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Approved Character Murakami Mitsuko


Well-Known Member
Name : Reynolds
Age : 29
Timezone : CST
User page on StarWiki : https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=members:reynolds
How I found StarArmy.com : Not sure actually. I found it in my bookmarks by accident a few days ago. I remember finding it and adding it to look at later, then forgot about it for at least a year.
Notes : I've been RPing for a long time, but this place is run a little differently. I'll definitely need some help, but should do fine once I've gotten settled.

https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=ch ... mi_mitsuko
Good day, the names Kyle and I am a Char Mod, I'll look at your character in more detail tomorrow.

However, one thing I must point out, can you please add two more plot-ships to your list of plots please?
The one I listed first seems to be the only truly 'open' plot on the list, as well as attempting to recruit this type of character. The others all seemed to require me to have already spoken with someone. I have added the two that seem the newest or the most open to new characters, though. I'm still rather unsure of how this all works, even the list of plots is a bit confusing. So, I'm open to suggestions on what would be a good fit.

Good morning! Your character is APPROVED for use in the YSS Eucharis plot. You can have your character arrive by shuttle (dock on the connection at the base of the main (zero-gravity) passageway and report to the XO, Jalen Sune. I'm looking forward to RPing with you.

If you could give me more detail on the parts of the plot list and character creation process you found confusing (while it's still fresh) that would be a huge help to me. I'm always looking for ways to streamline the joining process and make it less confusing and your feedback will help.