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My try at a species: the HA-FCL-01 series


Inactive Member
House Aganata HA-FCL-01a (Alpha: PA using/anti PA model)
House Aganata HA FCL-01b (Beta: scientific/navigation model)
House Aganata HA-FCL-01g (Gamma: general-purpose model)
House Aganata HA-FCL-01e (Epsilon: espionage/ infiltration model) (Non Player Character only)
Combat Capable Full Cybernetic Life-form
History and Background: This cyber form was created by House Aganata to serve as multi role cyber-forms. They where designed to be a secondary choice in use to the Nekovalkyrja. Developed with a few setbacks happening to the program (the development of the nh-22c) and accidents and some artificial intelligence issues (major setback from one of the Epsilons going berserk and killing half of the R&D department before, an Alpha and one of the founders kids, putting it down without triggering its self destruct.) Finally able to finalize and recently put the cyber-forms to the general public House Aganata hopes that sales do well.

About the combat capable FCL: The Body was designed to have a high survivability ratio and to be able to repair itself and need little maintenance. Made for the ability to be sold to the public as well, they are generally custom built. The Alphas where designed mainly for security and infantry work. Gammas where designed for general-purpose everyday use so are more plentiful. Betas where designed to be tacticians, scientists, and navigators. The epsilon are a closely guarded unit, not for sale except to the military and then in limited numbers, rumored only 99 remain with only 19 active, due to psychological problems that have developed they have not produced anymore.
(OOC note: Alphas and gammas are Player available, Betas are suggested npcs. Epsilons are strongly NPCs only.)
Statistical Information :

Organization: House Aganata.
Type: Full cybernetic Life-form.
Class: HA – FCL-01a, HA –FCL-01b, HA-FCL-01g, HA-FCL-01e
Drakovich Aganata Jr.
Chronos Aganata
Manufacturer: House Aganata
Production (in thousands): Alpha: 1000 Beta: 1000 Gamma: unknown (estimated around 10,000) epsilon: 99(19 active on assignments) (this is an assumed number) (epsilon numbers are not in the thousands)
Current users: Alpha: Military Cyber Form Corps.
Beta: House Aganata Research and Development
Gamma: civilians, military mechanics, and medical professionals.
Epsilon: Classified...
Cost: (production)
Alpha: 55,000KS
Bets: 65,000Ks
Epsilon: 200,000KS+
Alpha: configured in a humanoid shape, this model was used for a cross between combat and security use.. Has a gradiated plating system that has little requirement for a ‘skin' to cover it.

Beta: was designed as a hacker type cybernetic body, looks the same as alpha. Includes Skin for more personality to be showed and to lessen the robot look

Gamma: Varies between alpha and beta configurations. Includes Skin for more personality to be showed and to lessen the robot look

Epsilon: appears the same as the gamma configuration

Width: Shoulder: 28-32inches (71.12 - 81.28 centimeters)
Barrel: 24-28inches (60.96- 71.12 centimeters)
Waist: 20-24 inches(50.8-60.96 centimeters)
Hips: 20.5-24.5 inches(52.07- 62.23 centimeters)
Height: 60 – 84inches (152.4 - 213.36 centimeters)
Mass: 280-400lbs. (127-181.43 kilograms)

Maximum Running Speed:
20 mph alpha
15mph beta
35mph gamma
40mph Epsilon
Maximum Jump Height:
32 feet (alpha) (16 beta)(48 gamma)
Maximum Ground Carry Load:
5000 lb.
1000lbs beta and gamma
Maximum Push/Drag Load:
2000 lbs. beta and gamma
Operating Temperature Limits:
-160 to +300 deg. F
-200 to +200 deg. F beta and gamma
Normal Internal Temperature:
90-102 deg. F
50 – 80 deg. F beta
G-Force limitations:
20g beta
Active Stealth Effectiveness:
Maximum Stealth Operation Time:
100 minutes non-combat. 5-minute cool down before stealth operation can be used once deactivated
Minimum Unstealth Time:
Maximum Heavy Combat Time:
About 80 minutes.
About 40 minutes. Beta and gamma.
Body Refresh Time:
25 minutes minimum

Systems Descriptions:

Electromagnetic Pulse capacitor: (located in the torso) capable of receiving a blast of electromagnetic energy and turning it into electrical energy for use in the cybernetic systems. Capable of taking an electromagnetic blast from a greater power source (i.e. a blast created from a fusion or fission source.)(Warning can only soak so many blasts at once must dissipate them over time. Can be used as an alternate power source)

Electromagnetic Pulse shielding and hardening: The entire body and components are hardened and shielded to protect from emp pulses. Capable of taking an electromagnetic blast from a medium power source (i.e. a blast created from a power transformer overload.)

Visual system (eyes): (hardened for EMP shielding)(rate in power use 1 lowest /10 highest.)(Betas and gammas have for job specifics)
Flash compensator (automatic) – used to keep damage to the cybernetics to a minimum..(1)
Thermal imaging – allows for heat patterns to be seen. (6)
Lowlight vision – allows for less light needed to see.(3)
Infrared vision – allows for sight in the infra red spectrum.(3)
Ultraviolet vision – allows sight in the ultraviolet spectrum.(3)
Video/text display – used for a heads up display system for the user to receive information from his body in the visual area.(2)
Range finder (alpha, epsilon, and gamma only) – used to determine range to targets highlighted with heads up display.(3)
Teleoptics (alpha and gamma only) – used to increase visual sight range. In addition be able to focus on an area.(3)
Micro optics (beta and gamma only)- used for close examination of Bacterial and microorganisms, allows for fine detail work and
Audio Systems (ears): Two located in the head, Built into each ear: (hardened for EMP shielding)
Extended hearing range – capable of picking up sound in the sub and ultra sonic ranges.
Level Dampener – protects from sudden increases of sound, i.e. Explosions, lightning strikes.

Power supply: self-repairing system. Is tied into the coolant system and includes several forms of energy retrieval and generation. Generation forms include a style of hydro, thermal, and kinetic generators. Back up is a molecular energy storage battery that has a life span of 24 hours if systems are kept at bare essentials. Note: the power system is designed for the body without any modifications from specs. Nanotech reactors (fist sized) 2 are located in the torso with a maximum endurance at 115 hours (non-combat) before the need to 'refuel' (eat) fuel: anything that the cyborg can eat, the digestive system breaks it down to the base elements that make it up. It is advised to refuel every 72 hours before performance starts to degrade.

Neural net:Functions as a bio-engineered cybernetic brain also fashioned in a neural cluster style system, but has redundant backups incase of main cluster failure. The system was developed to take advantage of telepathy also, this system uses encryption at the quantum level. Notes: still has a slight dietary requirement due to his brain biological nature. Mainly being glucose and calcium. Produces enough of an electrical impulse to refresh the backup batteries when functions are kept to a minimum for 8hours.(i.e. sleep) (all: It is also permeated with a polymer resin instead of water, if given a sudden shock or temperature change will instantly solidify.)

Nanotech: Used to repair, and rebuild damage done to the body, as well as to maintain it. Using materials stored in the body's torso. Cannot form anything but the parts built into it (No weapons popping from the body) transports around the body vial the coolant system or a lymphatic style nodal system that maintains the nanites themselves. This system also allows with full interfacing with weapon systems to better their use.

Neural interface: (has additional hardening against emp) Acts as additional neural pathways to back up the neural clusters to keep data degradation down, and to enhance response time. This acts as a secondary memory bank.(analytical in style.)

Interface systems: allows for machine-man interfacing

Life support: consists of a pump that keeps the brain's circulatory fluid moving to support it. Also monitors its condition and repairs it with its own nanites to keep Neural damage to a minimum.

Digestive system: used to break down foods and materials to there base components for the nanites to use (note: sugars, proteins, and vitamins are transported to the LSU.) This system is considered a dissembler for necessary material requirements.

Circulatory coolant system: Tied into all other systems, this systems helps dissipate heat build up and make sure materials for reconstruction reach there needed destination. This system includes heat sinks, pumps, and a forced liquid coolant system.

Endoskeleton frame: carbon nanotube frame set in an endoskeleton style mimicking natural bones in structure.

Composite plates: considered an armor plate system: Polymer memory-plates. Material in areas, that plates are not effective, consists of the same materials as the rest of the body in a chain mail style format at the molecular level. Note: The materials making the polymer are tungsten, carbon, and Titanium.

Motive system: using synthetic superconductive muscle fibers, magnetic driven hydraulics, and micro servos. The body is capable of greater feats of strength (within reason of course) and able to have faster reaction times when coupled with the neural system. (Note: Alpha: has the full package, Beta: has only synthetic muscles, Gamma: has magnetic driven hydraulics and micro servos, Epsilon: synthetic muscles and magnetic driven hydraulics.)

Organic/synthetic internal bio computers: Beta Only: by sacrificing the magnetic hydraulics, Servo micro motors, and some of the Armoring. The Beta model has the ability to act as a portable mainframe or an AI core processing unit, and neural net. This cyborg has the ability to control ships as complex as those short of needing a dedicated AI system, used as navigators and scientists the beta is more intellectual based than combat based.

Adaptive Nanites system: Gamma Only: Designed with more flexibility in mind the gamma is fully combat capable to be the core for a no combative PA style over body (PA suits), or used as a civilian cyborg (the systems are less shielded in the civilian models.) This third generation is a balance between the alpha(warriors) and the betas(thinkers) they are made for grunt work and basic everyday use. The adaptive nature of the nanites, allows the gammas to be healers, mechanics, gardeners, and all around useful cyborgs.

Adaptive Weapon System: Alpha only: Originally thought of as a warrior, they have an adaptive system that allows for the out fitting of 2 extra nanotech reactors in each forearm, configured in the open end magnetic bottle format. This allows for a fearsome reactive weapon, be it energy or matter. Because of this most Alphas see power armor as an extension that they can connect into, more than the gamma's interfacing ability with combative PA suits. When a weapon is used, it is most likely considered and extension of the cyborgs being.

Thermal camouflage system: Epsilon only: Thought of as a useful infiltration and espionage system. The use allows for the epsilon to hide in most terrain to the naked eye, the only disadvantage is the unit become more visible to thermograph systems due to excess heat produced. The visual effect is a blur to the viewer. The system also includes a self-destruct sequence to allow the reactors to go critical and detonate.

Skin:Beta, Gamma, and Epsilon accessible: This system of nanotube carbon weave, is situated as a ring style system. Comes with a basic color system interwoven so It looks anywhere from flesh tone to metallic colors.

Note: The cyber-form is designed to be neutral gender in appearance the neural net develops a personality so that the cyber-form is not just a robot.

note:Epsilons posses the same system as the gamma but altered for maximum damage, can inject nanites with orders to destroy the body, a very painful process. This form of death cannot be stopped without electrocuting the victim and destroying the brain. Use of the Epsilons are suggested to be a rarity. The power system of the Epsilons also includes a self-destruct sequence to allow the reactors to go critical and detonate