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NAM Light Transport


Inactive Member
Light Freighter
NS-LFS-1CIV Red Hill Class

Table of Contents
1. About the Red Hill
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the Red Hill
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Complement
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

1. About the Red Hill
The Red Hill is a small cargo/freight supply ship designed for colonial re-supply and for small merchant traders with budget considerations. Thus, it is priced towards the average merchant, as opposed to the larger Warhorse class or the medium sojourner class.

2. History and Background
The Red Hill was designed by Razeal Kresh with the intention of improving the trade abilities of his home nation. He took an even simpler approach then the flexible Warhorse concept, and designed perhaps an even more flexible transport.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement:
Organizations Using This Vessel: Nepleslian Merchants
Type: Light Freighter/Supply Ship
Class: NS-LFS-1CIV
Razeal Kresh
Melchoir Vel Steyr
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: Mass Production

Minimum Crew: 5
Captain - 1
Officers - 2
Engineers - 2
Maximum Capacity: 15. (Comfortable) 40. (Not including Modules)
Firefly Miners – 6
Pilots and PA Operators – 4
Cooks, cleaners and doctors would be multi-tasked by the people above.
Appearance: A sturdy ship.

Length: 80M
Width: 250M (without modules)
Height: 30M (without modules)
Decks: 2
Mass: 80,000 Tons (without modules)

4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0 to 0.80c Sublight
Speed (FTL): 6,000cc
Speed (Aerial): Mach 2, has landing gear (4 short legs) and can land on a packed soil.
Speed (Water): With VTOL capability the Red Hill can take off and land in water.

Range (Distance): As far as the crew.
Range (Support): 3 Months Oxygen Maximum.
Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance, the Red Hill class has an estimated life of 70 years
Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed. Modular Upgrades are available as they are developed and produced.

5. Inside the Red Hill:
Bridge: The Bridge of the Red Hill is located inside the ship, so that potential pirates cant fry the bridge for easy loot. Consists of two tiers, the captain sits on the higher tier and controls ship movements. On the semi circular lower tier there are three terminals but on a 5 crew basis, one man on sensors and systems and one man on weapons. The bridge is suitably spaced and comfortable. Holographic projectors in the room project screens on the walls for a higher heads up. Fore section.

Crew Quarters: The quarters are on twin sharing basis, in a small room with a double bunk, one table and closet. The captain has a larger one man room for himself, but showers are communal. Queasy captains partition one shower head for themselves. Fore section.

Kitchen and Living Room: Half a floor dedicated for enjoying oneself and eating ones fill. The living room is normally furnished with sofas, holoscreens, the dining table (also the poker table), workout machines and potted plants. The kitchen is made for two (4 max) and smoke vents are in place. The dining table is large enough for all of the crew, and actually has an artificial gravity generator on it, so that your half eaten pudding wont be all over the walls when the ship exits battle stations and local gravity turned back on. Fore section.

Spine: One long metal corridor linking the fore and aft of the ship. The stillness of this area has led to some people claiming that space ghosts live there. Sometimes used as storage.

Engine Block: The whole aft section. Unlike the comfortable fore section of the ship, the engine block is compacted and almost uncomfortable. On any given time one person has to be on duty here and the poor guy has a small 5x5 break room for himself, where the toilet seat is also his recliner. The sight of a wrecked and disheveled returning to the fore section may have contributed to some of the paranormal sightings along the Spine.

6. Ship Systems:
Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and Mercurite anti-radiation shielding, the Red Hill's hull provides decent protection. More emphasis was put on the spine however, as such a narrow connection between the front and back of the Red Hill is an obvious weaknesses.

Power: Fusion Generator NFG-02a:
This system provides great amounts of low tech and affordable energy, unfortunately quite large sized (40% of aft section). Power is provided by cable through the spine to the fore section. Capacitors are in place should the generators fail, and would last for a few days Located at the back of the ship.

Shields: Combined Shielding CPS-02a
For standardization sake NAM had lumped the two systems of energy shield and repulsion together. To offset the weak armor (and potential repair costs ) the CPS here has a higher power to weight ratio than on the Firefly. The Red Hill is capable of taking a serious pounding before the shields fail with a one hour full recharge time ( So run run run! ). It also lacks the overcharge function on previous NAM designs. Its generator is located at the back.

Antigravity/ Gravity:
This is one of the more basic necessities which is normally turned off in battle conditions so more power can be channeled to the CPS-02a.

Airlock System:
The main airlocks are located port/starboard near the ships main bridge with one dorsal airlock above the engineering section. Every room in the Red Hill can be sectioned off, the spine counts as two rooms.

Module system:
The Red Hill can carry 2 Modular cargo units. The module system is the measurement of standard cargo capacity. Each "Cargo Moduleâ€
These are the basic designs submitted by Razeal and purchased by Melchoir IC and RPed out. The NAM Aerotech division will amend and modify these designs as it sees fit.

So wait for it.
Light Freighter

Table of Contents
1. About the Red Hill
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the Red Hill
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Complement
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

1. About the Red Hill
The Red Hill is a small cargo/freight supply ship designed for colonial re-supply and for small merchant traders with budget considerations. Thus, it is priced towards the average merchant, as opposed to the larger Warhorse class or the medium sojourner class.

2. History and Background
The Red Hill was designed by Razeal Kresh with the intention of improving the trade abilities of his home nation. He took an even simpler approach then the flexible Warhorse concept, and designed perhaps an even more flexible transport. The basic design was then purchased by NAM and tailored to their specifications.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement:
Organizations Using This Vessel: Nepleslian Merchants
Type: Light Freighter/Supply Ship
Class: NS-LFS-1CIV
Razeal Kresh
Melchoir Vel Steyr
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: Mass Production

Minimum Crew: 5
Captain - 1
Officers - 2
Engineers - 2
Maximum Capacity: 15. (Comfortable) 40. (Not including Modules)
Firefly Miners – 6
Pilots and PA Operators – 4
Cooks, cleaners and doctors would be multi-tasked by the people above.
Appearance: A sturdy ship.

Width: 80M
Length: 250M (without modules)
Height: 30M (without modules)
Decks: 2
Mass: 80,000 Tons (without modules)

4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0 to 0.80c Sublight
Speed (FTL): 6,000cc
Speed (Aerial): Mach 2, has landing gear (4 short legs) and can land on a packed soil.
Speed (Water): With VTOL capability the Red Hill can take off and land in water.

Range (Distance): As far as the crew.
Range (Support): 3 Months Oxygen Maximum.
Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance , the Red Hill class has an estimated life of 70 years
Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed. Modular Upgrades are available as they are developed and produced.

5. Inside the Red Hill
Bridge: The Bridge of the Red Hill is located inside the ship, so that potential pirates cant fry the bridge for easy loot. Consists of two tiers, the captain sits on the higher tier and controls ship movements. On the semi circular lower tier there are three terminals but on a 5 crew basis, one man on sensors and systems and one man on weapons. The bridge is suitably spaced and comfortable. Holographic projectors in the room project screens on the walls for a higher heads up. Fore section.

Crew Quarters: The quarters are on twin sharing basis, in a small room with a double bunk, one table and closet. The captain has a larger one man room for himself, but showers are communal. Queasy captains partition one shower head for themselves. Fore section.

Kitchen and Living Room: Half a floor dedicated for enjoying oneself and eating ones fill. The living room is normally furnished with sofas, holoscreens, the dining table (also the poker table), workout machines and potted plants. The kitchen is made for two (4 max) and smoke vents are in place. The dining table is large enough for all of the crew, and actually has an artificial gravity generator on it, so that your half eaten pudding wont be all over the walls when the ship exits battle stations and local gravity turned back on. Fore section.

Spine: One long metal corridor linking the fore and aft of the ship. The stillness of this area has led to some people claiming that space ghosts live there. Sometimes used as storage.

Engine Block: The whole aft section. Unlike the comfortable fore section of the ship, the engine block is compacted and almost uncomfortable. On any given time one person has to be on duty here and the poor dood has a small 5x5 break room for himself, where the toilet seat is also his recliner. The sight of a wrecked and disheveled returning to the fore section may have contributed to some of the paranormal sightings along the Spine.

6. Ship Systems

Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and Mercurite anti-radiation shielding, the Red Hill's hull provides decent protection. More emphasis was put on the spine however, as such a narrow connection between the front and back of the Red Hill is an obvious weaknesses.

Power: Fusion Generator NFG-02a
Provides great amounts of low tech and affordable energy, unfortunately quite large sized (40% of aft section). Power is provided by cable through the spine to the fore section. Capacitors are in place should the generators fail, and would last for a few days Located at the back of the ship.

Shields: Combined Shielding CPS-02a
For standardization sake NAM had lumped the two systems of energy shield and repulsion together. To offset the weak armor ( and potential repair costs ) the CPS here has a higher power to weight ratio than on the Firefly. The Red Hill is capable of taking a serious pounding before the shields fail with a one hour full recharge time ( So run run run! ). Lacks the overcharge function on previous NAM designs. Generator is at the back.

Antigravity/ Gravity
Basic necessities. Normally turned off in battle conditions so more power can be channeled to the CPS-02a.

Airlock System:
The main airlocks are located port/starboard near the ships main bridge with one dorsal airlock above the engineering section. Every room in the Red Hill can be sectioned off, the spine counts as two rooms.

Module system:
The Red Hill can carry 2 Modular cargo units. The module system is the measurement of standard cargo capacity. Each "Cargo Moduleâ€
That definately looks approvable. There are some grammar issues with the descriptions I'd like to see fixed, however (mostly sentence fragments, run-ons and missing words).
You really should edit the first post rather than post again.

I still think there's something lacking about the rooms ...

It still has only one sensor.
You really should have more types of communication.
Zakalwe said:
You really should edit the first post rather than post again.
It's a different person.
Right, will correct those when I get back home.

But I just noticed an problem, if the T1 shuttles can hold 56 Passengers, and there are 3 T1s on board, why is the capacity of this ship at 15 !?.

Also, I have not done the BREEZE light armors to be included on board. Its grandfather, the AIR is not even approved yet.

Right, those and pricing.
KFY Shuttles Page said:
Ke-T1-1a "Gopher"

Primary Purpose: Ship-to-Ship Transport
Secondary Purpose: Escape Pod
Range: 2 days of travel
Speed: .10c (150mph in atmosphere)
Load Capacity: 4 personnel with gear or 1 person with cargo.
Weapons: None
Systems: Anti-Gravity, Communications, Shields (weak).

Notes: The Ke-T1 does not have the ability to travel FTL, and is unarmed. It is capable of atmospheric landings, but is not designed for aerial maneuvering.
Vampire Discription said:
Ge-T1 Shuttles (4): Your basic high-capacity, FTL-capable transatmospheric shuttle. Includes adjustable-seal hatch on the floor and ceiling of the cargo compartment for docking with ships from outside. Not tall enough inside to hold the tank below.

Primary Purpose: Interstellar Transport
Secondary Purpose: Planetary Landings
Range: 10 days of travel (about 137 light-years at maximum speed)
Speed: 2000c, Mach 1 in atmosphere.
Load Capacity: 52 personnel with gear or 2 personnel with cargo.
Weapons: None
Systems: Anti-Gravity, Armor, CDD, Communications, Chaff/Flare Dispensers, Emergency Homing Beacon, Shields, Sensors.

I thought it was this T1. There are too many T1s out there -_-.[/quote]
(second posting) approved.

Hull rating: 6
Shield rating: 5