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Na-A/M-02a WarBear Mecha

Bears don't have thumbs. They can't carry axes.
It's a walker unit, with hands. It's just called the Warbear for manly effect, I believe.
WarBear Wiki: "The Axe" said:
For extra manliness, the Axe has also been equipped with a 20,000 watt mega-speaker in the head, and the shaft has been made to function as a guitar.
WarBear Wiki: "The Axe" said:
Tertiary Purpose: In the words of one NAM designer, “being fucking awesome”

This is win, good sir! This weapon alone should be the reason for approval. IC morale would skyrocket when one of these took the field...

...or shoot down through the dirt if the poor officer operating the thing can't play guitar very well >_>;;

But then you add this:

I think you've just found the antidote to Kaserine. You need to get Jet into one of these. I was wondering when someone would take a hint and actually make an RPC.

On the serious side, since a lot of this is just to look freakin' intimidating and only does normal damage, I say this should pass.
I would have a lot easier time approving this if there were art.
Wes said:
I would have a lot easier time approving this if there were art.

I'm pretty sure art of this would be too badass for anyone to commit into a viewable image format.

If the bottom paragraph said it was formed my taking Knight Rider (inc Hassellhoff, William Shatner, Jimi Hendrix, Arnold Schwarzeneggar, Jesus, Batman, Superman and Wolverine, blending them in a Blendtech blender and then painting it onto Voltron, I would not be surprised.

It's just that sweet.
What would the basic proportions be like, in which case and which school of mechanical design/styling are you following?

OsakanOne said:
What would the basic proportions be like, in which case and which school of mechanical design/styling are you following?
Basic proportions would be human-like, although much more bulky. Look at the Aggressor for an idea, although the chest wouldn't be quite as mountainous as that one. I have no idea what school that falls in. I'm not much of a mech-head. The best I can equate it to would be GA America in Armored Core.

Also, Wes: I can't draw, and don't have the money or means to pay someone to get art for me.
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