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Nall'Tis "Harmony" Hulut Llamnel

The languages are/should be Lorath, Trade and Yamataian. Nepleslian (Trade) = English and Yamataian (Yamatai-go) = Japanese.

That aside, it fits the plot
Yes, Yes it is soresu, but bonded to another animal.

Ninja edit: Re-bumb for approval, changed what was needed as well as changed hair style and bonded animal.
Jaqueline, tsk. Pox on you and all that.

Oi, I'll be your reviewer TODAH.

Hm... Appearance wise is fine, albeit my complaint is you could go in more detail but oh well.

Personality will do.

History will do. Could use more detail, like a brief on school life and the work etc.

Alright, the five skills are alright. Slightly surprised there isn't more, given the age, but oh well. However. There are five skills, and while there isn't a MINIMUM, you don't have any skills for the stuff she probably learned going to school; IE Biology. Even if she is JUST going she probably knows a bit, nyeh?

Inventory is fine.

Unapproved at the moment, Tiffeh needs to respond and possibly tweak it, yar.
You'd think that she'd at least have seven skills... especially for her age... and the recommendation that you have seven skills anyways.
One of the points was that the character wasn't really an adult yet, and didn't have a developed military skillset.
The understanding for as long as I've been here is that Military personel need seven skills. She has five because she is young, she just started college. Lorath don't learn a majority of their skills until they start in their actual line of work. Not to mention there is the equivalent of a grad school all Lorath go to for their specialty.

As to the biology skills, thought I had that in there... I'll double check though. Edit: Upon seeing the skillsets, I saw there was no biology, Adding it in now.

Also, guys please keep in mind that Lorath age differently then the other races, they age twice as slow. A 40 year old Nepleslian woman, is a 20 year old Lorath woman. Give me a day please from the 17th, then re-review.

Ninja Edit: I went ahead and fixed everything that seemed to be the problem, so ready for approval!
She's been alive for 36 years, yet she's just physically and mentally 18? One more thing that I now know about the Lorath, I suppose.. However, other 18-year old characters on the setting have seven skills. So, why should this character be any different? However, she currently has six, so that should be fine, I suppose.