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Approved Character Murasaki Emiko

I gathered it was not uncommon for some Star Army enlistees to request transfer over to the NH-29 body type due to its overall superior capabilities -- I know of a few characters that were formerly Nepleslian / Geshrin / Yamataian that have changed from more 'normal' human types into neko when they enlisted ie Helen Klein, Ise Katae, Tamahagane Mai and Tamahagane Akemi.
That is true, but your background doesn't say why she made the transition.
It is normal for new enlistees to be offered body transfers. Flight-capable soldiers are more useful to the Star Army than baseline humans.
Lemme pause for a moment.

Two of the characters you've mentioned are NPCs, played by Nashoba.

A third is a GMPC — again, played by Nash.

The fourth is a SAINT and is in an NH-27 body, not an NH-29. Special case.

So here's my thing. It's not just a body. She is becoming a completely different race. Does the character realize how Neko are going to look at her? How Neko might be offended by someone giving up their humanity — a thing misunderstood but valued by Neko — just so they can fly?

I believe the problem here is the fighter itself. Can we add a Daisy-style brain reader onto it, so we don't have humans becoming Neko just to participate in a plot?
Again, humans and Yamataians switching to neko bodies upon enlistment is common in the Star Army. I don't think it should be an issue at all.
I didn't actually make her a neko to conform to the plot -- I planned on Emiko being a Yamataian turned neko when I first conceived of the character months ago -- the name 'Murasaki Emiko' has always been listed on the Murasaki Clan's family tree, and you'll note that the tree gives each individuals species of birth in addition to their present race or race at time of death -- and that has already been approved.

I would have to redraw the family tree, and it would also be a bugger going back and redrawing her head to remove the ears and fix up the hair, just to make her Yamataian when it isn't really needed.

--and why would a Neko be offended by her giving up being Yamataian? As I understand it, going back and forth between Yamataian and Neko body types when enlisting or retiring from service is supposed to be perfectly normal.
Basically, it's a difference of opinion between me and the other staff on the site, and I try to explain my views when I can.

Players on this site play Neko differently. One of these differences has to do with racial identity and emotional development: humans are humans and Neko are Neko and the two shouldn't blend is how I see it. It doesn't work that way for everyone because Wes thinks of the bodies as shells, and the psychological impacts of using those bodies aren't mentioned.

The difference claws at my brain to no end because I believe it makes inconsistent crucial and interesting RP elements players could use with Neko. Instead of Neko and Yamataians seeing bodies the same way — as more than tools, but as identities — we have Yamataians that want Neko bodies to be more awesome in the military, and Neko who have to take on Yamataian bodies to get out of the military.

When I see a player of your caliber reinforce the difference, I always, even in my position as a staffer, try to reinforce the opposite — Neko who were born Neko will look at a Yamataian-in-a-Neko-body as an impostor, a racial traitor, the equivalent of someone in blackface, even if it's technically a flattery paid to the Neko body.

I think it not only makes for more interesting and deep RP, I think it makes a lot more sense. Neko were treated as cannon fodder for years by Yamatai; now Yamataians suddenly want to be Neko in the military.

See what I mean? It's not personal against your clan or Nash's; it's a realistic way of looking at racial politics and culture that is not often exploited here.

I apologize for turning your character submission into this discussion; I did not expect this kind of feedback and questioning.
I get your point -- but neither Yamataians nor Nekovalkyrja are technically human in the traditional sense -- more like biological androids. Yamataians would still be closer to Neko in my view than traditional human's like Nepleslians or even Geshrin due to their inherently artificial nature and very different capabilities.

I mean, they mass produce most of their members (even some Yamataian player characters are 'manufactured'), switch bodies as the need demands or when better bodies become available and can virtually resurrect themselves from death at need. I think most Yamataian's/Neko would view their bodies as little more than tools at this point, considering the nature of their culture.

Though I also imagine there might also be some neko who hold a dim view of those who weren't born true neko, and some Yamataians that view changing bodies unnecessarily a negative thing -- they are 'descended' from humans after all. There will always be those who are biased against those whom are different from themselves, who dislike unneeded change, or view themselves as innately superior for whatever perceived reasons, or are just plain envious.

If the empire was still dominated by the virtually human Geshrin, it might be easier for me believe Emiko would take such a view. Normal humans would probably look at it in the way you suggest -- if she had been raised solely in one body from birth, I could understand more reluctance to change into a neko body. However, having been raised as part of a culture which has already performed one universal 'upgrade' and has for decades had members used to the idea of switching bodies like a suit of clothing, I doubt most would have significant qualms about the idea. She'd already would have changed bodies once, going from Geshrin to Yamataian with most of the other Star Empire population -- having done it once and experienced first-hand what such a change is like, what's one more time? If she disliked the differences -- which would be doubtful as who would really mind having overall increased abilities -- she could always change back if she so desired.

--Besides, having a formerly more human character change bodies from a civilian body-type to one designed specifically for war, was one of the most interesting things I thought to explore in RP for the characters development.
Dosh, in this case its a moot point.

Ise Katae, Mikasa Sorano (He missed her), Tamahagane Mei were in the service and to stay in had to change due to the Species Restriction order.

Tamahagane Akemi however made the choice to upgrade when enlisting to make her a better pilot.

One of the Aeon's NPC's Keiko Gi, started out as a Yamataian at the start of the Aeon. As a one of the ship's starship operators, she chose in YE 30 to upgrade to a NH-29 to allow her to perform her duties better.

Further more this communication between Katae and Hanako clearly states "captains can also order a mental transfer into a more appropriate body."

That being said, yes characters who make that choice are putting themselves in a position where they could be seen from both sides as not fitting in. Some Yamataians could see it as a betrayal. But that is not the issue. Those are in fact issues the player/character will and should deal with ICly.
I won't argue the points further, Nash. I'll talk with Khan in a PM, but I won't hold up the character. Approve away.