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Na-AC-01a Shaika Assault Carrier

Indeed they did! 30,000 fighters in a 2.4 km x 0.8 km x .4 km ship is too freaking much.

Even the Super Star destroyer with its 17 kilometers in length can only carries 1,728 fighters combined with it's planetary Garrison equivalent of troops, armor, and even pre-fabricated base materials.

This is mainly because you have to consider support equipment to maintain craft, crew quarters, pilot/marine quarters, recreation facilities, engineering, ship-vital equipment, and the humongous list of areas a ship needs. I don't care if they use something equivalent to the Nodal system...the sheer volume of the carrier is too small to support that many.
SUBLIMEinal said:
Shaika Wiki page

XBOX HUEG Thanks to Fian for the art, launching system, and other stuff, and Uso for letting me use his shields from the C1.

SUBedit: Changed fighter/ armor numbers at Abwerhan Commander's prompting.

MOAR SUBedit: Added new weapon, power generation, interdiction fields, and probably something else I forgot.
I love this new design. Needs a few things brought to your attention.
Hyperspace Fold Drive: 1 LY/Minute
Sublight Engines: .5c
Range: 45 Lightyears
Lifespan: 40 years
Refit Cycle: Must be refueled/ restocked once every six months to maintain full operational capacity.

As of the new submission rules I rolled out last week. All new submissions must meed the new Starship Speed Standard. (and yes something will be done about pre-existing designs and this is not the thread where it is to be discussed.) The tables at the bottom of the page are helpful.

Starship Speed Standard

Sheild systems need a DR Rating.

Aside from that, it is a sound design. Let me know when you make changes.!
The Carrier is within the scope of the new speed rules. Its speed is toned down compared to the other ships in that Nepleslia has.

The rules state that the numbers listed are only Fred's ideal numbers and not hard caps on speed.
No they are not hard caps, but I would like to see us aiming for the ideals. I will be aiming towards those ideals myself on the new KFY ships I am working on. I figured if we all did so we could really get things on the right track.

Anyway Sub check out the tables, and we can chat about it if needed. I have a few numbers in my head we can go over.
Heh, sorry. I actually thought the cap on FTL was 1 ly/min, because I'm not that good at reading. Anyway, I'll dumb down that speed, but, is it really necessary to dump on the STL speeds, especially considering that A. They really have no effect on RP and B. Almost every ship and armor ever made in the setting has moved at around .5c or so, at least?

Especially with armors, unless you change every speed at once, you suddenly have brand-spankin' new fighters and PA that are suddenly massively outclassed by things made months or years earlier.
We slowly will be converting old designs to the new standard as we have time. BUT this is not the thread for its discussion. Just extend me some trust on this topic.
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