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RP (18+) Yoi-no-Myōjō/Evenstar [Motoyoshi Rising] Gray Looms [OPEN]

"I don't need the honorifics," she paused to take down the oyster shot, shaking her head and making a face after she swallowed, then exhaled loudly. "Not strictly. But I can't say I don't like them," Kuroko's tone ended the sentence on a whimsical, teasing high note. She didn't however, take her eyes off Yuki as she was carried out by the peripheral member of her clan. She was smirking faintly, but it faded right before she took Zabuza's abandoned oyster shot for her own as well, replaced by a grimace of accomplishment well-earned.

"I've got a lot of calamari left, since he didn't even wait for them to arrive," Kuroko gestured at the steaming basket of fried appetizers in the recently vacated seat, finally turning her gaze to Kazumi. "Come on! What are you having? Beldagor? You too!" Kuroko had apparently turned off her filters and purgers, and was letting the high proof liquor that drowned the raw oysters start to take hold. It was already evidenced in the relaxation of her usually quiet-until-snarky tongue. One arm was still around Tomoko, casually, and she appeared unencumbered by the position as she gestured about with her free hand still clutching the empty rocks glass.

Without missing a beat, Kuroko pointed at the calamari, then over where Masumi was sitting, engaging the actions of a server and the drone who accompanied her.
"It cost nothing to be polite." Kazumi agreed with Kuroko with a slight tilt of the head as she examined the older woman and then followed the series of Gazes, Earning a nearly soundless "oh~" at her seniors gaze though she couldnt place from her seat if the lingering gaze was set on the attractive Elf or the Security officer. Either way Kazumis' thought process could hardly be considered hard to guess had Kuroko seen her piercing pink eyes darting between herself and the departing duo before they settled back down to the bar.

Turning her attention elswhere, Kazumi began Staring vehemently at the basket of fried squid, the young Oni's mouth pulled into a tight line even as Kuroko downed another oyster shot, causing Kaz' stomach to nearly do a flip. She did not like shellfish or seafood. In fact most seasfood made her feel repulsively sick in a well-documented psychosomatic and not medical sense that even now made her queezy as she held up a hand to ward off any of the squid coming her way even as a server arrived with her drinks.

Pulling the drinks towards herself after they had been placed in beldagors potential spot and Kurokos, Kazumi consolodated them before herself as she tapped a long nail to one glass.

"Umeshu." She stated as she casually reached over to pull the second glass down that had been placed infront of Kuroko and then over at the third which had been placed at Beldagors potential seat if he could manage to not break it. While it was not uncommon for someone to order drinks for a table, Kazumi brought all three before her on their coasters to array them in a row.

"It is a sweet fermented plum wine. Sweet and sour." Each of the two glasses was roughly four-fingers deep with an amber-liquid set around a large perfect sphere of ice that clanked as Kazumi lifted the glass to her lips and with practiced grace sipped at the drink before placing it down with just the slightest imprint of her lip rouge on the glass as she traced a long-nailed finger around the rim.

"They are a bit strong for most people's taste. This one," She gestured to the other type of drink she had ordered "Is Karinshu. It isn't as sweet or strong and made of quince." Pausing her explanation the horned oni finished off the first of her plum wine and started nursing the glass of the second glass as she tilted her head to the side, stray snow-white locks of hair shifting as she assessed with a professionals eye the guestimation of the other woman's intoxication level as she spent the next several minutes going between sipping from her drinks and explaining the horticulture and fermentation process of the two drinks.
The barbarian shrugged in response as he followed Kazumi, her criticisms pinging off the indifferent attitude he'd donned as armor when it came to dealing with the foreigners. "Security means little if someone's determined to get at you, Kikyo-Oni," he replied as he placed an order-a strong nep whiskey, "And you're keeping the company of a Valhallan, we aren't exactly known to be the politest bunch." He sat down, the stool creaking slightly under his weight.
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