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Rejected Submission Naginata-class Battlecruiser


Well-Known Member
Submission Type: Starship, battlecruiser
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:starships:naginata-class_battlecruiser

FM Approved Yet? Kinda, I had permission to finish the Wiki page but it has not been reviewed yet; @Wes, 9/25/2015 Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

Khasidel started the project and I have finished the rest of it.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
His last update was on 12/25/2014, I picked it up on 9/24/2015. It's been unaltered for two months shy of a year(10 months). I didn't ask his permission because I read the first post on this thread. I'm sorry if I stepped on his toes but judging by the aforementioned items I believed this project to be open.
And yet, his last post was on Tuesday. He's not inactive, he just hasn't actively been working on the project itself, so the least you can do is send him a message asking him about it. If you'd started your own project, that would be one thing, but the player is NOT inactive, so his projects are still his own.
I believe if you read the post from Wes that I've linked it would make more sense
I read the post. That doesn't excuse a complete lack of courtesy. Helping Wes with a project is different from swiping an active players work without even attempting to contact them. ESPECIALLY considering Khas has been active with a fair bit of regularity this month. I'm not saying abandon your work. I'm saying be polite, and go ask the guy if he objects to you finishing the project. Even if it's after the fact, it's just polite.
I've sent him a message. I'm sure you understand that I wasn't trying to be rude, I just figured that this had already been taken care of before Wes had requested assistance.
While on the whole I wouldn't mind working with someone to finish it off, you probably should have contacted me first because:

1. You still haven't completed the article; from what I can tell you've mostly copy-pasta'd four paragraphs of text on the end of the article from another Yamatai starship article and some of it is inaccurate -- particularly the weapons as it directly contradicts the weapons listed in the deck layout (which is still incomplete as I hadn't yet decided where each compartment would go). It also refers to the Naginata as a battleship not a battlecruiser -- I assume because you copy'd it from the Yamato-class article.

2. The emergency systems still hasn't been described, merely noted what types there are.

3. Miscellaneous systems is still empty.

4. History and background is still empty.

5. Actually the last time I worked on this is in February -- @Fred talked to me about possibly designing/giving some input for the system's for the plotship in the Byakuren plot and I was considering using some of the systems I was designing for the Naginata -- I started doing some more heavily fleshed out articles for the systems over here in my sandbox: Ship System Sandbox

It was a possibility I was going to make the systems and the Naginata ship a joint design by Fred's Miharu Light Industries and my Murasaki Orbital Shipyards rather than wholely designed by Ketsurui Fleet Yards -- but I haven't broached that possibility with Fred yet and would need his permission as well.

I've got about 3 days free before I have to get back to work. I'll see if I can't finish things off more properly in that time. @Wes also has asked me to do something about the Izanagi here. Assuming the Naginata gets finished I'll move on to finishing off that next.
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Miharu Light Industries has so far been a subsidiary of Ketsurui Fleet Yards whom have mostly worked on yearly ship refits. Their main achievement is the iteration on the Mindy II, having it progress from model 2A to model 2D. Because the Mindy II is so widespread, that optimization/armor remodeling granted that little company access to far more resources allocated to them through the prestige system, which means that they have the resources to build bigger/better things. The mass-production model of the Himiko-class being high on that list.

MLI is staffed namely by the Miharu and Asamoya neko families, and one thing these girls are familiar with is having special equipment that is hard to service in port because it's practically unique. If they are going to build something, they would like it so that it could be far more easily serviced. Another thing they want to do is share into the specialization of different yamataian companies in order to make the best products possible - they can't all have the best ideas. Another benefit of involving other companies is the very act of forming relationships that helps them all prosper.

I plan to have the Himiko-refit done by December. Around that point, I'll have designed what I need on it, which means MLI will have established in-house technology. Until then, though, I don't think there's much of MLI that can show up in the Naginata.
Again, I apologize for intruding on your project. I was not aware that you were still working on this, I was only trying to lend a hand and help out. If it would be alright with you I would like to assist you in completing this large project. Would that be okay?
I'm rejecting this submission from Rizzo's standpoint, but the submission from its original author is still a valid WIP.
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