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Approved Submission {NAM} 12mm RPB Pistol


Well-Known Member
Producer Information
Designer: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions
Manufacturer: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions
(Suggested) Price: Military use Only

Nomenclature Information
Name: NAM 12mm RPB Pistol
Type: Rocket-propelled round
Role: Military-issue Sidearm
Length: 31.2 cm
Weight: 2.9 kg

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: Rocket-Propelled Bullet
Firing Mechanism: The hammer strikes the firing pin of the rocket, sparking the propellant, which shoots the rocket forward. The expelled propellant gas knocks back the hammer, re-cocking the gun.
Caliber: The round is 12mm wide, and about 3 cm long.
Effective Range: About 200 meters is as far as human accuracy can take the round without some kind of stabilization.
Maximum Range: Up to 2000 meters, with maximum power gained at 200 meters
Minimum Range: Rocket will be ineffective within 1 foot of firing.
Muzzle Velocity: Leaving the barrel, the round goes about the speed of a low-velocity bullet. About 3 feet from the barrel, the primary charge ignites, and the rocket gets an intense burst of speed, bringing it to about 200 mph above the speed of sound.
Muzzle Blast: The muzzle flash is extremely small, only a small amount of exhaust from the rocket, with a small hissing sound. There is a slightly larger bang when the primary charge ignites, and a rapid expulsion of gases can be heard, but this occurs a ways away from the gun itself.
Firing Mode(s): Semi-automatic
Recoil: The recoil is minimal to the point of going unnoticed by most shooters, and one tester even reported "negative recoil,â€
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
About a week since submission but no reply, so bumpage.

The concept itself is technologically viable. Is there any problems with the design of numerical values? I know it's not my place to review submissions and such, but I'm just afraid this may turn into yet another case of Submission Rot.
I approve the weapon, but I don't think it'll ever be a standard sidearm due to its quirkyness--there's a reason rocket bullets have already failed at any attempts at selling in real life.
I see no reason why we should deny this weapon approval. Like the real world there are always quirky weapons out there.

So I approve of it.
I don't see any reasons it shouldn't be approved. At short range or windy conditions it is not going to be very good but a good shot at 75m will not be pleasant for the receiver.
Has anyone told him it has been approved, seeing as that is the unanimous decision?
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