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[NAM] Rapier class destroyer

Two questions:

1) The ship generates a FTL bubble 89,758,800 km (0.6 AU) in length, yes? How exactly do you generate a field, stabily, on that kind of scale. Also, how is this supposed to be a efficient use of energy (which is stated as goal of the ship several times), seeing as the field bubble of a Alcurbie-type drive (like yours) is sustained by the negative energy within the field, which would necessarily increase with field size and strength?

2) How does this "metamaterial" bend light before it actually contacts the hull? I feel this needs to be explained.
This again is my cry for canon balance.

But the Crataeis was called into question for its speed when it was rated 11 LY/min. I still would find 11.5 to be too fast, unless we want to change established precedent sufficiently.

Is the secret to post every item you make as outrageously overpowered, then argue it down slowly until when it finally gets approved its vastly over established precedents for your nation? Its an interesting trend I've been watching in Nepleslian tech.

On another note, this really doesn't strike me as a destroyer. One weapon with relatively limited application and extremely questionable science?

To me this ship needs an overhaul. It doesnt make tactical sense, and in terms of speed it still annoys me. This probably isn't overpowered, I would even call it underpowered due to the afforementioned limits of its weaponry.
I must admit I find that rather annoying as well. Especially since gunships are usually meant to be faster than destroyers.

And I share some of Orion's suspicions.
For Vesper

The FTL bubble is contracted around one axis and expanded along another. Four engines are used for stability and are on mobile tentacles which allow them to be positioned closer to the elliptical bubble's focus points for stability and to optimize the bubble to be used as weaponised FTL. The multiple engines also allow the ship to better manage its bubble shape so that it can be re-shaped when not used as a weapon.

2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metamaterial The stealth armor would naturally have a negative index of refraction which would essentially guide the light around the hull and expel it on the other side.

For Moon Doll

The ship is supposed to be light weight compared to the DD4 which is more than 60% solid armor alone. It is also designed with interdiction fields in mind, so beefy FTL is a must. I did make a mistake in the first draft when I gave it speeds comparable to Nermian ships and the Sakura class (which I was looking at constantly because it was the SR example). That did bump up the speed more than what was acceptable but that has been fixed.

I would also like to point out that I haven't done much watering down of my submissions once they have been posted. They were confusing and for the majority of it the edits were for clarity.

Finally there is your critique. You say that it doesn't make tactical sense, you don't state why. You imply that it is outrageously overpowered then say that it is underpowered. You say there is questionable science but you don't point out what that is. The best I can do is guess that you are referring to the NERD or directed gravity, both of which are grounded in canon and real science. Then you are bringing up the speed issue which a mod already has said they are OK with. If you are going to re-open that then at least do what Kotori did and give some examples of more reasonable speeds.
Part 1 of my Critique:

1, Currently this ship can't actually come into service until some time after the meeting between Elysia and Nepleslia, according to its history.

2, How did Nepleslia procure a video of a Yamataian ship in a combat situation? As far as I know the only current combat action is against the Mishhu, and the Nepleslians have no ships there. If they did ... well they'd likely be destroyed by the Mishhu. So how did they do it without being noticed?

3, What is the point of painting everything black in the bridge?

4, Can you explain the properties and mechanics of memory foam?

5, From the way you're writing it would seem there is in fact a lump of land surrounded by water. Is that right?

6, It's Volumetric Image, not Hologram.

7, Etc. not ect.

8, Information not infromation.

9, Lined not linned.

10, So there are twenty office style desks? And thus there are actually stations for 20 people to work out? It seems to me that too many chefs might spoil the broth.

11, How are the handholds hidden?

12, Restrooms? So toilets come down from the ceiling or from the floor? If it's going to be a workplace, what happens to beds and personal effects?

13, How is the furniture loaded?

14. Some actual detail about the living conditions – the beds for example – would make RPing on the ship a great deal easier.

15, Nero-surgery? What is this?

16, How does it resuscitate a patient from brain death?

Wiki says: "Brain death is defined as a complete and irreversible cessation of brain activity. Absence of apparent brain function is not enough. Evidence of irreversibility is also required. Brain-death is often confused with the state of vegetation.â€
19, What are these Quanta-construct pads?

The Quanta-Construct System is Phoenix Corporation's patented remote construction system for units of all types - most notably the M1 series power armor, the Phalanx. It utilizes nano construction technology to actually build power armor around the wearer.
1) Yes, it still needs RP to get it up and producible but it really needs to be approved so time isn't wasted on RPing the development of a ship that won't be approved when it could be used to further the plot.

2) star army doesn't have you tube? I'll edit that out for simplicity's sake.

3) If you have a lot of electronic screens and the room is painted white you can end up with a lot of glare. Black is used to cut down on the ambient light generated by all of the stuff in there.

4) Yes I can
( Memory foam on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_foam )

5) I meant an island in terms of design, just like how those table looking counter things in the center of a kitchen are called islands too.

6) Ok

7) Ok

8) Will change but what is infromation? My spell checker didn't pick it up as an error.

9) Also making edits

10) I was looking at the layout for the control rooms of a modern warship on the Wikipedia. They had a lot of stations so I put in a lot of stations in that bridge. At the very least you don't have to worry about how many chairs are on the bridge when you are RPing.

11) Will make edits for clarity. They will be recessed into the surfaced slightly.

12) Lets go with ceiling, and the beds and such can be moved.

13) Though the cargo pod or an airlock.

14) Ok

15) Sorry, I meant neUro. Nero was a roman emperor...

16) Will switch it over to serious brain damage instead of brain death.

17) I will make edits to be more clear about how the armor works. It remains touching the dielectric at all times.

18) lets say a week with the engines at maximum output?

19) What Derran said

20) I will make edits that say the armors are stored side by side against the walls.

I will get right on this and post it as soon as I can. I have a class and a three hour drive in about 5 min so I probably won't get to it for a few hours. I'll bump this when the edits are finished.

Edit: Edits have been made to make the ship more in accordance to British Tom's critique.
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