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NAM Aerotech - Buoy


Well-Known Member
1. About the NAM Aerotech - Buoy

Made to annoy. The Buoy provides one shot Interdiction and counter interdiction. Just fling it out of the airlock, that Pirate would have to play hide and seek with it before it can resume the chase( And by that time you would be halfway across the galaxy already ). Its Interdiction Field can either be triggered by remote activation, time, or proximity.

2. History and Background

Sticking its finger into Nerimian technology and Aerospacy, NAM creates cheap solutions to expensive tactical problems.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement

Organizations Using This Vessel:
Star Army of Nepleslia
And mabye its allies.
And probably everyone else sooner or later
Type: Expendable Interdiction Device
Class: Na - O1 - 1a
Melchoir Vel Steyr and the good guys at NAM
Manufacturer: Nepleslia Armaments and Munitions
Production: Few working prototypes, Slated for full Mass production.

Crew: None, an AI or one human on remote
Maximum Capacity: None
Appearance: A black sphere with red plates.

Length: 5 Meters
Width: 5 Meters
Height: 5 Meters
Decks: None
Mass: 1 Ton

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 30 KM/h ( 1 JAM ) 300 KM/h ( 10 JAMs )
Range (Distance): As far as it floats
Range (Support): 30 Minutes after activation, 10 years on active standby
Lifespan: 25 years not activated
Refit Cycle: What upgrades?

5. Inside the Buoy

A mass of wires and components. Isnt made to store anything else.

6. Ship Systems

Hull: A 1-inch thick depleted uranium casing to survive the rigors of space. The Buoy is not expected to survive any hit from any kind of munition.

Secondhand decomissioned Nerimian Interdiction Field: A powerful artificial gravitic field that disrupts the operations of FTL drives of all types in half an AU. In this case the Buoy would use this to prevent enemy vessels from giving chase to retreating frendly units. Its secondary mode defeats interdiction efforts in an area roughly 1/4ths of its normal operation. Does not work against SAoY ships due to SAoY's high level of technology.

JAM Bottle Slots: Up to 10 Jet Assisted Movement Bottles can be fitted in a sphere of the Buoy. These bottle provide minimal thrusts and mobility for the Buoy to move into position or perform minor evasive Brownitian motion if spotted. The bottles are strictly single use, and are NOT discarded when used up. ( The Buoy lacks jettison functions ). Each JAM only lasts 3 minutes.

Sensors: Very rudimentary, just enough for the buoy to find its way or avoid space debris. But just enough to detect if it is being fired upon or if there are high energy signatures nearby ( Like 1 KM away ).

Powerplant: No self sufficient generator, instead uses high power unstable chemical batteries which only lasts 30 minutes at full power. When depleted the electrolytes turninto a very corrosive solution which 'eats' the Buoy, preventing re-use.

Computer Systems: A Sub-Savtech model,functions only to regulate the Buoy, control the JAMs, interdiction, sensors and self detonation.

Explosives: When the Sub-Savtech determines that it is about to be captured, these low yield explosives blow the batteries which then eats the Buoy. Also self triggers when EMPed or if the Buoy is opened the wrong way.

Anchor: A single use steel harpoon to anchor the Buoy on space debris or asteroids.

Communication: Encrypted Radio receiver, for remote operation.

Suggested Usage: Either pre-deploy it by hiding it within space debris or asteroids. Otherwise jettison it at topspeed to make it harder to hit. If there is only one enemy ship then release more than one in opposing directions for added fun.

2000 KS For Buoy, 20KS per JAM.
It's really quite small for such a large interdiction field. In fact it is extremely small.

In addition that is one incredibly slow ship.
Oukay, how large should it be then? I sort of scaled down the interdiction field by half to accomodate. Its not exacly supposed to move on its own though.

Edit: Added suggested usages, JAM Speeds and bumped it up to 5m :p
Is this named after the approximately 442-person commune of the Marne département in France? Or, did you mean buoy?
Fian said:
Opps. Thanks Wes.
Are you talking about ortho-Phenylphenols, organic compounds used as a fungicide or did you mean oops?
Sorry for the triple spelling corrections--you kind of set yourself up for them, though. You should proofread your submissions.

Secondhand decomissioned Nerminian Interdiction Field: A powerfull artificial gravific field that disrupts the operations of FTL drives of all types in half an AU. In this case, this the Buoy would use this to prevent enemy vessels from giving chase to retreating frendly units. Its secondary mode defeats interdiction efforts in an area roughly a quater of its normal operation.
So how effective is this supposed to actually be? A lot of Star Army ships still have FTL in "interdiction" fields.
I dont have microsoft word :p

I doubt something as cheap and Nep made as this would do anything to Star Army ships. If we ever have to use it against SAoY then we are doomed.

So yeah, other Neps or pirates would be nice :D
Fian said:
I dont have microsoft word :p
I've got to say I'm really disappointed about your answer--there's a problem if someone cannot proofread without Microsoft Word. The advent of the computer has started a trend of people scooting school through using computers to do grammar and spelling checks and then (as a result) graduating from high school without really being fully literate--and that response really make you come off as one of them. So, you should work on these language deficiencies. Remember, every person you meet (especially online) has to form his opinion of you based on how you communicate.

Anyway, back on topic:
Fian said:
I doubt something as cheap and Nep made as this would do anything to Star Army ships. If we ever have to use it against SAoY then we are doomed.

So yeah, other Neps or pirates would be nice :D
Ah, alright. You should probably clarify that in in the stats. I'm almost ready to approve this.
You dont know what kind of high school graduates they are churning out here (Malaysia), not to brag but with my current level of english proffeciency I was the top of the class -_-. I still have a long way to go it seems.

Back the topic ... Price?
Fian said:
You dont know what kind of high school graduates they are churning out here, not to brag, but with my current level of english proffeciency I was the top of the class -_-. I still have a long way to go it seems.

Back to the topic ... Price?
Well, maybe 2000 KS?

Edit: Ah, I didn't know you were Malaysian. I was talking about the decline of American education.
2000 KS it is then.

Oh crap, that 'to' was a typo error.

Edit: I'm a Chinese living in Malaysia who speaks primarily in English. Pretty messed up eh.