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Na-C4-DD5 Bison


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Military
Submission URL:Here
Civilian Submission URL:Here

Faction: Nepleslia
FM Approved Yet? Yes

Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No

To cover some specifics. Yes, it has four ACS units. However, like I entitled on the page it is a massive power draw. And since FTL functions are more often than not handled by Aether or Taps, the ship is incapable of performing FTL maneuvers while these are in operations or, the FTL runs at exactly .2% of max capacity in terms of CDD travel, Fold would be incapable.

Yes, the ship has more than a few point defense turrets. However these have a range of only 100km offsetting the number for shortness in range. And yeah, those are DART launchers.

The ship has about as many secondary guns as a Super Eikan (16 positron cannons and four torpedo launchers). But one more super heavy mount.
Appearance section is blank, even if artwork is intended, a textual description is required.
I'm waiting on Kai to get on for the art link. However is this all that is holding it up?
I added the Images that I had- Unfortunately the original model was lost and I suck at rebuilding things, so there may be some inconsistencies...
Why is the front section tilted downwards? From the side view, it looks like the mid-ventral cannons would blast the edge of the turrets in front of it.
It's how Kai did it. In the meantime I'm using this art until something more appropriate can be had.
Yeah from the side the image has issues, like the fact that the engines are thrusting above the center of gravity which would cause it to tumble, so we will just have to assume that is uses vectoring or vernier thrusters to compensate for that.

Appearance is still blank, requires textual description in addition to the images.

Missing date entered service.

I have issues with this ship having 5 SDR5 weapons, the Super Eikan which you compared it to has only 2.

A production starship design would not have this major flaw. Its part of the reason that the Genesis of the Origin manufacture for its plot was allowed this kind of flaw because it was a prototype.
It doesn't need a textual description if it has art. That's what the 'Appearance' section is for. Unless this is some new requirement.

The Super Eikan also has three SDR 5's. The Bison has 4. Not 5. And I've already said they have drawbacks to their usage.
Erm. Submissions have always needed textual description, even with art. It's not too difficult to throw down two or three sentences.
It is when this has never been enforced on me in the past when art was supplied. But you have your three sentences. They're sparse since the art should provide the description vs the text. :|
Text descriptions of appearance are ALWAYS needed on starships; it explicitly says this on the starship template.
Well, as I said there are the three sentences. Expanded a little, etc etc. Although there really isn't much else I could say about the ship. I mean I went for balance in terms of raw power and drawbacks.
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