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NAM Terratech General PA - Water 2


Well-Known Member
NAM Terratech General PA – Water 2

History and Background:
Right after the Air 1 was redesigned, the Water 1 was next. Just like its cousin, the Water 1 had many problems that had to be rectified before SAoN usage. Unfortunately for NAM, the Water 1 is already widely distributed both inside and outside of NAM. A recall order has been issued to replace all existing 01a models with the updated 02a.

About the NAM Water 2 General Power Armor

The Water 2 is a high performance, shield and energy weapon dependant Power Armor. It was brought out to fill in the shortcomings of the Air. This PA is best suited for battle endurance and target defense. While the Air pilots tend to be impulsive, Water 2 pilots must keep a clear head and think, as the variety of defensive and offensive weapons on the PA must be applied according to the situation at hand. Water 2 is best used in groups of four, and treated like general infantry.

Statistical Information:

Government: Nepleslia
Organization: Star Army of Nepleslia
Type: Defensive General Power Armor
Class: Na-M2-02a
Melchoir Vel Steyr
And the guys.
Manufacturer: Nepleslian Armaments and Munitions
Production: Full Mass Production

Crew: 1
Maximum Capacity: 1
Appearance: Starting from the head, it is a oval-ish with an Nerimium Mask. Nanomuscles form the neck, and then goes into the body through a thick circular collar. A triple layered breastplate covers the front, while the back is taken up by a backpack which houses the generators and V-Thrusters. The shoulders are squarish and large with a transparent cross on it (Houses the monoeyes). The back of the shoulders are a pair of large thrusters. Going down the arms are mostly armor plates with the occasional nanomuscle strand and ending in a gauntlet glove. The left shoulder and arm is additionally reinforced with more overlaying plates.

Back at the main body, Nanomuslces can be seen covering the waist. At the back of the waist and below the backpack, a pair of straight tubes jut out at a 45* degree to horisontal by default. The waist ends in a heavy metal belt and the start of the skirt armors. The skirt armors are thick plates which split in the middle and back and go all the way down to the middle tights. The legs are also plates with the occasional Nanomuscle. A pair of thrusters are intergrated into the knees and the sides of the calf mounts missile racks. By default this armor is painted light blue.

Length: 2.5 Feet
Width: 3.0 Feet
Height: 7 Feet
Mass: 2 Tons
Speeds: Sub light: .50c (Ion Drives)
Speeds: Hyperspace: Nil
Speeds: Hyper pulse: Nil
Planetary: Mark 1.6 (Ironically, it is not tested underwater)
Range: 1 Day Oxygen.
Mantainence: After every mission, overhaul every YE.
Lifespan: 5 Years

Weapons Systems:

(1): NAM Long Beam Rifle LBR-02a: From its debut on the Air 1, the LBR has yet been refined again. The 4-ft LBR fires high damage Positron beams at long ranges. This version has improved capacitors, a stronger structure and recoil that do not warrant hydraulic supports. There is a secondary firing mode: a concentrated spray (Like buckshot) which makes it easier to hit closer targets. This weapon is handheld, but has to be connected to the right forearm storage where the anti-matter is held.

Location: Held in the right hand.
Purpose: Anti- Everything
Damage: Heavy
Range: 10,000 KM (Beam), 1KM (Spray),
Rate of Fire: Every 3 seconds (Long Beam) Every 5 seconds (Energy Spray)
Payload: 60 In Forearm Storage, 10 In Rifle.

(1): NAM Charged Particle Dispenser CPD-01a: The CPD supercharges minute particles drawn from the propellant tubes and then releases it into the area around the Water 2. The particles act as an electromagnetic smokescreen that obscures the objects inside and beyond it from electronic sensors. The subspace based Monoeyes and plain eyeball is still capable of seeing in and out of it however.

Location: Back of waist.
Purpose: Electronic Smokescreen
Range: 10 Cubic Meters
Rate of Fire: 1 Discharge takes 2 seconds.
Payload: 4, fully recharges every 30 seconds.

(2): NAM Rapid ARROW Launcher RAL-01a:
The Water 2 has no use for the Blitz techniques utilized by the Air, so the Rapid Dart Launchers has been replaced by the higher caliber and much more dangerous RAL. Similar to the RDL, the RAL fires quick locking "Arrowsâ€
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