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NAM Heavy Automatic Sidearm

Man, this thing is the full grown bastard child of the ESG and HHG.

Though, is your DR rating of 3-4 based on the "Relative DR" scale or the official one?
How does it fire without the mass driver on?

And ... er ... 10 mm pistol rounds? Or rifle rounds? If rifle rounds, of typical rifle bullet manufacture, there's no way you're firing it at 950 m/s.

In fact ... is this a sidearm used without any powered assistance? If so, you're not firing it at 950 m/s without a bloody stock. I mean, that's more than 3,000 fps (3,117 fps, to be precise). Most military rifle rounds are slower than that, and most are far below 10 mm in caliber. Pistol bullets aren't even meant to travel that fast, as they in general lack the right aerodynamics for that speed.

Can you clarify things a bit here?
The 10mm rounds are pistol rounds, like the ones from the old Zen arms pistol.

The gun has a regular shooty part, like you'd find on a modern SMG, the bullet then hits the mass driver (the end of the barrel, like the HHG), and then hence the speed.

I realize now that 'sidearm' is probably a very wrong name for this, as it's meant more as something of an SMG than just a pistol, unfortunately... I kinda suck at naming, so this was the best I could come up with.
The speed is still way too high without some kind of massive compensator (lots more weight, muzzle break, etc.) Considering the pistol round normally travels below 1,000 fps, I don't see how you're getting it to 3,000 fps, mass driver included.

Also, if this is going to be DR 3, you need more than just 10 mm bullets. You need armor penetrating rounds that are made of uranium, they need to be spitzer-shaped. And you still need a bloody stock to firing this thing anywhere near accurate — the perceived recoil right now, based on caliber and muzzle velocity alone, is extreme to utterly uncontrollable. "High" is inaccurate.

DR 4 is too much. There's no way, not even when the round is "mass driven," that this thing reaches DR 4. The LASR reaches DR 4, and it fires its rounds much, much faster, with a heavier, more aerodynamic bullet, and with better construction.

This weapon seems more about the cool factor than accuracy. We do approve weapons like that on occasion, but many times that's because we don't catch the things wrong with them. I know there are things wrong with this.
Made some changes. Decreased round speed and damage, and made some fancy new ammo type for it, as well as upped the gun's weight.
I admire the ingenuity of the ammunition modification ... but.

I was going to save this for myself, but hell, spread the love, right? Use these for your armor-piercing rounds. Drop this hot/cool stuff; it won't work quite how you want it to. As the videos (allegedly) show, the rounds work like a fuckin' dream.

I'm going to introduce these rounds soon anyway, via Styrling. Just say you stole the design. *grins*

Also, drop the "Strong" DR 2 — you can't modify the DR that way. Just say DR 3 = mass driver + AP ammo (high inaccuracy with no stock); DR 2 for standard AP ammo; DR 2 for standard pistol rounds + mass driver (but with HIGH inaccuracy, especially with no stock) and DR 1 for just regular pistol rounds.

Also: Up the thing's weight to 12 pounds. It will make it very heavy, but that's all you're going to have helping you control the mass-driven recoil.
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