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[NAM] NTD-R07-X Robot

Barring any objections, this submission will be auto-approved in 36 hours.
Damage rating does not conform to standards

Redundant Systems: PDR6
L0 Tactical Plating: +0PDR
L1 Tactical Plating: +2PDR
L2 Tactical Plating: +5PDR
L3 Tactical Plating: +7PDR;

PDR 5 is the max for Personnel Scale

Unit starts out out of range, and then it proposes to add to it.

Keep in mind the first rating is the machine itself, all others are the equivalent of body armor.

EDIT: Soresu, that section is technically SP, not DR, my mistake; PDR changed to PSP to make it clear.

Uso said:
Needs Artwork.
Getting it as we speak. Anything else?
You have some terms being used without explanation.

These are two. Just what does this mean, and more importantly what is the difference between I and II. Obviously II is intended to be superior, but there is no explanation of this capability.

Heightened Awareness (II)
Heightened Awareness (I)
"The primary sensor suite within the head contains passive microwave, radio, infrared, ultraviolet, and x-ray filters in addition to an advanced six-color reciever capable of long-range trifocal magnification and rangefinding. The visual suite also incorporates an active infrared laser-rangefinder and a directional radar transmitter/reciever. The primary acoustic suite uses multiple recievers to enahance directional awareness of gunshots, though they cannot determine accurate trajectories. A dedicated computer system within the acoustic suite can refine and focus pickups, filtering out erroneous sounds and listening to distant conversations."
"The Legato replaces some of its audio/visual suite as well as possessing a smaller battery in order to carry anti-jamming communications gear capable of using several channels at once to get a signal through."

Could have sworn I mentioned which items were downgraded, I'll be back with a correction.

EDIT: Okay, should be done, made a few touch-ups and fixed some spelling errors.
So it would appear that you are saying that the Heightened Awareness is the available sensors, but you have it listed as a skill which would imply how the Robot uses the sensors, not what capabilities it has.
Ah, so there's a difference, good to know. I'll remove that then.

On the same note, how would targeting software play into skillsets?

I know the Jimmy and Steve are data-light on this stuff, so I'm kind of doing a lot of guesswork and extrapolation.
Okay a couple of other points.

200ft RADAR? For such a short range you would be better served using SONAR

omni-directional long-range radio transmitter/reciever ? 4 miles is not long ranges, that's definitely short range for a radio, and receiver is spelled wrong.

Once approved, I would definitely suggest breaking this page up. Have this be a general page, and then create a specific page for each unit to make linking to the specific models easier.
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