Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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SYNC [Murasaki Keiretsu] Purchase order for Poku Saeruo Degonjo


SARPaholic & Admin
Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Convention Veteran

To: Sales Division - Murasaki Keiretsu
From: Tesgi Toioky, Ambassador PSD
Subject: Purchase request

We would like to purchase the following items.
  • 10,000 MT-G1-1A - Personal Holographic Computer (PHC)
We are prepared to pay 30,000,000 OW or 15,000,000 KS plus shipping. Please provide shipping cost.

Order to be shipped to our Way Station in our territory.

These items are to be issued to visitors to the Way Station, and other locations to help them deal with language issues. Depending on how successful this first set is, we may choose to purchase addition.

In service to the clan,
Tesgi Toioky
Ambassador to Yamatai.
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Recipient: Tesgi Toioky, Poku-Rya'ta - Poku Saeruo Degonjo Embassy, Kyoto
Sender: Murasaki Keiretsu - Murasaki Technologies Division
Subject: Purchase request

Message Begins:

Thank you for showing interest in our product, Poku-Rya'ta.

To answer your query regarding shipping costs; Trinary Star Shipping - another subsidiary of the Murasaki Keiretsu and the organization which the Keiretsu predominantly utilizes for transporting its merchandize - currently charges 37.5 KS per cubic meter of cargo space used, per parsec of distance the cargo needs to be transported. Given the small size of individual PHC units, even ten thousand can fit comfortably inside a single SSCC-Small crate (which has a 5 cubic meter volume). Our records show the distance between the Anisa System and your Way Station is 25.55 parsecs, so the cost of shipping the requested items would normally come to a total of 4,790.63 KS.

Given that the cost of shipping is relatively negligable in this instance, we can forgo it and leave the total cost at just 15,000,000 KS or the equivalent in your own peoples currency, payable upon delivery to the Way Station. Should you so desire, I can arrange to have the merchandize delivered by express cargo runner and have it at the Way Station in less than a standard day cycle.

Jōmu Ishimori Kotone
Sales Director, Murasaki Technologies
Shiroi Minato Station, Anisa System

End Message

To: Jōmu Ishimori Kotone
Sales Director, Murasaki Technologies
From: Tesgi Toioky, Poku-Rya'ta - Poku Saeruo Degonjo Embassy

Thank you for your prompt response and courtesy.

I leave the method of shipping to your discretion. Our intent for these in my opinion is not urgent enough to warrant taking unnecessary additional expenses.

Attached to this message is a Travel Permit, for which ever vessel from Trinary Star Shipping that will be carrying the cargo to enter our space. Additionally a temporary Trade Permit for Murasaki Technologies to conduct business for thirty days within our territory.

In service to the clan,
Tesgi Toioky, Poku-Rya'ta
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