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NAM Terratech - "Air" Hi Mobility PA

*wince* the 'Vanguard' is a kind of mecha from the Vandread anime series. I know some names already in use get to be reused here (like 'Enforcer;, 'Phalanx', etc...), but-

Do you think you could find another name for it? Or just brainstorm for a few alternative should you need to change? Wes would be the final authority on that though, really.
Answers.com said:
van·guard (văn'gärd) pronunciation

1. The foremost position in an army or fleet advancing into battle.
1. The foremost or leading position in a trend or movement.
2. Those occupying a foremost position
Is that really revelant, though? It's not a trademark, just a word.
You're the one who is usually mindful of copyrights and original content Wes. I was just trying to follow up on that lead. If Vanguard is fine for a title, well, so much the better. It's a cool name, after all.
Its weapons seem weak. No beam weapons at all. The following assumes this will be a space armor, as you put sublight speeds in.

(1): The UMD's black slug will be invisible to certain types of sensors, but you can still see it. Just so you know. Also, the only useful shell, the antimatter one, is hampered by the fact the round has no speed attached to it. It won't be very useful unless at extremely close ranges.

Also, the revolving chamber seems off. You want it to be like a revolver, right? If so, you cannot have a round in the chamber (revolving cylinder is the chamber) unless you create some kind of loading and extracting mechanism for the casing, if it uses a casing.

Even if it doesn't, you need to specify how that first charge in the barrel (combat load?) is fired without firing the charge immediately behind it in the chamber.

(2) Dart Launcher: This sounds cool. Kind of a mini-missile launcher of sorts. But again, very little damage.

(3) Vulcan gun: This isn't going to hurt many spacefaring craft. I assume that's not the point, but still.

(4) Chainsword: This seems very ... funny. But not necessarily useful; if you're swinging this baby in space, chances are you'll only get a glancing hit unless this thing is cycling at HYPERSONIC speeds. Vibroblades are better than saw weapons for this reason. You'd have to really grind on a target to even start to damage it.

I'm not saying the tech's bad; it all seems really good -- for aerospace warfare. But beyond that, this thing's a sitting duck to all but the Demon. Good defense, insufficient weapons.
Oukay oukay I admit to watching Vandread again last week, sue me.
I'll change the name as soon as I can think of a better one.

In the meantime it looks like I have to reconsider the weapons. I thought the part that would be hard to approve was its propulsion systems but I guess not. The main reason I put non-beam weapons is because this thing runs on a regular Fusion Generator instead of Aether or other SARPish Generators. So I would not want to put extra strain on it after all that power needed for propulsion.

I originally intended for the revolver chamber as a disk changer of sorts before it loads into the real barrel to fire. Will change that.

The Dart Launcher is just to cause annoyance.[/code]
This is a great ground armor though. All of its weapons make it excellent for planetary operations. It's probably about as tough as the Daisy, and it definitely has a healthier weapons stock.

But yeah. As far as spacy armors go, this doesn't cut it in terms of weapons. You have Phalanxes for space.
Which begs the question: Why do we have planetary armors when spacy armors are superior? Is there any distinct advantage to having a ground armor over using space armors on the ground?

Moving onto the submission.

I like it a lot, and, as others have mentioned, it seems suited best for ground operations.

Doshii, how would this stack up against, say, any NDI armors?
Well, the reason why you have land armors is more or less for balance reasons and after experiencing what armors are being used for.

Basically, it's a case of not using a cannon to kill a fly. We take a flyswatter or a rolled up journal instead. More cost effective.
Speaking of cost-effectiveness, not everyone can afford a Mindy or even a Demon. Individuals, or small paramilitary forces, may be interested in a cheap armor that gives advantages over the average soldier.

Perhaps similar in concept to systems being developed today for use in infantry combat. With the setting's tech level, such systems should be widely available.
Tom said:
Doshii, how would this stack up against, say, any NDI armors?

Hm. I'd say against a Golem or Golem II, fair chance. It would do better against a Golem, as that armor has fewer standard weapons, but otherwise it's just as tough. Those Vulcan guns on NAM's armor would batter the fuck out of either armor; a pilot would find themselves most uncomfortable and unable to use flying as a way to dodge. If the NAM had an anti-matter shell -- probably a bad idea, but let's just roll with it -- the round's speed would still be an issue.

It wouldn't stand a chance against the other armors. Phantom II's can stealth, the Kairyu could just stand there and take it before blasting the thing away. This armor is very fast though, so it might take out a Warhawk. But in general, it still lacks weapons; NDI is very good with basic defense and attack. It's the other areas where they sometimes are less than desireable.

I still argue the sawing swords are not as good as vibroswords.
FM said:
Speaking of cost-effectiveness, not everyone can afford a Mindy or even a Demon. Individuals, or small paramilitary forces, may be interested in a cheap armor that gives advantages over the average soldier.
This thing is definitely much more expensive and better performing than the Demon -_-.

a pilot would find themselves most uncomfortable and unable to use flying as a way to dodge.
True, especially in coridoor shooting. But this suit would rule in urban warfare because the surfaces also goes vertical (Skyscrapers, building walls) instead of just horizontal (Ground).

If the NAM had an anti-matter shell -- probably a bad idea, but let's just roll with it -- the round's speed would still be an issue.

I dont get what you mean here though, does antimatter slow down a shell? Or do you mean that the shells comming out of the UMD in general travel less than the speed of light?

It wouldn't stand a chance against the other armors. Phantom II's can stealth, the Kairyu could just stand there and take it before blasting the thing away. This armor is very fast though, so it might take out a Warhawk.

Agreed, the current tech level in Nepleslia is not as high as the other PA manufactors like KFY or Pheonix. Also I dont intend for this armor to fill in a all-in-one role, so it is only natural for it to have its weaknesses. I intend to continue designing PAs for every niche in the SAoY, and replace this with an Mk2 version around next year.

Also... Kairyu = Kylie?

But in general, it still lacks weapons;
The PA is already loaded to the max and I would have to swap out weapons if I want to add summore.

I still argue the sawing swords are not as good as vibroswords.
Heh, I wanted an archaic and brutal feel to it. Put it down to low tech level. But I only just realized I should put in a weapon that can take full advantage of its high velocity, so I put in the powerknuckle (Resisted the desire to put in a heat hawk ala ZakuII) , and left the sword there for sawing hulls of capital ships.

Oh and... Name is changed. From now on I officially reserve the names of the elements for the next NAM Power Armor series.
This thing is definitely much more expensive and better performing than the Demon -_-.

Don't be so sure. Defensively and speed wise yes, but the weapons it has aren't that much better.

I dont get what you mean here though, does antimatter slow down a shell? Or do you mean that the shells comming out of the UMD in general travel less than the speed of light?

Sorry, yeah. Basically, these rounds need to go much faster than a standard bullet out of a chemically propelled weapon. The figure I was quoted for an AP round is 6,000 m/s at the minimum if its to be used against spacy armors. The anti-matter round I just feel isn't useful in close ranges; you'd get fucked up too possibly. But that's just a guess.

That's a good plan. And no, go here and check it out.

The PA is already loaded to the max and I would have to swap out weapons if I want to add summore.

Optional weapons would help this baby a lot.

*nods and gives thumbs up* Power knuckle's an okay choice. The pilot might be able to use it better; the sword's just not good for armors; cap ships it can still damage.
The reason you have Space-based armors like the Phalanx and Mindy is because they are designed to be able to attack and breach the hulls of starships. They need that speed and firepower.

However, on a planet, something like a Golem or Golem II is better because you don't want something that can wipe out entire city blocks with a stray shot.
Off topic: I find that idea of PAs attacking starships funny, only because Mindy armors rarely seem to attack starship hulls in the SARP. They're busy killing Mishhu. Though the 5th was using them for starship attack for a while ...
Well, judging by the stats of the Mindy (it's primary weapon is described as a 'hull-cutting tool') and how its fighting abilities are continually described, it only makes sense that they represent some degree of threat to enemy warships.
Funny though, I too always though that PAs were for Anti-Starship. BOARDING ACTION!

Added a optional weapon for the AIRs space woes.

And I think I need help for some of the weapon ranges.
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