Star Army

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[NAM] Tandem class tandem power armor


Inactive Member
History and Background:

  • The Tandem was designed during the NSS Alliance's Mission to Elysia. After the operations on planet X it was found that the marines of the alliance lacked anti-air defensive capabilities. Typically they would rely on XF-14 star fighters for air superiority but the fighter wing of the Alliance was required for orbital support against space bore targets. The result was that the Reds had free use of long range artillery pieces positioned in the interior of the contentment.
About the Tandem:

  • The Tandem is a power armor designed as the Nepleslian counter to fast moving attack craft and power armor. Though it looks much like traditional power armor the legs have been repeatedly reinforced and the back contains a large backpack mounted anti-aircraft system with a seat for a gunner on the inside and a turret on top. This system is designed specifically to counter airborne and FTL threats and is controlled by the gunner while movement and close in combat are handled by the pilot. The system is designed in such a way to allow each to focus on their fields of combat. Though both settings can be operated manually by one pilot, it is not recommended.

    The armor itself is more bulky than most other armors and is not especially suited for close in combat. As such it is intended to have support from other, more close combat oriented, power armors.
Statistical Information:

  • Government: Nepleslian Empire
    Organization: NSA
    Type: Heavy Tandem Power Armor
    Class: Tandem
    Designer: Wazu, NAM, NSS Alliance Computer System ‘Ally'
    Manufacturer: NAM

    Crew: 2
    Maximum Capacity: 2
    Appearance: The Tandem power armor is a bulky humanoid shape akin to a scaled up version of 21st century bullet proof vests including such features as rectangular shoulder pads and a single plate construction of the front of the armor. Two drive systems are attached on either side of the massive backpack that the suit carries. This backpack has a smooth turret on it with two openings on the right side for missiles, the interdiction emitter, and a point defense missile system. It rotates 360 degrees and is made of a single plate of smooth armor. The legs of the armor are large in comparison to other armors and have feet with additional supporting pads extending to all sides.

    Length: 5.25 feet
    Width: 4.25 feet
    Height: 6-10 feet, pilot dependent
    Mass: 1,035 pounds

    Planetary: Mach 0.5 – atmospheric, Mach 0.2 – Underwater. Speeds in an interdiction field usually drop to around mach .2 and mach .09 respectively.

    Range: two weeks continuous operation
    Lifespan: three years with refits as needed
Weapons Systems:

Interdiction Systems: The reason that the armor was designed as a tandem system was so that it could accommodate an anti-space weapon system designed to protect the skies of a planet as other power armors act as ‘boots on the ground'. This system is on the back of the power armor with the gunner sitting backwards where a normal person might carry their backpack.

The gunner enjoys the same protection and medical systems as the pilot but he fights a battle on a much different level. The images projected to him are entirely strategic, generated almost exclusively by the armor's own non-optical sensors and the sensors in its network. A 3d view of the battlefield is displayed to the gunner and he is placed in charge of a strategic battle, guiding the anti-orbit weapons of other armors in his unit and bringing to bear his own interdiction systems against starships and fast moving power armors. The Gunner and the Pilot are not intended to interact much but they do share a communication channel and radio system so that they may talk to each other. The gunner's systems include:

  • directed interdiction beam (1): The primary weapon system of the power armor is a directed interdiction beam located in a turret on the back of the armor. It projects a focused beam of gravitational, subspace, and anti-gravity ripples that make FTL travel dangerous and point to point travel impossible.

    The beam can also be used in a secondary mode to impart acceleration onto a ship or power armor. Using the beam through dirt and other terrain can pull that terrain towards the tandem armor and damage it, as such line of sight to target is recommended at all times. Single beams are designed to be effective against power armors and multiple beams are capable of effecting starships.

    The system can also double as an extreme range radar system by analyzing the gravitational disturbances it creates. The odds of it detecting a ship are slim, with only a 7 degree cone of effect, however once a ship is caught within the field, the field can detect the motion of that ship. The computer will automatically adjust to keep the ship within the field.

    The interdiction beam is also capable of being used as a focused repulsing beam, deploying intense waves of anti-gravity against oncoming targets to bat them away from the planet.

    Location: Turret on top of armor
    Primary Purpose: Anti-orbit
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-armor
    Damage: 5
    Range: Sensor dependent
    Rate of Fire: continuous
    Payload: N/A

    gravitational anchors (4): Four panels on the side of the armor generate similar gravitational fields as the interdiction beam however these panels fold out and point downward. Collectively they are more powerful than the interdiction beam but are used to anchor the armor to a planet or ship's surface by projecting gravitational forces deep down into the surface. Careful manipulation of these fields allows the armor to retain the ability to move along quickly without noticeable hampering. Flight and jumping is removed as an option during use of this system.

    interdiction field: The armor uses an interdiction field to provide protection for itself and other power armors almost specifically in a supportive role. Denial of FTL is an important aspect of the armor and plenty of power is made available to run this system. The system can be set up to automatically shut off when someone on the same ‘team' requests use of FTL capabilities though it is not recommended that this field be shut down during a combat operation to protect against FTL maneuvering power armors and teleportation attacks.

    Man-portable orbital defense (Man-Pod) (2): Loaded into a launcher inset onto the right side of the turret are heavily modified Qel'noran CF-10 man portable orbital defense missiles. Each contains its own negative energy recoil drive capable of accelerating the weapon up to 40,000c though speeds around mach 15 are more likely in the atmosphere. The weapon projects an FTL shearing field when close to its target, causing damage through intense heat and ‘pulling' of matter in an elliptical bubble extending 12 meters in front of the weapon. The weapon also contains communications equipment and optical, subspace, and thermal sensors allowing it to transmit information back to a receiver or be guided to its target remotely or by target illumination.

    A starter motor propels the missile out of its housing on the back of the armor and into the air at which point it splits in half, extending half of its casing to either side of a centrally mounted wing between the two pieces. The missile then is powered by its negative energy recoil drive and will seek out its target. The missile can also be set for loiter mode, allowing to act as a UAV over a specified area to look for targets and attack either automatically or when directed. When the missile is attacking it is set to zigzag toward its target to evade point defense fire.

    Location: Inside rear turret on the left side.
    Primary Purpose: Anti-Orbit strategic engagement
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Armor strategic engagement
    Damage: Heavy | 7
    Range: Virtually unlimited.
    Rate of Fire: N/A
    Payload: 4

    Zero Point Energy Generator: The gunner ‘sits' above a second zero point energy generator installed specifically to power the gunner's weapon systems. Power can be transferred between the armor's generators to power various systems but typically the generator is reserved for the gunner's needs.

Pilot Weapon Systems:

  • Light Observational Weapon (2): The LOW is made up of a simple fiber optic cable wrapped in synthetic muscle attached on one end to a camera and miniature laser projector. This allows the weapon's user to use the cable to look around corners and fire. The laser itself is not a very powerful weapon though the computer auto-aim system will track and fire at weak points or optical sensors if it can detect them when given the order to fire. This maximizes its effect against power armors where it would otherwise do no damage.

    The LOW is primarily for use against unarmored targets. The standard armor contains two LOWs, one on the underside of the right arm and another just to the outside of the left arm. Though each lens contains an automatically deployable cap with a metamaterial coating, using the lenses requires the lens cap, and the metamaterial protection, to be removed. The computer will automatically aim and fire these weapons at incoming projectiles when not in use by the pilot. These are normally the only optical sensors onboard the armor though they are paired up with the thermal and night vision systems.

    Location: underside of right arm, outside of left arm.
    Primary Purpose: Recon
    Secondary Purpose: unarmored targets
    Damage: light | DR 2
    Range: 325 feet
    Rate of Fire: continuous.
    Payload: power dependent.

    Defensive Missiles (8): two missiles are located under sliding armored plates on the outside of each arm and four are located in the upper turret. Each contains a small, quick burning engine and a specially adapted aerosol deployed metamaterial with embedded electronic systems. Each missile is automatically deployed by the suit's onboard computer and will spray out its payload.

    The dispersed material will align itself in fractions of a second using a complex chemical process to form a lens in front of the armor. This lens is oriented toward the gravitational pull of the planet and directs objects passing through it downward. This is specifically intended to dampen the effects of plasma weapons by dispersing and distorting their trajectory. It also has some effect against ballistic weapons and is highly effective against energy weapons. The lens also affects most sensor systems, and though it is unlikely the possibility exists for it to distort the sensor readings of a guided weapon enough for it to miss its target.

    Location: Outside of each arm, four in upper turret.
    Primary Purpose: defense
    Secondary Purpose: sensor disruption
    Damage: Light | 2 (if hit is sustained by missile)
    Range: 20 feet
    Rate of Fire: N/A
    Payload: 8
Systems Descriptions:

Adjustable Plating System:
  • The armor itself is built out of multiple plates of both metamaterial stealth coating and physical armor. Large amounts of synthetic muscle are just below the surface and expand or contract to make the armor fit the pilot. Though designed for people between 5 ½ and 6 ½ feet tall the armor can shrink or expand to accommodate between 5 and 9 feet tall. Naturally a 9 foot tall armor will have less protection than someone using the suit in a smaller setting.

Alpha Delta Neutralizer:
  • While an old device by most standards the ADN is effective at neutralizing the alpha and delta waves emitted by telepathically active brains. The result is a small dead zone around the armor that provides protection against telepathic actions against the pilot.

  • The powered armor's exterior is studded with various smart material plates that contract when heat and pressure is applied. The result is a lightweight armor that gets incredibly dense when struck by weapons fire. The continued squishing motion is enough to crush most ballistic projectiles while the continuous introduction of new armor to the area as it is being hit is effective against energy weapons. The armor is virtually impervious to most small hand weapons. The panels themselves are removable and can be replaced with the proper equipment. Armor and synthetic muscle is heavily present around the spine and legs of the armor.

    The armor panels are coated with radar absorbing material coating to convert radiation and electromagnetism into heat. This helps to further harder the armor against EMP and protect the user against radiation.

Armor, Stealth:
  • The entire armor is coated in a complex metamaterial with embedded electronics named glaze which has many useful properties. Defensively the material can be set to refract energy around the armor without any disturbance to its original trajectory and by using the special index of refraction properties of the material, without any lag time as it passes around the armor. The metamaterial also can be set to bend only certain types of energy or no energy at all, allowing for customizable color patterns to be displayed on the armor or to allow the operating system to display an interface on the exterior. The effect works completely from the outside of the material but from the inside of the material it simply looks jet black unless it has been set to ‘clear' mode.

    Clear mode adjusts the structure of the metamaterial through the embedded electronics to create basic refraction, causing armor's skin to look like it is a few inches back from its actual location just like normal glass would. Clear mode enables full use of the armor's embedded hull electronics while partial energy wave bending will naturally disable the sensors that operate on the same type of energy being bent around the armor to become inoperative as no energy is reaching them to sense. ... mart_glass \

Active Denial Field:
  • Built just under the metamaterial skin, the active Denial Field projects microwave beams into the metamaterial which emits these beams in a 360 degree bubble around the armor. These microwave beams are entirely non-lethal but trigger pain nerves just under the skin. The pain caused is extremely intense and will normally force an unarmored person to withdraw from the beams. This system can not be used while the armor is using stealth against microwave emissions.

Audio Sensors:
  • Embedded under the metamaterial skin are a series of pressure sensors that are tuned to detect and interoperate sound waves. These sensors are accurate up to 150 feet and up to twenty miles under water.

Automated External Medical System:
  • Installed on the left arm just below the hand is an automated medical system covered by a smooth retractable smart material casing coated in the armor's metamaterial cloak. When retracted the automated medical system extends and using a combination of nanomachine, MRI, visual and thermal sensors it diagnoses the condition of a patient it is pointed at.

    Following that automated flesh fabrication printing arms extend along with a supersonic speed air gun that deploys medicine directly into the patient from the pilot's own supply of medical chemicals. Clotting agents can be deployed and the small flesh fabricating arms will quickly close wounds or perform needed amputations. The medical system has limited resources and though it is capable of rebuilding entire limbs it only contains enough resources onboard for quick patch jobs in the field. Because the system is entirely automated no medical knowledge is required for its use.

    Note, In extreme conditions the Automated External Medical System can be set for Lethal Injection.

    Though not intended to be used on people, the automated system also carries a can opener.

Automated Shielding System:
  • The armor contains a small but powerful shielding system tied into the armor's computer and sensors. Upon detecting an incoming burst of mass, energy, what-have-you the intense electromagnetic forces activate, creating a localized repulsion field. As many instances of the shield can be generated as needed though defensive capacity is reduced with the increase in total field size. Against a small area attack the shield's output is nearly three times that of the conventional barrier fields found on the PHALANX though spread out to the same surface area of the PHALANX barrier field effective defense is only roughly half.

back compatibility:
  • The Tandem is fully capable of using all of the same hand weapons and shields as the PHALANX or GOLEM series power armor. An expansion slot on the underside of the turret is in place for the installation of a barrier field generator or blackout ECM device.

Communications Systems:
  • In addition to the communication systems provided by the armor's negative energy recoil drive the armor also contains a radio and microwave communication system. Both are tied into the ECM systems to help prevent enemy anti-communication actions.

Dampener Field:
  • Installed to augment the capabilities of the Negative Energy Recoil Drive, the dampener field augments the output of the drive system to create an area of anti-gravity to protect the armor from scalar weapon attacks.

Designer Atmosphere:
  • The life support system of the armor uses a
    designer atmosphere which combines various life support systems designed for pilot performance and not just survival. This includes heating and cooling elements tied into the armor's engine system. The computer system automatically varies the temperature inside of the armor as needed to wake the crew, keep them alert, or make their body function at peak efficiency.

    Pressure is computer controlled in much the same way through adding/removing atmosphere from the crew compartment while C02 filtering is provided by modified algae inside the armor.

    Waste material is vaporized by the engines. The armor tailors the atmosphere's content for the individual pilot, creating a cocktail of oxygen, inert gasses, stimulants (usually an armodafinil cocktail), vitamins, and minerals. The atmosphere helps keep the crew awake for 22 hour days, with no ill side effects, and nourished during long operations though it must be supplemented with food and water during extreme duration operations.

ECM Suite:
  • Electronic Warfare Systems are built into the skin of the armor in decentralized clusters backed up with their own processing systems networked with the armor's computer. The program that handles the armor's electronic warfare capabilities also utilizes the armor's engines and sensor systems to help detect, spoof and disrupt enemy sensor actions against the armor as well as carry out ECCM duties using its own sensor systems and added integrated equipment. The negative energy Recoil Drive has various functions tied into the system such as gravitational disruption and heat projection while the metamaterial coating functions tied in with the sensors help detect or reduce the effectiveness of enemy sensors.

    The armor's Electronic Warfare system is also tied into the sensor system of the armor, helping to process and utilize sensors to gain maximum effectiveness against radar jamming using various techniques including varying power, frequency and time of sensor emissions to give the appearance of random sensor sweeps. Sidelobe Cancellation is also used to eliminate jamming signals being broadcast by enemy ships through filtering out signals coming from improper directions. Smart material polarized filters are also incorporated into the sensor systems. The smart materials adapt their construction to help change the polarization of the signal to filter out other signals not using the correct polarization.

  • Built integrated into the metamaterial coatings over the right shoulder, the loudspeaker uses part of the armor itself as a speaker/subwoofer to allow the pilot or gunner to communicate without either compromising the armor or using an exposed and unarmored speaker system.

Mobility Systems:
  • The suit's negative energy recoil drives are suspended on four smart material struts extending from the back of the armor. Each is capable of independent movement and give the engine system a complete range of motion.

Negative Energy Recoil Drive:
  • The Negative Energy Recoil Drive system utilizes a negative energy flow to generate a variety of effects including propulsion, weaponry, defensive measures, sensors, computing power, energy, artificial gravity, and communication. Multiple drive systems are installed, including two smaller drive systems originally used to power anti-ship missiles.

    Propulsion is provided by projecting negative energy out of the front of the engines. By pushing against the negative mass the armor is drawn forward. The negative mass particles are generated moving faster than the speed of light which allows for a small amount of them to move a large conventional mass.

    By manipulating negative mass three different types of sensor can be emulated. Generating a burst of negative energy and then comparing the speed and amount of negative energy that returns to the engines acts as a basic form of tachyon sonar that allows for detection of anything that reacts with negative energy.

    Manipulation of negative energy also allows for control of gravitational fields. The analysis of the gravitational fields created by the armor allows for the detection of other gravitational fields that are interacting with those created by the system.

    Also, a space bubble can be extended with its space moving at the same rate as the outside space. Because energy consumption of the bubble dramatically increases when gravity inside the bubble increases, an expanding spatial bubble can be used to detect the location and size of masses within the range of the bubble. Because of its intended planet side use this sensor is not extremely functional.

    Time Loop Logic computing is also possible with negative energy. By using tachyons as the carrier for information in part of the computer system information can be moved faster than the speed of light, allowing the computer to predict the results for tasks that require less time than it takes for the tachyon to be imparted with the information and then received.
    The negative energy fields can be precisely manipulated to simulate a subspace radio or tachyon based communication system, allowing the communication with other ships.
Networked Reload Beacon:
  • The NRB is set to, on command, transmit an encoded signal that displays the armor's exact location and position to a command unit or mother ship. It is designed to allow that mother ship or command unit to use its own point to point FTL to teleport additional ammo inside of the suit's own ammunition storage packs. The armor's own interdiction field prevents accidents with ammo being misplaced inside of the armor.

Operating System:
  • The suit is operates by continuously scanning the brain, creating a wireless man/machine interface which moves the armor according to the pilots thoughts as well as responds to the pilot's own physical motions. This allows the pilot to move the armor as if it were a normal set of clothing but the suit will automatically start overriding his motions in certain conditions such as when the pilot wishes to fire a weapon.

    Gyroscopic stabilizers will kick in and help guide the hand held weapon system to aim at the target. The suit itself will automatically handle adjustments for gravity, wind, object density, and target momentum, leaving the pilot to merely place the virtual crosshairs displayed on his retina onto the target of his choice. The arms will even automatically track targets such as artillery shells and missiles and engage them if the intercept system is left online. The suit will move the arms only as fast as is safe for the pilot in this mode. Additional weapon systems can be deployed verbally or mentally.

    Communication channels can be handled in the same way. The pilot normally has an armored panel covered by the metamaterial coating of the armor in front of his face at all times, using a virtual display projected onto his retina by the armor to navigate via a combination of real time images and virtual overlays of the battlefield. The armor automatically highlights targets of interest and displays their current movement patterns as detected by the sensors for the pilot. This is augmented by using data collected from friendly sources.

    By sharing information from its own sensors and from other senor systems the suit will build an image of the battlefield that includes targets that the armor itself might not be able to see directly. Even being inside a smoke screen will not seriously hamper the pilot's visibility. In the event of a system failure the panel in front of the face can be manually removed. A high strength clear plastic contains the atmosphere inside of the armor. This plastic is sealed by a chemically sensitive material that turns green in the presence of breathable atmosphere and red in the presence of a toxic atmosphere, allowing the pilot to know if it is safe to jettison his armor.

Pilot Maintenance System:
  • Extreme long duration operations combined with the physical and mental stresses of power armored combat and the occasional amputation by enemy fire can be deadly to the pilot or gunner. To counter this, the power armor is equipped with a special Pilot Maintenance System designed to keep the pilot alert and functioning in all situations. The interior of the armor is designed to apply pressure to wounds and automatically seal off damaged appendages so the pilot does not bleed out as well as apply special clotting agents to smaller cuts and painkillers for extreme wounds.

    Stores of medical nanomachines are automatically dispensed to repair internal damage the pilot may sustain while high grade Oxycyte powders can be dispensed in the event of damage to the pilot's own brain oxygenating functions. A feeding tube dispenses stimulants and other drugs directly to the pilot in tandem with the designer atmosphere system. This helps create alertness and balance brain chemistry. For extreme duration operations the feeding tube not only supplies the pilot with a balanced liquid diet but also works in tandem with the armor's autopilot.

    A commanding officer can trigger the ‘sleep' command to automatically put his soldiers to sleep and instantly wake them for combat while the armor's computer auto-pilots the suit.

    Waste materials are collected and sent to the engines for vaporization then expulsion out of the armor. Though the armor is NBC protected the suit carries with it a variety of antidotes for common chemical and biological weapons in the even the armor becomes compromised. Anti-radiation medication is even available to the pilot in a small dose. These systems are supplemented with a special filter that ties directly into the pilot's blood supply to create a dense grouping of white blood cells which the blood is then passed through for filtering. In addition to various sensors that monitor the pilot's health and make that data available to his commander the suit also monitors brain chemistry for extreme abnormalities.

    Miniature, mobile medical machines manipulating magnetism manipulate electrical fields around the pilot, acting as an automatic defibrillator or deep brain stimulator to restart the heart and mind should they fail. A small automatic heart system can even be activated and connected into the pilot during an operation by the suit to pump and oxygenate blood.

  • The armor is sealed around the waist and along the side and then deploys its metamaterial covering over the sealed segment when being buttoned up. In standby mode the front piece of the armor folds forward and the back half folds back, both folding at the waist. The pilot slides in from the side and puts his legs into the lower portion of the armor. It is recommended that they are already wearing the blue sensor equipped jumpsuit supplied with the armor which connects to the onboard medical monitoring system.

    The entire opening and closing process is automated and controlled by the suit's own synthetic muscle though exiting the armor can be accomplished manually though a covered release lever directly in front of the pilot's right breast. The pilot must slide his arm out of the right sleeve while still in the armor to reach this release and activate the release lever which pops the atmosphere and allows the pilot to exit. The upper turret contains a similar seal. It pops up then slides backwards to allow the gunner to leave.

Sensor Systems:
  • All onboard sensors are integrated into the armor's skin and include passive and active modes. The sensor types include millimeter microwave radar, radio, sonar, thermal, pressure, night vision, gravitational, and subspace senor systems. All are built in decentralized clusters around the skin and are networked with the armor's computer and ECCM functions provided by the ECM suite. A long range subspace sensor is built into the gunner's module on the back. This is specifically intended for anti-orbital operations and is typically not available to the pilot.

Strategic/Tactical Commands System:
  • the S/T-CS is designed to allow commanders and soldiers to focus on their areas of the battlefield. While soldiers always have control over tactical level maneuvers and weapon systems they share strategic level weaponry with their commanding officer. Long range missiles and artillery on any soldier in the system can be fired by their commanding officer at targets he chooses, allowing him to focus on the ‘big picture' while soldiers focus on shorter range engagements and staying alive.

Synthetic Muscles:
  • The interior of the suit is lined with numerous synthetic muscles made out of densely packed strands of smart metal and controlled by the ship's computer through electrical impulses. Not only do they help support the suit and keep it upright but they vastly increase the wearer's physical carrying and lifting capabilities.

Zero Point Energy Generator:
  • A simple Zero Point Energy system is installed under the armor of the back of the armor to power the various systems.

OOC Notes:
Armor Cost

Point Cost:
FTL Engine | 0
Hyperspace Drive | 0
Sub light Engine | 10
Main Starship Super-weapon | 0
Main Gun Battery | 225+350|(25x9x1)(25x7x2)
Secondary Guns | 0
Point Defense Guns | 20
Main Generator | 800
Secondary Generators | 400
Environmental Systems | 2
Computer | 100
Armor | 2100 | (50x7x6)
Stealth Armor | 1200 | (200x6)
Sensor System | 500
Shield Systems | 600 | (200x3)
Nanotech systems | 100
Total | 6407

Armor Cost: The head is nearly flush with the body of the armor and can't turn so I did not count it as a separate area for armor SR cost

Mobility: The armor is intended to remain mobile and close to the ground without using FTL systems. As such it does not include a NDI barrier field normally.

Shield Cost: Shield cost is estimated. The DR of the shield should vary depending on the situation and though references of power are made to the PHALANX Barrier field by no means should this be used to calculate that shields DR.
Just to point something out.

A power armor is a Suit, as in a one seater with just enough room to fit a single pilot. IF there is more room for more people, it is not a powered armor suit, it it a light mech. Since this has room for both a pilot and a gunner, not to mention there's a useable turrent on the back, it's a light mech and not a Power armor.

Aside from that, the suit's too small to properly counter balance a turrent w/gunner on the pilot's back. The suit also, is to light. You're talking about a heavily armored walking tank with a human sized backpack that has AA guns and missle racks.

Also, Please NAME all the parts of this armor. You're skirting the line again by using unnamed "Meta" materials that I have never seen before. Also, please make a seperate entry for the gravity anchors, since this is the first time I've seen them. Aside from the fact they make no sense.
The prerequisites for power armor v mech are based on control. As this is controlled by the pilot's actions directly influencing the arms movements rather than the pilot being in an isolated cockpit it would qualify as a power armor.

You have no basis for saying that the suit couldn't properly balance because of its size. Present day e-frames and exoskeletons are already capable of handling the same type of weight distribution.

As far as weight goes that number is for while the armor is powered and using its drive systems which would reduce the weight through anti-gravity.

Metamaterials are named. The name is metamaterial. As far as naming the entire armor I do belive that everything is named.

Graviton beams and technology like that are already established as usable tech. If you could explain why you can't understand them then maybe I can help.
I believe Cora is right in saying this is a light mecha and not a power armor.

However, I don't care to debate the rest. You boys seem to do okay tearing at each other. I'll let you be ~_^

(I'm poking fun a you guys - you haven't gone this bad... yet)
Cora is wrong in his conclusion by his own definition of what a power armor is. As this is a suit with enough room for only one person then it is a power armor. Slapping a backpack unit with another person inside of it on any power armor would not make that power armor a mech.
I'm quite serious. When you're submitting something for approval, you can't use vauge ghost speak like calling everything that's used in this a "Metameteral." You need to come out a state what it's made from, otherwise this stuff can be abused to high heaven with the fact it's unsubstanciated and vauge it the base sense.

Hell, the metametal's regerative and smart to the point of increasing it's density almost instintfully when it's fired upon. And the anti-gravity can kiss my ass when we're dealing with a person walking around with another person worth of hight and size strapped to their back. The gravity anchors (which sound like they'd do the EXACT opposite of their intent) need to beable to neutralize all of the gravity that would effect the mansized backpack.

And, on an unrelated note, Where does Wazu find the time to draft and test all these inventions when he's the XO of an active starship?

Uso Tasuki said:
Slapping a backpack unit with another person inside of it on any power armor would not make that power armor a mech.

You're quite right. It would make it a very dumb looking suit. :\
I'm not going to argue with a kid. If someone has something rational to say about the submission then by all means bring it up.

In the mean time I would like to ask what is keeping this from being approved.
Wes working Nights, and Fred being a person who likes watching banter. :D

Oh, and I'm not a kid. I'm an adult, 26 year old. I just like acting juvinal around you because it's fun. ^_~

Though really, all of your submissions have rarely been approved due to many problems with them. Mostly your use of non-standard equipment and materials that don't canonly exist, aswell and your general application of sometimes using technology or theories that vary greatly from the stated application in source to the posting in your submissions.

All that, and you're general lack of understanding power scaling. <_<
*bumping earlier comment

I'm not going to argue with a kid. If someone has something rational to say about the submission then by all means bring it up.

In the mean time I would like to ask what is keeping this from being approved.
I'd go as far and say I won, but that would be elitist, childish and immature.

So, I'll just smile again and Murk Lore on this topic and see what others think.

*bumping earlier comment

I'm not going to argue with a kid. If someone has something rational to say about the submission then by all means bring it up.

In the mean time I would like to ask what is keeping this from being approved.
Ok, really. Here's a serious question.

Does the power armor have normal shaped boots?

I need a response so I can properly state my reason for asking.
Uso, I'd argue you're the one looking childish, plugging his ears and saying "Lalalalalalalalala~".

Fine, you won the argument with your oversized backpack cockpit thing (I mean, it works with Ghost in the Shell mechas, so, why not?) What stops you from trying to explain at length the elements Cora felt there was not enough elaboration on and entirely crush his arguments?

Cover the points Cora made in a satisfactory manner and I can approve this. Don't, and you'll have to get over me and ask either Wes or Doshii.

Bump your post in the same childish manner and god forbid, I'm deleting this thread.
The reason the Tachikoma's design works is due to the method of their construction. They're quadrapeds. They have the load capacity to carry more then their own weight due to them being based on spiders.

This thing would fall or trip over due to one simple thing. It's a man with technically a coffin strapped vertically to his back, all the antigravity in science fiction won't help when this thing toppled over backwards from a strong gust of wind. That's why I asked if this thing has standard shaped boots. if it did, it's be useless due to the fact normal boots don't give enough surface tension to allow more then just a human sized shape the ability to walk upright on a solid surface. In real life, or even realistic fiction, this thing would be leaning forward some just so it wouldn't fall back from the lopsided weight from one step.

WHICH, in conclusion means, this thing will need a complete redesign, if not a total scrapping and rebuild if it's to be workable.
You three need to be quiet.

I'm actively taking the opportunity to take part in this thread. I'm missing out on seeing my girlfriend naked and in the shower and joining her so I can solve this madness. Uso asked me to just delete it, but I'm not going to. Instead, I'll leave it up so everyone can see how idiotic you two can be, and how Kotori/Fred isn't helping.

1. Uso/Zack -- name whatever the hell "metamaterial" is. Give it a name. I don't care what. No one does. Just NAME it.

Also, explain the boots. As well, you'd better talk with Wes about the power output of this thing, and its ability to absorb damage. This is an INCREDIBLY powerful armor, and easily stronger than a Mindy by the ways you describe it. I'd like to know how Nepleslia got its hands on such tech when the NDI has not developed something like this. I'd want Derran's seal on this first, and that means Wes needs to be involved.

Until Wes weighs in, and weighs in deeply, leave the thread alone and wait. You don't need this armor right this second.

2. Cora/Chris -- your questions will be answered. We know you don't like Zack. That's nice. Now be quiet and quit being such an aloof dickwad.

3. Kotori -- You've been the more mature of us ever since you arrived. But whenever it comes to these two, especially Uso, all of your maturity tanks. Please, don't get involved with these two. Your reputation is more important than you realize, and your attitude here sullies it. Be the man you are and don't get involved.

Now, unless there's anyone else that has legitimate technical concerns about this armor, I'm going to go enjoy my girlfriend in the shower.