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[NAM] LBR-02a


Well-Known Member
Producer Information
Designer: Nepleslian Arms and Munitions
Manufacturer: NAM Orbital Shipyards
(Suggested) Price: 15 SRP
Individual Component Costs:
Main Weapon: 10 SRP
Attachment: 4 SRP
Antimatter: 1 SRP

Nomenclature Information
Name: Long Beam Rifle
Type: Positron Based
Model: LBR-02a (NAM) NAM-M2-W3000 (Standard SARP)
Role: WATER2 Customizable Standard Main Weapon
Length: 5ft, Unfolds to 8ft (WATER2 Height)
Weight: 30KG

Discharge Information
Projection/ammo type: Positron Beam
Firing Mechanism: Antimatter is brought into the firing chamber from the Forearm Storage on the WATER2. It is then excitied into positrons and then shot out through and encased magnetic fields created in the barrel. The positrons may also be redirected to attachments on the LBR to be processed into various other firing modes.
Beam Diameter: 5CM (Main Barrel). 1CM Specks (Buckshot and Rapid Fire).
Beam Arc: 0* (Main Barrel) . 1*-100* Adjustable (Buckshot and Rapid Fire)
Effective Range: 5,000KM in Space, 20KM in atmosphere.
Maximum Range: 10,000KM in Space, 100KM in atmosphere
Minimum Range: 0
Muzzle Velocity: .99c
Muzzle Blast: Bright white light and a loud "BWUSH!" noise. Some superheated gases will vent out from the sides of the barrel. Continuous Stream will last for 3 seconds, other modes are 0.5.
Firing Mode(s): Single Shot. (Attachments: Buckshot, Rapid Fire or Continous Stream)
Recoil: If fired with one hand, the weapon will jerk to one side. Will experience a recoil akin that to a tank if fired with both hands.
ROF and Charge Time: 1 Per 3 Seconds (Single Shot). 30 Per Second (Rapid Fire). Charge time 5 seconds for 3 Seconds of Continous Stream (Continous Stream), 1 Per 5 Seconds (Buckshot).

Damage Description:
Moderate (Grazed by Rapid Fire, Passed over by Continous Stream, Buckshotted at under 1KM).
Heavy (Hit by Single Shot, Continous stream at 2 Seconds, Sustained Rapid Fire, Struck by Beam Bayonet).
Very Heavy (Hit by Buckshot at 50m and Continuous Stream for 3 Seconds)

Ammo Description:
Visual Description: The ammo is stored in an armored case mounted on the WATER2's forearm. It is piped over to the gun via a single connecting magnetic tube. Power to excite said antimatter is channeled through the tube by the WATER2. Safeties off, the LBR will have pre-loaded enough antimatter and power for 2 shots.
Ammo: 50

Weapon Mechanisms:
Safety: Yes, May be digitally locked by command and unlocked by signal. A physical lock is tumbed up and down by the Power Armor. Pulling the trigger with the safeties off and barrel still folded will result in the destruction of the weapon.
Fire mode selector:) Yes, thumbed up and down between the main barrel or attachment.
Weapon Sight: Minature monoeye.
Attachment Hard points: Yes, one attachment under the barrel for: Rotating Gymball Barrels (Rapid Fire), Positron Capacitor (Continous Stream) OR Dispersing Gymball Barrel (Buckshot). One seperate attachment slot on the tip of the main barrel for a Beam Bayonet.
Really cool built in thingy: Collaspable stock and barrel. Reduces the LBR to 5ft.

Maintenance Information:
Field Maintenance Procedure: Cannot be properly mantained on the field. Has to be taken cared of by qualified engineers using special tools. Will last about one week without mantainence in battle conditions.
Replaceable Parts and components: The attachment under the main barrel can be interchanged to other attachments carried by the WATER2. These affect the secondary firing mode of the Power Armor.

Visual Description:
A very long rifle. It is meticulously made out of andronium pieces and contains many complex components within it. Very accurate and very powerfull but unfortunately it is as fragile as it looks. Its large size has made it a hand carry weapon only. When fully unfolded, it is held under the armpits with the right arm going over and under it to hold the pistol grip and trigger. The left arm holds on to a horisontal handle further down the rifle.

There is what looks like a scope but it merely houses the directed monoeye sensor that assists the Power Armor in aiming it from the hip (Cannot be brought up to shoulders). A tube connects from the ammo storage on the right arm to the base of the rifle. The base and main barrel of the is five inches thick, and is far too large and unwieldy for a normal human to use. While on the hip the rifle can be swung about in a limited angle, it is recommended to move the entire armor to aim. Painted light blue with red warning signs in some places.

A further refined LBR slated to replace the standard issue LBR on the WATER2.

OOC: I had originally envisioned the LBR to be a customizable, powerful, large and relatively delicate main weapon for the WATER2. However the current description in that Power Armor's stat page does not reflect this enough. The main difference between the original LBR and this one is a larger and longer gun, and the standardisation of the customizations available.
Looks good to me.

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