the Kiku “Comeback” Stage in Tokyo.

She expected that the various networks, including KAIMON and connections to PANTHEON, would notify the rest of the clan about her presence in the virtual space. She hoped for interaction and dearly missed her family. Their sudden departure from the Colonization Initiative eight months earlier had been fueled by her mother's intense frustration with the Empire's political landscape the marr the disgusting slug in the Senate had given. This anger prompted Arisu to pursue a degree in political science at one of Tokyo University's colleges.

Arisu possessed knowledge of the Motoyoshi Clan's future plans ahead of many of her siblings. These included expansion into the Kosuke Sector, maintaining their strong influence in the Imperial powerhouse that was the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector, and a rebranding effort for Yugumo Corporation. The latter was now her primary focus, and the work was already underway.
“Aww, not a fan of Midnight infinity or just prefer this song?” a voice asked, as a sudden bright blue light erupted at the Shacho’s seat close to her aunt Arisu. The light began to twitch then morphed to become Yue. The blue skinned girl leaned back in her seat, and stretched as if she had a busy day, before she turned her focus to the other person in the room. “Still, I’m looking forward to working under your leadership, and looking forward to things I could do to help, or what kind of product I can work on.” Yue had been kept busy in her Pillars of Community farm, growing crops learning what work. “Oh! I’ve sent over a new batch of my drink Moon’s Nectar, should be in your quarters, I hope its to your liking!”

She said, hoping that Arisu had indeed liked or would like the drink. “And before you or anyone thinks, it’s not a bribe!, just a treat I wanted to give my auntie!” The blue girl added to confirm.
Arisu laughed lightly and said, "I don't mind Midnight Infinity, but Troubled Nekos are good at connecting with people." She paused her work on the ship designs and sighed contently, "I am happy to have you on my team, we have so much to do in such a closed space of time. I will savor that nectar. How is your work going?" she asked, already aware of what projects her neice was engaged in.

She had a couple of things to ask Yue while they got a few moments together. It was a conversation worth the pause in her other work.
Yue smiled, her blue cheeks slightly blushing. "I'm glad you don’t mind Midnight Infinity’s As for Troubled Neko’s I should probably neutrally listen, to be neutral, and check out their music too, shh dont tell Kaoru-chan, teehee" she replied. "As for my work, it's going well. The Pillars of Community Farm is thriving, and I've been experimenting with new agricultural techniques to improve crop yields. I've also been working on developing new food products using our farm-grown ingredients. It's been a rewarding experience. And before she moved to join Star Army, my daughter Yuko, and I have made Apple Pies" Yue said. “And a while ago, I finished the last of the Hoverboard Accessories, So if you need me on a new project I’m ready,” Yue told her aunt.

Yue leaned forward with interest as she spoke to her aunt.


"I've been following your progress, I may have a few suggestions for you. We should be looking to improve our ability to produce food on ships and space stations, the further out we go the more important it will become," Arisu said, "Right now keep your focus on that, I'd like to see an agricultural area pop up in one of the expansion zones on Cloudport, but I want to wait until we have the technology fine-tuned so it can be viewed as revolutionary," she explained.

The sky-blue-haired Nekovalkyrja leaned back a little more in her chair with a thoughtful sigh, "Did you go to Tsukimi with the family?" she asked curiously.


Eidan ported in, the violet-haired Minkan joined his aunt and his cousin and sat down in his chair with the logo of the Azure Legion on it, "Ladies," he said, with a cordial nod of greeting as he didn't mean to interrupt, "What's new?" he asked.
Yue nodded eagerly, "Improving food production in space is definitely a top priority. I'll continue to focus on developing techniques and products that can be scaled up for use on ships and stations. It would be amazing to have an agricultural area on Cloudport, showcasing our advancements, I’ll use Pillars of Community, as a testing area too" she replied, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. When Arisu asked about Tsukimi, though Yue shook her head, her red hair swaying gently, "No, I didn't go this time. I've been quite busy with my work here and taking care of the farm. Though, I did have a android, observing and recording for my viewing later. Oh! I did make some extra mochi treats for the family though, I hope they enjoyed them," she added with a warm smile. Her smile widened at the sight of Eidan. "hello Eidan! how are you? and not much is up. Though i heard about your crew's adventures.
Once the opening of the new station is behind me, I'll share my thoughts on our agricultural initiatives," Arisu mentioned. She shifted her focus to Eidan, teasing, "You have a knack for appearing at odd hours. Did Kuroko boot you out of bed again?" She shot a playful glance at Yue, adding, "Avoid getting him started on his escapades; rumor has it, he's more acquainted with ceilings than outer space," she chuckled.

Eidan greeted with a subtle wave, "Hello Yue!" His gaze then shifted to Arisu, jesting, "Shall I reconfigure your avatar into a colossal purple hippopotamus? I'm quite capable," he retorted. Addressing Yue, he continued, "I'm good, just enjoying some downtime, so thought I'd stop by. Eagerly awaiting more of our kin to join us in this digital realm soon." The enthusiastic young shipmaster took a whimsical spin in his chair—once, twice, thrice, before hopping back onto his feet. "Yue, I plan to order a custom-designed hoverboard from you. I have a specific design in mind and will forward the blueprint along with the order," he stated with a straightforward demeanor.
Yue nodded her head “Certainly” she said as Arisu stated once the new station’s grand opening was behind her, she would share her thoughts on their agricultural initiatives. Though Yue was very eager to hear them now, she didn’t want to annoy her aunt, by pestering her. However, the topic thankfully changed, to Eidan, and Yue chuckled at Arisu's playful teasing, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, I can only imagine the mischief he gets into. But ceilings, huh? That's a new one," she said, amused, her blue cheeks slightly blushing.

As Eidan mentioned ordering a custom-designed hoverboard, Yue's eyes lit up with excitement. "Of course, Eidan! I would love to design a hoverboard for you. Just send me the blueprint and any specific details you have in mind, and I'll get to work on it right away," she replied enthusiastically. She loved taking on new design projects, especially when they involved her family. "I'll make sure it's tailored to your preferences and perfectly suited to your style." Yue's mind was already swirling with ideas for the hoverboard design, and she couldn't wait to bring Eidan's vision to life. The Motoyoshi clan members had always had a flair for creativity and innovation, and it was a joy for Yue to be able to contribute to their projects in her own unique way. She knew that the hoverboard would be a testament to their ingenuity and style.

"I'll make sure it's something special," she added with a smile, eager to begin the design process. Though her cheeks blushed and deepened as a thought entered her mind.
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